Psychological well-being, healthy lifestyle and family

Socio-psychological characteristics of personality

The socio-psychological characteristics of an individual are also influenced by her anatomical and physiological capabilities, which shape her behavior and psyche. In addition, a person occupies a certain status in society, which influences the formation of specific skills and qualities in him.

The team already has established rules and regulations. However, this does not mean that a person cannot express himself within this framework. Relationships between team members are established individually, but they rarely go beyond the established rules.

Psychological well-being, healthy lifestyle and family

The proverb: “Family is the main indicator of a healthy lifestyle” has a deep meaning. Indeed, family, marriage and family well-being are one of the factors influencing the length and quality of life. Compared to unmarried men and women, happily married men and women are less susceptible to such common phenomena as stress, depression, burnout, etc. Almost all famous centenarians are married.

Of course, all this is true, provided there is a favorable psychological climate in the family, which in turn consists of such aspects as:

-common interests and views;

- the formation of such family values ​​among spouses as patience towards themselves and others, honesty, the ability to forgive, etc.;

-material well-being and living conditions of the family;

- harmony of intimate relationships between spouses.

Problems that modern families often face include:

- housing issue and financial problems;

- late children or late marriage;

-lack of time for each other;

-violation of the intimate sphere of life of spouses. Today, almost 50% of women are not satisfied with their sex life, and 33% are cold and indifferent towards it. There are fewer dissatisfied men, but their satisfaction is often achieved without taking into account the interests of their partner. The consequence of sexual dissatisfaction is a bad mood, nervousness, even neuroses, headaches and other negative aspects that leave their mark on the relationship between spouses.

Relationships in the family become more complicated and with the birth of a child, responsibility for his health and the upbringing of a full-fledged personality arises. During this period, it is very important to maintain not only a favorable psychological climate in the family, but also the family itself as a whole. The environment in which a child is raised will determine what kind of person he will grow up to be. It is in the family that the foundations for attitudes towards bad habits and a healthy lifestyle are laid.

For example, children from smoking families, no matter whether the mother or father is exposed to this addiction, usually start smoking early themselves. If parents do not smoke, then the likelihood that children will not smoke is 1.5 times higher. At the same time, the example of non-smoking parents is more important for boys.

Another problem is alcohol. We must admit that drinking and getting drunk in Russia is no longer a shame. And vodka has generally become a national treasure and an obligatory attribute of every family holiday and a truly Russian person. Introducing children to alcohol begins with traditional family feasts.

The foundations of human eating behavior also originate in the family. One of the main reasons for obesity and overweight are habits and traditions instilled in childhood. Human nutrition from birth is associated with communication; subsequently, food becomes an integral part of celebrating various events, establishing and forming business and friendly relationships.

A child’s psychological health, his ability to overcome stressful situations and life’s difficulties are also laid down in childhood, in the family.

For a child, family is his world, his Universe. And parents are not just a source of satisfying needs, they are a means and way of constructing ideas about the world. The quantity and quality of love a child receives from his parents in childhood determines his vitality, his future well-being and psychological health.

Society, school, and social environment have a direct impact on a person’s character, but first of all, the basis of a child’s personality, his attitude towards his health and bad habits is laid in the family. Children imitate their parents in everything, even if they deny it in adolescence.

Today's teenagers live in a world where values ​​have been destroyed, communication between generations has been lost, behavior patterns have changed dramatically, and instability in the world and stressful situations also have a negative impact. All this leads to the risk of children becoming involved in the use of psychoactive substances (PAS), the destruction of family values ​​and the development of psychosomatic diseases.

Educational and health programs can only help supplement and enrich knowledge, but they cannot replace family upbringing and the example of parents.

Department of organizational and methodological support of preventive work of the State Budgetary Institution "Center for Medical Prevention of the City of Stary Oskol" Psychologist
Anna Aleksandrovna Emelyanova

Family characteristics

Characteristics of a dysfunctional family include the same basic data regarding age, employment, material well-being of all its members, the state of the place of residence, socio-psychological image, methods of working with the family and conclusions.

If the family is socially or psychologically dysfunctional (addictions, violence, serious illnesses of significant loved ones), then the characteristics of dysfunctional families should be supplemented with information about what help was provided to the child, what services did to work with the minor to help him cope with difficult life circumstances.

Brief description of the socio-psychological situation in the family

Next, on a new line, start talking about what opinion you have about the person being characterized. First, indicate how long the neighbor has lived in your house (entrance) and what the composition of his family is. For example, like this: “Kovalev D.A. has lived in our house since 1999, married since 2003, has two sons – 7 and 12 years old.”

In order to examine the living conditions at the address ..., social. the teacher and the class teacher visited twice, but were never able to get into the house. According to the neighbor, the family is characterized positively, but an accident occurred and the father was imprisoned. The purchased house requires extensive repairs. The mother, Ivanova R.S., moved the children for the winter to her mother, who lives at the address ..., where they currently live.

The role of psychological climate in relations between spouses

To be able to talk about a harmonious family with a favorable internal atmosphere, it is necessary that the partners in it have at least 5 basic qualities :

  • openness to communication, ability to listen and desire to be helpful;
  • goodwill, in which each of the couple first of all thinks about his other half and makes decisions based on his wishes and preferences;
  • attentiveness and mutual respect, which serve as a guarantee of sincerity of feelings;
  • commitment, manifested in the ability to take on one’s share of responsibilities for the family (the man is the breadwinner, the wife is the coziness and comfort of the home, etc.);
  • emotional stability.

This last point deserves closer consideration. The worst thing for a couple is when two emotionally unstable personalities meet under one roof. Their life will be a series of conflicts and disputes. An excellent option is a family where both partners are adults, mature and emotionally stable individuals. It’s also good when “plus” and “minus” meet - in this case, one of the family members will always be able to support and reassure their chosen one. At the same time, statistics indicate that women’s emotional stability is most important for strong family relationships. A man may not break family ties, even if he is completely dissatisfied with family relationships. But women's dissatisfaction and disappointment most often end in divorce.

    Compliance with the following conditions will help improve the psychological climate of communication between partners:
  • drawing general goals of family life;
  • a clear perception of one’s own place in the family with expiring rights and responsibilities;
  • following family norms, creating family traditions and rules;
  • mandatory sincere communication with your partner.

Sample and example characteristics for a family, parents of a difficult teenager, student

The family is socially unstable, both parents are alcohol dependent. The sister was caught in a state of drug intoxication. She was detained by the police several times. The psychological situation in the family is tense. Parents are mainly busy getting money for drinks, paying little attention to their children. Daughters look for replacements in older comrades, choosing them, unfortunately, based on their similarity to their mother and father. This negatively affects the academic performance and education of children.

Parents hardly take part in the educational process of their daughters. All they do comes down to screaming and beating children, after further complaints from teachers. Seeing the futility of such measures, the school staff stopped contacting parents. Moreover, the first reaction of the father and mother is often aggressive and dangerous for the teacher. In public, parents are not ready to acknowledge their daughters’ behavior as stated by the teacher.

Your psychologist

Social characteristics. 1. Position in the group : leader, preferred, isolated, acceptable, rejected. 2. Attitude towards the group : positive, negative, indifferent. 3. Part of the group ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Reference group ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Violation of communication and behavior: a) age-related situational and personal reactions: refusal, opposition (active, passive), imitation (imitation), compensation (desire to eliminate weakness), overcompensation, emancipation (refusal of adult care), grouping with peers, sexual desires, hobby reaction, dysmorphoreaction (fixation on appearance), reflexion reaction (fixation on the inner world); b) dominant maladjustment syndromes: distrust of new people, things, situations; depression; withdrawal; anxiety towards adults and peers; hostility towards adults and peers; lack of social normativity; social deprivation; restlessness; emotional stress; neurotic symptoms; unfavorable environmental conditions; advanced sexual development; mental retardation; learning difficulties; diseases and organic disorders; physical defects. Disadaptation manifests itself to a minor (significant) extent. It is situational (chronic) in nature. The child is on the verge of clinical disorders and needs (not) the help of a neuropsychiatrist. c) the nature of deviation: immoral, delinquent (non-criminal offenses), criminal behavior. Reasons: heredity, social. development situation, personal crisis, conflict, failure in leading activities, inadequate self-esteem, lack of authority, state of passion. d) type of behavioral disorder: absenteeism, running away, theft, petty speculation, fights, drinking alcohol, drugs, substance abuse, smoking, deviation of sexual behavior (masturbation, exhibitionism, group sex, fetishism, homosexuality), suicidal behavior (demonstrative, true, affective ), fears (phobias), obsessions (blinking, twitching, nail biting, thumb sucking, fear of infection, repeated movements, words), verbal disorders (foul language, pathological lying), gambling, computer addiction, increased aggressiveness, increased anxiety , hyperactivity, autism, increased conflict, negativism, increased stubbornness, impulsiveness, selfishness, weakness of will, affectivity.

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Psychological characteristics of a Student of ___________class Secondary School No._____ Name_________ Date of birth_________________ Home address__________ 1 . The type of difficulty is explained by: gaps in mastering ethical knowledge, unformed moral ideas, lack of skills of adequate behavior, personality changes associated with distorted ideas about relationships with others, organic disorders of the nervous system, mental instability, increased affectivity, disinhibition of drives.

Brief description of the socio-psychological situation in the family

Also, in the process of functioning in social groups, the individual gradually acquires a certain authority, position, and plays a specific role. Equally important in personality formation are its physiological and anatomical characteristics, which have a huge impact on behavior, psyche, and susceptibility to the influence of circumstances or other people.

The formation and development of an individual, social groups, and collectives are influenced by relationships within groups and individuals with each other, activities, political situation, ideology, cultural heritage, religion, upbringing and much more.

A simple test to help determine the family psychological climate

    Give each question a simple answer: “Yes” or “No”:
  1. My family can be called friendly.
  2. We have our own traditions of having dinners and lunches together.
  3. I always feel comfortable with my family.
  4. The homely atmosphere is most conducive to complete relaxation.
  5. It is not customary for us to remember grievances or disagreements for a long time.
  6. At home I feel protected both physically and mentally.
  7. We always welcome guests.
  8. I can always count on help and support from my family.
  9. We all understand each other perfectly.
  10. Being away from home for a long time makes me truly sad.
  11. All our friends love to visit us.
  12. We try to spend our holidays together as much as possible.
  13. Work also progresses faster when we do it collectively.
  14. We love to play board games or sing karaoke together.
  15. It's always fun and warm here.
  16. We hasten to apologize for our mistakes so as not to hurt a loved one.
  17. All our holidays are fun and joyful.
  18. There is always order and comfort in the house.
  19. They love to come and visit us.
  20. Some family members are not entirely comfortable at home.
  21. Communication with loved ones can be called strained.
  22. I try to lock myself in my room at home so as not to see anyone.
  23. Often you have to accept insults from loved ones.
  24. The discomfort at home is so great that sometimes you don’t want to go back there at all.
  25. Everyone in the house tries to outshout each other, communicating exclusively in raised voices.
  26. The atmosphere in the family is painful and tense.
  27. In my home, I acutely feel loneliness and the fact that no one needs me.
  28. Being with my family has a negative effect on me.
  29. Thunderstorms often rage in the house with screams and scandals.
  30. All receptions end in conflicts in the family.
  31. Some family members are too complex.
  32. We have one inadequate person who destroys all harmony.
  33. The habits of some of my loved ones irritate me.
  34. We do not know how to react normally to different circumstances.
  35. The presence of individual family members in the house unsettles me.
    Calculation of results:
  • each “Yes” answer to questions 1 to 19 inclusive deserves 1 point;
  • Each “No” answer to questions 20 to 35 also earns 1 point.
    Calculation of results:
  • 23-35 points - you can be proud of a stable, favorable emotional and psychological climate in the family.
  • 16-22 points – a normal psychological climate with a predominant positive attitude, but also with some negative factors.
  • 9-15 points – unstable climate in the family with changeable mood. This picture is often observed in families where disappointment in the partner begins and there is tension in the relationship. These numbers are a serious signal to go to a psychologist to save the family.
  • 0-8 points – a stable negative climate, in which a decision on divorce is not far off. At the same time, both spouses are fully aware that life together is completely unbearable, so separation can really be the only right way out of the problem.

Any family, with the mutual desire of all members, will be able to establish the necessary comfortable climate, starting to communicate more with each other, taking care of loved ones, putting their desires as a higher priority than their own. Many couples have to turn to psychologists and go through long stages of psychological treatment for relationships. But isn’t harmony in the family and a happy future for children worth it? So, as the famous song says: “Think for yourself, decide for yourself - to have or not to have”... Be the architects of your own family happiness and fight for a healthy atmosphere in your home.

Interregional Father's Committee

1. Full name (in full) _____________________________________________________ 2. Date of birth (date, month, year) _________________________________ 3. School (last place of study) _____________, date of admission __________ 4. What class is _________________ 5. What class should he be studying in by age __________________ 6.

Families of the student _________________________________________________ Mother _________________________________________________________________ Father _________________________________________________________________ Guardian (trustee) _________________________________________________ Family residence address _________________________________________________ Registered on _________________________________________________ (date of registration, basis, reasons) ___________________________________________________________________ During individual preventive work _________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________, as well as on the recommendation of ___________________________________________ (PDN) Department of Internal Affairs, KDN, social protection authorities, guardianship (trusteeship) we propose to remove the family __________________ from the internal school register.

Brief description of the socio-psychological situation in the family

2. Psychophysiological characteristicsa) stable extrovert: sociable, open, talkative, accessible, carefree, lively, carefree, prone to leadershipb) unstable extrovert: touchy, restless, aggressive, excitable, changeable, impulsive, optimistic, activec) stable introvert: passive, cautious, reasonable, peaceful, restrained, reliable, even, calm d) unstable introvert: gloomy, anxious, pessimistic, withdrawn, uncommunicative, quiet Personality type (according to Eysenck) Characteristics of the type: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Emotional-volitional sphere. Type of character accentuation (according to Shmishek): hyperthymic anxious dysthymic pedantic emotive stuck demonstrative exalted cyclical excitable 4. Motivational-need sphere. Needs: in physical improvement, spiritual improvement, in work activity, in friendship, in emotional closeness with peers, in respect and support from adults, from peers, in entertainment, in comfort, in leadership, in providing helping others in achieving high results in activities, in autonomy, in prestige, sexual needs.5. Features of school maladjustment: a) education: low learning ability with positive educational motivation, satisfactory or high learning ability with persistent indifference or a negative attitude towards learning, low level of learning ability with a negative attitude towards learning b) psychological reasons: lack of formation of methods of educational activity, insufficient development of mental processes, inadequate use of individual typological characteristicsc) labor and social activity: low (high) labor (social) activity, inability to engage in systematic, purposeful, intense activity, low (high, situational) performance, low (high) sense of responsibility, inability (ability) bring the job started to completion, initiative (lack of initiative), low (high, average) organizational abilitiesd) psychological reasons: defects in education, lack of development of work skills, underdeveloped volitional qualities, lack of interest in work.6. Anxiety:a) general (according to Prikhozhan): high, increased, normal, lowb) personal: high, increased, normal, lowc) interpersonal: high, increased, normal, lowd) school (according to Phillips): high, increased , normal, low. High level by factors: fear of knowledge testing situations, fear of not meeting the expectations of others, frustration of the need to achieve success, conflicts with teachers, fear of presenting oneself.7. Intellectual level (according to Roven): Level of intellectual development: high, average, low.

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According to the quality of relationships in the family: prosperous, happy problematic (no mutual understanding, cooperation, cold psychological atmosphere) conflicting (in relationships there are areas in which the interests, needs, intentions and desires of family members collide, giving rise to strong and lasting negative emotional states) socially disadvantaged (the cultural level of the spouses is low, drunkenness and drug addiction are common), disorganized families (the cult of power flourishes, a feeling of fear prevails, each family member lives on his own).

Risks of living in an unfavorable atmosphere

If you are not interested in the opinion of your partner, do not trust the rest of the family members, and the time spent with them brings you burden and dissatisfaction, then you should think about how to change the pattern of relationships in the family.

    With prolonged exposure to such a tense, negative microclimate, the likelihood of the following dangerous consequences increases:
  • constant conflicts provoke the development of a pathological state of chronic stress;
  • negative emotions contribute to a decrease in immunity and make the body more open to various viruses and infections;
  • children who are raised in such families often suffer from psychological illnesses and almost always have inferiority complexes, are embittered towards others, do not know how to empathize and adequately respond to all the challenges of the world around them;
  • Discord affects not only the relationship between husband and wife, but also leads to misunderstanding between parents and children. This, in turn, causes tension in the home and forces children to seek understanding on the street, often ending up in bad company.

Such a family climate is actually very dangerous for all its members, killing adult individuals and negatively influencing the upbringing of the younger generation. This problem can be solved with the help of professional psychologists, but only under one condition - the mutual desire of the partners to change and fight for harmony and preservation of the family.

Characteristics of the student’s family

The boy, born in 2002, is being brought up in a complete, low-income family. (The parents are not married, but live together, the children bear the mother’s surname). Mom, Zanina Olga Nikolaevna, does not have a permanent job. Temporarily works in the fields, in a bakery. Father, Sergei Igorevich Kan, receives a pension for caring for a disabled child. The boy lives in a three-room apartment, where the child is given a separate room, together with his mother, father and two brothers (5 people in total).

The family can be classified as a family with unstable, low material income. This is due to the seasonality of parents' work. But, nevertheless, the child is provided with the necessary clothing, textbooks, and has money for lunch in the canteen. The psychological situation in the family is stable. Parents spend enough time with the child, the mother supervises homework. Sasha improved his performance in some subjects, namely algebra, geography, and history. Mom, Olga Nikolaevna, regularly attends parent-teacher meetings and monitors the child’s interest in learning. Close contact has been established with the class teacher, subject teachers, social pedagogue and school psychologist. Olga Nikolaevna reacts adequately to teachers’ comments and recommendations. Preventive conversations are regularly held with parents. The family is visited by a class teacher, a social teacher, and a psychologist. The family is provided with psychological assistance. While working with the family, positive changes occurred.

The concept of "Family"

Definition 1
The family is the basic unit of society, a social institution characterized by voluntary marriage, common life, and marital relations.

Man is a social being, therefore he always strives to be part of a group. Few people can derive pleasure from solitude, so people build close connections with other people. This circumstance is determined by the structure of the human psyche at the level of instincts. Thus, family is one of the ways to be with someone in this world.

Human ancestors, as scientists say, lived in large communities in which families gradually began to appear. Over time, the primitive family changed its organization, acquired new conditions of existence, and internal responsibilities.

Modern scientific trends interpret the definition of family differently; sociologists, for example, understand family as an association of several people related by blood or who have legitimized their relationship in the registry office. In their opinion, a family is a husband and wife. Moreover, a young couple, together with their parents and children, is also called a family.

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In jurisprudence, a family is people who are officially married and live together.

Note 1

Combining these definitions, we can say that a family is a separate unit of society, confirmed at the state level, connected by a common way of life, similar goals, interests and worldview.

The family has its own characteristics:

  • registered relationship between a man and a woman;
  • living together and living together;
  • jointly acquired material assets;
  • close intimate relationships;
  • joint children (spouses without children are also considered a family).

The family performs important functions and, above all, the birth of children in marriage, which ensures continuation of the family. Together, husband and wife create and accumulate material wealth, run a common household, which makes it possible to achieve a higher standard of living.

The educational function is very important; parents must instill moral values ​​in their children and teach them the rules of life in society. For the first time in the family, a little person learns what is good and what is bad, learns kindness, justice, responsibility, learns to appreciate support and provide it himself. The family passes on accumulated cultural values ​​and family traditions to the child, thereby ensuring a connection between generations.

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Note 2

The human psyche contains the desire to love and be loved, and if these important needs in the family are not met, the person suffers greatly.

Psychological characteristics of a modern family

It represents a constant attraction to new family goals, their reasonable planning and maintaining the activity of all family members in achieving them. An integral attribute of any healthy family are immediate and long-term family goals.


see themselves as inspirational leaders rather than authoritarian leaders. They see their task as teaching children to remain human in any life situation. They are ready to communicate negative assessments to their children as well as positive ones; they are ready to be upset, angry, upset just as much as to have fun and rejoice. Their behavior is consistent with their words.

How to return a favorable climate to your union

First of all, you need to establish such a level of communication in the house so that everyone enjoys it. To do this, it is worth remembering these effective rules:

  1. smile more often, calming yourself internally and giving confidence to others;
  2. be attentive to each family member, giving him a feeling of importance and irreplaceability;
  3. not just be able to listen, but also delve into the problems of the interlocutor, trying to look at them through his eyes and sharing an objective assessment of the view from the outside;
  4. do not be categorical and cruel in your statements - even “no” can be said without offending a person if you use tact, respect and a little diplomacy;
  5. avoid conflict situations and be able to find compromise solutions that will take into account the opinions of all family members;
  6. support and approve the actions and deeds of others, charge your loved ones with healthy optimism;
  7. give compliments, remembering that both men and women, even suspecting overt flattery, will quickly hear your request or rush to help in difficult times.

Only with such an attitude of each family member towards their closest people does it serve as a guarantee of a favorable psychological and emotional atmosphere in the family. In such a house there will always be the joy of meeting and sincere expression of feelings. Here they are in a hurry to share their successes and are not afraid to talk about mistakes. In such a family, everyone is comfortable and cozy, hence the successful development of each member as an individual - regardless of whether he is an adult or a child.

Brief description of the socio-psychological situation in the family

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Psychological observation in social work with large families

A subjective position in working with a large family, relying on its own socio-educational potential not only contributes to its ability to independently solve its own problems. Mutual assistance, mutual support, concern for the fate of loved ones form among members of a large family the desire to help and support other people with their experience and knowledge.

— 1) Classify as detailed as possible the elements of events to be observed, using clear indicators. Their reliability is tested in test observations, where several observers, using a single instruction, record the same events occurring on an object similar to the one that will be studied.

Positive characteristics for a family: sample

The teenager does not experience difficulties in learning or communicating with peers. There are no antisocial personalities in his circle of friends. The child is sociable and knows his way around people in everyday life. The role model is the father.

No disturbances or deviations in physical and mental development were noticed. The mother is involved in raising the child, since the father spends less time at home (due to work). There is no pronounced influence from the mother. There are no excessive demands placed on the child, and there is no particular disagreement in this area. The style of upbringing in the family is democratic. The child is independent in making many decisions, but everything is within reason. He spends his personal time with friends or with his family; his opinion is not suppressed by any of his parents. Education at school is not very strictly controlled. The manifestation of congruence and empathy towards the child is high, no nagging or criticism towards him was noticed.

Advantages of a favorable climate

Being in such a family brings joy, calm, anxiety relief and necessary relaxation. People strive to quickly return to their family circle after work, knowing that they will understand, support, listen to them, give the right advice, and simply be able to cheer them up or give them the opportunity to relax quietly.

    In turn, staying in a family with a favorable psychological climate can solve the following personal problems:
  • reduce the intensity of emotions from a conflict situation at work, among friends, etc.;
  • relieve stress and reduce panic;
  • increase your self-esteem;
  • return harmony to the perception of life;
  • realize your abilities, etc.

Of course, there are no ideal families, just as there is no completely cloudless idealistic picture of family life. But, if all family members work hard on themselves and their relationships, strive to listen and hear the other, express mutual respect and trust, make compromises, take into account the desires and requirements of the partner, then such a family will be able to create an atmosphere in the house where there will be emotional and psychologically comfortable for each of its members. And this is the main goal for loving people.

Problem-oriented knowledge block 1 - General preventive information

Family dysfunctions -

These are features of her life that make it difficult or prevent the family from performing its functions. A very wide range of factors can contribute to violations: the personalities of its members and the relationships between them, certain living conditions of the family. For example, the reason for violations of the educational function of the family can be the parents’ lack of appropriate knowledge and skills, and violations in their relationships (conflicts on issues of education, interference of other family members, etc.).

Functions of the family... The functioning of the family, directly related to meeting the needs of its members, is called the function of the family. “There are as many family functions as there are types of needs that it satisfies in a stable, repeating form” (Soloviev N. Ya., 1977). The family's performance of its functions is important not only for its members, but also for society as a whole.

The main signs of a normal psychological climate in the family

The main condition for psychological stability in the family is considered to be compliance with the basic rule, which is often forgotten over the years of family life. After all, the union of two partners should in fact become the basis for creating an atmosphere of a kind of idyll in which each family member will find relaxation and support.

    That is why, when speaking about favorable family relationships, we first of all mean:
  • mutual respect between all family members;
  • respectful attitude towards elders - grandparents;

    INTERESTING! According to some studies, the secret of the longevity of Caucasian elders lies in a respectful attitude. After all, over the years, they do not become unnecessary and unauthoritative for their loved ones, as is customary in many families here, but on the contrary, their opinion is considered the most important, they are listened to and they constantly feel their need for loved ones.

  • cohesion and friendly attitude;
  • feeling of security and willingness to help;
  • trust and the opportunity to share your problems and thoughts;
  • emotional satisfaction, etc.

If you see a family that tries to spend a lot of time together, has its own traditions, listens to the opinions of each member and can openly discuss all problems - rest assured that this is a vivid example of a favorable psycho-emotional climate.

Socio-psychological characteristics of personality

Personal development is determined by various factors: the unique physiology of higher nervous activity, anatomical and physiological characteristics, the environment and society, and the field of activity. The uniqueness of the physiology of a person’s higher nervous activity is the specificity of the functioning of his nervous system, expressed in various characteristics: the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, the manifestation of temperament, emotions and feelings in behavior, etc.

Social and psychological characteristics of personality. The personality of a person as a member of society is in the sphere of influence of various relationships that develop in the process of production and consumption of material goods. The process of personality formation occurs both under the influence of the sphere of political relations and ideology. Ideology as a system of ideas about society has a huge impact on a person, largely shaping the content of his psychology, worldview, individual and social attitudes. The psychology of an individual is also influenced by the relationships of people in the social group to which she belongs.

The role of psychological climate in raising a child

The development of a little person and his formation as a person directly depend on the atmosphere within the family and the relationship between parents. All problems and risk factors will be automatically projected into his adult life and will certainly be repeated by deeper conflicts in his own family. First of all, you need to remember and realize that nothing educates like a personal example. You can spend hours lecturing your child about politeness, but you will not stop being rude to your grandmother or wife - believe me, your child will remember exactly the negative example. Therefore, mature individuals take a responsible approach to the issue of educating the younger generation and begin this process through self-improvement. They are ready to re-learn the truths of life and learn the correct dogmas of relationships in the family, so that the child absorbs them like a sponge and gets a chance in the future to become a successful and self-confident member of society.

    What needs to be done to raise a child normally:
  • praise him for his successes and achievements, increasing his self-esteem, self-confidence and contributing to his future achievements;
  • set an example of trusting relationships, instilling in the child respect for others and responsibility for the trust shown;
  • constantly believe in the strength of your child, support him in his plans and endeavors, giving qualified advice and gently suggesting the best options;
  • try to be there in difficult situations for the child, learning to see the world and relationships through his eyes, giving support and confidence that he can count on your help and attention under any circumstances;
  • do not focus on the child’s shortcomings, helping him to realize that all people are different and you need to be able to accept them as they are;
  • be honest and fair even in small things, then these qualities will be in your heir;
  • surround him with love and goodwill, let him see the positive in the world, starting with his parental family and transferring this model in the future to his own family.

By raising a child this way, you can be sure not only of his happy childhood and comfort with his family. With the acquired knowledge, habits and character traits, he will be able to build the right relationships in any team, will set the right goals and will definitely create a family where harmony and mutual understanding will reign. If a child does not receive additional attention and love in the family from childhood, then you need to seriously worry about his mental, emotional and psychological health. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to avoid such an attitude towards him:

  • excessive unconstructive criticism, which will sprout hatred towards loved ones, and then towards all the people around them;
  • reprimands and reproaches at the slightest reason, causing him to constantly feel a sense of guilt and his own imperfection;
  • set an example of loud scandals and quarrels within the family, which teach aggression and an inadequate reaction to life circumstances;
  • mocking failures and reproaching them for losses - this will lead to isolation of the child and make him doubt his strengths and capabilities.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention should be paid to the psychological climate in a family where a child with developmental disabilities is growing up. Their reaction to the surrounding negativity is brighter and deeper, and can be dangerous to health and life. On the contrary, warm relationships and sympathetic attention help such children develop better.

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