Mental exercises to develop the human mind

Who among us has not dreamed of having a high level of erudition and showing off our intelligence? And in various life situations, most of us, oh, how it would help to have additional knowledge that would allow us to get away with it, help a colleague, a friend, do the right thing, make the right choice, etc. In all areas of our lives, it is important to be a person not just smart, but also wise. Therefore, it is very important to know how to develop your intelligence and learn the best exercises and advice from experienced psychologists.

Is it possible to develop your intelligence?

Some people mistakenly believe that intelligence is an innate component of a person. And it is impossible to develop it. This is not entirely true. Yes, there are people who simply have a certain mental development barrier and simply cannot jump above it. But these include those who have a congenital brain defect, mental retardation, dementia and other diseases associated with intelligence. In the case of innate intelligence, it can be developed using various mathematical puzzles, puzzles and other techniques.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to do anything at all, since genius itself finds ways to manifest itself. Let us at least remember the great physicists - Einstein, Curie, Ioffe and others. It cannot be said that in those years the physical and mathematical sciences were widespread. But it’s worth noting right away that these are isolated cases that you shouldn’t rely on too much. That is, based on the above, one can understand that innateness is not always the main way to achieve high intelligence.

Why is the development of the mind necessary?

We have been taught since school that there is a strong connection between the body and the brain. Any movements that we perform, be it push-ups, or simply running our eyes across the page, are first formulated in our brain, and only then take on physical shape. Most often this happens unconsciously, that is, if I want to get up from a chair, I will not imagine a picture of how I get up.

At the same time, if I constantly do various physical exercises, my mind will begin to get used to the fact that certain areas of the body are constantly being impacted. The connection between movement and brain activity will begin to decline until it becomes completely automatic. At the same time, brain performance will noticeably increase. That is, the more we influence the body with our brain, the faster it develops, and vice versa, the more physical exercise we do, the stronger the brain develops.

This implies the answer to the question: “Why is it necessary to develop your mind?” And then, dear friend, to quickly cope with solving any problems. Then, it is more effective to use our body and the gifts inherent in us. Then, to make the most of your own capabilities.

But here we are faced with another question: “How to develop intelligence?” This can be done in two ways: with mental exercises and with physical exercises. Below I have given practical recommendations for developing the human mind in these two ways.

Myths about intelligence

There is an opinion that if you have innate intelligence, there is no point in doing anything else for its growth and development. As we already know, there have been and are cases of genius, but they are very rare. Therefore, you cannot rely only on a natural gift; it is important to work on your mental abilities and train them. But even in cases with geniuses, one cannot completely discard the factor of upbringing, development in a certain environment, conditions that developed in a unique tandem with the human genome and became the reason for his genius in the future. But that's not all.

We hasten to dispel the myths that it is impossible to increase the level of intelligence in a mature person if you did not work on his abilities in childhood and adolescence. We categorically object, because in this life everything is possible! Each of us, including our dear readers, can grow to the level of, if not a genius, then an intelligent and erudite person, no matter in what environment he was previously brought up.

Remember Bernard Shaw's "My Fair Lady". Young Miss Eliza Doolittle was an ordinary flower seller in a poor neighborhood, and accordingly, she behaved like her surroundings. She spoke rudely, swore, and was unkempt. In short, a banal lumpen.

The brilliant language specialist Henry Higgins, when he met her, was simply dumbfounded. And he argued with his friend that he could turn a slob and rude woman into a high-society lady with all the appropriate manners in a few weeks. And guess what, he succeeded. He simply created all the conditions for the girl’s inner potential to find a way out and manifest itself in all its glory.

We can all achieve success in any field. To do this, you need to work, communicate with those who stimulate mental development, show your own willpower, and scrupulousness.

The next misconception is that being a genius does not mean being smart in everything. That is, unlike those who must educate and develop their abilities, there is a type of people who are already confident in their mental perfection. They believe that if they have achieved success, for example, in mathematics, physics, then there is no need to improve other branches of science and there is no need to even gain wisdom when communicating with people.

This is the danger that few “smart people” know about. Here's a simple example: a person who has an excellent understanding of mathematical theories. Able to mentally calculate division or multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But he may become confused when meeting a new person, with difficulty assessing his actions.

Or, on the contrary, an excellent philologist, a philosopher capable of giving wise advice on various cases. May get confused when counting change in a store. All these are extremes that interfere with the quality of life. Agree, it is much better to be harmonious, develop abilities in all areas and do not forget to gain new knowledge in terms of general development.

What does unbalanced intelligence look like? The process can be easily considered using the example of pumping muscles. If a bodybuilder pays attention to some and does not pay attention to others, then his figure will turn into something ridiculous. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful body contour, you need to work out all muscle groups, regularly, without stopping. And our intelligence also needs to be developed constantly, without taking breaks. An inquisitive mind cannot “live” without another dose of interesting, fascinating information.

How to develop your MIND and become a reasonable Person?

Conducted studies show that 99% of people are UNREASONABLE, and such people do not see the cause-and-effect relationships between their ACTIONS and the upcoming CONSEQUENCES of these actions. Not by understanding and not realizing one’s actions aimed at creating a common, unified World, a common, common habitat, and RELATIONS with each other. Unreasonable people direct their actions to satisfy their personal selfish interests, at the expense of others, trying to parasitize on other people. The actions of such people are aimed at destroying their family, society, their State, their common habitat, which is the same for everyone on planet Earth. And all people, in such a COMMUNITY created by joint unreasonable actions, have only to SURVIVE in the created COMMON aggressive habitat. People with undeveloped MIND do not see a single general picture of the created and being created World, the various processes occurring in various areas, their CONSEQUENCES from their actions, in these various processes occurring. And the reason for this phenomenon occurring is that Man does not understand and is not aware of himself, his actions, who he IS in this World? What influences his DEVELOPMENT, the development of his MIND? Who creates the World, and from what material is the World created? Who and what RULES the created World, controls the thinking, consciousness of Man, his ACTIONS? Not knowing the BASICS of the structure and work of the created and being created World, understanding and awareness of the common ACTIONS of all people, their actions leading to a joint common unified RESULT, to a joint common FRUIT, which everyone will taste separately, depending on their STATUTE, in the created HIERARCHIES. Each of you will SEE the destructive ACTIONS of the Power you have chosen for yourself, which will be aimed at your enslavement, with the aim of parasitizing on all of you. And all of you, deprived of your free WILL, the freedom of your CHOICE, will participate in all these enslaving STRUCTURES and mechanisms created for all of you. And so that you all do not understand and are not aware of your destructive actions, in all these various processes created by the Power, for all of you, aimed at your voluntary enslavement, both of yourself and your children, your grandchildren, other people, not participating in these processes, deciding for them through their actions and determining their future fate. For this purpose and task, media are being created that, with the help of INFORMATION created for all of you, various programs, will CONTROL your thinking, your consciousness, your ACTIONS. You will all be provided with a democratic elective MECHANISM so that you voluntarily choose POWER for yourself, thereby voluntarily ENSLAVING yourself. An electoral democratic mechanism that will give you all the right to have your VOICE, once every five years, for a period of 12 hours. After voting, you will again be deprived of the right to your VOICE, and now, no matter what you say or offer, no one will LISTEN or HEAR you. All of you, on legal grounds, have delegated your right to VOICE to others, thereby, you will all be removed from governing your State, your country. The State Duma, which will issue various LAWS that will CONTROL and MANAGE your thinking, your consciousness, all your ACTIONS. For violating all the LAWS created for you, you will be JUDGED and CORRECTED in places not so distant. You will all be told that your life is bad because the ECONOMY is not developed. Economics is the ability to manage a household. MONEY is the equivalent of EXCHANGE between goods and services, and is also a MEANS for the development of production and the provision of various services. The bankers have created their MECHANISM, how with the help of MONEY, with the help of judicial interest, you will all be economically enslaved, deprived of everything, your housing, your production, production tools and even your HABITAT, the Earth on which you live. Create INFLATION, which will depreciate the value of your work, the goods and services you produce, and the money you earn. The percentage that INFLATION creates is the percentage you are all ROBBERED every month, regardless of your consent, for this forced expropriation of your funds. And you will all pay for your enslavement in the form of various TAXES imposed on all of you, which will go to various Budgets. And from these BUDGETS, funds will be spent on democratic election mechanisms, on the media, on employee salaries, on transport, on equipment, on consumables, on the maintenance of the infrastructure of buildings in which the Structures, mechanisms that will enslave you all, your children, your grandchildren. You all participate in the created various Structures, mechanisms that enslave you all, that CONTROL your thinking, your consciousness, your ACTIONS. In mechanisms where Man is just a controlled DETAIL, a wheel or a cog. You are all told that if you change the Person in this MECHANISM that enslaves you to another, more worthy Person, then this created enslaving MECHANISM will stop enslaving you, and you all sincerely BELIEVE in this. And all of you, with manic persistence, will choose other people into this mechanism created for all of you, the STRUCTURE enslaving you all. For this process, you will all be provided with election mechanisms for all of you to elect worthy people, or with the help of various REVOLUTIONS being carried out, replace them with others. All your ACTIONS to replace PEOPLE will be meaningless and useless for many CENTURIES, because you do not understand and are not aware of either your ACTIONS or your CREATIONS. If the STRUCTURE created for all of you, the mechanism is created for your CONTROL, for your enslavement. For whatever task and purpose this or that STRUCTURE, mechanism, such task was created, it will PERFORM, and replacing people in this MECHANISM WILL NOT LEAD TO ANYTHING. Just as a Man was a DETAIL of this mechanism, a wheel or a cog, so a part will REMAIN, regardless of what kind of Person you CHOOSE into this STRUCTURE, mechanism. The person will perform the various FUNCTIONS prescribed to him, carry out the PROGRAM embedded in this STRUCTURE, mechanism, in which the Person will be deprived of his free WILL, his CHOICE. These are the CONSEQUENCES that result from the actions of unreasonable people whose MIND is undeveloped. Why are all your common joint ACTIONS aimed at your enslavement? Don’t you all understand and AWARE of your ACTIONS, where and what they are DIRECTED, towards the creation of what, in this World? The reason for all your UNREASONABLE actions directly depends on your development, and the development of your MIND. Reason is the understanding, awareness and determination of INFORMATION directed at you, and information controls all your ACTIONS. Don't you SEE where and what the INFORMATION and your ACTIONS are directed towards, towards Creation or Destruction, towards Good or Evil, towards Love or Hate, towards your Enslavement or your freedom of Will, the freedom of your choice and so on? What is the development of Man himself, the development of his MIND, such are the ACTIONS of all people in this World. Developing yourself and your MIND is not difficult for every Person, and it is not necessary to attend various educational institutions for this. In order to develop yourself and your MIND and become a reasonable Man, for this you all need to know the structure and work of the created World. The world is created from ENERGY-INFORMATION, which is the MATERIAL for creation, and from ENERGY-INFORMATION a PROGRAM is created for MANAGEMENT of the created and being created World, MANAGEMENT of Man himself and his CREATIONS. The ENERGY INFORMATION loaded into your brain will develop your thinking, your consciousness, your MIND, your MEMORY. And it will become for all of you a PROGRAM that will CONTROL your thinking, your consciousness, your MIND, all your ACTIONS. Thus, INFORMATION will enslave you all, and you will all become SLAVES of the created and being created INFORMATION. To get out of enslavement, the ENERGY INFORMATION program loaded into you all, you all need to SEPARATE it, you separately, the INFORMATION separately from you. And it is possible to separate the INFORMATION downloaded and downloaded into you if you UNDERSTAND, RECOGNIZE and DETERMINE that for all of you, there is INFORMATION? MATERIAL - for your creation, your development of the World, your habitat, and then you become a CREATOR. Either INFORMATION is a PROGRAM for CONTROLLING your thinking, your consciousness, your ACTIONS, your CREATIONS, and then you are a SLAVE for the created INFORMATION. You all must understand and realize who MANAGES whom, is the information created and being created by you, or do you yourself MANAGE the created and being created information? MIND is the understanding, awareness and definition of the ENERGY-INFORMATION created and created by all of you, understanding and awareness of your reasonable ACTIONS, which will lead you all to the development of yourself, to the development of your MIND, and you will all become reasonable people - HOMOS SAPIENS. As you all SEE for yourselves, there is nothing complicated here for developing yourself and your MIND. Except that your parents and all your various teachers, from childhood, helped develop you and your MIND so that you could understand, realize and determine the created and being created INFORMATION that will MANAGE all your ACTIONS in this World. And since 99% of people do not understand, do not realize the CONSEQUENCES of their unreasonable ACTIONS, in various ongoing processes, in various areas that SPEAK for all of you and SHOW you all how DEVELOPED you are, and how developed your INTELLIGENCE. Consequently, 99% of people cannot UNDERSTAND, RECOGNIZE and DEFINE the created and being created INFORMATION, their ACTIONS. So Man creates the World, his common habitat, in which everyone SURVIVES at the expense of the other, parasitizing on others. The World created and being created by Man does not allow Man and Humanity to DEVELOP, does not allow to develop their MIND, in the ongoing process of EVOLUTION, the development of intelligent ENERGY INFORMATION, which consciously and intelligently creates the World, Worlds, Universes. Intelligent ENERGY-INFORMATION, living MATTER, began to create for itself other BODIES, more perfect than BIO-BODIES, for the creation and development of the intelligent World, Worlds, Universes. And in order to survive for Man and all Mankind, in such competition for survival, Man needs to REFUSE all created enslaving information PROGRAMS, in the form of created various RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES, STORIES, LAWS and so on. Abandon all the various STRUCTURES that enslave Man, mechanisms that do not allow Man and all Mankind to DEVELOP and develop their MIND. The struggle for the SURVIVAL of Man and Humanity has begun, and this struggle shows that Man is losing greatly in it. Globalization, robotization, the creation of artificial intelligence are increasingly displacing Man from various ongoing processes, in various areas of creation and development of the World. Man, as the CREATOR of the World, becomes NOT NEEDED; ANDROIDS begin to replace him. The DEGRADATION of Man and the destruction of Humanity, as a dead-end branch, in the evolutionary development of their MIND began. The feast has begun, during the plague, smoking, alcohol, drugs, artificial food, counterfeit medicines, the creation of various viruses and weapons of mass destruction are in full swing in order to destroy imperfect, unreasonable BIO-BODIES. Man returns to where he came from, returns to the animal world. The development of MIND passes into other, more perfect BODIES, for the further development of MIND in the Universe.

Revealing the secrets of developing intelligence

We often come across books and online articles about how to quickly become a genius and, having completed a “unique” course, we understand that nothing comes of this idea. That is, someone’s advertised work simply turned out to be empty. Why are we surprised? All those who are looking for easy ways will get nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to make an effort, will, try, and concentrate your attention on it. After all, we don’t believe in the power of one pill that can cure all ailments at once.

If you want to develop the activity of your brain, work on it constantly. Load him with mental tasks, and they should be complex and versatile. It's like a health issue. If you want to have it, play sports, load your body with active activities. And what usually prevents us from getting rid of bad habits and playing sports is laziness.

Yes, it is directly related to our thinking process. We are lazy to think, read, study, watch. It is easier for us to feel in the body of a single-celled ciliate, which simply grinds everything that gets into it. But she doesn't get any benefit from it. So we too - if we do not continually replenish our knowledge, we will stop at the level of a primitive person, a first-grader with an insignificant amount of knowledge.

When we make an effort, use our will to regularly search for interesting information, read, watch, study, then we strengthen our character and cultivate a sense of discipline.

Preparing the brain for intensive development

The elasticity of the brain largely depends on lifestyle, nutrition, sleep and a number of other factors. Compliance with the basic conditions of preparation makes it flexible, ready to perceive new information, to improve thinking and memory. Let's note the key rules:

  • We provide physical activity . In the absence of regular physical activity and sufficient physical activity, physical inactivity occurs. It leads to the inability to break down fatty acids and the accumulation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation slows down and the brain does not receive the resources it needs to work, its key functions are disrupted, and thinking slows down.
  • Let's eat right . You must provide your brain with not only enough carbohydrates, but also phosphorus. Include corn, bran, rice, fish and other seafood in your diet. But the consumption of fast food and alcohol should be limited. All alcohol-containing drinks destroy brain cells and often lead to mental degradation of a person.
  • We drink enough water . You should stick to the norm of 1.5-2 liters per day, or determine the optimal amount of water specifically for you. Lack of fluid leads to the accumulation of toxins and waste, disrupts cognitive processes and weakens neural connections in our brain.
  • Let's get enough sleep . An adult should sleep 6-8 hours a day. At the same time, it is important to go to bed and fall asleep at the same time, form a kind of “routine”, not eat 2 hours before bedtime and try to quit smoking so as not to feel groggy when you wake up.
  • Let's not overload ourselves . Those who know how to rest well work well. Try to get rid of workaholism and find time for relaxation, no matter how busy your schedule is. Your brain needs a change of activity and environment. Even while working or studying, regularly take 5-10 minutes to drink coffee or just walk down the hallway.

It’s unlikely that the rules for excellent brain function have revealed anything new to you. But it is they who form the basis - the one without which normal thinking is impossible. You can be as prepared as you want for an exam, but if you haven't slept the night before, your reactions and perceptions will be significantly slower. As a result, memory and logical thinking will be impaired. It is for this reason that it is recommended to first take care of your own regimen, nutrition and ensure sufficient physical activity, and only after that begin to develop your brain.

How to develop your brain?

Our intellect needs constant training to stay in shape! Vikium, a platform for training memory, attention and thinking, will help keep your brain in good shape. What attracts me here is the game form of training. There are quite a lot of online trainers, and new ones are often added.

There is also the opportunity to compete with other participants in who can think, remember and react faster. Training statistics are available, which can be compared with the achievements of other users.

Try it yourself - free registration!

What types of intelligence are there?

On the issue of mental abilities, it should be noted that everyone has their own intelligence, since there are a number of its varieties. By the way, they can be identified from childhood by the manner of communication, the interests of the child, his hobbies, thoughts, and reasoning.

  1. Analytical. The ability to analyze, compare, compare information, divide it into logical blocks, and identify relationships.
  2. Logical. A person is capable of reasoning, thinking and analysis without violating formal logic. This type has the ability to make logical, correct conclusions in the appropriate sequence.
  3. Critical. Receiving information, a person criticizes it, evaluates it, and easily weeds out everything superfluous, unnecessary, and incorrect. This is how a natural, pure opinion develops.
  4. Deductive. A person extracts individual, necessary information from the general volume, flow, and can formulate it perfectly. This type is able to generalize, find patterns in the interconnection of different information and group it into one single thing.
  5. Prognostic. The talent to plan, prevent, formulate future events in thoughts and at the same time keep in mind various options for solving a particular problem.
  6. Abstract thinking. A person can delve into the most complex abstract processes, most often this concerns mathematical and philosophical problems. These are brilliant individuals who are able to hold the most complex mathematical formulas and processes in their heads. They can quickly count addition, multiplication, and division of billions in seconds.
  7. Creative thinking. A person knows how to compare things of different importance from different sciences and quickly bring them to a common denominator. People are able to create, formulate various kinds of metaphors, decipher complex ideas and reduce them to a simplified level for easier understanding.
  8. Ability to concentrate. This point most likely applies to those who have great will and discipline, although without intelligence this would hardly be possible.

The human mind also has certain properties:

  1. Logic of architecture: everyone has a different degree of orderliness in their thinking. Someone thinks soberly, all thoughts are in “order,” while others have a chaotic, incoherent, chaotic mind.
  2. The breadth, depth of the human mind: the level of “smartness” of a person depends on this moment. If he is able to grasp a question, task, or object of thought more broadly and deeply, then he is smarter.
  3. Speed ​​of performing mental operations. Here, perhaps, everything is clear. The faster a person thinks, the higher his thinking speed.
  4. Autonomy of thinking. Some people can think perfectly, regardless of the influence of external interference and factors. They are always calm, especially at the moment when they need to make the right decision, create an idea and bring it to life.
  5. Great RAM: It's about our memory. The better it is, the more information we can keep in our heads and use it at the right time. People with a good memory can recite poems by heart, retell books, multiply billions in their heads, divide them, formulate formulas.

So, we have studied the main components of the human mind that can be developed and increased. There are a lot of techniques for this, among which are the most common ones in accordance with their effectiveness.

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