Determination of a harmonious personality by 10 signs

Balance between internal and external - peace with oneself - is the desire of every person. It is these qualities that correspond to the definition of “harmonious personality”, as well as the concept of “congruence”.
The concepts of “harmonious personality” and “harmonious development” are not synonymous. A person who has found harmony and balance is not necessarily a harmoniously developed person.

The second concept in each culture and era is filled with its own meaning, but in general we can say that it corresponds to the physical, moral, aesthetic and intellectual development of the individual. Obviously, not every person who has achieved balance is equally developed in everything. Creating conditions for harmonious development is the goal of education.

History and significance

“Harmonious” refers to processes or objects that are in accordance, agreement, creating a pleasant effect. The term “harmony” itself, which comes from ancient Greek roots and has a literal translation of “connection”, “coherence”, was first used only in music, and then began to be used in a figurative meaning - orderliness, consistency in the relationships between any objects.

What is harmony in life, how does it manifest itself in communication and in people? In a general sense, it is the consistency of internal and external. A harmonious personality is distinguished by balance in actions and thoughts, their consistency.

Finding inner harmony is a process associated with self-discovery, with the formation of a special view of the world and people. Following A. N. Leontyev, it is worth recognizing the existence of contradictions, internal struggles among individuals who can be described as harmonious, although a remark follows here. A. N. Leontyev identified two concepts:

  • Harmonious personality.
  • Tragic personality.

A harmonious personality also has moments of inconsistency and struggle, but they do not completely capture it and do not pull the emphasis onto themselves. Meanwhile, in a tragic personality, the internal struggle becomes the only component that determines all human behavior.

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The harmonic structure is usually formed in childhood, when the child does not experience severe stress. Psychological trauma leads to disharmony and disturbances in the future.

There is one more thing so that you fully understand the whole point...

A successful (good) man is one who has achieved success, realized himself, his potential, and achieved a lot in life. Who is not a humpty chatter about anything, but a successful one, with ambitions, goals, who, with money, is, in general, a competitive man (adapted to the surrounding reality).

A successful woman is one who is with a decent (good) man and is happy in her relationship. But she can only be with a good, worthy man when she matches herself. A worthy woman herself. Each creature has a pair and they receive what they themselves are. Do not forget!

I mean what I said above about HUGE woman and man, that the woman is beautiful, bright, well-groomed, etc. and the guy is successful, with money, accomplished, and so on. I didn’t take it from the air...

  • From childhood, we boys were raised and given the belief that you must achieve something in life, let me rephrase and say differently - be a good earner (relatively speaking).
  • The girls were told (they said) that you should marry well, to a worthy man.

These are attitudes (beliefs) deep within us. You may not even remember them, or even know them, but they exist. Men are traditionally (evolutionarily, throughout the history of human development) BREADERS. We have been extracting and extracting resources. This is our main function. Previously, a man would go hunting and kill mammoths and other animals and bring back food and feed himself and his family. Nowadays, you don’t need to go hunting, money (money) decides everything. That's why man = money. And this is the absolute norm.

So, if you don’t have any money, that means you’re a lousy earner. You are poorly performing your natural function - to produce. Understand? That’s why a good man is one who has succeeded, who has money, who is successful, you know? Because it is a natural (natural) function. All. Dot.

And what about the woman? Traditionally (evolutionarily) it does not extract resources. Traditionally (biologically), a woman uses the extracted resources of a man. This is how it works evolutionarily. I didn’t make it up, made it up or anything like that. I say this as it is, according to many years of reality.

For a woman = the main resource in life = is a good (worthy) man. Because it is he who will provide for her and her future offspring - provide, feed, clothe, protect, etc. understand? Without a worthy man = a woman will not be able to win natural selection and survive the evolutionary race. I hope you can already see the picture and the essence of childhood investments of beliefs from our parents into us (boys and girls), and I hope you can see the picture of where I got all this from.

So, for a woman to be able to get a decent, cool man, she must, of course, match him. Because a cool guy won’t be with just anyone. Because natural selection operates. A cool male needs a cool, worthy female. And the female’s competitive ability is manifested in her appearance, her beauty, grooming, elegance, then in her femininity (there’s a lot of everything), in her personality (interesting, smart, wise, cheerful, with hobbies, interests, etc. and etc.).

In general, a great male = needs a great female, and vice versa = because there is always a match. This is natural selection. The fittest male/female wins = and that is how evolution happens. Choosing a partner is an unconscious behavior, it is an instinct, and instinct is geared towards choosing the BEST SEXUAL PARTNERS. Otherwise there would be no evolution...

Conditions and ways

Harmonious development is the optimal path not only for achieving harmony, but also for unlocking your full potential. But under what conditions the formation of a harmoniously developed personality occurs is difficult to answer unambiguously.

For harmonious development, it is necessary to enrich the mind and feelings, and form the will. Raising a harmoniously developed personality should not focus on any one ability of the individual, but rather, embrace his entire inner world.

Firstly, a person must already have developed the ability to self-control. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to correlate social requirements with his desires. This ability develops through reinforcing actions (praise, rewards) of significant adults. Submission to external demands, the ability to reconcile one’s immediate desires is a necessary condition for development.

Regarding self-control, we can cite the results of Michel's research, namely the famous marshmallow tests, which in some way allowed us to advance in our understanding of success and its criteria. The essence of the experiment was as follows: the child was left alone in the room with a marshmallow or candy, asked not to eat it for a certain amount of time for a reward - a double portion of sweets.

The researchers observed how the child dealt with his desire and how long he was able to hold on. As a result of the tests, those children who coped with the expectation, growing up, had a better quality of life.

Secondly, a harmoniously developed personality cannot be formed without an enriched environment. Diversity is a stimulating factor for the activity of thoughts and feelings.

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Thirdly, independence and meaningfulness are important. The more challenges a person solves himself, the faster he develops and the more enthusiastically he establishes connections with the world. In this case, he develops the conviction that he himself is responsible for his own destiny.

Diverse development

Harmoniously developed people are distinguished by curiosity. They are interested in many things, and not formally, but seriously. Such people are excellent at doing, for example, music, sports, and cooking.

Do not confuse such individuals with those who constantly quit one activity as soon as they meet the first obstacle, and start a new one until they lose interest in it.

You can talk with versatile people on a variety of topics, be it economics or culture, politics or everyday issues. Such individuals skillfully know how to find a topic for conversation and develop it.

Harmoniously developed people can be good friends, which means their circle of acquaintance is quite wide. After all, they have something in common with a colleague, a classmate, and a neighbor.

"Harmonious personality"


I have known Maria for a long time, but I turned to her for help relatively recently - 2 years ago. I was in a car accident (the car could not be repaired or restored), from which I could not recover psychologically. The emotional shock I experienced became the starting point on the path to a happy and fulfilling life. “Happiness is not something that just happens to us, it is an art and a science and both require a variety of skills.” Maria Kudryavtseva, my guide to a happy life, has this qualification.

I understood that I could not cope and get out of this painfully depressive, obsessive state on my own, and I needed qualified help. I stopped sleeping peacefully, I had nightmares in which they killed me or tried to rape me. I woke up in a cold sweat from my own scream and began to cry and laugh hysterically. At work, at home, in society, I was constantly afraid of everything, tears flowed naturally. I didn't want to live. And I turned to Maria. Maria suggested that I take the “Harmonious Personality” program, which lasts 8 months. But I wanted to change everything tomorrow. Why wait so long? Maria explained to me that for qualitative and profound changes in life, daily painstaking work is required. I started the program. Time passed, but nothing changed, or rather, I did not notice these changes. It was a shame that I thought that this program was written to extract money from clients and generate regular income.

Now 2 years later I laugh about it because I see how much my life has changed. Events have become interesting and significant in themselves, I enjoy every day I live, rainy and sunny, hot and stormy; I enjoy the blossoming green leaves on the trees in the spring and the falling red ones in the fall; like a child, I rejoice at the opportunity to walk through a puddle. I enjoy washing dishes and cooking dinner; from communicating with my loved one and relatives, I am interested in communicating with friends and colleagues, I am interested in learning new things, studying, dancing, I am interested in living. Now I understand the words of the author of the book “Flow” that a mature person is no happier than an immature one, her happiness is just of a different quality.

And when friends and acquaintances ask me about the cost, I answer that I give a significant part of my income for consultation. And I’m ready to pay that kind of money, because I found myself and learned to be happy, thanks to Maria. “There is one-time, stamped happiness, and there is complex, unique happiness - hand-forged and everything depends on us.”

I wish everyone to find happiness that is complex and unique - hand forged!!!

Maria, thank you so much!!!

Notice the uniqueness of the world around you

Raising a harmonious personality implies the ability to see something beautiful in everything. Everything in life repeats itself, so at times it may seem that the world is gray and ordinary, a kind of lifeless organism. Such thinking does not allow a person to find harmony and happiness.

It should be understood that even in the most standard and ordinary things for us there is something new that has not happened before. You need to learn to see this difference. A person can live happily and in harmony only when he is open to the world and involved in its exploration.

What is harmony?

Let's start from the very beginning, namely, what is harmony? This is the balance that exists between a person's feelings, thoughts and actions. A certain consistency of his desires, actions and words.

There are two types of harmony:

  • internal;
  • external.

Inner harmony means a deep understanding of oneself. A person does not have any internal contradictions, because he has completely accepted himself, his shortcomings and advantages.

A person who is in external harmony does not experience any problems with the outside world. He has good relationships with people and is also successful in other areas of life. For example, in:

  • family;
  • hobby;
  • self-development;
  • professions;
  • creativity.

In all this there is a consistency of values, beliefs, actions and feelings. He has a productive and quiet life.

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