What to do if bad thoughts enter your head: 7 effective techniques for all occasions

Advice (before I start about methods) for the future...

Try to cut down all the negativity in the bud (instantly). Cut it off. Don't let it in.

Get rid of negative people = remove them from friends, block social networks, phones, stop all communication with them, etc. and so on. in general = try to get rid of everything negative, everything = absolutely everything instantly in the bud, without thinking, analyzing, etc. and so on. I just took it and cut it off. That's all.

All this negativity = it weakens your condition, productivity, etc. and so on. it makes us unhappy, worsens our lives, all this depression, weakness, depression, torment, suffering, sometimes insomnia, arise (or can) arise, well, all this crap that does not bring anything good. Only harm.

Here's a formula for you: move away the negative and bring the positive closer. That's all.

Overall “positive”, positive people, etc. and so on. = on the contrary, it strengthens us, inspires, increases productivity, supports, improves life, gives strength, energy inside, makes us want to tear and throw, etc. and so on. in general, I just want to deal with positivity, life is completely different.

Method number 1. Don't keep it to yourself...

We men have a huge problem, keeping “everything” to ourselves. You feel bad? Is there something worrying you? Don `t cry. Be patient. You are man. All. Dot. Women = don't have this. They babble about anything at all. Badly? Speak out, cry = and you will feel better. Do you see the difference in men and women? She's colossal.

Women = they use language to empathize with each other, they share information with each other, etc. and so on. They have a whole section in their brain that is responsible for conversations. That's why they babble all the time, and when some kind of problem or something else arises, something worries, well, in general, you understand = they immediately express it, to a friend from there, or to someone else - anyway, they don’t keep anything to themselves, absolutely. She spoke out, cried = and everything is fine with her. Unlike us men...

You are man. Be patient. Don `t cry. Are you a girl or what? Etc. As a result, then, because of this, a lot of illnesses arise, and this is a fact (proven by scientists), due to the fact that we keep everything to ourselves, all the negativity, all this negative energy... you know? Briefly speaking. What kind of method is this, No. 1. which I recommend.

There is no need to keep anything to yourself! Don't keep negative energy inside you!

I personally used this method = it helps a lot, it really makes you feel “easier” and calmer.

The point is that you need to speak up, throw all your emotions out = and not keep them all inside. There are many ways. You can speak out to your loved ones, friend, comrade, etc. like women do.

Or without resorting to anyone, on your own (I use this). Sit down, take a piece of paper and a pen = and feel free to write everything, everything, everything that worries you / what’s on your mind... After you’ve written = squeeze/crumple this piece of paper and throw it away like garbage in the trash. Even better = burn it.

Damn, it’s getting easier and better. Try it sometime and see for yourself...

Method number 2. "Mind trickery" (change focus)

It's magic, in a sense of the word. I discovered this technique a long time ago and use it quite often!

Not only worldview (faith) influences our actions (deeds), but also vice versa, actions = influence (change) our worldview (our psyche). Understand?

If you have some kind of problem, negative thoughts, something bothers you, bothers you, it’s burdensome, you feel negative = change your focus from negative = to positive = by saying something good to someone or something, vice versa. Understand? For example, one popular way is to express your gratitude.

Yes. You heard right. Gratitude. My. Not your EMOTIONS (negativity, anger, aggression), but your gratitude (positive). Even if you don’t understand why and how you can do this = after all, you are experiencing negative emotions towards someone or something = how can you speak then positive = it doesn’t matter, express it, do something good. Voice your gratitude. To someone (for example, a person) or something...

It will change your psyche. The focus will change, from negative = to positive. Expressing gratitude = this is an action. This is an action. Do you remember what I said just above? Actions (deeds) = they change our worldview. Understand? It's really magic. You may not even understand how it works, you may not even understand now, and think that this is some kind of nonsense, I’m writing here, but! Once you try it once and understand = how it all works = you will often use this “magic”.

In general, actions = change the psyche (worldview). If you do a good deed = after some time = your worldview will change in the right direction, in this case, the focus will change from negative = to positive. Believe me. That's exactly what will happen. I give you an absolute 100% guarantee.

I use this technique on many things = it always works, and it works 100% and whoever understands how the human brain works = understands what I said and thereby gets the desired result.

Why are bad thoughts dangerous?

Bad thoughts, capturing even a small fraction of everyday thoughts , grow over time. Like a snowball, they attract attention and time, gradually increasing in size.

This can lead to a nervous breakdown, clinical depression, a wide range of other mental disorders, and serious physical illnesses.

This happens because the healthy human brain responds to words and impressions by changing the chemical balance in the body and the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain.

A negative, gloomy thought or mood can make you feel bad on a physical level. If these impressions and thoughts constantly overcome the psyche, over time the functions of the whole organism are upset. The immune system is suppressed, muscle tone is impaired, and it becomes more difficult to manage your life.

Stories of people dying of sadness or grief are not artistic exaggerations. Under extreme stress, even those with a strong physique become more vulnerable to disease.

Method No. 3. Take your mind off the negativity (don’t think about it)…

When you're just sitting on a chair = doing nothing = it's difficult, or rather unrealistic, to distract yourself from negative thoughts. You think about them. You replay it in your head. You chew them. You mumble. Horror in short. At the same time, you try to somehow distract yourself from the negativity (try not to think about it) - but it doesn’t work.

But it doesn’t work out because you’re distracting yourself in the wrong way. You need something to distract you. The vector needs to be changed. Focus. Switch. For example, take care of work, business, career, sports, etc.

By the way, yes, sport is a very good way to release emotions.

The gym, heavy hardcore training (well, those who are in the know understand how you feel after) or working on a bag (pear) are also great for helping to release all the aggression, anger, hatred, negativity, etc. These types of activities are my personal preference , use what you like (what you want)…

But! There must be something active, where you plow, throw out all the hatred and other energy.

Sport, firstly, distracts you from the negative as such (you don’t think about it like just sitting on a chair doing nothing), here you move, do something, perform, work, you know? And secondly, you throw out all the negative energy. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone...

Job. Career. Business. Personal growth. Do something. Don't just sit around doing nothing. Thinking about how to avoid thinking negative thoughts. Understand? Actions, there must be active actions. Then you won’t have to think about how to get distracted - because you won’t have time for this - you will be busy.

Here’s a meeting, a business lunch, and then write an article, hang up an advertisement there, change it, and then change money at the exchanger, I don’t know, negotiate with suppliers, find out about rent, look, negotiate; personal growth, learn something new, necessary, etc., meet friends, etc. Well, this is all an example. The point is, do something to distract yourself (change focus, switch)…

Method number 4. Treat this as a lesson, experience, development...

Personality develops very strongly when it suffers, when it hurts. I understood this from my own experience, at one time. What I mean is that mistakes, failures, negativity, pain, suffering = this is not always bad. And if it has already happened = perhaps it’s worth looking at this situation from a different angle...

Yes, at hour “X” = it’s not clear, it’s bad. WHY DO I NEED THIS? ENOUGH. HOW CAN. Life is pain. I'm tired of all. Everything is bad. Depression. Negative, Thoughts like this... well, etc. and so on.

But! Some time passes = and if you are a REASONABLE HOMOSAPIENS, then you will understand = that thanks to this passed stage (negative) - you have grown as a person, you have become stronger spiritually (within yourself), you have improved to some extent, you have learned lessons , gained life experience, etc. and so on. understand?

That's why = not always bad. Understand? Why, I told you this (what I was leading you to). I was leading you to try to look at your negativity as a positive. Look at the situation = from the other side. Not from the outside = everything is bad, depression, negativity, horror, pain = but this is a lesson, this is an invaluable experience, this is my pumping as an individual, my development, my progress, this is how I become stronger. Do you understand the point?

This method, perhaps, few people will understand, and perhaps it on its own = will work very poorly or not work at all, but when combined with the ones listed above (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) = it works, and I assure you you, works quite well. Again, I checked it personally! So go for it.

In general, all methods can be combined if desired. I have used all 4 methods in practice.

Causes of bad thoughts

It is believed that people with labile temperament and unstable psyche are more susceptible to bad thoughts. It is not true.

Everyone has to face negative experiences and difficult trials.

The vulnerability of people is greatly increased by objective and independent reasons:

  • experiencing a traumatic experience;
  • severe and/or prolonged stress;
  • imbalance of neurotransmitters;
  • organic brain damage due to trauma;
  • hormonal imbalance (diseases, pregnancy, age-related changes).

Genetic predisposition plays an important role , but it is not decisive.

Even if all of your immediate family were in excellent health, there is a chance that you will encounter difficulties and illnesses that no one else in your family has ever experienced.

No. 5. Put negativity to work... incentive (motivation)

Everything is simple here! Use the negative thoughts that are in your head, that “snuck into”, “hit”, “hurt” you - like a kick in the butt. Let this be an incentive for you. Motivation.

They tell you. You are nobody and there is no way to call you. And you’re like, yeah, I’ll show you what kind of nobody I am and what to call me. And you begin to change, achieve success, achieve, realize yourself, in general, so...

Well, do you understand the point? That's an example. By the way, everything that another person says/thinks about you is just a subjective opinion. You should not take his opinion as reality, this is a big mistake...

How to overcome bad thoughts during pregnancy?

Bad thoughts in pregnant women are usually associated with hormonal fluctuations.

The body changes and rebuilds, devoting a huge amount of resources to growing a new human being. Pregnant women need more nutrients, rest and positive experiences.

Recommendation sheet:

  • Be sure to take enough vitamins . The process of bearing children depletes the body's own resources.
  • Eat healthy . In addition to vitamins, you need dietary fiber, microelements, and beneficial bacteria.
  • Give up bad habits . Cigarettes and alcohol have a depressing effect on joy hormones and immunity. Even if your body is used to coping with the load, and you are confident in your health, a pregnant woman’s body is more vulnerable and requires a lot of care.
  • Entertain yourself . A happy and satisfied mother will benefit her child more than a constantly busy and stressed-out neurotic mother. In order not to deteriorate your mental state, do not forget to find sources of joy for yourself every day.
  • Don't forget to work on your well-being . A wealthy person who stands firmly on his feet worries less about the future. This is the most effective method to solve the problem.
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