What annoys men about other men: Top 8

What annoys women about men: behavior

5. Playing Sherlock Holmes . As soon as she doesn’t answer the call, you start bombarding her with messages in instant messenger and calling her friends to find out if she’s with them. A person may be busy with work, family, or falling asleep. Your actions will scare her away. Be patient and allow yourself time and space.

6. Jealousy. Women are turned off by being treated like prisoners, with their every move and word under surveillance. This reveals your insecurity and fear of being alone. You shouldn't open up like that. What is yours will always remain with you, but what is not yours will go away.

7. He is a little jealous. The cognitive dissonance? Otherwise! How to understand that a girl is bothered by the topic of insufficient attention:

– the man shows little interest in her life;

– does not regret or approve of her actions;

– rarely calls and do not write in messengers;

– stingy with compliments;

– doesn’t want to hug and kiss.

In general, you don't care about your girlfriend.

8. The desire to be the best in everything and competition . The weaker sex are not those with whom you need to constantly compete and win. Your entire life as a man is a cycle of constant victories and defeats. Women are more forgiving in this regard and inclined to cooperate and live peacefully. Don't strive to be better, higher, stronger than us.

9. Demonstrative communication with your ex. This makes the girls very angry, they immediately begin to feel threatened by that side. Moreover, you yourself plunge her into this stressful state. And it’s a shame to know that someone else is preferred to you. You can communicate, but there is no need to communicate what your ex-passion thinks about this or that matter or constantly remembering her is out of place.

10. A man does not share plans , does not trust and does not want to discuss common topics. Stealth. Are you a couple or just for a couple of times? Relationships involve understanding, support and the ability to rely on each other.

What annoys men about other men: Top 8

Communication between women is an eternal rivalry, but men are friends and brothers to each other forever. This is precisely the worldwide stereotype about gender relations. Or maybe no one simply asked the representatives of the stronger sex how they relate to their fellow men? A recent discussion among users of the entertainment portal Reddit showed that gentlemen, in fact, have had a problem for a long time: they have something bad to say to other guys.

“Lenta.ru” studied the most striking and “liked” statements, and based on them, compiled its own rating of those traits and actions that irritate men in other men. It turned out to be very informative.

Moidodyr's Wrath

In the first place is the lack of skills to use a public toilet, shower, and locker room correctly, accurately and respectfully towards others.

Indignant representatives of the stronger sex believe that before visiting the toilet, many would do well to remember what all boys are taught in childhood: to aim accurately, and if something goes wrong, to clean up after yourself.

Photo: Roland Weihrauch/Global Look

From about the same opera, there are complaints from men that their fellow tribesmen neglect basic hygiene rules.

“All the places where there are only men and where there are a lot of them - like showers, locker rooms - always stink,” one Reddit user complained.

Men cannot stand “brothers in mind” who strive to drink too much and get into fights without any particular reason.

“They always pick on everyone, even their friends,” is how this unpleasant type is described on Reddit.

“If you have such a character, why do you still drink?” - the men are perplexed.

Photo: Patrick Pleul/Global Look

The same goes for jealousy. “Not every man in the world wants your woman, cool down already,” Reddit users advise modern Othello. Such emotions and the accompanying actions look very pathetic, men say.

On the other hand, representatives of the stronger sex do not hide their antipathy towards those who always complain about marriage ties and vilify their missus in every possible way.

“They pretend it's okay to hate marriage. My wife is my best friend, I can’t imagine how this could not be true.”

"This is true. I always hear this “oh, damn, I’m married” and think - why did they marry those they don’t like? My wife is great."

“If your relationship doesn’t work out, why tell everyone about it? We either have to fix this or break up.”

Men also believe that physical and emotional violence is unacceptable in the family (“You can’t treat a woman badly just because you’re sure she won’t leave”). Gentlemen are also offended when other representatives of the stronger sex use expressions like “my wife doesn’t allow me” or, conversely, “I don’t allow mine to do that.” They are sure that the best family option is when no one has the right to prohibit their partner from doing anything.

Reddit users ridiculed the vigorous activity of their fellow tribesmen, hoping to meet pretty girls on social networks. In their opinion, various compliments, “likes” and other petty flattery in the profiles of attractive women are the “bottom”.

“All these “hi, beautiful” and “you’re so sexy” are just saturated with despair,” one user noted, and more than five thousand people agreed with him.

Reddit's "Men's Council" also ruled that it is rude to "trash" a girl at the beginning of dating - at least if the reputation of other men suffers from it.

“You don’t need to tell her that you are not like other men. Because if you say so, then that’s exactly who you are!”

“I can’t stand men who find fault with women’s appearance, and they themselves are total freaks,” more than 2,400 Reddit users considered this statement to be true.

“Some people are always whining: “Where are the beautiful girls?” There is not one." I just want to say: shut up, you’re not Apollo yourself.”

Men do not like extremes in the character of other men. Many people are enraged by alpha males and all sorts of attempts at dominance.

“I'm annoyed that my roommate walks around naked to show off his superiority,” one commenter complained, and 3,900 people sympathized with him.

Photo: MediaDrumWorld / Zuma / Global Look

“I don’t like all these attempts to show that you are somehow cooler than other men. Stop comparing already.”

“I don’t know if anyone noticed except me, but... Sometimes you walk down the street, and other men you don’t know look at you like a wolf, as if they are always on guard. It seems as if you say a word to such a macho man and he will attack you.”

Reddit users also really dislike stereotypes about “real guy behavior.”

“I don’t have to like football just because I have a penis,” this statement has proven to be quite popular.

“I don’t like men who brag that they don’t know how to do anything around the house: “My woman does all this nonsense, and I don’t even know how to turn on the stove, ha ha, let’s go have a beer!” I can’t stand people like that.”

“Cooking is not difficult at all, and this skill will not make you any less of a man than you are. This way you will never die of hunger. And other people also enjoy it when you cook something for them.”

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are more than capable of assessing the attractiveness or, conversely, the unattractiveness of other men. They do the latter especially well.

“I don’t like men who seem to have decided to grow a beard, but theirs is kind of stubby. Why do you need a beard with bald spots? Like you’re 30 years old, but your beard is 14?”

Men are also irritated by the insatiable desire to build muscle in other men.

Photo: Martin Lejeune/Global Look

When one of the “brothers in mind” is attractive, this also does not go unnoticed:

“I have long noticed that handsome men are often vile people. I don’t want to say that this is always the case, but often.”

“I worry when I talk to someone who has a beautiful deep voice. Then it seems to me that I myself am eating.”

Men don't like it when other gentlemen use the words "brother", "brother" or just "bro" with or without reason. The theory of male brotherhood is falling apart before our eyes...

“Men don’t know how to seriously discuss what really worries them. Keeping your emotions and thoughts to yourself all the time is so wrong.”



#men #relationships #interests

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How to be

Let's figure out what to do in a situation where your husband is very annoying.

  1. Initially, it is necessary to understand the true cause that influenced the appearance of irritability. It is important to realize what caused the reason, what does not suit your spouse. Perhaps he is not very caring, spends little time with you, or the reason lies in you. It is extremely important to understand where the roots come from, try to look at the situation from the outside, and understand your man. If you are annoyed that he does not behave the way you would like, then it is worth considering the fact that your spouse and you grew up in different families, with different views on life, that his certain actions may be the norm of behavior.
  2. It would not be superfluous to express your complaints to your spouse instead of constantly getting annoyed with him, breaking down, and causing scandals. Sometimes a man doesn’t even know about the true cause of your condition. It is important that this dialogue takes place in a calm atmosphere, without making claims. Tell the man your point of view, note what doesn’t suit you, but don’t get distracted by a new conflict. It is possible that the man is not to blame for the fact that you are offended, he does not even understand that he did something wrong, somehow offended you.
  3. If your husband’s shortcomings irritate you, then it’s time to develop tolerance. It is worth thinking about how many advantages your spouse has. Perhaps you should close your eyes to some shortcomings in his character or behavior. For example, if he snores at night, keeping you awake, he may be making you breakfast in the morning. Is it worth paying attention to night snoring in such a situation, especially since the man is clearly not to blame for this?
  4. If the current situation is due to the fact that you spend little time together, you can invite your husband to do a common activity, find some activity that you both will like, for example, yoga or couple dancing.
  5. Try a change of scenery, go on a trip with your husband or just out of town into nature. Sometimes a break from everyday life brings you closer, allows you to normalize your internal state and get rid of irritation. Although sometimes it is more fortunate to have a separate vacation. In a situation where spouses are tired of each other, they need to be alone with their thoughts for some time in order to miss their other half.
  6. If your husband is annoying because you are around too much, for example, you work in the same company, then the salvation of the situation may be to identify a hobby that is completely uninteresting to your spouse, which you will do in your free time, paying more attention to yourself.
  7. If the pregnancy period is to blame, then you need to realize that the man is not to blame for the fact that your hormonal levels have changed at the moment, so you need to try to restrain yourself and not take it out on your wife again. A man in such a situation needs to be patient and surround his woman with affection and care.
  8. If your spouse cannot cope with the role of a father, then you need to talk to him, explain that such behavior will lead to constant intra-family conflicts; children who do not receive attention from their father will not see him as an authority, an example to follow.
  9. If the problem is sexual dissatisfaction, then you should talk frankly with your spouse, tell him about what does not suit you, say that it is necessary to make certain changes in your intimate life, add variety, or ask the man to pay more attention to you.
  10. If changes in the amount of secreted hormones are due to physiological reasons, then the man must accept what is happening to his wife. As soon as the hormones return to normal, the irritation will disappear. If we talk about pathological changes in hormonal levels, for example, about hyper- or hypoproduction of thyroid hormones, then in such a situation it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist and begin hormone therapy.
  11. If a husband and wife work together, then it is necessary to distribute responsibilities so that the woman does not have an overload.
  12. In a situation with low self-esteem, the optimal help is to visit a psychotherapist, who will be able to identify the true causes of the condition and work through them.
  13. If irritability is caused by a lack of feelings, a reluctance to live with the man who is now nearby, then it is possible that in this case the best solution is separation. Although sometimes you shouldn’t immediately resort to radical measures, it’s better to separate for a while and check your feelings. While you are away from each other, it is possible that you will realize that you want to continue living with this person.
  14. If your husband spends too much time at work, take care of joint leisure, make it a habit, for example, going to the theater every week or to the cinema, meeting with friends, or going out into nature.
  15. Try to look at yourself from the outside, through the eyes of your spouse, as often as possible. How fair are your accusations and nitpicking?
  16. Do not resort to manipulation, shouting, or threats. You need to understand that anger and irritation will only intensify against the backdrop of scandals.
  17. Communicate with each other more often, talk about how you feel. Remember that any concealment of grievances or keeping omissions leads to problems in the family and conflicts. It is important to allow your man to participate in solving your problems.
  18. Touch each other as often as possible. Since tactile contact helps to establish even unstable relationships.
  19. Don't forget to praise your spouse. Be a wise woman. If you need to do something, do not demand it from your husband, but tell him that only a strong man like him can cope with this task. You will be surprised how much your spouse will change.

Now you know, if a wife is annoyed by her husband, what could be the reason. Remember that sometimes this is a sign that there is discord in the family and you are no longer suitable for each other. You should not turn a blind eye to the irritation that has arisen, since over time it will in any case lead to constant scandals at home and to an inevitable divorce. And sometimes the reason is so simple that you can get rid of the irritation quickly enough. Ignoring this will only put your marriage in jeopardy.

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