Definition and signs of androgyny

Hyperandrogenism in women is a pathological change in hormonal levels, manifested in the excessive production of male sex hormones - androgens - in the body. This is a common disease of the endocrine system, which affects about 5% of the fair sex. Normally, androgens are present in small quantities in the body of every woman. They are necessary for normal puberty, liver and kidney function, and the health of the reproductive system. Male sex hormones are involved in the synthesis of estrogen, which, in turn, helps maintain strong bones in women in adulthood.

Excessive androgens in the female body is a pathology that requires mandatory medical correction. Without timely identification of symptoms and treatment, irreversible, severe changes in the body occur over time. But it can be adequate only if the cause that caused this illness is correctly determined. This is due to the fact that there is no universal therapy for hyperandrogenism; its methods directly depend on the factors that influenced the development of the pathology.

Hyperandrogenism in women: causes, symptoms

Hyperandrogenism in women is often caused by the presence of excess testosterone produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. In addition, the causes of hyperandrogenism in women can be pathologies:

  • adrenal glands;
  • ovaries;
  • thyroid gland;
  • pituitary gland

The most common cause of the disease, which modern medicine calls, is androgenital syndrome, which consists of the following. The adrenal glands produce many hormones, including androgens and glucocorticoids. Most of the male sex hormones are synthesized into glucocorticoids under the influence of a special enzyme. But when a woman does not produce this enzyme correctly, this does not happen. Androgens, accumulating in the female body, negatively affect it and cause serious pathologies of systems and organs.

Another common cause of the disease is adrenal tumors. As a result of neoplasms, the number of cells that produce androgens increases, and, consequently, the amount of hormones themselves.

Female hyperandrogenism can be caused by diseases of the ovaries, in which they begin to produce large amounts of male sex hormones. The disease is often caused by their tumors, which, by analogy with the adrenal glands, lead to an increased number of cells that produce androgens.

The causes of hyperandrogenism in women may be pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or a pituitary tumor. But in this case, as a rule, hyperandrogenism is accompanied by severe obesity.

Causes of the disease also include excess weight in childhood, genetic predisposition, long-term use of steroids, contraceptives, and glucocorticoids.

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Maturity according to Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey defines maturity in the same way Sandra Boehm defines androgyny.

Maturity is a balance of courage and sensitivity. If a person is able to courageously express his feelings and beliefs and at the same time be sensitive to the feelings and beliefs of the interlocutor, especially if the topic is of great importance to both parties, then this person is mature.

Many people have dichotomous thinking - in terms of either/or. They believe that a nice person cannot be tough. However, the Win/Win paradigm is fun... and tough at the same time! It is twice as tough as the Win/Lose paradigm. If you want to follow a Win/Win mindset, you need to be not only pleasant, but also courageous. You need to not only sympathize with others, but also be confident in yourself. You need to be not only sensitive and attentive, but also courageous. Achieving this balance between courage and sensitivity is the essence of true maturity and the basis of the Win-Win principle.

A Win/Win mentality requires a lot of courage and a lot of sensitivity at the same time. This balance is evidence of true Maturity. With it, I am able to listen, empathize and understand, but at the same time I can courageously defend my point of view.

How does the disease manifest itself?

First of all, changes caused by excess male sex hormones affect the condition of the ovaries, skin, hair, sebaceous and sweat glands - these are the first symptoms of hyperandrogenism in women. Signs of excess androgens in women (androgenism) can be pronounced, or they can be almost invisible. Excess androgens cause serious, often irreversible pathologies in the ovaries, consisting of multiple formation of small cysts - polycystic disease, menstrual irregularities or its complete absence.

The disease manifests itself with various signs - cosmetic defects, gynecological ailments, metabolic disorders, which together can indicate the presence of hyperandrogenism in a woman.

Main manifestations:

  • the appearance of acne - acne on the skin, which is difficult to treat;
  • constant dryness and flaking of facial skin;
  • obesity, which often follows the male pattern, that is, characterized by weight gain in the upper body;
  • Excessive male body hair growth that appears near the nipples, on the stomach, on the back of the thighs, and on the buttocks. But excess body hair does not always reflect the presence of this particular pathology in the patient. In addition to the fact that this symptom is characteristic of some other diseases, the woman’s race must also be taken into account. Eskimos or Oriental women have more hair on their bodies than European women;
  • seborrhea, characterized by pronounced large peeling of the skin on the scalp;
  • hair loss on the head according to the male type, that is, in the frontal area and on the crown. In this case, the hair is retained at the temples and the back of the head;
  • diabetes mellitus caused by decreased sensitivity to insulin;
  • osteoporosis and atrophy of the muscles of the legs and arms;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased fatigue;
  • amenorrhea;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • weakness of labor;
  • in severe cases, there is an enlargement of the clitoris, partial fusion of the labia, and atrophy of the mammary glands.

Patients suffering from hyperandrogenism are more likely than others to suffer from colds, are prone to depression, and get tired quickly. The disease can occur at any age.

Important details of androgynous style

We must understand that androgyny is always complex. Therefore, the creation of an image should be carried out taking into account all significant and insignificant details and an understanding of the intricacies of capsule formation.

Real androgynous girls remember everything:

  • accessories;
  • makeup;
  • manicure;
  • hairstyle.

Ladies who choose image as a priority often look at piercings and tattoos, which are also considered desirable elements of image.

All androgynous haircuts can be divided into:

  • strictly masculine;
  • women's with elements of brutality.

And if the former always promote a very short length, then the latter can be created on almost any hair. Their characteristic features will be:

  • severity - no curls, rarely possible weak waves;
  • combed strands - bangs or simply an artificially created parting;
  • minimalism in execution - absence of bright colors and decorative elements.

Such hairstyles – in an androgynous style – can be seen on Milla Jovovich, Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson.

Androgynous fashion is impossible without appropriate makeup, and this is not at all a “nude” style, as many people think. An androgynous image is created by focusing on the eyes while otherwise making the image faceless. But there are three “pillars” that must be remembered:

  1. Mandatory tone - the face must be flawless
  2. Sculpting – it’s worth highlighting the cheekbones, bridge of the nose and lips with a highlighter
  3. The eyebrows are wide and thick - close to the male prototype.

The eyes themselves stand out using pencil eyeliner and black mascara. Shadows are practically not used.

As for manicure, it is already clear that:

  • nails are short and neat;
  • varnish – neutral;
  • decor is missing.

The androgynous image excludes extensions, rhinestones, drawings and other purely feminine “tricks” in manicure.

Understanding what an androgynous style should be comes quickly.
It is easy to create, does not require special preparation of the image and can easily be changed to any other image. That is why designers and fashion designers again reminded fashionable ladies about this trend and suggested remembering the trend. Androgynous style 2020 is an abundance of suits, coats, accessories and shoes, which will allow ladies to easily create a feminine-masculine look. The incentive is added by the abundance of mass market offers aimed at maintaining this fashion. Did you like the article
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  1. plitkisix:
    The term “Modern” itself has its roots in the 19th-20th centuries, when a fundamentally new type of art arose in Europe, merging numerous components of many movements of that time. One of the main distinguishing features of the Art Nouveau style is soft curves and lines, deviation whenever possible from right angles and preference for more natural ornaments that are typical of natural objects. The provided direction basically tries to harmoniously combine artistic and utilitarian principles in everything with which one has to work. Most of the design elements in this style have a flexible and sophisticated form.


  2. Irina:

    The first thing that comes to mind is that the androgynous style is a bit of playing at being a man for women. But judging by the successful images, women do not lose their feminine attractiveness; rather, they emphasize it with boyish elements in their appearance.


How to recognize the disease?

It is impossible to independently diagnose hyperandrogenism, since the same symptoms can be a manifestation of other diseases. When conducting a diagnosis, the doctor must first of all exclude diseases that accompany this pathology (Cushing's syndrome, neoplasms of the adrenal glands, ovaries). An important task in establishing hyperandrogenism is to identify the causes that caused it. This is due to the fact that the direction of treatment carried out in the future depends directly on what caused this disease. Therapy will be effective only if the factors that caused the pathological processes are correctly identified. It is determined when the first symptoms of the disease appeared - during puberty or later. In many cases, this will help to establish which organ pathology caused the disease - the ovaries or the adrenal glands.

To diagnose the disease, the following tests must be performed:

  • blood and urine tests for hormones. Considering that the hormonal background of patients is unstable, blood sampling is repeated three times with an interval of 30 minutes, then it is mixed and analyzed;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • CT and ultrasound of the adrenal glands.

If necessary, additional diagnostic methods may be prescribed.

Treatment of the disease

The choice of treatment for this disease depends on the reasons that caused it. If an excessive amount of male sex hormones is caused by tumors of the adrenal glands or ovaries, treatment will consist of surgical methods. Elimination of the disorder caused by obesity consists mainly of normalizing body weight. Therapy for hyperandrogenism, associated with the lack of enzymes by which androgens are synthesized into glucocorticoids, is carried out with synthetic steroids (dexamethasone, metipred). Antiandrogens are often used to eliminate pathology caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

Therapy for the disease is complex and consists not only in suppressing excessive androgen production, but also in eliminating cosmetic defects and psychological assistance in case of signs of depression. Considering that the disease causes severe stress in a woman, hair removal becomes on par with hormonal correction in the treatment of the disease.

Masculinity and femininity complement each other, not exclude each other

Androgyny is a manifestation of the yin-yang philosophy.
Masculinity and femininity are parts of one whole, complement each other and flow into each other. Sandra Boehm established that there is no contradiction between masculinity and femininity, they are not opposites, they do not exclude each other, but complement each other. There is no need to choose one thing: a person can and should have both “feminine” and “masculine” traits at the same time. Masculinity and femininity can easily be present in the behavior of one person, regardless of his gender. Androgynes combine masculine and feminine traits harmoniously, which increases efficiency in both personal and business life.

Androgyny makes a personality multifaceted, increases a person’s behavioral repertoire, and makes it possible to choose the most appropriate way of behavior depending on the situation. A person, regardless of his gender, is able to show firmness, confidence, perseverance in a situation that requires these qualities, and gentleness, sensitivity and caring in another situation, when this is exactly what others need.

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