Picking up girls on the Internet as a remedy for male boredom

The pickup truck is mainly a youth hobby, based on its characteristics, that came to Russia quite a long time ago. The goal is to meet a girl and, at a minimum, bring the relationship to bed. More successful attempts mean higher self-esteem. But this is if we talk about the stereotypical understanding of the activity. In general, pick up does not always mean picking up to achieve records. Some young people use technology and pickup methods to find the one for a long and serious relationship.

In general, the traffic is of a street nature. Masters believe that you need to be able to meet people in the real world: go out into the fields on your own or with a partner, collect phone numbers. At the same time, it is necessary not only to be able to speak witty and confidently, but also to look appropriately, take care of your body, style, gestures, etc. Recently, in the Russian pickup truck, the values ​​have been slightly revised, since social networks are developing very quickly. Now dating on the Internet is not so shameful. Previously, there was only one opinion about the network: go to the fields, there is no point in sitting at the computer. Today online pick-up artist is quite acceptable.

How things are going with pick up on Vkontakte will be discussed further.

Women's pickup: goals set

What is a women's pickup truck?
While the male pickup only pursues the goal of seducing more and more representatives of the opposite sex, the female pickup is aimed at “collecting” acquaintances with men with the prospect of further development of more serious relationships. Women's pickup rather involves creating conditions for acquaintance. After all, when a man sees a beautiful girl, he does not always decide to approach her due to lack of self-confidence or, for example, a previous unsuccessful dating experience. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a “successful pick-up artist” or “pick-up artist”, a woman does not necessarily have to have gorgeous external characteristics. Naturally, you need to maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance, but the most important role in success is played by a woman’s gaze, addressed to the man you like.

When learning the technique of female pickup, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. You shouldn’t be afraid of not liking a man, because the essence of a pickup line comes down to seducing as many of them as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of online dating

With the advent of the Internet and various portable devices, communicating virtually has become much easier. On the one hand, you see your interlocutor, but still a certain unknown attracts. Dating girls on the Internet is not an easy matter, and has both disadvantages and advantages:

  • saving time - you can correspond virtually with several interlocutors at the same time, which significantly saves time;
  • saving money - in real life, to meet a girl, you need to at least invite her somewhere, and this requires financial expenses. You can communicate on the Internet as much as you like without spending a penny;
  • overcoming fear - it is much easier for shy guys to take the first step and write to a girl on the Internet than to be the first to start a dialogue on the street;
  • distance - using the Internet you can easily meet girls from other cities and even countries;
  • leave gracefully - if you don’t like the interlocutor or no longer arouses interest, you can stop the boring dialogue without explanation.

Despite the obvious advantages of meeting girls on the Internet, this type of communication also has its disadvantages:

  • When communicating virtually, it is quite difficult to understand the real emotions of the person on the other side of the monitor;
  • beautiful girls are quite popular among guys, so you need to make a lot of effort to interest a beauty;
  • As a rule, girls post their photos on social networks after special processing, so in real life a girl can be very different from the one smiling at you from the monitor screen;
  • many girls are not ready to meet in real life, so even after a long correspondence, communication may not reach the next level.

Female pickup: techniques and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a female pickup does not involve direct acquaintance with the man the woman is interested in, but rather the creation of conditions for this. The man must subsequently be sure that he was the one who initiated the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion and for any circumstances.

Woman's look

The first signal that can interest a man is a glance.
It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. All it takes is a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man and will give him confidence to take the next step. If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

When you meet a man’s gaze, you don’t need to start boring into him. Men are put off by overly confident women, so it’s better to look away, slightly embarrassed. The appearance of a slight blush will be an undeniable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself off.
You can do this, for example, by lightly playing with your curls or slowly placing your legs on your legs, while not forgetting that the actions being reproduced do not look vulgar. In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexy outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

The style should be neat and consistent. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproduced movements must be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing memorized roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything.
This way he won’t be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be inappropriate and at the wrong time. More experienced and confident women can use drastic methods and, without waiting for the man to be the first to finally decide to approach, start talking to him. This again does not imply full acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help.
This technique is very successful, because rarely does a man refuse to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car. Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother/father/grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for dating purposes. One way is to misidentify yourself and then immediately apologize nicely. From the same series is the question: “Tell me, have we never met anywhere before?”

The negative side of a pickup truck

Pickup has spawned many pickup trainings and pickup coaches. They all also teach this science in their own way. Someone teaches how to get quick sex. And some expand the concept of pickup to the development of a man’s personality.

The pickup truck itself opens up very wide opportunities for any man, and everyone decides for themselves how to use the acquired skills.

Yes, a man has learned to seduce girls easily. So, what is next?

Next, everyone will decide for themselves what to do:

  • Seduce everyone and do it responsibly
  • It's irresponsible to get sex and a lot
  • Choose girls carefully and create relationships

Sometimes, after pickup training or reading several books on how to seduce a girl, guys begin to use these skills without thinking about the consequences. This is the very negative side of the pickup truck. But this cannot be controlled.

The reasons for this are in the people themselves; if a person is rotten, he will treat girls with disrespect even without a pickup truck. What does this have to do with a pickup truck? Nothing to do with it.

A car will help you make a man fall in love with you

As practice shows, women driving a car are given a larger choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, female motorists undoubtedly win, because they can choose their target from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, rather than being chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks to achieve such a road pickup.

When it comes to finding your partner, most women act in stereotypical ways. Many people mistakenly believe that they can find love in a nightclub, restaurant, store, or at work. Of course, many couples met in these places and were later able to create stable, serious relationships, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before the fateful meeting with the man of your dreams.

But if you look at it, most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girlfriend or friends, and simply for a specific purpose - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, often luck can only smile in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. This search tactic is incorrect, because the place where men are hunted should be their familiar “habitat.”

Men's searches need to be transferred to the environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of man's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not particularly difficult, but it requires time and patience, especially if football is the last thing in a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to look?

You need to start with car gas stations, because this is where a woman can, after leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed acquaintance. In addition to this, you also need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there shouldn’t be any problems with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature initially endowed them with such characteristics. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of a woman’s mind in automobile matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at a gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you might meet in line at the cash register. Here you already need to use all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest the man you like. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, approaching with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

Or ask to listen to the hum of the car, which seems alarming to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really has a flat, or it just seemed like it. Men love to feel needed and useful to the point of shaking their knees, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as their acting skills allow it.

But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has ever canceled acquaintance in a taxi. Entire stories can be written about drivers’ addiction to talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it’s enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

Again, we should not forget about the need to pretend to be stupid, because the driver will only want to part with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only meet taxi drivers. You can catch not only taxis, but just passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage, it’s not entirely safe - you can run into some maniac or crazy person. Men are different.

But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, everything depends only on the woman and her initiative. This could be smiles, or the same request for help as in the situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about being stuck in traffic.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, despite the situation and method of transportation.

Difficulties for beginners

However, there is another side to the pickup truck. Some guys have a hard time learning this science and seducing girls. This is a development problem for such people. If the guy is still a virgin, he spent his whole life at the computer playing games, and then he’s already 21 years old. But there is no girl.

Pickup provides great opportunities, and such guys also go to seduction training. But the learning process itself can be very difficult for them. Sometimes, a guy can quit training and be disappointed in the pickup truck once and for all.

In this way, a negative opinion about the pickup truck is also formed. The pickup trainers themselves also play a role here, since it is their task to train the guy and help him achieve his goals.

What conclusion can be drawn here?

Pickup is a useful science for any man, but it requires careful work on yourself. Pickup is not a magic pill!

What does working on yourself include?

  1. Creating a high-quality appearance
  2. Caring for your body: cleanliness and neatness
  3. Work on non-verbal and verbal parameters
  4. Developing skills such as a sense of humor, positivity, confidence
  5. Creating an image of a successful person

This list can be continued, but this is already a pickup theory that can be found in my blog or my books. You can also find out my opinion about the pickup truck: what is a pickup truck for me.

What does a pickup truck ultimately give a man?

  1. Ability to choose the girls you like
  2. The opportunity to fill your life with beautiful girls
  3. Be a confident man with specific goals and objectives
  4. To be independent from female bondage
  5. Awareness of one's importance as a woman
  6. The opportunity to create a strong and strong family with the girl you like

And this is just a small list of what a pickup truck can give every man.

And those girls who are against this - they criticize pickup artists and pickup trucks. Their goal: so that as few men as possible know about the pickup truck and study it.

Where to start learning about a pickup truck?

First, read my blog articles. In the comments to articles, I am ready to answer all questions. Next, you should start studying literature on pickup or go to pickup training. What to read and where to go is up to you. But I will also write on my blog about those books that I recommend for mandatory reading.

I can only say one thing: I advise you to now download and read my book about seducing girls, “Simple Steps to Regular Sex.” In it I give my personal experience on the topic of pickup and tell how I learned to seduce beautiful girls.

Now you understand that a pickup truck is a cool thing and will help give a lot to any man. Whether it is evil or not is for everyone to decide individually.

Best regards, Roman Vinilov!

What else can you read on this topic:

  • What are “Pickup” and “Seduction”? And why are they so necessary?.. (1)
  • What are the different emotions? Surprising the girls! (eleven)
  • A magical kick towards your dream! (0)
  • What to talk about on a first date: answers to questions (1)
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