How to Ignore Someone Who Annoys You and Stay Calm

Annoying people can be found everywhere. But how can you ignore a person who annoys you without feeling guilty or uncomfortable? Even fleeting, but frequent communication with unwanted interlocutors can have far-reaching consequences, negatively affecting health and character.

Stop telling him what to do

If you're constantly telling your partner what they should and shouldn't do, stop. We are sure that he is an adult and will be able to figure out this world on his own. Whether it's doing housework, choosing a restaurant, or going for a walk, it doesn't matter.

Just leave him alone and stop wasting your precious time on this. Focus on yourself and what you want to do. You are not his mother, you don’t need to look after him. Let him turn to you for advice when he needs your help.

Why are some people annoying?

Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of analytical psychology, worked on many issues. He was interested not only in all kinds of disorders of the nervous system, but also in the peculiarities of relationships between people in society. In his book “Eon. Studies on the Symbolism of the Self,” he wrote, about how the desire to correct something in others is of dubious usefulness.

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The authority of the famous scientist does not allow one to doubt the conclusion he made on the basis of many years of observations. This means that you shouldn’t enter into polemics with annoying people.

K. Jung considered irritation caused by other people as a person’s reaction to his own shortcomings, even if they had not yet been identified and designated.

These are the ones we have to work on. First of all, it is worth analyzing your own behavior. If you don’t like loud, booming laughter, then you should focus on your reactions to jokes. Perhaps somewhere deep down in your soul there is a strong discontent hidden and you subconsciously want to change them.

Rude people and selfish people cause a whole barrage of indignation in response. Most people are sincerely outraged by their arrogance and boorish behavior. The negative assessment, in this case, is completely justified.

Change your tone

At some point, we all forget that our partner doesn't actually owe us anything. So if you start nagging him about something, consider simply rephrasing what you want and pretend it's a polite request.

You'll be surprised how much politeness and manners can change his perspective on a situation and you'll still get what you want.

Irritability as a sign of hormonal changes

The hormonal background of the female body changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, which affects the nervous system. Many women experience increased nervousness every month shortly before the onset of menstruation. This occurs due to the increase in the amount of progesterone compared to estrogen. As a result, controlling emotions becomes almost impossible. Typically, premenstrual syndrome is more pronounced in older women, but young girls also suffer from it. Other hormonal causes of emotional instability in women may include:

  • Climax. Menopause is a very difficult period in the life of any woman. A rare lucky woman during this period does not know what mood swings and aggression are. The reasons lie in a decrease in estrogen levels, which helps the fair sex maintain emotional balance. Herbal preparations containing phytoestrogens will help get rid of mood swings during menopause. Only a doctor should select such a medicine.
  • Pregnancy. Expectant mothers often get irritated for no reason. In fact, hormones are also to blame for this. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the body experiences high stress due to hormonal changes, so the nervous system becomes more vulnerable. Many women feel increased anxiety and tension during this period of their lives. They develop tearfulness and aggression towards others. You cannot take any hormonal medications to relieve such symptoms. Pregnant women are advised to drink soothing decoctions. Irritability often appears in expectant mothers just before childbirth. Here, psychological factors are added to the hormonal factors: the woman experiences fear of the upcoming birth and discomfort due to a large belly.
  • Lactation. When breastfeeding, the female body also undergoes hormonal changes. In addition, breastfeeding is tiring and takes a lot of energy. This is why women on maternity leave are exhausted, quickly tired, and become aggressive and abrupt. To get rid of tearfulness and irritability during this period, a woman needs to rest more. Drugs such as Glycine, “Evening” tablets, and soothing herbal teas for children will help eliminate aggression and emotional instability.
  • Thyroid diseases. With disorders of this organ, the hormonal levels of the body also change. As practice shows, women are exposed to such diseases more often than men. Symptoms of thyroid diseases include nervousness and increased emotional excitability or, conversely, lethargy and apathy, sleep disorders, disruptions in the cardiovascular system, depression, increased body temperature, and sudden weight loss. If, against the background of constant irritability, your hair begins to fall out, you lose weight, or have a low-grade fever, you should contact an endocrinologist for treatment.

Increased irritability in women occurs not only due to hormonal imbalances. Physiology or psychology is often to blame.

The development of nervousness is influenced by physiological and psychological factors

Don't let the situation lead to disaster

If you are annoyed that your partner continues to do something that you have repeatedly complained about, try to rationally assess the situation. Is this important or a minor inconvenience? If he keeps leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor, don't try to make it seem like he's disrespecting you.

He's probably not trying to text you or write "I don't respect you" in wet towels. He's just lazy and doesn't think about it at all. Just let it go and leave the towels alone. We are sure that in a couple of days, when he does not have dry and clean towels, he will figure everything out on his own.

How to stop being irritated

— Sleep, food and movement are among the key physiological needs of the body. Only when they are satisfied will a person have a healthy body, good mood and high energy.


For health and resource status, doctors recommend sleeping 7-9 hours. You need to go to bed at 22-23 hours, no later. Men need 7 hours to rest, women - 8. In winter, the recommended sleep time increases by 1 hour and is 8 hours for men and 9 for women. With a lack of sleep, the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases in the body. This leads to the fact that a person is in a mode of constant tension and increased stress. In addition, lack of sleep affects energy levels: a person with low energy is always more irritable and less emotionally stable. Thus, the amount of sleep is directly related to the appearance of this negative emotion in people.

To feel good, you need to go to bed before 23.00

A person's diet should be balanced, varied and regular. It must contain a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. It is important that the menu is varied: if we eat about the same thing every day, we will not get the full range of nutrients we need. In addition, we need new emotions, impressions, tastes. Therefore, different products mean different tastes, colors, presentation. This helps us live an interesting life, receive positive emotions, and make life more fulfilling. And when she’s like that, you don’t want to get annoyed.

It is better if a person has 3 full meals and 2 snacks every day with an interval of 3 hours. It is necessary to include healthy foods in your diet: vegetables, cereals, fruits, protein and fats, and monitor the amount of long-term carbohydrates. Sugary and fatty foods only improve your mood for a short time, so this is only a temporary solution to combat stress. Coffee is also an irritant: it does not provide energy and puts even more stress on the nervous system. If it is difficult to give up coffee, then it is better to drink it in the first half of the day. It is also important to remember that you should not eat heavily 2-3 hours before bedtime.


Our body is evolutionarily designed for movement, so a person should find time for physical activity every day. Thanks to it, the body feels that it is being cared for and becomes strong and healthy. In addition, daily movement is directly related to the production of joy hormones. People who exercise smile more often and are in a good mood.


Sex is also part of the biological needs of the body. The body thanks us for this activity with a large amount of joy hormones.

Don't do what you don't want to do

Some things in life just have to be done, even if they are not fun. But this does not mean that they must be carried out by you. Just because your partner never takes out the trash, does the dishes, or does other chores around the house doesn't mean it's automatically your responsibility. Don't take on too much and then complain that you do everything around the house and nag him to help.

Just do what you want and leave the rest. Eventually he'll run out of clean clothes or clean dishes or something and he'll either do it or ask you about it. This is a great opportunity to point out that he can do it himself or hire a maid.

How to ignore someone who annoys you: some practical tips

In order not to get upset and worry in vain, you should avoid contacts with inadequate and antisocial individuals, as well as with those whose daily and everyday habits are far from perfect. If people do not want to correct their shortcomings, it is better to stay away from them. There are many techniques and ways to ignore “toxic” people, but one of the most effective is to define psychological boundaries, violation of which will be a signal to end the conversation or leave the room under any pretext.

Complete control of your mental state will allow you not to react to other people’s attacks against you and not to perceive them too emotionally.

Experts advise carefully choosing your social circle and suggest how to ignore people who annoy you:

  1. You need to meet unpleasant people less often. And if the meeting does take place, for example, at work, talk in a detached manner, without going into details and without starting an argument.
  2. Eliminate the possibility of communication through social networks, do not answer calls and SMS messages.
  3. Do not allow annoying people into your personal correspondence, otherwise they may use its content to humiliate or reproach you for something. This is especially true for family relationships and not necessarily between spouses. Growing children often conflict for this reason.

You cannot allow a toxic person to cause harm. A positive attitude will help you withstand any annoying actions and even “psychic attacks” with dignity.

It is always quite difficult to piss off a good-natured person with a developed sense of humor and sufficient self-irony. Many “toxics” will save in front of him, unless, of course, they drive him into the clutches of a prefabricated situation.

Give him a taste of his "own medicine"

It's not the most pleasant thing to do, but if all else fails, you have to do it. If your partner continues to ignore your requests, try ignoring him. For example, if you asked him to wash the dishes in the morning and it’s almost time for dinner, it’s his fault that he doesn’t get dinner. After all, you don't have anything to cook it with.

The next time he asks you to do something for him, agree, but don't do it. It's definitely passive-aggressive, but he's not a gift either.

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