How to check if your wife loves you?

How to understand that your wife wants sex?

Men often do not understand female hints and therefore, even in such a matter as sex, you should be aware of her “signals”:

  • Ambiguous glances, long glances, looks straight into the eyes.
  • Bends and bends too low in front of a man
  • Stroking the inner thigh with your palm
  • Kisses on the lips, ears, neck
  • Sexy outfits, open robes
  • Demonstration or speech that a woman has bought new underwear, panties or stockings.
  • A hint that the children will be with their grandmother in the evening and the evening is free.
  • An offer to buy wine or champagne for the evening.
  • Imitating the behavior of a cat, purring, for example.

How can you tell if your wife is hinting at sex?

How to understand that your wife is cheating: signs

After many years of married life, it often happens that a woman finds an outlet for herself in romantic relationships with other men . In order not to be deceived by a man who is betrayed and saturated with a “rotten marriage,” you should recognize the signs of your wife’s betrayal, as they say, “in the first place.”

What could be the signs of a wife cheating on you?

  • Returning home after a day of work or going to the store, a woman behaves too excitedly and emotionally. She often forgets something, her memory and attention are scattered, and her thoughts seem to be “flying in the clouds.” It’s worse if you notice such frequency constantly. Moreover, she does not answer questions about her condition and avoids conversation in every possible way.
  • Pay attention to your wife's appearance. If she always returned home from work tired and depressed, and recently she began to diligently take care of her makeup and hairstyle - she is clearly trying to look good for someone.
  • Pay attention to how your wife behaves when communicating with someone on the Internet or on the phone: does she hide who she is talking to, as well as what she is talking about. It is worth considering your wife’s behavior during a conversation: her smiling, jokes, laughter.
  • A special “red flag” for alarm is the “secrecy” of your wife and the setting of passwords on the phone and computer.
  • You should also be concerned when your wife constantly “disappears” somewhere: at work, on a visit, at a meeting with friends, and so on.
  • If a woman has become overly irritable with or without reason, this is a sign that she is not satisfied with you.

Signs that your wife is cheating

How to understand that your wife wants to return?

There are also situations when, after a breakup, a woman wants to return to her ex again. Her ambiguous hints, words and actions will tell about this:

  • Frequent calls and messages with greetings, questions and emoticons.
  • Pictures and animations with kisses, winks, hearts.
  • Phrases about how much they care and worry about you.
  • Frequent memories of pleasant moments experienced together.
  • Gifts, surprises, nice souvenirs.
  • Kisses and hugs when meeting
  • Flirting, making advances, touching.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Requests for help, invitations to visit

How to understand that your wife has fallen out of love?

On the other hand, cooled feelings are also clearly “conspicuous” changes in his life

  • The constant absence of the wife, indicating an unwillingness to spend time with her husband: working around the clock, meeting with friends and colleagues, ignoring calls and messages.
  • Having fallen out of love with her husband, a woman will actively communicate with other members of the opposite sex: flirt, write messages, make calls. Pay attention to whether your wife leaves her phone in sight. If yes, she is not afraid that at any moment someone can read the message received or the name of the caller. If your phone is constantly in your hands, in your pocket, or in silent mode, you should worry.
  • A woman who is not passionate about her husband will stop taking care of the house. You will notice frequently unwashed dishes, an empty refrigerator, a dirty house, and so on.
  • A woman who no longer loves her husband will not be interested in her husband's successes or sympathize with his problems. She will avoid any long and emotional conversations, relying on her fatigue and poor health.
  • A woman who has fallen out of love will have little or no interest in sex. Most likely, she will not be able to relax during lovemaking and will have little initiative and passiveness.
  • A woman who does not have romantic feelings for her husband will constantly find reasons to be resentful and dissatisfied with her husband. For this reason, scandals, quarrels and hysterics will not subside regularly in the family.
  • A woman in love with her husband will never threaten the possibility of breaking off the relationship, since she herself will be afraid of losing her beloved man.

How to understand that your wife is cheating?

How can a man, a husband, understand his pregnant wife?

The situation takes on a different turn if scandals and quarrels arise in a married couple in which the woman is pregnant . The fact is that pregnant women cannot always cope with their emotions and feelings. This happens against the background of an unstable hormonal level, which constantly “jumps” every now and then.

How should a man behave towards a pregnant woman? The answer is simple - with respect and sympathy. It is sometimes very difficult to understand a pregnant wife only because she herself does not know what she wants: to eat, relax, have fun or sleep.

Why is it difficult for a man to understand his pregnant wife?

  • A man does not immediately fully understand what pregnancy is. Most likely, he has no idea how many physiological and hormonal changes the female body endures during pregnancy.
  • Men, unlike women, are weak in intuition. That is why a woman, pregnant or not, should not count on a man’s insight and ability to predict desires. It is best to clearly voice all your whims, desires and demands each time.
  • Often women do not share their experiences with men and therefore they are not able to understand them. If possible, a woman should regularly share her feelings and physiological changes. This attitude will “awaken” responsibility and understanding in a man.

How to understand a pregnant wife?

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