How to learn to better formulate thoughts in conversation?

Scientists study the category “thought”

What is this thought? According to the theory of American scientists, thought is such fluctuations in some activity, due to which some thoughts and memories are formed in our brain. These scientists are trying to find a way to get a picture that will be set by the brain. But they have no idea how thoughts are formed, where they come from, where they originate. Science is still far from answering this question.

It is known that all people can, by trusting their intuition, know what to do in a given situation. Where do the tips come from? Advice is given by thoughts. It may not be possible to consider this issue from a purely material point of view, so it is necessary to turn to a spiritual point of view.

Thought cannot be touched, it cannot be measured, but it definitely exists, it is not questioned. It is thoughts that help a person achieve his goals, it is thoughts that shape human personality.

Definition of the word “Thought” according to TSB:

"Mysl", Bolshevik legal monthly philosophical and socio-economic magazine. Published in Moscow from December 1910 to April 1911. 5 issues were published. Official editor-publisher of "M." was P.K. Pirozhkov, the actual editor was V.I. Lenin, who directed the magazine from abroad. V.V. Borovsky, I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, M.S. Olminsky and others actively participated. In “M.” G. V. Plekhanov and Menshevik party members collaborated. The magazine published 6 articles by Lenin. The last, 5th issue was confiscated, and “M.” closed. Its continuation was the magazine “Prosveshchenie”, published in St. Petersburg. Lit.: Bolshevik periodical press (December 1900 - October 1917). Bibliographic index, M., 1964, p. 105.

"Mysl", a publishing house of socio-economic literature in the system of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade. Located in Moscow. Founded in 1930 as the Publishing House of Socio-Economic Literature - Sotsekgiz (as a result of the reorganization of the socio-economic department of the State Publishing House, founded in 1919). in 1941 Sotsekgiz was merged with Gospolitizdat, in 1957 it was again separated into an independent publishing house, in 1963 the Publishing House of the Higher Party School and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee and Geographgiz were merged with Sotsekgiz. The established publishing house received its modern name. Published studies, monographs, popular science books on Marxist-Leninist philosophy, history of philosophy, scientific atheism, economics of socialism and communism, world economy, history of the USSR and world history, educational and methodological manuals on social sciences for higher party educational institutions and the political system education, on the economic and physical geography of the USSR and foreign countries. In 1973, the publishing house had 3 specialized main editorial offices: socio-economic literature. educational and methodological literature for party educational institutions. geographical literature. In 1972, the volume of publishing output amounted to 292 titles (175.8 million printed sheets) with a circulation of over 14 million copies. A. P. Poryvaev.

We have a choice

Every person has two natures. One “good” is human, the other “bad” is animal. Yes, man is dual by nature, he has these two principles. And every day a person faces many choices. A tired worker rides in a crowded subway car, with a pregnant woman standing next to him. You can pretend that you didn’t notice and relax in a sitting position, or you can give your seat to the girl.

Psychologists say that all human problems arise when their “owner” does not understand the reason from which his thoughts and desires arise. It is also important to remember that all thoughts come from somewhere outside, giving people a choice in some action.

Brain and thought. A look from the past

Plato said that the human soul does not occupy the entire body, but precisely the part where the brain is located. But provided that a person creates the conditions for this. And if a person lives a life inappropriate for a decent person, then the soul cannot manifest itself and send good thoughts.

Where do bad thoughts come from in your head? Pythagoras argued that if a person lives an incorrect life, then the soul cannot manifest itself and give thought, overshadowing the person.

In the second case, a person lives an automated life, according to given patterns.

Develop your acting skills

Speech technique contains elements of acting. Play with a certain word. Let's say the word is "love". Say it first with a cheerful intonation, and then as if you are upset about something. Next, add aggression or pretend that you are up to something.

You can turn this into a game and involve family or friends in it. You pull out random words one at a time, and the presenter determines the pitch and says what it should be - but only to the speaker. Your task is to pronounce the word so that those present understand what mood you are trying to convey.

Speech production involves working not only on your verbal intelligence, but also on your body and mind. It is necessary to do a huge number of different exercises to improve well-being, increase self-confidence, pump up the speech apparatus, breathing, intonation and spelling.

This is a lot of complex work, so I recommend contacting speech coaches directly or their blogs, books and video tutorials. And remember, if you really want to achieve results, you need to practice systematically. These exercises should be included in your daily tasks and become part of your life.

Thought and scientific discoveries?

Many scientists believe that our thoughts are complex patterns of electrical discharges that are generated by neurons.

Every person has their own purpose in life. And a neuron is considered a conductor.

The following conclusion can be drawn. Thought is a kind of movement of matter inside other matter. But is that all? Does this answer the question of where a person’s thoughts come from? No. But, starting from this definition, we will come to the conclusion that thought is truly material.

We know that electromagnetic waves have positive and negative charges. Thus, thinking about something bad, a person creates a field around himself with negatively charged particles. Bad field, negative. We can say about such a person that he has a bad aura. Accordingly, when a person thinks only about good things, a field of positively charged particles is created around him.

Thus, by thinking positively, a person takes away all the good things from the world. And thinking negatively takes away all the bad things. Here, as in the famous Russian proverb: “What we sow, so shall we reap.”

What kind of adjective thoughts can there be?

We offer you a translation of the word thought into English, German and French. Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service

  • thought
    - thinking, mind political thought - political thought
  • righteous thought
  • philosophical thought - philosophical thinking
  • idea
    - idea
      good idea
  • opinion
    - opinion
      free thought - free opinion
  • obsession
    - obsession
    • Gedanke
      - reflection, idea, interesting thought - interessanter Gedanke
    • good idea
  • Denken
    - thinking
      freedom of thought – Freiheit des Denkens
  • Ideen
    - idea
  • Geist
    - mind
  • Eingebung
  • Einfall
    - idea
  • Anregung
    - idea
  • Ansichten
    • pensée
      - idea, thinking, reflection freedom of thought - liberté de pensée
    • share your thoughts - partager vos idees
    • stimulate thoughts
  • opinion
    - opinion
  • trait
    - trait
  • Hypo-hyperonymic relationships

    What is a thought (adjectives)?

    Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

    What can thought do? What can you do with thoughts (verbs)?

    Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

    Associations to the word thought

    Synonyms for thought

    Hyponyms for thought

    Scope of use of the word thought

    Signal systems

    Where do obsessive thoughts in our heads come from? Many people at appointments with a psychologist talk about how their thoughts have become obsessive and somewhat identical and repetitive.

    And what can be done in such a situation?

    First you need to determine the source. It is necessary to understand why these obsessive negative thoughts appeared.

    All our thoughts do not enter the brain out of nowhere. The process of thinking is the process of processing information from the surrounding world using the senses. The brain then collects information from “primary sources”, processes it and stores it. Roughly speaking, our brain stores every moment of our life. Yes, we don't realize it, but it is so. The storage of information occurs in a specific situation, during a specific action. The process of memorization begins in the womb.

    With the activation of the child’s speech function, primary information (from the first signaling system) is associated with speech and thought. From this moment on, all information entering the brain will be remembered only after it has been processed by the second signaling system.

    Over time, the brain accumulates a huge amount of information, which allows people to understand where a thought comes from and have “pattern thoughts.” That is, in situations that are similar to those that a person has already experienced, he will build a way of behavior based on the experience he has experienced.

    There is a chamber called a “sensory deprivation chamber” in which there is salt water and nothing else. When immersed in this water, a person dissolves. The sensations go away, and after them the thoughts go away.

    It turns out that all our thoughts appear in our heads through our eyes, ears, nose, etc. If there is little incoming information, then we have few thoughts.

    A person thinks, thinks, based on subjective ideas about the world. It is these ideas that form our picture of the world.

    Try to imagine that all our senses are some kind of antennas that catch a signal from the world and send it to the brain. He, in turn, quickly deciphers it and gives it some specific form. A thought appears. And it already causes a reaction in the body or some kind of feeling. It turns out that thought is the beginning of everything?

    Now we come to the main thing.

    What is a thought? It is a wave, a particle (like a molecule) that has a positive or negative charge.

    Learn to breathe correctly

    Often the reason for your incoherent speech can be anxiety and self-doubt. Correct breathing allows you to relax and reduce the level of accumulated stress. That's why I always start my classes by staging it.

    Your task is to learn to breathe with your lower body. When inhaling correctly, the upper abdomen should protrude slightly forward, and as you exhale, the diaphragm should contract (the abdomen goes deeper, as if it is striving towards the spine). Inhalation must be done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. The exhalation should be amplitude, sonorous and always twice as long as the inhalation.

    I recommend trying this exercise. Lie on your back on a relatively hard surface. Place one hand on the diaphragm area (its conventional border can be drawn along the lower edge of the ribs), and the other on the chest. Watch which one rises as you inhale. Your task is to lift the one that is lying on your stomach.

    Next, turn over, lie on your stomach and put your hands under your head. As you inhale, try to push your ribs off the surface you are lying on. There will be a feeling that the lower part of the body is inflated like a balloon. Perform these exercises 5-10 minutes a day - this way you will form a new breathing habit.

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