Definition of the word “happiness” and its main features

If a person is in a state of satisfaction, pleasure and fullness, he is happy. These sensations may or may not last long. But be that as it may, as long as a person experiences them, he experiences happiness. People tend to strive for this highest gift of human life. It is the desire to have harmony, satisfaction from what is happening, to feel the endless joy of existence that moves people, strains their minds and tunes the strings of emotions. What does it look like, happiness? Is it the same for everyone?

Meaning of the concept

In a philosophy textbook we can see such a definition of happiness - this is a psychological and emotional state in which a person feels complete satisfaction with himself and his life. This is the highest good, a self-sufficient and informational state of life.

Today, the meaning of this concept is not known for certain; not a single philosopher or scientist has puzzled over it. For example, in ancient times it was believed that an individual protected by God is truly happy. Aristotle saw happiness in the soul of a bright person, he was sure that everyone should help each other, come at the first request.

For some, happiness is children, family, success, financial stability, recognition, self-realization. For some it is in spiritual development. We can safely say that the concept of happiness is different for everyone, based on individual values ​​and life goals.

Think positive

It will not be possible to achieve happiness in life by positive thinking alone. It is necessary to completely eliminate some of your daily habits.

  1. If you have any responsibilities, you should not ignore them, because this will harm your happiness. As problems arise, you need to get rid of them, be responsible for your own actions and actions. This is a form of self-help that cannot be ignored.
  2. There is no need to constantly whine, complain and moan. With frequent complaints and whining about life, you focus negative aspects on your own life, submitting to negative phenomena. It is best to focus your attention on something positive and not forget that you have every right to influence any current situation, changing everything in it that does not suit you.
  3. If you cannot rely on your own strength and are not confident in yourself, then this is a serious obstacle to happiness. If a person is not confident in himself, this can cause anxiety, fear and negatively affect the performance of his own responsibilities and the use of any opportunities. You need to become a person who is confident not only in himself, but also in his own strengths, to overcome all fears with positive thinking and working on himself.

In psychology

Many are in constant search for what happiness is. In psychology, it is defined by a momentary emotion, a long-lasting feeling, and a permanent state that allows one to feel the greatest satisfaction with life conditions, meaningfulness and completeness of life, as well as self-realization.

Often a person realizes that he was happy when he stops being happy. In reality, a happy life is represented by little things, usual activities, loved ones, everyday events. Often people get used to what surrounds them and do not understand that it is these things that make them happy. As soon as the usual structure collapses, an understanding comes of what has been lost.

Psychologists believe that a person who has gone through the path of self-knowledge and self-development, realized his needs, characteristics, goals, desires, calling, and felt complete satisfaction with his life can become truly happy.

An individual can turn to a professional psychologist, setting himself the goal of achieving personal happiness. He longs to get rid of his shortcomings, deal with intrapersonal conflict, build harmonious relationships with his partner, and become more sociable and self-confident. And all just for the sake of being happier.

Perceptions of life and personal thinking can interfere with feelings of happiness. If a person is dominated by negative thinking, he will not be able to feel the joy of his existence. An individual who thinks negatively leads himself to the development of depression.

What is happiness in a person's life?

Happiness is when the past doesn’t bother you, the present doesn’t bother you, and the future doesn’t infuriate you...

(from archives)

"What is happiness?" - one of the eternal philosophical questions. Many active and creative people think about this. There is no clear answer. Everyone has their own truth. Everyone has their own vision.

And each person himself finds the answer to this question, what happiness is in his life and what meanings and aspects it consists of. Moreover, this opinion may change over the years.

The word “happiness” itself, according to Vasmer’s etymological dictionary, is derived from the Proto-Slavic words “good” and “part”, which together form the concept “Good destiny”.

As part of the “Expert Answers” ​​project, we asked many active, successful and purposeful people about the happiness. All of them already have some life experience; the average age of respondents is 44 years.

And therefore their answers to the question “What is happiness” are really interesting and useful. They allow you to think about human values, the meaning of human life, the laws of the universe and much more.

Let's get acquainted with the opinions of these people.


Happiness is an internal state. When you feel good about what you do and who you are. It is impossible to become happy on the outside. Only from the inside.

(Sergey Cruz, entrepreneur, 33 years old)


I have a formula for how to become happy. And she is no secret. Read: “The Formula for Happiness.” The formula is working, tested. However, only the person himself can use it. Neither gifts nor forceful presentations work here.

(Evgeny Barbashin, business consultant, 41 years old)


Happiness is what fills a person’s heart with joy at any specific second of his life. Such moments cannot last forever, because otherwise such states would lose their meaning. However, for myself, I found a recipe that allows me to feel such moments as often as possible.

This is work filled with meaning. By loading ourselves with it, making ourselves better every time, we experience an incredible surge of strength and a surge of joy from what we have accomplished. And this is much more productive than living with the attitude that happiness is a bird of luck that accidentally flies to someone more often than to others.

(Olga Pasechnik, entrepreneur, 39 years old)


Happiness is, in my opinion, the meaning of a person’s life. Without it, existence becomes empty. Emptiness is a symptom that people often complain about with depression when they are unhappy. Happiness is being full of meaning. Creativity, inspiration, interest, business - whatever.

(Inessa Goldberg, graphologist, founder of the Institute of Graph Analysis, 40 years old)


Happiness is when there is someone to love, something to hope for and something to believe in!

And, of course, when you have your favorite thing!

(Artem Zhdanko, entrepreneur, ski instructor, 42 years old)


Happiness has many parts. The absence of any of them does not provide the opportunity to find “full” happiness: family, love, children, creativity, self-realization, society, etc. That is, in fact, a very difficult to achieve phenomenon.

(Igor Konyukhov, entrepreneur, writer, 51 years old)


Probably, each person has his own happiness. I came to the conclusion that happiness is a fact of life.

For me, happiness is when:

  • you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts;
  • your loved ones are healthy and everything is fine;
  • no serious debts or loans;
  • you know that tomorrow everything will be as good as today.

Many people believe that happiness depends on someone who will make us happy, or on some material values. But in reality this is not entirely true. In this world, nothing belongs to us, not even our children, they only give us everything to use. We won’t take anything with us, as they say, that we “put in...”.

Happiness is a state, a sensation, an internal experience and it can be controlled, for this we have a mind. It all depends on the quality of our thoughts, our judgments about ourselves and the reality around us, which we can also change.

(Irina Ekhlakova, entrepreneur, business coach, 43 years old)


Happiness is inner peace of mind.

(Oleg Borodin, Honored Builder of Russia, entrepreneur, 65 years old)


I like the approach of Eastern philosophy. Happiness is a feeling of joy that comes from understanding the meaning of your life and constant efforts for self-realization.

(Andrey Pletenev, entrepreneur, business coach, 45 years old)


Happiness is when you are on a wave, you feel a surge of strength, you are doing what you love, you have people whom you love and who truly love you, there are children whom you look at and think how similar he is at you :)

(Anna Shesternina, producer, development director, video studio, 35 years old)

These are such different and at the same time interesting and deep opinions.

What is happiness for you? How do you think it manifests itself in a person’s life? Write your opinion in the comments!

Cover photo: Cold Northern by Lora Dodz

PS More articles about happiness on the Guru Himself:

About happiness... (Sergei Cruz)

Formula of happiness (Evgeniy Barbashin)

A small step towards... (Veniamin Kizeev)

Sources of a happy life

Favorite job, friends - long-term sources of happiness

  1. Base joys. For example, a situation when a person feels a surge of positive emotions after appropriating someone else’s thing. Also here we can consider cases when people set up their colleagues in order to obtain personal gain.
  2. Instant sources. For example, when a certain individual is given a gift or flowers for no reason, a bonus is given. He is happy, but this state does not last long.
  3. Long-term. These include good friends, a strong family, the opportunity to communicate with other people, having a job you love, and a hobby.
  4. Eternal springs. This is self-respect, the presence of love, friendships.

Happiness in life is enjoying simple joys

More often than not, throughout our lives we acquire the best things for nothing. For example, the beauty of our surroundings, children's laughter, the smiles of people dear to us, a calm evening at home with loved ones... It is from such moments that the happiness of life consists. Therefore, you need to have the ability to value them as opposed to material wealth.

You need to be a simple and modest person. And ranting about one's own achievements and boasting about yet another expensive car is nothing more than a demonstration of bad taste.

Social networks can never replace real communication with family and friends. Because in real communication, you feel a friend’s hand on your shoulder, a kiss from your beloved and a stroke on the cheek, and this instantly fills you with peace and joy. Touch releases oxytocin, which makes you feel happy and reduces stress, fear and anxiety.


Having family and love are the principles of happiness

I invite you to consider what the principles of happiness are.

  1. Health. A person cannot be truly happy if he has problems with well-being.
  2. Presence of relatives. It is important to have someone in life with whom you can talk, consult, and receive support.
  3. Love. A person must love and be loved. Without this you cannot be absolutely happy.
  4. Freedom of choice, movement, decision making.
  5. Your own home, family comfort. An individual will not be happy if there is no place in his life where he wants to return after work or come when he feels bad.
  6. Dream. A happy person will be the one who has aspirations in life, even if now it seems unrealistic.

A number of conditions for a happy life are also considered.

  1. You need to live for today, enjoying every moment. You shouldn’t think about what happened in the past, because nothing can be changed, and you also don’t need to worry about the future. Try to become better every day.
  2. You need to think that you are already happy. It is unacceptable to drive yourself into negative emotions, experience stress, engage in self-criticism and self-criticism.
  3. Control of mood and feelings. You need to learn to separate negative thinking from cheerful thoughts that allow you to be happy. An individual must program himself for positive emotions. Often, poor health is the result of negative thoughts, a signal from the body that it is time to change something in your inner world. Surely, many of you have noticed that if you are in a bad mood, when faced with even the smallest difficulties, a person experiences a state of extreme stress, weakness, and conviction of impending failure. When the mood is good, even serious problems seem like insignificant trifles.

Pleasant memories of the past are our happy resources

There are times when any of us experiences a great surge of joy, love, happiness... Now try to remember some of this right in these moments. You need to revive what comes from memory as if it were happening right now. What feelings would fill your soul? Joy? Pleasure? Something other? Allow these memories to completely take over your essence, allow yourself to plunge into a charmingly fairy-tale life to feel the happiness of life.

Well, do you feel how your body is responding? If yes, then your soul wants to sing. Then you need to lightly press the earlobe and quietly say to yourself, “Okay!” with a sincere smile on your face, wide and happy, because you really felt something good.

You may be surprised at how slightly the earlobe heals. But this is done so that under physical influence you remember a happy existence. When you squeeze your earlobe during an emotional peak, you anchor your current feeling with a light squeezing gesture. At this time, your entire body is tuned to the emergence of the necessary emotions.

You may have seen more than once how people, during an emotional outburst, begin to rub their earlobe with their fingers. This distracts them from bad thoughts and calms them down. They didn’t even read these lines and do this so that their vital energy awakens and helps them overcome some difficulties.

Happy life - is everything enough for complete happiness?

As soon as someone starts talking about the happiness of life, the concept immediately comes that city dwellers, who are chained to the civilized world, understand everything and literally associate it with the presence of material values. In this environment, it is rare to find a person who would connect his happy nature with life, with his environment and feelings.

What do these people lack for complete happiness? The most common answer will be - money, in the background comes an apartment, then a car, technical innovations, vacation on the Cote d'Azur, living abroad, sex, husband, child, health...

For several thousand years, since people learned to communicate, attempts have been made to define happiness. It is compared to a feeling of satisfaction, but it cannot be described, since it can only be felt. For ordinary people, a happy life consists of having a good and comfortable home, career growth, love, family, one’s health and loved ones...

Therefore, a completely logical question arises: is it possible to feel happiness, or is it some kind of ghost for well-being and satisfaction?

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