From Apollo to dandy: ideal men of different eras

Hello, dear readers!

They say that appearances are deceiving.

I would add that the inner world of any person does not always tell the truth.

In any case, not all at once and not all of it.

Sometimes it takes years to understand a loved one, but what can we say if we have known him for only a few weeks or months.

On the other hand, there are character traits that manifest themselves in behavior that can tell us a lot, a lot. The main thing here is not to rush to conclusions and not to mess things up.

In one of the previous articles, I described the character traits of a woman, especially not loved by men.

In this article I will talk about the character traits of men that most often end up on blacklists of female attention.

I don’t think that I will write much new here; countless words have already been said and written on this topic.

However, it is worth talking about. After all, the character traits and personality traits listed here and in the previous article most often become a stumbling block in relations between the sexes. Although, for some reason, they are the ones who are overlooked at the very beginning of this relationship.

And again, I note that the problem is not the presence or absence of negative traits in a man’s character, but the degree of their expression. The more pronounced the trait, the more it repels a woman.

Many men well compensate for the presence of one or even several negative traits included in this “black list” by developing positive qualities in themselves that attract women. Thus, they weaken the negative manifestations of their character.

It is very good if at the same time a man knows how to control his negative traits, making them almost invisible to others, then his problems with women are reduced to a minimum.

So the presence of the traits listed below in a man’s personality is not a death sentence, otherwise he is guaranteed to have chronic problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

And here is the “black list” itself:

He is not afraid to express his feelings and his love

In many ways, the signs of an ideal man appear in relation to a woman. Next to the ideal man you feel loved. He is not afraid to express his love and feelings to you, and he does this on a regular basis. He says he loves you almost every day. And, more importantly, he confirms this with actions and deeds. In any case, such a guy will find time for you to be together and get to know each other better.

He is a fairly sociable person and wants to meet your friends and family. He treats them with respect. This doesn't mean he will get along with everyone. But at least he will try to get along with these people.

Portrait of an ideal husband

The modern ideal husband harmoniously combines traditionally masculine qualities (courage, physical strength, intelligence, determination, sobriety of reason) with primordially feminine ones (tenderness, intuition, the ability to empathize, tact, caring, the ability to surprise, readiness for household chores). Of course, masculine traits should predominate: offensive words like “weak” or “whiner” very easily come off a woman’s tongue. When thinking about an ideal husband, you should not forget the commandment “Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol.” There is a risk of thinking through this image in such detail that it will turn into a speculative scheme that will prevent you from feeling the warmth of a living person. But life is beautiful precisely because it cannot be calculated! Author: Elena Khokhlova Photo:,,

A man feels you, listens, understands and supports you

There should be natural and effective communication between you. A man must listen to you carefully, hear and understand. Sometimes you don't even have to say a word for him to understand. One glance is often enough for you to understand each other, and no topic is closed to you.

Of course, he can't always drop everything and come running to talk to you. But you see that he wants to listen to you and be there for you. You know that you can count on him at any time, and that he will always be there, no matter what. He is a strong supporter, loyal, and makes you feel protected. He is a real helper, and is always ready to help when you have problems, or when you just need to talk.

Remain yourself in any situation.

Decision making skills

A man who cannot make decisions does not attract women. Yes, he may have many other positive qualities, but if he does not know how to make decisions and is afraid to take responsibility, then few people will be interested in such a person.

The ability to make decisions indicates that this person is a mature and accomplished person. He is confident in his abilities, and even if he makes a mistake, it will only make him stronger. Therefore, men must definitely train their ability to make decisions. They must trust themselves and believe in themselves. This is the kind of man that women will appreciate and respect.

Three main advantages

Although women's ideal male images differ, there are qualities that each would like to see in her chosen one. These are the three most important advantages of a real man:

  • reliability;
  • call of Duty;
  • generosity.

The greatest strength of any guy is reliability. A woman is subject to emotions, she can be upset and happy several times a day. That is why in a family the man is considered the point of balance. He guides his chosen one, smoothes out sharp swings in her mood, calms her hysterics, and does not allow her to make a row over nonsense. A reliable person will help, even if he is offended by the girl.

You can notice this quality from the first date. A man will take the initiative - choose a walking route, a dish in a restaurant, but at the same time he will take into account the opinion of his companion. He will always warn you about departure and important matters, answer all your questions, and keep your promises.

A sense of duty is considered an old-fashioned concept, but women continue to value it today. Love makes men do good deeds. At the same time, they show care for those with whom they have connected their lives. But a guy may not have the most pleasant relationship with his wife’s relatives, and this is where a sense of duty is needed. Thanks to him, the young man behaves decently and smoothes out conflict situations.

Generosity is sometimes considered a weakness. But in fact, this concept is a description of inner strength. Such men will never offend the weak and defenseless

, they will take care of them. Conflicts with higher ranks are allowed in order to defend justice and one’s own righteousness. But a generous guy simply cannot hit, insult, or humiliate a weak animal, woman or child in any way.


Self-confidence is an inner strength that attracts people. This is a very strong hormone that helps you get through many of life’s difficulties, and it is this quality that helps a person achieve something significant in life.

This is exactly the quality that any person needs to develop in order to feel prosperous and satisfied with their life. Because a confident person is able to easily start a conversation, he can make acquaintances in any situation, and it is easier for such people to go through life. And women feel this very well and gravitate towards such people.


I believe that every person should have a goal. Every person should have an idea that motivates him and gives him the strength to go through life. Determined people even look more attractive. A man must be purposeful. He must be active and eager to achieve something in life. Therefore, determination and having goals in life are the signs of an ideal man that all women value.

He always wants more

This point is a continuation of the previous one, but I decided to highlight it separately, since it is also very important. I believe that any person, especially a real man, should strive for perfection. If he wants to achieve something in life, then he must constantly work on himself to become better. He must be a professional in his field and achieve high results. Such people will always be a priority, and they will attract other people to them.

Are you in a relationship with such a man?

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Examples for different professions

When indicating the weaknesses of a person, it is necessary to choose those that will not contradict professional activities. Let's look at examples for different types of work.

For sales consultant

To obtain a vacancy as a sales consultant, you can select two or three characteristics from the following list:

  • excessive sociability (in this case, such a quality can turn from a disadvantage into a positive aspect, since working with clients requires communication);
  • scrupulousness (working with money requires you to be careful);
  • distrust and an inflated sense of responsibility;
  • the need for constant motivation.

For sales representative and sales manager

A sales professional has to constantly be in contact with clients. Its negative side may be:

  • increased suspiciousness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • emotionality;
  • self-confidence;
  • excessive sociability.

For a lawyer

A lawyer may have such characteristic features as:

  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • persistence;
  • increased anxiety;
  • desire to speak in front of an audience;
  • straightforwardness.

For an accountant

The work of an accountant involves documents, so weaknesses in a resume may include:

  • distrust;
  • slowness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • difficulties in communication, establishing contacts with strangers;
  • self-esteem;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • inflated sense of responsibility.

Writing a resume is not an easy task. Only a successful and competent application form will help you find a good job. Therefore, you should not copy standard solutions, but apply a personal approach to a specific vacancy. When listing your weaknesses, you should follow a few tips:

  1. All specified characteristics must be true. Any deception is revealed during the interview.
  2. There is no need to list all your shortcomings. Limit yourself to two or three characteristics, but only in relation to the profession.
  3. It is important that the resume is properly formatted, that there are no errors, and that it is in stylistic order.

PS Add your negative qualities to the list, relating them to your profession in the comments

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