Body types (94 photos) - overview of classifications and different research methods

Do you think it’s good when a trader is cheerful, lively and bursting with energy? At first glance - excellent. Now imagine that all this frantic energy is transformed into excitement, adventurous recklessness, berserker rage or crazy tilt.

But here’s another situation: energy is at a minimum, sadness, melancholy and despondency have settled in my soul. Also somehow not very good.

In both cases, the trader came under the influence of emotional demons - only in the first case from the sthenic legion, and in the second - from the asthenic one.

Asthenic type and its features

The workout should be hard (in terms of the complexity of the exercises and the weights used), but not long, so as not to lose the calories necessary for building muscles. Strong arms and legs, large hands and feet, broad shoulders, narrow hips. The legs sometimes seem thin in comparison with the upper parts of the body and especially the hypertrophic shoulder girdle. Only an individually selected training program and proper nutrition in fitness will ensure effective results.

Such people often have a tendency towards obesity. The most effective workouts are cyclic, aimed at restructuring the body towards building muscle mass and burning fat. Over time, the body will become more prominent. It is recommended to contact a specialist and ask for help in creating an individual exercise program aimed at gaining muscle mass, and alternating it with cyclic exercises.

Many people make the mistake of completely giving up food and resorting to “starvation” diets. Sports supplements will come to the rescue, which will not only help you maintain muscle mass, but will also help you quickly increase it.

People with a picnic body type show a certain tendency towards obesity. In this article we will try to understand body types, appearance and their definition. A man's physique can tell a lot about his qualities and character traits. For example, the Scandinavian type of appearance does not mean at all that a man is weak-willed and feminine. The Scandinavian type of appearance of men is distinguished by blond hair and light eyes.

Stenic energy - in a peaceful direction

Improving trader self-discipline is impossible without fighting the demonic power of emotions that try to enslave us and force us to act according to their orders. These can even include those that are usually considered positive: for example, joy, interest, jubilation, delight, enthusiasm. They can turn from assistants into the trader’s worst enemies:

  • Joy, jubilation and delight - into euphoria, depriving a person of adequacy.
  • Interest and enthusiasm lead to uncontrollable excitement.
  • Self-esteem and self-respect turn into pride, which prevents you from admitting your mistakes.

Some sthenic emotions can be conditionally positive in situations where there is an urgent need to mobilize the body's reserves to actively counter an external threat: anger, rage. But you’re not going to raise a company to attack, are you? For a trader, these emotions are not just harmful, but destructive.

An exception may be the so-called healthy anger directed at oneself: “Shake yourself up! Get a hold of yourself!" But negative sthenic emotions cannot be directed to the market. It's like punching a mirror because you don't like the face in it. You’ll only hurt your hand with shrapnel, but you won’t be able to fix your face.

How can you determine when sthenic emotions work as a plus and when as a minus? Keep a trading diary, analyzing your emotional states. For example, you made a good deal and felt natural joy. What kind of joy was it - stormy or calm? How did you trade after fortune visited you, what feelings did you experience? Maybe your self-confidence has increased? Or did your self-control decrease and you began to make riskier transactions?

Dissect your emotions - and you will learn your own strengths and weaknesses, and as a result, you will be able to confidently keep your inner demons under control.
Without this ability, it is impossible to become a disciplined, and therefore a successful stock trader. subscribe to Telegram channel

Asthenic body type (ectomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • "Fragile" structure
  • Classic “skinny people” who have a hard time gaining weight (both fat and muscle mass)
  • Flat chest
  • Narrow shoulders
  • Low muscle mass
  • Increased basal metabolism

An ectomorph is a typical “skinny” person, be it a man or a woman. The ectomorph's body has a light structure with small joints and small muscle mass, long limbs, elongated muscles and narrow shoulders. Most often, the weight of ectomorphs is normal or below normal.

Ectomorph women are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. Height is often above average.

The muscles of such women are poorly developed. Therefore, they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, and have little weight. One of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique is the minimal tendency to be overweight.

When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, and dancing.

To correctly classify your body type as thin-boned, measure the circumference of your wrist. In the group under consideration it should be less than 15 cm.

Ectomorph character

Asthenics are focused on understanding the external and internal world, on constant reflection on life, science, and art. They love a variety of logical problems, are prone to abstraction and mathematical reasoning, and are not averse to fantasizing, but in everyday life they are more often guided by reason than by feelings.

For an asthenic person, work that requires lengthy reflection, classification, and systematization of scattered facts is more suitable. Asthenics, unlike hypersthenics, more easily move from simple to more complex types of work, reaching the peak of their performance by the middle or end of the working day.

It is more difficult for an asthenic person to establish contact with other people and he is more comfortable working with documents and equipment in scientific and design departments.

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Photos of people with asthenic physique

Thinness, thin dry skin, pallor, tall stature, long arms - this is a typical description of an asthenic. Vulnerable, taciturn, and at the same time resistant to stress, restrained from showing emotions, they differ from other types in many ways. By appearance, photographs of people with an asthenic type of body structure will help to accurately determine this type of constitution. Characteristic features - from a narrow chest to delicate facial features - appear clearly, so others do not associate people of this physique with good health.

Depending on what habitual state a person is in, he develops certain personality traits. If a person experiences joy, then most likely he will be considered optimistic. If a person is sad, then most likely his views will be pessimistic. Asthenic personality disorder - what is it? It has characteristic symptoms and causes that are treated.

Normosthenic body type (mesomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • Athletic
  • Strong physique
  • Well defined muscle definition
  • Rectangular figure
  • Gains muscle mass easily
  • Gains weight easier than an ectomorph

Mesomorphs have large bones, large muscle mass and a strong build, and are usually quite athletic. This is the ideal physique for bodybuilding and many other sports disciplines. It is relatively easy for people with this body type to gain and lose weight.

In women of this constitution, the main body dimensions are proportional.

Such ladies often have slender legs, a thin waist and, in general, a beautiful harmonious figure. Height is usually average.

Such people are naturally well-coordinated, sharp and fast. Of the sports disciplines best suited

t game types (volleyball, basketball, etc.).

The circumference of the wrist should be between 15 and 17 cm.

Mesomorph character

Mesomorphs hate unfinished business, red tape and reasoning. He likes clearly defined tasks that require decisive and immediate action. He speaks easily in large audiences, among unfamiliar people, and is often a good organizer.

Normosthenics are suitable for professions related to production activities, the creation of material assets and managing people. This expresses his need to transform the surrounding reality, including managing people.

Normosthenics always strive to dominate in communication and relationships. Normosthenics need to learn to respect the rights of other people so that their self-confident behavior does not suppress representatives of other types. And this way they will be able to achieve even greater success.

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Stenic type of personality changes

All topics in this section:

Symptoms of mental illnesses A symptom is a sign of a pathological condition or disease.* Symptoms of mental illnesses, as well as the syndromes they form, are a clinical manifestation of externally existing
Receptor disorders This group of psychopathological symptoms is designated by the term sensopathy. They are based on disturbances of predominantly sensory cognition—sensations, perceptions, and ideas.

Symptoms of emotional disturbance Emotion is a reaction in the form of a subjectively colored experience of an individual, reflecting the significance for him of an influencing stimulus or the result of his own action (satisfaction or

Disorders of self-awareness Self-awareness is a person’s awareness of himself as an individual with his own worldview, goals, interests and motives of behavior.* ' Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. T. III.

Disorientation Disorientation (disorientation) - inability to understand the surrounding situation - location, persons and time (allopsychic disorientation), one's own personality (autops

Obsessive states Obsessive states (syn. anankasm, obsession, obsession) are the involuntary, uncontrollable and irresistible occurrence in the patient’s consciousness of usually unpleasant and painful thoughts, representing

Illusions Illusions (illusiones; lat. illusio, - error, delusion) - erroneous perception of objects or phenomena that actually exist at the moment.* Illusions are divided depending on

Hallucinations Hallucinations (imaginary perceptions, deceptions of the senses) are a disorder of perception in the form of images and ideas that arise without a real stimulus, a real object. In cases where these

Functional and reflex hallucinations Both of these forms of disturbance of sensory cognition are distinguished by the peculiarity that real stimuli are necessary for their occurrence. FUNCTIONAL HALLUCINATIONS - verbal and

Overvalued ideas Overvalued ideas (dominant, prevailing, fixed ideas) are thoughts or a group of thoughts that arise under the influence of actual circumstances, but due to a strong affective

Memory disorders Memory is the ability of an individual to imprint, store and reproduce data from past experiences.* Memory disorders affect all three of its components: imprinting (recording

Motor disorders The symptoms related here are usually closely related to various productive (affective, hallucinatory, delusional, etc.) or * KraepelinE. Textbook of Psychiatry. Per. with him. M., t. 1, 191

Disorders of attention Attention is a form of organization of mental activity that ensures the selection in the consciousness of some objects of reflection while simultaneously distracting from other objects.* Attention exists

Disorders of drives Drive is a subjective experience of need that arises independently of consciousness, stimulating human activity and giving it direction.* Dist.

Speech disorders There are two main forms of oral speech disorders: a) forms caused by mental disorders (affect, delirium, confusion, etc.) and b) forms caused by organic

Sleep disorders This psychopathological symptom is constantly found in a wide variety of mental illnesses - the mildest, related to borderline psychiatry, and the most severe - psychoses and conditions.

Senestopathies Gutenkova T.S. Psychopathology and dynamics of senestopathies in schizophrenia. Journal neurologist and psychiatrist. No. 12, 1979, p. 1703. Prokopochkin A.A., Shapkin Yu.A., Shumsky N.G. Kleene

Disorders of self-awareness Bashina V.M. Features of depersonalization disorders in children with schizophrenia. Journal neurologist and psychiatrist. No. 10, 1978, p. 1517. Bible. Bezzubova E.B. Clinical

Illusions and hallucinations Gilyarovsky V.A. The doctrine of hallucinations. Ed. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. M., 1949, 198 p. Korsunsky SM. On the psychopathology of verbal hallucinations. Modern neuropathologist, psychiatrist, etc.

Highly valuable ideas Amenitsky D.A. On the issue of overvalued and obsessive ideas. Neuropathology and psychiatry. T. VII, no. 3, 1938, p. 150. Dubnitsky L.B. About super-valuable ideas (Review). Honey. R

Syndromes of mental illnesses A syndrome (symptom complex) is a stable combination of interrelated positive and negative symptoms caused by a common pathogenesis. “Recognition of any disease, including

History of the doctrine of syndromes The term “symptom complex” was introduced into psychiatry in 1863 by f. C. Kahlbaum. He did not give his definition, although without much doubt one can assume that he had a fairly good idea of

Positive (productive) psychopathological syndromes There is still no clinical definition of this term in psychiatry, despite the fact that every psychiatrist uses this term and

Neurotic syndromes Neurotic syndromes are psychopathological pictures in which disorders characteristic of neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive neurosis or hysteria are observed. ASTHENIC SYNDRUM

Psychopathic syndromes Psychopathic syndromes are congenital (psychopathy) or resulting from mental illness (psychopathic-like state) changes in personality; mental dysgia manifests itself

Affective syndromes Affective (emotional) syndromes are psychopathological conditions in the form of persistent changes in mood, most often manifested by its decrease (depression) or increase (mania).

Depersonalization-derealization syndrome Depersonalization-derealization syndrome is a combination of a disorder of self-awareness (change, alienation, splitting of the “I”, decrease or loss of emotional resonance) with a feeling

Confusion Confusion (syn.: affect of bewilderment, affect of confusion) is a painful lack of understanding by the patient of the situation and (or) his condition, which seem unusual, having received some kind of

Hallucinatory-delusional syndromes HALLUCINOSIS is a state of continuous hallucination caused by an influx of predominantly one type of hallucination. In cases where there is an influx of pseudohallucations

Movement disorder syndromes These syndromes are manifested by immobility (stupor), agitation, or their alternation. STUPOR is a psychopathological disorder in the form of suppression of various aspects of mental

Motor focal seizures are the same as UN (somatomotor) seizures. Paroxysms are manifested by tonic and (or) clonic convulsions in any part of one half of the body. Cramps o

Sensory focal seizures This group includes paroxysms of various manifestations. A significant part of them manifests itself in the form of illusions and hallucinations. The identification of such seizures is based on taking into account:

Viscero-vegetative seizures Visceral (cortical) seizures are paroxysms, most often affecting the gastrointestinal tract in one way or another. In the area of ​​the xiphoid process, navel and below, less often in the mouth

Diencephalic (hypothalamic, vegetative) seizures Diencephalic seizures often occur without prodromal phenomena. Suddenly, chills and tremors appear in the body, redness or paleness of the face, piloerrectation - the so-called. "goose pimples"

Seizures with psychopathological phenomena This group may be more appropriately designated as “non-convulsive forms of paroxysms” (A.S. Tiganov, 1983), because the last name emphasizes its significant difference from p

Syndromes of organic brain damage PSYCHOORGANIC SYNDROME is a symptom complex of disorders of memory, intelligence and affectivity. Most diseases accompanied by this syndrome are characterized by the presence of asthenia.

Negative (deficit) psychopathological syndromes There is no definition of the term “negative syndromes” in psychiatry. A consistent feature of negative disorders is personality changes. These disorders reflect the other side of the pathogen

Reactive lability This syndrome is observed in individuals who are prone, even before the onset of mental illness, to react with changes in mood or asthenia to incoming psychogenic and somatogenic influences. After starting

Psychopathic-like personality shift Personality changes are characterized by the fact that they affect a wide variety of character traits. Their severity and similarity to constitutional psychopathy is influenced by the combination

Decrease in the level and regression of personality REDUCTION IN PERSONALITY LEVEL - a combination of leveling of previous personality characteristics, including psychopathic ones, that arose during the illness, with a decrease in energy potential

Amnestic disorders Memory disorders in the form of loss of the ability to retain and reproduce previously acquired knowledge are called amnesia. Among the various forms of amnesia, the truly deficient and irreversible character

Affective syndromes Averbukh E. S. Depressive states. L. Ed. Leningrad University, 1962, 193 p. Bible Bovin R.Ya., Aksenova I.O. Prolonged depression. L.: Medicine, 1982

Hallucinatory-delusional syndromes Bimu S.N., Malkin P.F. Clinical variants of hallucinosis. — In the book: Problems of psychoneurology. M., 1969, p. 263. Bogolepov A.K., Luzhetskaya T.A. Peduncular hallucination syndrome

Movement disorder syndromes Zhislin S.G. Essays on clinical psychiatry. M.: Medicine, 1965, p. 296. Kaplinsky M.Z. Clinic of psychomotor agitation. Proceedings of the Institute named after. Gannushkina, vol. 4, 1939, p. 10

Korsakoff syndrome Abramovich G.B. On the psychopathology of Korsakov's syndrome. Neuropathology and Psychiatry, vol. 8, no. 2-3, p. 80. Banshchikov V.M., Borzenkov I.V. Korsakov's syndrome. M., 1971

Negative (deficit) psychopathological syndromes Averbukh E.S. Clinical variants of dementia. — In the book: Nervous and mental disorders in hypertension. Medgiz, Leningrad department, 1959, p. 33. Bible Proud

Psychosomatic medicine Psychosomatics is a speculative movement in American and Western European medicine that arose on the basis of the application of psychoanalysis to the interpretation and treatment of “neuroses” about

Digestive system The mildest dyspeptic disorders that occur in the form of episodes after emotional stress, in particular as a response to a traumatic situation, are: loss of appetite

Skin. Allergies The mildest disorders are vasomotor reactions arising under the influence of emotional stress: paleness or redness of the skin, increased sweating, “goose bumps”.

Bibliography Anokhin P.K. Key issues in the theory of functional systems. M., Nauka, 1980, 197 p. Valdman A.V., Kozlovstya M.M., Medvedev O.S. Pharmacological regulation of emotional

Clinical study of mentally ill patients “Goodwill, great patience, self-control, complete freedom from all prejudices, understanding of people as a result of a deep knowledge of life, the ability to conduct a conversation,

Psychiatric medical history Medical history is a recording and operational document compiled in inpatient and outpatient medical institutions: intended to record information about the disease, its diagnosis, development,

Diagnostics in psychiatry “Qui bene diagnoscit - bene curat.” S.P. Botkin. Diagnostics is a branch of clinical medicine that studies methods of examining a patient in order to recognize diseases.

Deontology in psychiatry “Strengthen the minds of those who have recovered from mental illness, protect them from want and all its disastrous consequences, improve their morals, protect them from the prejudices of the family and society.”

Deontology in the diagnosis of mental illnesses Diagnostic issues in psychiatry have been discussed above. Now we should consider the relationship between the psychiatrist and the patient and his relatives, which arises after the doctor has formulated the possible

Deontology in hospital treatment Mental illnesses and associated painful, often painful disorders, long stay in hospital required in many cases, limitations due to a variety of

Deontology in outpatient treatment conditions A doctor at a psychiatric dispensary is always a social psychiatrist. At the same time, he must remain a clinician and attending physician. Without this, proper social development is impossible.

Relationships between medical workers “Those who think that doctors are cheerful and carefree people lose sight of the main thing - the moral responsibility that the doctor constantly carries in his soul and which does not weaken with time.”

Attitude of doctors to nursing staff As in all medical institutions, in a psychiatric hospital the doctor communicates directly with his patients relatively little. Trusting patients to middle and junior medical personnel

Medical confidentiality Medical confidentiality is a certain behavior of a physician in relation to everything he saw and heard from the patient when providing him with medical care, including in the form of advice. I will comply with the need

Mental illnesses, mentally ill people, psychiatrists, psychiatry One of the most frequent and therefore important manifestations of various forms of medical pathology is pain, which makes people suffer. Despite what the Stoics say, pain is the worst of all evils.


Hypersthenic body type (endomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • Soft body with rounded shapes
  • Easily gains fat and muscle mass
  • Short stature
  • Having a hard time losing weight
  • Poorly defined muscles

Endomorphs are more likely than other types to be overweight, even while consuming fewer calories.

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Height is often below average.

By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are the following: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc.

In addition, the disadvantages of a hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which

implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

The circumference of the wrist with a large-boned physique is more than 17 cm.

Endomorph character

Hypersthenics are sociable, emotional, impressionable, and their behavior is driven by feelings, not reason. People of this type love company, know how to make fun of themselves and others, and easily make acquaintances and adapt to new surroundings.

Hypersthenics easily switch from one task to another, but they are more likely to develop fatigue and lose interest in work. It is easier for them to switch to other things than to continue what they started. Therefore, for effective work, it is advisable for a hypersthenic person to start the day by solving more complex problems, and at the end of the day to do easier work.

Hypersthenics have good short-term memory, so they effectively solve current, operational problems.

As a rule, there are mixed body types, with one of the varieties being dominant. A mesomorph is characterized by a large chest, broad shoulders, and a long torso; when engaging in strength sports, he quickly and easily builds muscle mass. The endomorph has wide bones and a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, and a relatively slow metabolism; He has difficulty getting rid of extra pounds.

The third type is an ectomorph, the owner of a thin figure. It is characterized by thin bone, minimal fat layer and weakly expressed elongated muscles. He almost never has problems with excess weight due to his accelerated metabolism, but it is very difficult for him to gain weight or gain muscle mass.

When ectomorphs manage to gain muscle mass, it looks very impressive and prominent due to the absence of excess fat.

In an ectomorph, the difference between the circumference of the hips, chest and waist is often insignificant. The wrists and ankles are thin, the arms and legs are thin and often elongated, the shoulders are narrow, and the chest is also narrow and flat. As a rule, the height of such slender people is above average.

The advantages of the constitution include the fact that they do not gain weight, even when overeating on sweets at night, and they often look younger than their age due to their slender figure. On the other hand, some ectomorphs struggle to gain weight or build muscle and often take longer to recover than other people. During periods of stress, high stress or forced dietary restrictions, they often lose the minimum amount of fat they have and become even thinner, acquiring a sickly appearance.

Ectomorphs are characterized by bursts of energy, which is why they can be hyperactive, fussy and restless, and suffer from insomnia. But after some time, this leads to exhaustion of strength and decline sets in, and then a person needs to provide himself with quality relaxation and rest, and relatively long sleep. Ectomorphs should strengthen their nervous system; they will benefit from balancing practices such as meditation and yoga.

It is believed that ectomorphs are most often introverts and prone to intellectual activity.

The system of physical activity for ectomorphs has its own characteristics.

Physical training should be dynamic, but not too long, and the body should be given enough time to recover between workouts. Exhausting yourself with aerobic exercise is contraindicated, because... in this case, they are needed not for weight loss, but exclusively for health improvement and for training the lungs and heart. To be fair, it is worth noting that due to the specificity of muscle fiber contraction, ectomorphs may have an advantage over representatives of other body types in endurance exercises.

An ectomorph needs nutritious and high-calorie meals several times a day, preferably on a schedule, with a sufficient content of carbohydrates and fats. Of course, these carbohydrates and fats should be healthy, since by consuming sweets and fried foods, an ectomorph can ruin their digestion and lose even more weight. Healthy carbohydrates are found in fruits, cereals and honey, and fats are found in flaxseed and peanut oil, seeds and nuts.

A) asthenic type

Table 1 Basic body dimensions in people of asthenic type (on average)

Men Women
Weight, kg) 50,5 44,4
Body length(cm) 168,4 153,8
Shoulder width 35,5 32,8
Bust volume 84,1 77,7
belly 74,1 67,7
in the hip area 84,7 82,2
forearms 23,5 20,2
brushes 19,7 18,0
calves 30,0 27,7
Leg length 89,4 79,2

Rice. 1. Asthenic type. Frontal shot (Schizoid psychopath.)

The concept of asthenic habitus was introduced by Stiller, corrected and limited in the desired sense by Bauar. The typus as-tenicus obtained from our psychiatric material coincides with the same type of Bauar. Of the individual features mentioned in Bauar’s brief work, most are confirmed by our research. But we cannot agree with the statement that asthenics are predominantly dolichocephalic; According to our data, the skull of asthenics, compared to other types, is of small volume, medium width, short and low. In short, the habitus of an asthenic man is characterized mainly by weak growth in thickness with an average, unreduced growth in length. This lack of thickness development passes through all parts of the body - face, neck, torso, bones, vascular system - and through all forms of tissue, skin, fatty tissue, muscles, bones, vascular system. As a result, the average weight, as well as dimensions in volume and width, are reduced compared to the average sizes characteristic of men.

Consequently, in severe cases we have a picture (Fig. 1 and 2) of a thin, thin person, seemingly taller than he really is, anemic, with narrow shoulders, with dry, thin-muscular arms, with thin-boned hands, with a long, narrow, flat a chest on which you can count the ribs, with a sharp rib angle, with a thin belly devoid of fat, with the same arms and legs. In men, there is a clear lag in body weight from its length (50.5:168.4) and chest volume from hip volume (84.1:84.7).

Rice. 2. Asthenic type. Profile. (Schizophrenia.)

Representatives of this type have wider shoulders with a flat chest like a board and very delicate humerus bones. Instead of a thin abdomen, in some cases there is a flabby, enteroptotic sagging abdomen or deposits of fat of eunuchoid or female distribution, which cannot be confused with a pyknic fatty abdomen. Often there are variants of the asthenic type with a stronger or weaker expression of the stigmata of the dysgenital group of physiques, infantilism (acromicria), feminism (waist formation, increased pelvic volume, sharp roundness of the hips) and especially eunuchoid tall stature with excessive length of limbs. We'll come back to this later.

Often variants and combinations of asthenic and athletic types are formed, when along with asthenic stigmata there are also athletic ones (for example, a long, narrow chest with strong limbs, incongruence between the face and body structure, etc.) or the average type of sinewy, slender figure, which is characterized by graceful thinness or strong muscles.

If we consider the type during the development of his life, we will notice that in all age periods it remains fairly constant. In childhood, these people are weak and tender; during the period of maturation they quickly grow and elongate; in maturity and old age they do not show the slightest tendency to properly accumulate fat and develop muscles. They, like peasants, can do hard physical work, but their muscles thicken very little. They can eat well and even, like many hospital residents in peacetime, be gluttonous, but despite this, remain just as thin. Age changes the type of hair distribution in some asthenics (see below). Facial features only in the eighteenth year acquire their characteristic forms, which will be described later, and can become even sharper with progressive weight loss in old age.

For some asthenics, their premature aging is striking as an important biological sign. I have met men between 35 and 40 years of age who appeared to be old men with wrinkled, completely dry, flabby and faded skin and with entangled temporal arteries (cf. Fig. 7 and 8). In such cases, despite the normal lifestyle of patients, general atrophy of fat and muscle is observed, indicating a severe chronic metabolic disorder. Even those patients who constantly eat a lot suffer from this, and their muscles, without becoming paratic, can even with constant work in the field reach such degrees of atrophy that diastasis of the hip abductors appears, observed only in extremely emaciated cachectics; the inner contours of the thighs do not merge towards the perineum into a straight line, as is usually the case, but are outlined, forming a gap.

As for the asthenic body structure in men during puberty, in the described cases growth in length occurred normally, sometimes it was very strong and premature. A sixteen-year-old hebephrenic youth had a height of 165 cm (which among our Swabian population is significantly higher than the average size), an 18-year-old was 176 cm tall. But this cannot be considered a rule. The smallest of our adult asthenic men was 158 cm tall, the largest was 178 cm, but short stature among them is not common. The one just mentioned was the only one among 50 men whose height was less than 160 cm. Sharp, childish, undeveloped facial features are found in some asthenics aged 20 to 25 years, especially in women; Many asthenics with a thin face with sharply prominent features already at this age look older than their years. We will talk about sexual instinct and hair later.

Asthenic women in their habitus resemble asthenic men, with the exception of one thing: they are not only thin, but often also short. Normal and even increased growth in length occurs in them, but not so often. Among 20 women, I met one with a height of 169 and one with a height of 161 cm, the rest had a height of 160, and the smallest was 145 cm. This group of women is not just asthenic, but asthenic-hypoplastic, and in all our work, by asthenic we mean delayed growth in thickness, under hypoplastic - general underdevelopment of the body and its parts, especially growth in length. Thus, asthenic women have the lowest average height of 153.8 cm, while among asthenic men it is 168.4 cm, which corresponds to the average height of the Swabian male population. The discrepancy between height and body weight in asthenic men is more pronounced than in women (see Table 1). For men it is approximately 18 (weight is subtracted from the last two figures of height), for women it is 9.

Who are asthenics: distinctive features of ectomorph people.

A typical sign of asthenics is thinness. Even a rich diet that includes a significant proportion of sweets and baked goods does not always contribute to weight gain. Ectomorphs are usually tall, but occasionally people of average, even very short stature are also found. They have a poorly developed muscular frame, and there is almost no fat layer. The torso, face and limbs are elongated, elongated, and the shoulders and pelvis are narrow.

Asthenic men always suffer from underweight. Their bones are thin, their chest is sunken, and their ribs protrude. Female representatives with an asthenic body structure look more like teenagers. Such persons age early - due to too fast metabolism, muscles and skin atrophy untimely.

Surprisingly, the type of physique also affects the psychological characteristics of a person.

Character traits

Ectomorphs are characterized as calm, slightly withdrawn, self-absorbed people. Among them, phlegmatic and melancholic people are more common. Asthenics are characterized by the following character traits:

  • diffidence;
  • tendency to overestimate one's own strengths;
  • high self-esteem;
  • intolerance to criticism;
  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion;
  • tendency towards hypochondria;
  • inability to make contacts with new people;

Representatives of the asthenic type are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and attention to detail.
Asthenics are very sensitive; any failure can unsettle them for a long time. They often incorrectly assess the situation, rush to conclusions, and are prone to negativism. They are very distrustful and feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers. They do not tolerate rudeness well, they are distinguished by vindictiveness and suspiciousness. Many representatives of this type need the support of a psychologist to correct attacks of depression and bad mood. In old age, negativistic character traits intensify, people become very suspicious and distrustful, and demand from loved ones an account of all matters and actions. It is difficult to get along with representatives of their type; more balanced and vital normosthenics are suitable for them as permanent partners and friends.

Despite their complex and contradictory nature, ectomorphs have many positive traits. Among the main ones:

  • hard work;
  • obligation;
  • accuracy;
  • attention to details;
  • attention to loved ones;
  • emotional restraint;
  • decency.

Representatives of the asthenic type are very fond of animals, often keeping several cats or dogs at once. They are very attentive to their pets, but the illness or death of a pet can lead to real depression. Ectomorphs are prone to introspection and can spend a long time thinking about people’s actions and their own reaction to them. In the event of sudden danger, they turn to stone, fall into a stupor and lose the ability to defend themselves. Often people of this type try to hide their vulnerability and vulnerability behind ostentatious bravado and coolness; this behavior is especially typical for teenagers and young adults. To feel comfortable, an asthenic person needs a narrow circle of close people who accept him as he is.

Asthenic individuals suffer from a lack of strength, low perseverance, a prevailing feeling of weakness (mental and physical), fatigue and especially exhaustion, without specific somatic reasons for this. Autonomic lability and sleep disorders are often expressed. Previously, these conditions were called neuropathies or neurasthenia.

Classification by. ICD 10: F60.7.

The conditions for its occurrence are little known; the anamnesis notes that future asthenics were overly cared for by their parents in childhood, this led to the elimination of stress and deprivation of activity; initiative in relationships with the environment was not required. “Learned helplessness” (Seligman), with which behavioral psychology tries to explain the occurrence of reactive depression, most likely develops in asthenic patients prone to depressive reactions.

The asthenic personality structure should not be confused with leptosomia or asthenic body structure. Both of these conditions are independent of each other in terms of their underlying indicators and do not reveal a strict correlation.

Asthenics have difficulty completing their tasks and do not value themselves highly; they remain silent so as not to argue with people. When faced with difficulties in personal, family or work areas, they always give in, and if they have an anxious-depressive state with vegetative disorders, treatment is necessary, even in a hospital setting. In these conditions, patients present numerous somatic complaints that do not correspond to objective data. Here we are talking less about hypochondriacal conditions (fear of illness), but rather about autonomic dysfunctions that cause harm to the patient in the form of exhaustion syndrome.

Over the course of life, such crises become less frequent, which should be explained not by changes in the personality structure (asthenia persists throughout life, only stabilizing in its later stages), but by the adaptation of one’s strengths to the demands of life. This does little for the profession; only a few become independent, and they often retire early. In any case, they manage to realize only part of their potential for a tolerable struggle for existence.

The frequency of asthenic personality disorders has not been determined. Doctors, both in outpatient clinics and in hospitals, often see such patients. Most alcoholics exhibit an asthenic personality structure.

Therapy. Asthenics especially need regular rest (vacations, resorts). They react with states of improvement, but it does not last long. Despite the general automation of labor, sparing and rest, there are critical situations that determine the patient's strength and his ability to avoid overload. Situational factors must be smoothed out whenever possible and current conflicts eliminated. Relatives, superiors and employees should participate in the treatment as sociotherapy: those around them should take into account the patient’s limitations.

Dependent personality disorder. The dependent personality disorder described in American psychiatry is similar to asthenic personality disorders: low self-esteem, helplessness and the desire to complain about others, little independence and a descent down the social ladder. They are passive, strive to shift responsibility to others and avoid situations where this is impossible. They try not to demand anything from others, so as not to become dependent later.

Psychodynamically, this condition is explained by oral-neurotic development. They often experience depression and alcohol addiction. ICD 10: F60.7.

Maladaptive personality disorder. This is also a personality disorder described in American psychiatry, close to asthenic structures. It dates back to American soldiers during the Second World War and manifests itself in poor emotional and physical endurance (despite physical health); weak ability to adapt, increased sensitivity, tendencies towards self-elimination, especially during unusual tasks. ICD 10: F60.7.

The mental world of every person, regardless of gender, is inextricably linked with the body. Psychologists once noticed that outwardly similar people demonstrate the same similarity of character. What causes this phenomenon? At birth, each of us already has certain body proportions. The size and shape are programmed by the genotype, which means chest circumference, waist, height, weight. Their ratio determines the constitution of the body, and then it remains to correlate the data with the existing classification. Do your proportions indicate that you have an asthenic type?

Asthenics are characterized by the following distinctive character traits:

  • punctuality, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • conscientiousness and decency towards others;
  • emotionality;
  • shyness (even modesty), a tendency to instantly “flush” in awkward or tense situations;
  • delicacy;
  • sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • suspiciousness and thoughtfulness;
  • lack of self-confidence, increased susceptibility to stress.

Interesting! Among asthenics, introverts and artistic natures are more common.

A hyposthenic body type creates a predisposition to diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs. For example, asthenics are often diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers and gastritis with reduced acidity. There is a high risk of arterial hypotension and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Features of the character and temperament of asthenics

All asthenics are united by one succinct phrase - these are Thinkers. A characteristic physique leaves an imprint for both better and worse. These are people who do not let things take their course, are focused, like to calculate everything down to the smallest detail, are scrupulous, they do not like wasting time on empty chatter or being in the public eye. On the other hand, the vitality of asthenic people is reduced, so they get tired quickly, cannot work productively in a busy schedule, and their endurance is below average. They are at risk of early wrinkles, but their appetite does not affect their figure.

Asthenics have a high metabolic rate; they can eat any food, but they prefer sour, salty and sweet foods. At the same time, they are not threatened with extra pounds; in order to gain weight, asthenics must include large quantities of sweet dishes in their daily diet. Among the predispositions to diseases, people with this body type suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcers, and tuberculosis.

Each body type leaves its mark on the development or course of the disease. If, when normo- or hypersthenics contract tuberculosis, the disease proceeds without complications, then in asthenics everything is exactly the opposite: the disease often takes a severe form, and they take much longer to restore strength. An increased concentration of oxygen in the blood is typical for asthenics. From a medical point of view, body type helps determine predisposition or conduct early diagnosis of the disease, which helps to start treatment on time.

Regarding the character of asthenics, the combination of high pride and feelings of inferiority is inherent in both men and women. They are able to worry for a long time about rudeness expressed towards them, but they do not like to conduct an internal dialogue, draw hasty conclusions, analyze actions, analyze the situation in detail and delve into themselves. Asthenics also don’t like to stand out in the crowd, but they sincerely adore animals, so they often become pet owners.

What factors prevent an ectomorph from accumulating muscle mass?

Asthenics, as you know, find it more difficult than other people to build muscle mass and develop its strength. There are reasons for this:

  • Firstly, initially there is a noticeable lack of muscle and fat tissue - their starting volume is significantly lower than normal.
  • Secondly, all asthenics have an accelerated metabolism (metabolism), which is why consumed carbohydrates are instantly burned without having time to transform into a fat resource. This happens even in a state of complete rest.
  • Thirdly, the muscles of an ectomorph are not particularly prone to growth due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

A person with a hyposthenic physique is forced to make significant efforts and spend a lot of time so that his muscular frame acquires relief outlines. In addition, the achieved result fades away much faster than for people of other types of constitution.

To increase the volume of muscle tissue, you need an integrated approach. It involves adjusting your diet and choosing the right sports exercises.

The right foods for an ectomorph

It is advisable for asthenics to reduce the amount of high-fat foods in their diet. We are talking about pork meat, mayonnaise, fast food, chips, overly sweet and fatty desserts, sausages, whole milk, etc.

The menu is formed with an emphasis on proteins and other healthy nutrients. Their optimal ratio is considered to be: 1) complex carbohydrates - from 50 to 55%; 2) proteins (proteins) – from 30 to 35%; 3) healthy fats – about 15%.

You can satisfy an asthenic person’s need for carbohydrates with nuts, various vegetables, and rice. The source of high-quality protein in this case is poultry (turkey, chicken), eggs, and kefir. Olive and flaxseed oils, shrimp, mussels and sea fish are rich in quality fats.

By maintaining a balance of essential nutrients, a person helps his body synthesize in more or less sufficient quantities its own protein, which is necessary for the formation of the muscular frame.

What exercises should you pay attention to?

Training for asthenics should be combined with long periods of rest. This is due to the fact that ectomorphic people take much longer to regain strength. Excessively intense and frequent exercise can lead to exhaustion of the body, instead of making the figure fit.

Important! “Lazy breaks” during sports are simply necessary for asthenics - they help increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

The complex of mandatory exercises includes adequate strength training. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase muscle mass. Varieties and features of such exercises:

  • monotonous muscle work with free weights;
  • gradual increase in intensity of loads;
  • improvement of execution technique.

Endurance and strength need to be trained regularly, since muscle mass in ectomorphs is lost faster than it is gained.

Cardio exercise will also be useful, especially for eliminating stress to which asthenics are susceptible. In this case, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Perform aerobic exercise for 15 (maximum 30) minutes no more than three to four times a week.
  2. The training is carried out in a “corridor” of values ​​from 60 to 80% of the personal maximum heart rate (or heart rate) in order to prevent burnout and loss of valuable calories.

It’s good to do yoga, Pilates, martial arts, tai chi. They help tonify and stretch muscles, optimize local blood flow and muscle trophism.


Due to increased metabolism, asthenics are slim, which is often excessive. For the body to look harmonious, nutritious (mainly carbohydrate-protein) nutrition alone will not be enough. It is necessary to play sports, but this also has its own nuances. In most cases, asthenics are not faced with the task of losing excess weight, but aerobics is just as necessary as strength training.

Asthenic character

The character of asthenics is comparable to schizoid accentuation and melancholic temperament. These people are hypersensitive, but at the same time they often retreat into their inner world - to take a break from the overload of external influences. Despite a high degree of empathy (no one like an asthenic person can understand and feel the internal state of another), they often show tactlessness or clumsiness in communication. This occurs not so much from a desire to offend or a lack of upbringing, but rather from the fact that a person does not attach importance to feigned smiles and forced standards of decency.

Asthenics are reluctant to undergo correction and generally do not like changes; such moments are given to them with great stress. The mood may seem unstable (from coldness to maximum sympathy), but if you look closely, a pattern of these manifestations will appear (for example, aloofness when strangers appear or increased talkativeness among friends). Such people are characterized by internal conflict, expressed in low self-esteem and uncertainty, which are combined with vanity and hot-tempered behavior. Underestimation of one's own importance can accumulate in a person for a long time. Undermining the resources of the psyche and ultimately pouring out into a stream of rage towards others for an insignificant reason.

As for life manifestations, asthenics tend to enjoy and delve deeper into the process of work, giving less importance to the results. The need for creativity and the absence of any boundaries is central not only in professional activities, but throughout life. Due to rapid exhaustion, asthenics need periodic rest, and attempts to maintain the established schedule can cost the company large losses (due to mistakes or irritability), and the person’s health.

The speed of mental processes affects the type of reaction and activity. Thus, asthenics flare up very quickly and in order to get excited about a new idea or develop an affective emotional reaction, they need several times less time than all other types. In the case of positive emotions, this can be a plus, as well as activity, but negative experiences and ideas of revenge take over them at the same speed. But the assessment situation changes dramatically after a couple of moments - they quickly run out of steam and get tired. Within minutes the joy disappears, the enthusiasm disappears and the person sits without making any attempts and is emotionally disconnected.

With each nervous breakdown, experiences increasingly affect the somatic state of the asthenic, which is why they become frequent visitors to hospitals. The high likelihood of developing hypochondriacal symptoms is due to both physical weakness and mental instability. Timely prevention and independent work with your own characteristics will help to avoid the effects of hospitalism and psychosomatics.

Ectomorphic body type

This type of male figure structure is also called asthenic or hyposthenic. Signs that make it easy to get ahead of asthenics are:

  • above average height;
  • poor development of muscle tissue;
  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • thin and light bones;
  • scanty layer of fat.

Metabolic processes in a representative of this body constitution proceed quickly, so gaining fat mass, as well as muscle mass, is quite problematic; this requires long and hard work.

Mesomorphic body type

For men who want to have a toned body and pumped up muscles, the mesomorphic body type is the most desirable. It is also called normosthenic or athletic.

Features of mesomorphs are:

  • naturally strong and durable muscles;
  • broad shoulders;
  • almost complete absence of fat;
  • strong and thick bones;
  • proportional torso.

Men with a mesomorphic build have great potential for rapid muscle mass and strength gains.

Endomorphic body type (hypersthenic)

Men of this type are considered stocky, prone to being overweight. It is characterized by several features:

  • short limbs and neck;
  • short stature;
  • massive body;
  • heavy bone foundation;
  • tendency towards obesity.

Men with an endomorphic build are prone to excess weight, but due to the fact that they have well-developed muscle tissue, with regular physical activity and proper nutrition, they can keep themselves in good shape and even boast impressive muscles.

How to determine body type in men

Often a man’s figure combines the characteristics of two types, but one of them still dominates. In their pure form, male body types are quite rare. If, based on external signs, difficulties arise in determining the constitution, then this can easily be done by measuring the girth of the wrist and comparing the results with the scale:

  • if the girth is less than 18 cm, the man is of the ectomorphic type, he has thin bones;
  • in men of normosthenic build, the volume of the wrist is 18–20 cm;
  • The endomorph's wrist is the widest - more than 20 cm.

This method is the simplest and allows you to accurately determine your body type. But there is another method for determining the type of male figure - measuring the angle of the ribs. To do this, you need to stand in front of a mirror, take a deep breath and hold your breath so that the chest is as tense as possible. In this position, you need to find the bottom pair of ribs and determine how much the angle between them will be:

  • an angle of less than 90 degrees indicates that the man’s figure type is asthenic;
  • a right angle between the ribs indicates an athletic type;
  • if the angle between the ribs is more than 90 degrees, then the man belongs to the endomorphic body type.

Correct determination of the body constitution is the key to the effectiveness of training, which is planned in the same way as the diet, taking into account the characteristics of the body type in men.

How to defeat asthenic vampires

Most of the asthenic states that a trader encounters are vampire emotions (we will not consider subtle melancholy and poetic sadness, since they do not relate to trading work). Such emotions suck out vitality, plunge into the abyss of hopelessness, force one to give up... Here are the most common: resentment, sadness, despondency, despair, guilt, shame, annoyance, disappointment, melancholy, anger, envy, boredom, disgust (in our case - to work), paralyzing fear.

Some emotions - say, anger and envy - can also be sthenic, provoking self-destructive actions. Or they can simply turn a person into a whining amoeba.

What to do with these nasty and harmful conditions?

First of all, you need to figure out why you fell under their vampire power. If you have read books or watched films about ghouls, then you probably remember: in order for these evil spirits to enter the house, they must be invited. It’s the same with similar emotions: if you have them, it means that you yourself let them into your soul. But what kind of garlic should you use to drive them out? Unfortunately, a strong-willed decision to expel asthenic emotions is in most cases not enough.

We'll have to work. They will help you:

  • increased self-esteem;
  • elaboration of fears and negative attitudes;
  • a change in view of the situation (for example, a specific trader’s trick is a change in attitude towards losses);
  • setting intermediate goals and rewarding yourself for small successes.

But sometimes no rewards help. On the contrary: the harder you try, the more negative you feel. This means that asthenic emotions in this case do not vampirize, but, on the contrary, try to protect you! And you need to get better sleep, take a vacation, go to the sea or something like that - in general, slow down. You are overtired, so your body puts a block on sthenic emotions so that you don’t finish yourself off.

Diet and workout recommendations for men of different body types

A well-planned diet, performing specially selected physical exercises for a certain type of male constitution, perseverance and patience can make significant adjustments to the data provided by nature and achieve impressive results for any man in achieving an athletic and muscular body.

For men with asthenic body structure

For ectomorphs, it is difficult to quickly gain muscle mass, since the breakdown of carbohydrates in men of this constitution is increased, but the process of protein digestion is slowed down. Success in achieving your muscle building goals for people with a lean physique is 70% dependent on nutrition, so nutritionists advise adhering to the following recommendations.

  • You need to eat frequently (5-6 times a day), each time eating a large portion of food, focusing on protein and carbohydrate foods.
  • The daily diet should consist of 50% complex carbohydrates. Advantage should be given to cereals, legumes, durum wheat pasta, and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to exclude foods rich in fast carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, jam).
  • The protein intake rate is 2–2.5 g/kg body weight. Protein products: white meat chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish should account for up to 30% of the daily diet.
  • Dairy products must be present in the diet of an asthenic person, but preferably low fat content (1%), since the recommended daily intake of fat in the diet should not exceed 20%.

Training should be limited to 3 times a week and structured in such a way that the load is as heavy as possible, but not exhausting, and the duration of the session does not exceed 45 minutes.

Nutrition and training plan for mesomorphs

Since this type of male figure is considered ideal in terms of building a perfect body, all recommendations for nutrition and physical activity come down only to preventing overtraining and adhering to the principles of a healthy diet. The recommended daily diet for a mesomorph is as follows:

  • proteins – 30–40% (no more than 2 g/kg body weight);
  • fats – 10–20%;
  • carbohydrates – 40–50%.

Men with an athletic body type do not need to strictly adhere to any diets; you can sometimes treat yourself to sweets and starchy foods. For effective training to gain muscle mass, mesomorphs can use any standard programs lasting 50–60 minutes 3–4 times a week, which are recommended to be changed every 2–3 months. Lack of physical activity and poor nutrition will over time lead to excess weight and loss of physical data given by nature.

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