What to tell a man to make him crazy about you. 9 psychological techniques to make a man crazy about you.

Beautiful appearance

Men love with their eyes, and this is no secret to anyone. If you want to find a worthy gentleman, then you need to look accordingly. What girls do men go crazy for? From the beautiful ones. Look in the mirror and critically evaluate your appearance. If you see rashes on your face, hair roots that need dyeing, or poorly styled hair, go to a beauty salon. A girl must look amazing to attract a rich and smart man. Pay attention to your clothes. What girls do guys go crazy for? Definitely not from those ladies who flaunt all their charms. There must be a mystery in a woman. Choose suitable outfits that will highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. Leave revealing dresses in the store. Miniskirts and deep necklines are not in trend today. Feminine knee-length dresses will look much more modern and prettier. Pay attention to accessories. An elegant bracelet can emphasize a thin wrist, and a thin chain can focus attention on the collarbones.

How to drive guys crazy from a distance

First of all, it should be said that while maintaining a man’s interest, he must, in principle, be kept at a distance.

  • In what sense?

Yes, the fact is that no matter how long and strong your relationship is, a woman should always remain a woman and not lose her charm and charm. As a rule, even when dating a really good girl, guys still look at others.

  • Why?

Yes, because you never have to stop loving yourself. If you know your worth, then your significant other will know it too. Maintaining interest in your spouse and arousing passionate emotions every time is not so difficult - just be yourself and do not forget who you are. Very quickly, all feminine charm is lost with the start of a serious relationship.

You don’t care anymore, you’re building a family. And this is where the crash happens. In addition to being a mother and a caring wife, you are also a woman. Don't let him forget about it.

If your relationship is just beginning, you need to drive men crazy towards you with some detachment. He won’t be interested if you run headlong into every meeting and express your wild joy, even when this is the case. Do not immediately show your affection, but keep, as they say, on a short leash. This creates intrigue, and he will make every effort to take possession of such an independent and self-sufficient person.

Sense of humor

Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns... Which women do men go crazy about? Zodiac signs don't matter! But a sense of humor plays an important role. A girl must be witty in order to win the affection of the man she likes. A lady who jokes well and appropriately can become the person a guy wants to see next to him all the time. Representatives of the stronger sex love those women who know how to laugh not only at their own jokes, but also at other people’s jokes. It is important for any man that his interlocutor can appreciate his humor. Jokes can defuse the atmosphere and set the right tone for the conversation. If a woman appreciates a man's humor, he is flattered. Any guy wants to be a hero for his chosen one, and he needs to see confirmation of irresistibility in his beloved eyes. But you shouldn’t laugh and giggle at every saying of the object of your sympathy - be sincere.


A girl is a gentle creature that can be admired. This is exactly what all men think. Therefore, the lady should support this theory and behave accordingly. Men expect a woman to show affection. Guys like to look strong and smart next to their chosen one. Men want to protect their lady and woo her. Rudeness, lack of flirtatiousness and flat jokes confuse men. They don’t know how to behave with a woman who resembles a man in her behavior, who herself will carry about five or ten kilograms of potatoes and move a sofa or cabinet without his participation. Guys perceive such ladies as friends, but not as an object of admiration. Femininity should be manifested in everything - from clothing (torn jeans and voluminous shirts out of the wardrobe!) to the girl’s behavior. In this case, the guy will be able to admire his chosen one and feel confident next to her.


Ladies who chase guys are left alone. A woman should be cold and unapproachable. But you shouldn’t go too far and turn into the Snow Queen either. Everything is good in moderation. Such a person places herself highly and waits until a worthy candidate is found who can melt the ice of her heart. Which women do men go crazy over and which ones do they leave? A girl who does not allow a man to pass through, calls him hourly and constantly demands attention, will soon be left alone. A lady who behaves coldly, seems mysterious and interesting, attracts representatives of the stronger sex. A man wants to find the key to his heart and understand what is hidden under the mask of feigned indifference. The guys are pleased to take the fortress by storm. If a girl diligently demonstrates her sympathy to a guy on the first date, you shouldn’t wait for a second meeting. People don’t value what comes into their own hands. But the prize that you have to achieve is especially valuable. Yes, from time to time a girl should show her affection, but it should not be on a permanent basis. A lady should keep a man in suspense all the time. Then the gentleman will not lose his vigilance and, even after long romantic courtship, will not stop presenting the woman with gifts and will not tire of surprising her.

Get her off the chain! 14 women told how to drive them crazy in bed

As part of my job, I regularly get acquainted with the scientific works of leading sexologists. This is not a simple and enjoyable read. They explain themselves ornately, and most of the terms they use can be safely recommended to speech therapists as training sayings. Popular brochures on sex for beginners are written in a slightly more lively language - they even sometimes include the words “leg” or “arm”.

Text: Ilya Kirdanov

However, all this supporting literature leaves the feeling that you can truly please a woman only by a) memorizing an anatomical reference book, b) picking up a bag of sophisticated equipment from a sex shop, and c) generally taking a more experienced friend with you. Is everything really so dramatic, and women can actually experience orgasm only in the “dragon storming the Golutvin fortress” position with simultaneous stimulation of the G, K and U points, provided that the X function constantly tends to zero?... Fortunately, practice In sex, theory is much simpler.

1. Call her by name

— Ira, 28 years old: “When a man calls me by name during sex, it’s very exciting. I feel that at this moment he is excited not by the abstract female body, but by ME, that he thinks about ME, that he wants ME. Any alienation and constraint immediately disappear from this.”

What do you usually say in bed? “Yes... that's it... well... uh!” Just make this five-word combination a little more complicated by throwing her name in there. “Yes... Mashenka... like this... Mashenka... well... Mashenka... uh... Mashenka!” And let's hope that her real name is Mashenka.

2. Play with her hair

— Marina, 23 years old: “When my boyfriend fingers my hair and kisses it, my whole body gets goosebumps and I immediately want to get into bed with him.”

The woman's entire body is densely covered with hair. No, really. If you don’t believe me, bring a magnifying glass into the bedroom someday and take a look. (A black eye will go away quickly, and the knowledge gained will remain for life.) Each microscopic hair is a kind of antenna that transmits excitation signals to nearby nerve endings. When you touch only the hairs - without touching the skin, so as not to “jam” the signal - a woman becomes more excited than from direct touch. But this is not so easy to do - the hairs are too short (or even completely removed at the root by a depilator). Fortunately, a woman also has longer antennae on her body, which can be easily stroked, fingered and ruffled, avoiding direct contact with the skin. For example, on her head. Well, where else can you find it?

3. Kiss her

— Vika, 29 years old: “The main thing in sex is a kiss on the lips. This is the most intimate, the most tender, the most exciting and the best of all that a man is capable of.”

As for “the best I can do” - here, of course, you can argue - just remember, for example, the moon landing or the corner taken by Akinfeev a minute before the final... Nevertheless: women love when they are kissed. Although they have a lot to kiss, they hold a kiss on the lips as a 100% hit the mark. This is how the same young lady describes a “competent kiss”:

— Vika: “He starts with a light touch of lips to lips, then his tongue begins to slide easily around the mouth, makes its way to my tongue, moves rhythmically, but not too fast. Such a powerful and tender kiss immediately makes me dizzy!”

4. Caress her face

— Lisa, 32 years old: “I love it when my husband runs his finger along my cheekbones, kisses my chin, touches my eyebrows and eyelids. I see that he admires me, and at this moment I feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet.”

We pay attention to the woman's face only after a visual inspection of the lower floors. It's different for women. They will never whistle after a guy with a good figure unless they first see with their own eyes that he has a full set of eyebrows, nose and chin on his head - the female sex generally values ​​details more than the overall plan. For a woman, the face is the foundation, the mirror of the soul - that is why she is able to spend millions of money and man-hours on painting, massaging, polishing and operating on it.

5. Prepare the area

— Agnia, 19 years old: “It seems to me that it is very important that the man you come home to has order everywhere. I’m not talking about the books standing straight and there being no dust - that’s nonsense. But fresh linen, order in the bathroom, a clean shirt that I could throw on - all this would indicate his attention to me. And if he makes sure that there is water, fruit, sweets and burning candles next to the bed, then I will decide that this is the best and most caring lover!”

And don't forget to lock Lord Marlborough in the back room. Women love dogs, but they find it difficult to orgasm when bulldogs snuffle and lick their heels.

6. Don't let her out of your hands

— Lena, 25 years old: “What I love most is when during sex a man continues to caress me with his hands. He doesn’t just grab my knee or elbow, but runs his palms over my thighs, stomach, back and chest. It’s probably very difficult because few people do it.”

Naive Lena! Of course, it’s not difficult for us—it’s just that somehow we can’t get our hands on it. Although there is a rational grain in this - while a man is distracted by caresses and stimulation, he slows down the onset of his orgasm and speeds up the onset of the female one.

7. Touch gently

— Natasha, 27 years old: “Many men grab their nipples first, but only a few know how to handle them correctly. The fact is that women's nipples are very sensitive, and a rough touch not only does not excite, but, on the contrary, causes discomfort. I much prefer it when a man caresses the area next to him than directly pressing on this button. When this is done delicately, gently, I really get turned on.”

Women and I understand the phrase “treat gently” differently. Women's imagination draws cotton balls and feathers, but we would rather imagine a scratch skin. Therefore, use a proven method - before reaching for any interesting objects - lick your fingers. Moisture will protect the sensitive area even from very vigorous tenderness.

8. Give her risqué compliments.

— Irina, 23 years old: “I used to be quite shy and even embarrassed to undress, but my last boyfriend turned me into a completely different woman. He constantly told me that I was the most beautiful, the sexiest, that my breasts made him lose his mind, and that all other women next to me were complete nothing. I was so used to hearing that I was irresistible that I believed it myself and was no longer embarrassed by anything.”

Compliments about your eyes and hair won't hurt either. However, she already knows that she looks great today. She was informed about this by her hairdresser and those one hundred and eighty colleagues who have nothing better to do at work than wander from office to office and scatter compliments. But from you, and only from you, she can find out that her butt is crazy, and in bed she moves like a porn star. (Unless your best friend Dimon informed her about this. From your words, of course.)

9. Move in circles

— Natasha, 35 years old: “A good lover differs from a bad one in that he does everything naturally. When he caresses a woman, he does not invent anything, but simply follows the way nature created the female body. After all, we all consist of solid circles - breasts, buttocks, lips, cheeks, knees... And the hands of a man, gently repeating these circles, awaken the voice of nature in a woman, turning her into a female, into an animal - waiting and passionate.”

So let's move in a circle. (Although it would be nice to find out what kind of female this Natasha is going to turn into - there are also those who, at the climax, prefer to snack on their mating partners.)

10. Finish on time

— Anya, 26 years old: “I can’t always achieve orgasm - and not because the man does something wrong, it’s just that sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t. And it’s very good when a partner understands this and doesn’t turn sex into an endless, exhausting race for the blue bird. After which I will also feel guilty that he tried so hard, but I couldn’t. Let him simply warn me that he is ready to cum, and if I feel that I myself could still reach climax, I will tell him: “Just a little more, honey!” And if I say: “Yes, I’m waiting for you!” - then let him finish.”

All sexologists and all women unanimously assure: a woman is able to get full satisfaction from sex without even experiencing an orgasm. You and I won’t understand this, but we’ll take their word for it.

11. Change the script

— Tamara, 31 years old: “For me, the most important thing in sex is the moment of surprise. When the whole program is known in advance, it is difficult to get truly excited, and when it is repeated day after day... This is where women begin to cheat on their men.”

Even if your girlfriend has never expressed any complaints about routine in sex, this does not mean that she is completely satisfied with it. You, too, are not causing scandals because for six months now you have been fed “heroic dumplings” for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Still, some variety in your diet wouldn't put you off, right? Here's hers too. Moreover, to introduce this “diversity” you do not at all need to surgically enlarge your penis and go to bed in leather shorts and handcuffs. It will be enough to just slightly modify the usual procedure. Did you always kiss her first on the lips, then on the chest, and then on the navel, then move into the missionary position and finish in doggy style? Start today with the navel and doggy style, end with passionate kisses, and leave the missionary alone for now. A week of such exercises, and it is possible that one fine day the girl will also expand the boundaries of her consciousness and order pizza.

12. Take off your clothes

— Katya, 18 years old: “I love it when a man is completely naked. I like to feel the hair on his chest, his muscles, the warmth of his skin with my body. Having sex with clothes on is the same as eating while standing up: only if you really feel like it.”

However, if she herself is wearing pajamas or a mink coat at this moment, you do not have to be completely naked.

13. Do something special

— Sveta, 23 years old: “I had a man who loved, caressing me with his hand “there”, at the same time putting my index finger in his mouth and sucking it. It was wonderful. Nobody does this anymore, which is a shame!

And you can affectionately bite her on the top of her head, tickle her heels, bury the back of her head in her crotch... It’s not even a matter of what exactly you do, but that only you do it. And the girl will think a hundred times before breaking up with you. Yes, in her absence, you threw a bachelor party at home with corrupt women and unhygienic animals, you were rude to her mother, you broke her favorite cup... but who else, besides you, would be so wonderful to play “rails, rails, sleepers” on her back? sleepers"?

14. Give her something to drink

— Sonya, 27 years old: “It’s terrible, but when I’m drunk, I like everything that my husband does. I'm usually pretty calm. But as soon as I drink one or two glasses of champagne, I turn into a sex bomb and do things that the next day I’m ashamed to remember about it.”

And Sonya is not the only one where such incidents happen. According to statistical surveys, 80% of women admit that alcohol increases their sensuality and increases their ability to orgasm.

Original link: https://www.maximonline.ru/skills/sex/_article/break-loose-sex/

Thoughts and positions published on the site are the property of the authors, and may not coincide with the point of view of the editors of BlogNews.am.




A girl should be confident in her strengths, talents and abilities. Such ladies are interesting, you want to communicate with them. Pay attention to which women men go crazy about. Reviews from self-confident beauties allow us to conclude that representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to self-sufficient individuals. Women who can support themselves, who have an interesting job, hobbies and social circle are attractive. It's always a pleasure to communicate with an interesting person. You can learn a lot from him and you can learn a lot. Healthy egoism should be present in any person. You need to adapt to your partner, but you shouldn’t lose yourself. Those who do not know their worth dissolve in relationships. They sacrifice everything for the sake of another and end up losing. You cannot give up your principles, especially at the beginning of a relationship. If a girl knows her worth, she will look much more attractive in the eyes of a man than one who agrees to devote her life to stupid worship.


First, you need to learn not how to drive men crazy, but find out what aspects of behavior and appearance repel them. Check out the list of things that irritate the stronger sex most about ladies. Get rid of this, because it will already be considered a huge step forward.

Which ladies do men like the most?

The first thing that is worth mentioning is the fact that ideas about ideal female beauty differ between ladies and the stronger sex. This means that you can present yourself as negatively as you like, but men will consider you a goddess. That is why, in order to be successful in love, it is important to rely on men’s priorities and desires, and not on your own, although it is also necessary to like yourself, because this generates confidence. Confident women give off a special energy that men like.

Merry . Men love it when women joke and make them laugh. If you were not born with a sense of humor and jokes are difficult for you, then try to learn to understand men's merciless humor, which is often dark. This will significantly increase your chances of success in love and make you more attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

A little childish . Infantility is not childishness or childish actions. This is, first of all, sincerity and openness, coupled with small notes of a “little girl” in your character. Men love it when women feel like small and defenseless fragile creatures. This is why it is very difficult to please them if you are a strict businesswoman with a rebellious character.

Those who know how to listen . When a girl talks a lot, it really annoys men. They also don’t like it when women interrupt, are not interested in them, and after each phrase they begin to turn the topic on themselves. The men admitted that they really like talking to those ladies who listen to them with enthusiasm.

Mysterious . A riddle always creates a positive impression. The main thing is not to overdo it with mystery and enigma, so as not to “fly away” to the black list on the first day of acquaintance. Many men hate secrets because they often associate them with deception and “dynamism.”

Active . Activity means the ability to meet people halfway when meeting people and at the beginning of a relationship. Sometimes it is useful to offer to meet yourself. Sometimes it is important to be able to initiate acquaintances. At the same time, it is advisable not to do everything for the man, but simply push him to take important steps.

Beautiful . This is the most important point. It must be remembered that every man has his own special views on female beauty. Some people like slimness, some like fatness. Still others love an athletic physique (it's in fashion now), small breasts and muscles. It is important not to try to please every man, although there are a couple of tips for this:

  • Don't put on a lot of makeup. The abundance of makeup is off-putting;
  • Do not dress too brightly and revealingly;
  • try to look natural.

As already said, the most important thing is confidence. It is important to love yourself, because in this case the behavior pattern changes and a special charm appears. People who like themselves are very attractive. You can see them a mile away, everyone around them likes them. This is very important, because in this case your career will also go uphill.

What can kill your charm?

Untouchability . There are ladies who “don’t get to know each other.” With their entire appearance they show that they are not interested in anyone, although they are dressed rather vulgarly. Men try to avoid these because they only evoke negative emotions.

A large number of decorations . According to surveys, this creates the impression in men's minds that you are trying to look younger. The less jewelry you wear, the more likely you are to please young men.

Men don't like it when a woman is too concerned about how she looks . Appearance undoubtedly plays a huge role in the development of sympathy, but it is not the only thing that can help you find love. Appearance is just a shell that attracts attention. True love appears only after a conversation, after a man recognizes a woman’s character.

You can become more popular with men without changing radically. Check out the tips on how to do this if you want to find love and start liking the stronger sex, but want to remain yourself.

Our Yandex.Zen channel always has the most interesting articles on this topic. Be sure to subscribe!

March 5 00:42

Self love

What kind of women do men go crazy and fall in love with (womanizers don’t count)? Selfish, lovely creatures are always surrounded by countless fans. Ladies who act like bitches are attractive and charming. But life with them turns into torture. Another thing is healthy love and self-respect. A person who loves himself is visible from afar. And if a girl is loved, then she will attract a lot of gentlemen. Do not spare money for your own pleasures. Spend time at the spa, go to the lakes more often, relax, enjoy life. A self-sufficient person who allows himself weaknesses will be happy. And happy people are always more attractive than those who decide to save on themselves. The contribution to your beauty, health and moral satisfaction cannot be overestimated. Remember the famous saying: if you don’t love yourself, no one will love you. Therefore, there is no need to postpone pleasures for later or share them with someone else. There is only one life, and you need to live it in such a way that you don’t regret anything in old age.

How to drive a man crazy: rules of behavior for a Real Woman

No one else arouses the interest of men like a confident woman. Her confidence should extend to everything - her own exclusivity, attractiveness and irresistibility, her intelligence and professionalism, her sexual literacy and ability to understand men. However, confidence in the above advantages should not be based on empty space, since this will already be self-confidence. And a “dummy” who imagines herself to be a queen can only irritate a man. Therefore, it is necessary to always improve in everything.

  • Appearance

Your confidence in your own irresistibility should not be based on confirmation of this by men. The phrases “Have I gained weight?”, “Does this hairstyle make me look old?”, “Does this dress suit me?” should have no place in your vocabulary. “Look how great I am with this haircut!”, “I’m just a queen in this outfit!” - this is what should sound from your lips. Of course, you yourself must be sure that the tight dress fits you perfectly, and that folds formed by extra pounds do not show through the fabric.

In general, if you want to know how to drive a man crazy, then you must erase sloppiness and untidiness from your life. Even if you have a long-term relationship with a man, this is not a reason to relax and wear curlers and a cucumber mask on your face in front of him, not take off your washed robe for weeks and not brush your teeth on weekends. By the way, personal hygiene should always come first.

  • Communication

The second point in the qualities of a real woman is the ability to communicate. To many women it seems quite simple - what’s the big deal, sit and talk. But! The fact of the matter is that for men it is not your ability to speak that is valuable, but your ability to listen. When a woman really listens to a man, for real, and without pretending, she instantly becomes damn attractive and desirable.

When communicating with a man, let him know that he is special and extremely interesting to you. However, don’t cross the line and start bothering him with your interest. This refers to frequent calls and SMS with the phrase “I miss you”, demands for a report on what and where he will do in the next 24 hours.

Ask a man about his hobbies, plans for life, opinions about a particular event, person, book, movie, etc. But don’t be interested in the number of women in his life or his salary. Over time, he himself will tell about it if he considers it necessary. By the way, another common mistake women make in communication is an attempt to dump all the information about themselves on a man. Should not be doing that. Firstly, it is absolutely not necessary for him to know how many lovers you had, and for what reason you broke up with them, and secondly, the less he knows about you, the more interest and desire to get to know you will arouse in him.

  • Character

No woman can master the science of how to drive a man crazy without having a light and pleasant character. In the modern world it is difficult to always be friendly and nice. The struggle for a place in the sun in our time can turn even Cinderella into an evil bitch. But would the prince fall in love with her if she were like that? No, that means you should avoid such qualities. Whatever problems occur in your life, do not allow anger, envy, or causticism to take over. Are you angry? Do not suppress anger, do not accumulate it, but throw it out immediately if it is appropriate in this situation.

Don't be sarcastic about others - it will make you look bad. And even more so, you should not throw out the poison of envy and anger towards other women, no matter who they are and no matter how they treat you.

  • Sexual looseness

Man + sex – an inseparable tandem. This is the sphere in which a woman can reign undividedly and command. True, for this you need to be sexually literate and relaxed. Routine, monotonous sex is the main reason for men’s wanderings and divorces. Evaluate your sexual preferences wisely and answer yourself honestly

to the question, how do you behave in bed? Are you relaxed? Do you often take the initiative? If you answer no to these questions, then you will have to learn the basics of science on how to drive a man crazy in bed.

Soviet education taught us that intimate life is something shameful and dirty. Several generations have grown up with the phrase “There is no sex in the USSR,” and, despite all the lifting of most prohibitions, many women still harbor shy Komsomol members, squeezed on all sides by the conventions of sex education “in the Soviet way.”

No man will enjoy intimacy with you if you don't enjoy it. Show your attractiveness and develop it. Buy a beautiful set of lingerie and wear it whenever you want to feel like a fabulous seductress. Don't be afraid to look stupid, a woman who wants to be wanted and satisfied looks like a goddess.

Take the initiative more often, and not only in the bedroom behind closed doors, but in the bathroom, kitchen, and living room (of course, when you are alone with your loved one).

Take some strip-plasty classes. It may not be possible to master all the intricacies of strip dancing, but the acquired skills will help you feel bolder and more relaxed, and better understand and control your body.

Own opinion

Anyone should have their own opinion and not be afraid to express it. What kind of women do men go crazy and fall in love with? Representatives of the stronger sex like ladies with whom they can talk and argue. Guys love to discuss world events and interesting ideas. Men don't like gossip, and they don't like to spoil the bones of their acquaintances. Therefore, a girl who wants to gain the favor of men must have a broad outlook in order to be able to support any conversation. Don't be afraid to express your opinion. Truth is born in dispute. A man will not judge a lady, even if her opinion is wrong. The very fact that a woman openly talks about what she likes and what she dislikes is worthy of respect. Some ladies are embarrassed to refuse activities that they do not like. You shouldn't do this. After all, if you set yourself up incorrectly at the beginning of a relationship, it’s stupid to wait for a good romance. A woman should enjoy a relationship no less than that which a man receives. There is no need to be afraid to show your character, men like it.

All men desire these 9 things in bed. How to drive him crazy

Putting aside jokes about kefir and the TV remote control, which men constantly dream about in bed, we will give you tips on how to drive him crazy. Ready? Enjoy!


Men like women who take the initiative in sex or, even better, provoke the sexual act itself. The banal truth is that there is nothing more seductive for him than a horny girl wanting passionate sex with him.

It is very important for your lover to constantly know that you want him. Don't be afraid to show your enthusiasm spontaneously. For example, by sending an erotic message in broad daylight. But... Be careful! Don’t get carried away with this power and return the reins of power to him more often. A man welcomes the initiative, but a woman’s transition to aggressive behavior in bed will cause admiration only among a few.


For men, sex is quite a priority activity and therefore may well become a powerful argument in favor of long and happy love, and for a woman - a kind of lever for managing relationships. Experimenting in bed is an excellent stimulant for men. Sexual desire is like appetite: we all want to try different tastes because eating the same thing is boring. A man wants to see a woman in bed who can give him new, unique sensations.


Not only women love with their ears and need to hear compliments and praise for their appearance from time to time. Men are very susceptible to sweet (and slightly flattering) remarks and words. Your partner wants to know that he has something special that turns her on. This may concern his appearance, a move he made, a good joke, or his intellectual abilities. Feel free to tell him what qualities you find extremely sexy, and his self-esteem will increase.


During sex, leave the light on and thereby demonstrate your trust to your partner. Men really like to see women naked, look at them, study them, get to know every part of their body. Stop making love in the dark or wrapping yourself in sheets! It is not necessary to light all the light bulbs in the house; the intimate light of a couple of candles, the glow of a switched-on TV, or rays of light brazenly breaking through a curtain are enough. Use these little tricks to create a movie-like effect. Men are visual by nature and get aroused by looking at their partner. In addition, most representatives of the stronger sex dream that their ladies also enjoy watching the intimate process. Those who dare to engage in explicit self-stimulation under the lights in front of their man will receive an additional passionate bonus.


Any man wants his woman to be “easy-going” and not shy about her erotic desires. There is nothing sexier than making your partner's love fantasies come true. Many men are afraid to admit their dreams for fear of rejection. Tell him about your fantasies and ask him about his. Take the first step towards making them come true: you don’t have to do everything exactly as planned, but you can find a compromise that will help both of you enjoy the process. Or, even better, come up with and carry out your dream sexual experiment together.


Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears - sounds in bed excite them. In the concept of “ideal lover,” they, among other things, include a soft, low timbre of voice and a quiet, seductive manner of speaking. Too many words are not needed. You shouldn’t talk incessantly in your ear about how your day went.

An interesting way to ignite serious passions is with “dirty” words. Strong swearing in bed must be done in a timely and masterly manner. Silly shouting of brutal nouns, verbs and adjectives can lead to irritation. Take a closer look: if there are signs of exclusively emotional, but not sexual arousal, then, most likely, the partner is simply furious.


Why spend big money on erotic lingerie if it's going to end up on the floor in two minutes? Slow down! Men adore beautiful and well-wrapped gifts and are truly delighted and awed, anticipating how they will unwrap it.

Undress slowly and slowly. He will be delighted with the “preview of the picture” that will soon be in his hands. Wear your sexiest lingerie, complete your look with lace stockings and boldly take your loved one into a room with a large mirror.


Are you the kind of woman who needs to have everything thought out and ready to make love? Or in sex, as in life, do you love the element of surprise? Spontaneity is the perfect fuel for libido. Men love everything unknown, they like to feel adrenaline and new discoveries in sex. The surprise factor promotes the production of the hormone dopamine, which enhances the feeling of satisfaction and special pleasure from life.

For example, every man thinks about sex in unusual places, like in erotic movies. You don’t want someone else to be the main character, do you? Invite your partner to have sex at a private picnic or at the pool.


Over time, a moment inevitably comes in a couple's sexual relationship when both find 1-2 positions in which they feel comfortable. But, as statistics show, a large number of couples break up due to the fact that they are “bored in bed.” Do not hesitate to try new and unexpected things, guide your partner in the right direction with words. Men are accustomed to constantly replenish their knowledge in practice. Move, look for new poses to help him make enchanting discoveries. And remember the golden rule of all men, without exception: a real woman should be a mistress in the kitchen, a modest guest and a lover in bed.



Men love to discuss world problems. Guys like to discuss books and films. To be on the same page with your significant other, you need to develop yourself. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Psychologists say that men like smart girls. You can spend one night with a beautiful, glamorous, but stupid blonde (this in no way means that all blondes are devoid of intelligence, just an example), but a smart and wealthy guy will not connect his life with her, and will not start a family with a beautiful fool. After all, first of all, a man chooses a woman who is capable of giving birth and raising heirs. A smart mother can give a lot to her children, but a stupid mother, even if very beautiful, will give nothing. Develop your intellect, read more, watch science shows and improve your skills. A lady should be an integral person with her own interests. But at the same time, her horizons should not be limited to work. Ideally, you need to be able to support any topic, and if the lady doesn’t like the topic or is unfamiliar with it, the girl should be able to take the conversation in a direction that is more convenient for her.

Ability to provide support

A woman should become a friend to a man. Guys love to help their girlfriends. They feel like heroes when they drive a nail into a wall or hang a shelf in the right place. Don't be afraid to ask a man for help. Guys are just waiting for the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to a lady. But they expect the same zeal from a woman. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Psychologists say that guys like those ladies who are able to provide their loved one with help and support. A lady should not leave a man in a difficult life situation. If your lover is going through a difficult period right now, you need to be there. Simple words of encouragement can have a magical effect. Men never forget those who were nearby during a difficult moment in life. True friends are tested by grief. And if a woman did not leave a guy in trouble, this is an indicator of true feelings. Words play a lesser role for men; they trust actions more.

What to tell a man so that he wants to appreciate and love you. Top 7 phrases to say to a man

  • Tell him about your love. Don't look for a reason or the right time. Greet him with words of love from work when he wakes up or goes to rest, sits down to watch TV or has dinner. Believe me, men like the phrase “I love you” no less than women. If you want, leave him a note, describing the full strength of your feelings. When he wakes up, he will happily remember once again how happy he is.
  • Tell him how proud you are of him. No matter what he does, no matter what he says, no matter what he decides, no matter how he acts, there will always be that moment when you can tell him that he is worthy of your respect. How could it be different if you agreed to become his wife or bride. He brought home an unfortunate puppy, a kitten, a stray dog, who did not even hope that he would be noticed and saved. Don’t say that you don’t have the strength to look after the animal, but tell him how kind he is and that you are behind him like behind a stone wall. All difficulties will be left behind, and you will forever remember what a big heart your loved one has, seeing how your new pet clings to his lap, thanking him for saving him.
  • There is always a reason to say what “golden” hands he has, because when something breaks, you immediately turn to him for help so that he can help and fix it. How many broken things he was able to fix, or, in the end, buy. And in a difficult situation, is it really not a man who is looking for a way out, what to do and how to be. The main thing is not to forget that sometimes men need words of admiration and approval more than women.

Know how to listen

Girls talk a lot. They can discuss fashion, mutual friends or celebrities with guys. Such conversations are not very popular with the stronger half of humanity. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Guys are impressed by girls who know how to listen. Men like to express their opinion on issues that concern them, as well as share their work problems. A lady should show interest in everything a man tells her. Trust and attention are the basis of any healthy relationship. Even when they first meet, guys pay attention to how interesting the listener is in what they say. If a man sees sincere interest on the part of a girl, he will try to continue the relationship. A lady who remains indifferent to men's problems will soon remain lonely. Normal human relationships are built on reciprocity. If a lady does not pay attention to what is interesting to a guy, he will quickly lose interest in his interlocutor.

Be unique

A girl can amaze a man with her uniqueness. Therefore, you should not turn into one of the typical beauties. When creating your image, think about the highlight that will attract the opposite sex. What kind of women do men go crazy for? From those that can captivate the eye and captivate the soul. A lady must learn to be charming not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Try to develop your own techniques for attracting and maintaining attention. These can be funny jokes or cute stories from life. Be flirty and charming.

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