Polygraph, aka lie detector, aka psychophysiological researcher

Friedrich Nietzsche: “The more I get to know people, the more I begin to love dogs.”

If we focus on the level of knowledge at the time when polygraph (lie detector) testing appeared, then the processing of physiological reactions from the respondent was carried out visually by an expert, using a set of well-known signs (changes in amplitude, period, shape, envelope of signals, etc.) . In those days, we were far from implementing mathematical methods for automatic processing of polygrams, which are now implemented using computer technology. A lot has changed since then. Powerful computing technology has appeared that corresponds to modern times and mathematical methods and techniques for analyzing and processing polygrams after testing. Against this background, our methods of analyzing the results of polygraph testing, which have remained unchanged since then, promoted as classic and the only correct ones, are becoming hopelessly outdated, having nothing in common with the modern level of science and technology. At training courses for polygraph examiners, teachers continue to promote methods and techniques of assessment and processing from the beginning of the last century. They introduce outdated knowledge into the minds of specialists. And this is happening against the backdrop of powerful breakthroughs in the field of medical technology: computed tomography, nuclear paramagnetic resonance, the latest research on brain activity and much more.

It continues to seem to us that the conclusions made by an expert, based on outdated knowledge, are the only correct and indisputable ones. Naturally, no one denies the influence of the level of specialist training on the validity of the results obtained after testing on a polygraph (lie detector). This is about something else. Knowledge of modern methods and approaches in processing signals of physiological indicators will allow a specialist to study a person much more deeply and obtain a more reliable result of polygraph (lie detector) testing.

But the main thing is not a measurement tool, but a methodological approach to measuring the physiological state of the person being tested, and if we talk about the tool, then its versatility, in terms of implementing methodological approaches. It is possible to attach a siren to the iron, informing about the deceitfulness of the subject, but this will not make it a more perfect instrument of inquiry.

Trying to absolutize the American experience of detecting lies during polygraph (lie detector) testing, we without much thought reject the experience acquired by humanity in detecting lies in the process of ordinary communication. Meanwhile, even a superficial analysis of the techniques for detecting lies, which each of us uses in ordinary communication, can shed light on a number of phenomena accompanying the process of testing on a lie detector, allows us to understand the essence of the methods used, adjust approaches to assessing emotional reactions, and find new solutions in classification of the results of psychophysiological testing using a polygraph (lie detector).

First, a few words about the phenomenon of attention. Today it is defined as “the concentration of the subject’s activity at a given moment in time on any real or ideal object (object, event, image, reasoning, etc.).” Attention does not have its own product or its own special content; it is primarily a dynamic characteristic of the course of cognitive activity. There are three types of attention:

Passive or involuntary (disclosure of the concept and features of involuntary attention).

Voluntary, or active, characterized by the subject’s focus on a consciously chosen goal (disclosure of the concept and features of voluntary attention).

Post-voluntary. Appears in the process of mastering the activity and passion for the work being performed.

Now let’s imagine a production situation, the options of which are endless. Your colleagues, knowing you as a responsible person, but perhaps too anxious, decided to play a joke on you by informing you that an audit of the activities of the company’s employees is expected.

It should be noted that this strategy, with some generalization, corresponds to the well-known SKY format. From the practice of conducting a stimulating test with guessing and determining the number when testing on a polygraph (lie detector), a similar technique can be used to identify the intended number when the test person tries to transfer a significant reaction to any other number, i.e. fool a polygraph examiner. An experienced specialist, having decided on two numbers that caused significant reactions, presents each of them three times in a row. You have conceived and written down the number “X - X - X”. You conceived and wrote down the number “U - U - U”. The consistent decline in reactions to the number “Y” gives grounds for the conclusion that the intended number was actually the number “X,” since when it was presented, you observed, in contrast to “Y,” a consistent increase in reactions.

The phenomenon observed in practice during lie detector testing can be easily explained from the perspective of psychology. Presentation of questions on the same topic increases psychological pressure on the consciousness of the subject, forcibly turns on his voluntary attention, even if he intends to hide the truth and makes efforts to suppress the reaction to the intended number when testing it on a polygraph (lie detector). At the same time, the presentation of the second number requires emulation on the part of the subject of the increasing psychological significance of the presented stimuli. Two diametrically opposed tasks. It is much more difficult to suppress a reaction during polygraph testing than to reproduce it, even if you have the skills to counteract it. In addition, it is necessary to quickly switch from performing one function to another.

This can theoretically be carried out by a very sophisticated and prepared test taker who has set himself the goal of discrediting the method.

Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

In fact, is it possible? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of a lie detector. So, the polygraph records the strength of the physiological reactions of the subject. That is, the more important the question, the brighter the reaction to it will be, and, accordingly, the clearer the curve on the polygraph tape. For example, if a person is asked the question: “Have you cheated on your wife?”, then the one who has never cheated will react passively, and the one who is guilty will shudder in his soul and be afraid that the secret will be revealed. Even if nothing is noticeable outwardly, physiological reactions will betray an unprepared person and the device will have time to record this.

Does this mean that the polygraph cannot be fooled? No, it doesn't mean that. The polygraph can be deceived by intelligence officers specially trained for this, pathological liars, sociopaths, mentally unbalanced people and professional actors who know how to get used to the role, identifying themselves with a completely different character who has a different fate and views. A simple person, without special training, faced with a polygraph, what is called “nose to nose,” is hardly capable of this. But this does not mean that he is not capable at all. There are several methods, with practice and a little luck, you can try to fool even the most modern lie detector.

Where can I take the test and the cost of the service?

In almost every city there are companies offering lie detector testing. For example, in St. Petersburg it is the “Laboratory of Truth”. This service is not provided free of charge. Its cost depends on the reason for the application and varies from 4 to 5 thousand rubles: investigation of theft - 5,000 rubles, employment verification - 4,000 rubles. Muscovites can order the service at the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Depending on the reason for the request, the price varies, ranging from 3 to 6 thousand rubles. The most expensive studies are those of a private nature. For residents of other cities, the website Detector-online.ru offers an online lie detector service. In addition, there are several free applications that can be installed on your phone. With their help, gadget owners can take the test themselves.

How to fool a polygraph?

Before we look at ways to fool a lie detector, let's get acquainted with the testing procedure itself. How does it all happen? Initially, a number of questions that will be asked to him during the procedure are discussed with the client. This is done in order not to cause a person to be surprised or stunned by an unexpected question, since the polygraph takes surprise and lies as practically the same thing, and accordingly the results will be distorted. Next, the device is adjusted to the natural reactions of the individual, by asking unambiguous questions, i.e. questions to which the client will obviously give a truthful answer “yes” or “no”. For example: “Is it Tuesday today?”, “Is it autumn now?” “Is it raining outside now?” and so on. As soon as the device is configured, they begin directly to the study, during which they ask a previously agreed range of questions. And this is where the fun begins...

When verification is not carried out

There are cases when it is really better not to take a polygraph test and refuse it yourself. This is especially true for situations where there is an understanding that, based on its results, the decision is unlikely to be positive, since there is a need to hide something.

A polygraph test is not carried out on a certain category of people, regardless of whether they are ready to take it themselves or not.

Testing will not be carried out if:

  • the age of the subject is less than 14 years ,
  • have mental illnesses and disorders,
  • there are signs of physical and mental exhaustion: fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, prolonged stress,
  • the subject is taking strong medications,
  • the person is sick with cardiovascular diseases or has problems with the respiratory system,
  • alcohol or drug intoxication was detected,
  • a woman is expecting a child, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

The polygraph examiner will definitely clarify the questions regarding the existing restrictions, and therefore you need to respond to them absolutely calmly. He asks about this not because he wants to convict someone of something, but on the contrary, he strives not to do harm, since all the listed cases relate to the possible receipt of an unreliable examination result.

The polygraph examiner is obliged to clarify questions regarding existing restrictions on testing

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The third method is to apply cosmetics to the fingertips that reduce the level of reaction, for example, talc or deodorants for sweaty feet. One of the most common methods is rubbing salicylic-zinc ointment into pre-steamed skin of the hands and fingertips. Rubbing with alcohol.

All of the methods described above are not suitable if the research is really serious (for example, when investigating a crime, terrorism) and you first have to undergo a blood or urine test for the presence of psychotropic substances.

How to influence the test results

Several tips from polygraph specialists can help influence the results of a lie detector examination. Among them is breathing control. After a problematic question, subjects take a “breath of relief.” In addition, with the help of breathing it is possible to control blood pressure and heart rate. To learn this, use breathing exercises and yoga. Playing the fool will help you bypass the polygraph.

In this case, you should be extremely non-serious when testing on the detector. Due to frequent illogical answers, the lie detector will become confused and will not be able to determine the required calibration. To avoid being suspected of deliberately strange behavior, which will only cause a negative attitude towards your person, you must adhere to the rule of the “golden mean”. Acting skills will help to cope with the lie detector, thanks to which the test subject tries on the role of another person.

A long lack of sleep will help you bypass the polygraph, deceive it, and hide your true thoughts. At this time, the body is in a state of trance, reactions to questions will be insignificant, which will be shown by the result. But the most important recommendation is not to exaggerate the role of the polygraph, perceive the procedure on the detector as something ordinary, nothing insignificant in your life, and certainly not fateful.


The seventh method is not very suitable for modern polygraphs, but still deserves to be described in this article - physical impact on the body, the client causing pain to himself, which confuses the body's reactions. The nervous system reacts not to the question and answer, but to the expectation of pain, which also disorganizes the computer. There are some nuances in this method. Often the client's body is hung with motion sensors to exclude the possibility of him using such methods as putting a button in the shoe and pressing on it with his big toe or biting the tip of his tongue.

Ways to fool a lie detector

There are several very diverse, sometimes naive, methods of protection against this device, described in the literature for specialists working with polygraphs. Among them are such as rubbing antiperspirants on the palms of the hands, armpits, and taking 5 aspirin tablets before the test. Real practice proves the low effectiveness of such methods. In addition to them, there are also ways to deceive the polygraph, which are usually divided into three types:

  • Psychological – ways to concentrate on other situations (solving problems in the mind, reading poetry),
  • Pharmacological – use of sleeping pills, psychotropic, stimulant drugs before the test,
  • Mechanical – attempts to distract from the procedure by causing unpleasant sensations to oneself (biting the tongue, squeezing the sphincter).


Another good method is based on partial deconcentration , i.e. a person thinks about something extraneous, reads poetry to himself or sings songs, answering questions mechanically, without thinking and sometimes without even realizing their meaning. In order to deceive the polygraph, subjects often resort to this method - they drink large quantities of water an hour to an hour and a half before the test. Accordingly, during the study they cannot think about anything other than going to the toilet.

When is the inspection carried out?

The popularity of polygraph tests is growing, and the scope of their application is actively expanding. Businesses are beginning to increasingly use this tool, trying to reduce their risks when hiring employees who can cause significant damage to the employer.

Most often, this method of assessing the reliability of information is used in the following cases:

  1. Screening candidates when hiring.
  2. Regular assessment of the organization's operating personnel in order to monitor compliance with business security .
  3. Checking employees in case an incident occurs : theft of material assets, leakage of information to competitors, receipt of kickbacks.
  4. In the judicial system during investigations.
  5. In personal relationships, when, for example, family members want to check how honest they are with each other.

Polygraph test

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When was the polygraph invented? Prototypes, creation of a modern detector

In 1879, Francis Galton introduced his word association test. It was necessary to immediately name the association, and with words related to the crime, the suspect took longer to pronounce it. It is noteworthy that Galton began reading at the age of two, and at three he already knew how to write.

The prerequisites for the emergence of the method were the studies of physiologist Angelo Mosso (Italy) with a “plethysmograph”. In experiments in 1877, Mosso traced the connection between changes in a number of physiological processes (blood pressure in blood vessels, pulse rate) with an increase in emotional stress. He compiled a monograph about this, “Fear.”

It is believed that the disclosure of hidden information using a device that records the dynamics of physiological processes in the body began in 1895, when the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso , in his work “The Criminal Man,” introduced the practice of using a device to detect the lies of a robber (hydrosphygmometer, to change blood pressure) . Since 1881, he has used the device during interrogations. The experiments interested scientists from different countries.


In 1902, Lombroso was involved in solving the fatal rape of a girl, and her innocence was proven. Pulse registration took place without changes when showing photos of children, including the murdered girl. Instrumental methods began to be actively studied, plethysmograms (dynamics of the volume of body parts with acceleration of blood flow in the vessels), sphygmograms (oscillations of the walls of a blood vessel, pulse, blood circulation) were improved.

Cesare Lombroso (1835 - 1909)

Working on research with Cesare Lombroso, Angelo Mosso also determined what changes in response to stimulus questions and breathing. And in 1914, Vittorio Benussi found that while telling a lie, the ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation and the breathing frequency change. He used a pneumograph to record breathing.

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