How to conduct business correspondence correctly: etiquette requirements

Business correspondence (like business conversation) is the face of every serious businessman or politician. Many business people, who are fluent in the art of negotiations and meetings, often find themselves helpless when faced with the need to draw up an official document or prepare a business letter. The reason for this is the uniqueness of speech means and speech etiquette of written business speech.

Many business people, who are fluent in style and the art of conducting conversations, negotiations and meetings, often find themselves helpless when faced with the need to draw up an official document or prepare a business letter. The reason for this is the uniqueness of speech means and speech etiquette of written business speech.

Language of business correspondence

The language of business correspondence is characterized by frequent repetition and uniformity of speech means. Therefore, it contains a lot of speech cliches (clichés) that help to express a thought more specifically, concisely and clearly, and completely eliminate different understandings of a specific text. If you have a set of ready-made standard cliche phrases, tested by many years of business correspondence practice, by analogy with which you could formulate the desired thought, then preparing a document and a business letter will not be particularly difficult. Such constructions require minimal stress during perception and significantly speed up the process of writing a letter, allowing you to avoid wasting effort searching for the necessary wording.

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