Let's find out how to make your wife fall in love with you again - features, methods and recommendations

Everyday affairs, work, everyday life and household chores over time bury the romantic relationship and passion that previously existed between spouses. Their life becomes ordinary, even monotonous. It is at this time that many couples find themselves in a very difficult situation: the woman no longer feels attracted to her spouse, sex turns into an obligation, understanding disappears in the couple, feelings become dulled. What should a husband do if he notices that his significant other has grown cold? Psychologists say: such a situation can greatly hurt man’s dignity and self-esteem. After all, by their nature, men are leaders, conquerors, heads of the family. Is it possible to improve the situation? What if a woman no longer experiences strong feelings? How to make your wife fall in love with you again, with renewed vigor? How to preserve marriage, passion and love for many years? Today we will try to reveal all the subtleties of female psychology!

Cause of the problem

Mendelssohn's march ended, the woman took off her delightful snow-white dress, and real life began. Married life. Of course, at first there is no shortage of passion and fervor in a relationship, but after children appear in the family, the situation changes dramatically. The fair sex has more and more worries and troubles. If she still has to work, she has no strength left at all. Everyday life and work pull her into their boring gray whirlpool, which means that the relationship between husband and wife is rapidly cooling.

How to make your wife fall in love with you? Before you start winning her feelings again, try just talking to her, try to find out why her feelings faded away. Perhaps your soulmate is missing something, it is likely that she has problems and sorrows that overcome her heart. There are often situations when a woman is simply very tired and does not even have enough time for herself. It is also possible that your wife sees a problem in you: she does not feel caring on your part, she needs your attention. Psychologists say: there is always a reason, it is important to talk to your wife and definitely find out what happened.

However, when wondering how to make your wife fall in love with you, do not put pressure on her. In order for her to open her heart to you, organize a suitable environment: you can invite your beloved to a quiet restaurant where you previously had a date, or you can create a romantic atmosphere right at home, after sending the children to relatives. By the way, alcohol will not be amiss: this way a woman can relax and open up, share her thoughts and problems with you. By the way, psychologists give useful advice: do not try to improve the situation by trying to change your woman. You need to start with yourself!

Sarah Craven - How to make your wife fall in love with you

Sarah Craven

How to make your wife fall in love with you


“No,” Emily snapped coldly and glared at the two lawyers sitting on the other side of the desk. - No divorce. Please inform your client that I wish to declare the marriage null and void. The younger lawyer gasped loudly, earning him a disapproving look from his older colleague Arturo Mazzini. Signor Mazzini, confused, took off his glasses, wiped them and put them back on his nose.

“But, Countess, the main thing is the dissolution of the marriage, and not how it is done,” he said gently.

“I can decide for myself what is important and what is not,” Emily said. “Divorce implies that there was a marriage between us, and I want it to be clear to everyone: I am not and never have been the wife of Count Rafael Di Salis... in the generally accepted sense of the word.”

– So that everyone... is clear? - Signor Mazzini was horrified. “But you cannot say this seriously, Countess.” Any arrangement between you and Count Di Salis is confidential and its terms cannot be disclosed.

“I didn’t set the terms of the marriage,” Emily insisted. “My father did this, and I did not give guarantees about how such a marriage would end. And please don't call me Countess. Miss Blake - that's quite enough.

There was an awkward silence. Signor Mazzini took out his handkerchief and wiped his brow. After a pause, he leaned forward.

- Countess... Miss Blake, I ask you to change your mind. Divorce is a simple formality, and the terms of your support that my client offers are more than generous.

“I don’t need anything from the Count.” – Emily raised her chin. “As soon as I turn twenty-one, he will no longer be able to take care of my affairs and finally my father’s money and this house will be mine.”

The low winter sun cast slanting rays on Emily's fiery red hair. Young Pietro Celli pretended to be busy with the documents lying in front of him, but discreetly glanced at her. Too thin and pale, he thought, compared to the count’s last mistress, who was distinguished by her curvaceous figure. He noticed that Emily had no jewelry on her slender fingers. God only knows where the ex-wife - and she will soon become one - put the engagement ring and sapphire ring given by Di Salis. She will have to return them when the marriage is dissolved. But – Holy Virgin! – what stunning eyes she has! Emerald, with long eyelashes. True, the facial features are nondescript. The fact that she is obstinate is clear, and it is not surprising that such an expert on women as Rafael Di Salis agreed only to a fictitious marriage.

Meanwhile, this obstinate person continued:

– Of course, if your client has not spent all my inheritance on his dubious financial transactions. Perhaps you were sent here to tell me this “pleasant” news.

Signor Mazzini was furious, but pulled himself together, and Pietro’s jaw dropped.

“This is a completely unfounded and untrue statement, signorina,” replied Signor Mazzini in an icy tone. “Your husband managed the trust property impeccably, you can be sure, so you are a rich woman.”

He said this in a tone that implied: "Much richer than you deserve."

Emily sighed.

- Good good. I know very well that Count Di Salis is one of the financial luminaries. “And she added pompously: “I am, of course, grateful for everything he could do for me.”

The lawyer threw up his hands.

“Then, let me ask, why don’t you express your gratitude to him by agreeing with his proposal on how to file a divorce?”

Emily pushed back her chair, stood up and, going to the window, looked out into the garden. She was wearing a cream sweater tucked into tight black trousers with a wide leather belt. It seemed that two palms could be wrapped around her thin waist. A mane of shiny hair was tied at the back of her head with a black ribbon and bow.

“Because when I get married again,” she said quietly, “I want the wedding to take place in the parish church, and the priest is Orthodox and will not agree to marry a divorced woman.” And I want to be in a white dress so that the groom knows about my innocence. – She paused. – Is this clear to your client?

“But your current marriage will not be dissolved yet, Miss Blake,” Signor Mazzini replied in confusion. – Is it too early to make plans for your next wedding?

- There is no current marriage. This is just a business arrangement that will end soon. “She turned away from the window and asked with a polite smile: “Can I offer you some tea?” I'm afraid they won't like the coffee they serve in this house.

Signor Mazzini stood up.

- Thank you, no need to worry. I guess we both need some time to... think things over. Perhaps tomorrow, signorina, we will continue our conversation. And I hope that you will think carefully again, because - I tell you frankly - his Lordship will not agree to annulment of the marriage.

- But why? Doesn't he really want to get rid of me? And it seems to me that I deserve a reward for three years of pretending to be the mistress of the house, both here and in London, when required. And she turned a blind eye to his notorious personal life. “Her voice sounded sarcastic. “And now it’s his turn to do me a favor.”

– In English history, signorina, there is a custom of throwing down the gauntlet. But in your case, such a challenge to his lordship is unreasonable,” Signor Mazzini remarked harshly.

Emily laughed.

- Oh my God, it turns out I insulted his male egoism? Tarnishing his reputation by suggesting that there is at least one woman in the world who does not find him irresistible? And this woman is his wife. – She shrugged. – Unfortunately, I won’t change my mind. Please convey this message to your client. – Emily went to the fireplace, where the fire was smoldering, and pulled the bell cord. – And also tell him that the divorce procedure begins immediately, since in three months I will be twenty-one years old.

“I will convey your wishes to His Lordship.” – Signor Mazzini bowed slightly, and thought to himself that he would correct these “wishes.”

When the lawyers left, Emily sank exhausted into a large, high-backed leather chair near the fireplace. She behaved boldly in front of visitors, although everything inside was trembling and her legs were giving way. But the job was done, and she took the first tentative steps towards freedom. Curled up in the chair where her father once loved to relax, Emily closed her eyes. How lonely she is! Dad, dad, she whispered, why did you involve me in this farce called marriage? And why did I agree? But what else could I do when you were so seriously ill and forced me to give my word? But at least it's not a life sentence. Raf will keep his word. He's not doing me a favor. He agreed to marry me because he was in debt to his father, and thus paid off this debt. Under normal circumstances, he would never have chosen me as his wife. Yes, then I didn’t care what he wanted - I felt so unhappy that Simon left forever. I felt so bad that I would have even agreed to Count Dracula’s proposal. Raf, of course, is not a vampire, he is more like a black panther who roams the financial jungle in search of prey.

What does a woman need?

Every person experiences a huge number of desires. And a person is designed in such a way that he strives much more willingly and quickly to fulfill his own desires, forgetting about what his relatives want. That is why, in order to re-win the heart of your wife, you must analyze your behavior and answer yourself honestly - how long have you tried to please your beloved, what do you know about her needs, dreams and plans? Of course, there is no universal recipe or answer to the question of how to make your wife fall in love with you, but there are several proven methods! Let's talk about them now.


For the most part, women are romantic and sensual people. They are able to envelop their lover with an incredible amount of tenderness, affection, attention and warmth. True, we must not forget that they expect the same in return. Problems can begin when in the life of a representative of the fair sex there is not enough room for such things as admiring the sunset or stars together, contemplating nature, walking and kissing in the warm summer rain. In addition, it is very important for her to receive attention in the form of small surprises and unexpected gifts. If all this is not in your wife’s life, it is not at all surprising that her soul becomes callous and closes, and melancholy and resentment settle in her heart. By the way, it is often for this reason that ladies begin to look for a suitor on the side: it seems to them that in this way they can make up for the lack of romance in life. Answering the question of how to make your wife fall in love with you, psychologists say: do not let romance leave your marriage. Give your beloved flowers, be sure to invite her on dates. You can even take the “savages” on vacation, for example, to the sea, where you can admire sunsets and sunrises and sit by the fire.

Don’t be shy to take your wife by the hand and walk with her along quiet evening streets or embankments. Remember: your beloved will be pleased with even a small gift - a cute postcard or a small jewelry box. Don't forget about compliments. Psychologists also recommend confessing your tender feelings to your spouse more often.

How to fall in love with yourself again

Is everything like in the movie “Groundhog Day”? Is each new day similar to the previous one? Are you tired of everything? But you met the most wonderful girl in the world. I don’t want to throw her away or exchange her for another baby. But what to do? Emotions, trepidation, tension, desire and love have faded. How to maintain a relationship with a girl? How to make her fall in love with you again?

Don't disappear from women's field of vision as some magazines recommend. The girl will decide that love is leaving. He will look for a replacement for you and become independent. Stay close to her.

How to make a girl fall in love with you again? A few steps after which she will be in love like a stupid schoolgirl.

How to fall in love with yourself again

1. Change your style

Change your appearance, but not with the help of a plastic surgeon. Many men do not change their hairstyle and clothing style throughout their lives. Maybe it's worth it? Something more sophisticated, fashionable or interesting. Remember TV shows about fashion. How stylists change a person beyond recognition. Trust the professionals. You'll like it yourself!

2. Get out of the circle

Change your relationships and pastimes. Predictability of future actions and sex is bad for relationships. Change your life schedule: time for walking, eating, sex. Get up early in the morning and prepare breakfast. Leave work early and surprise your loved one. Don't live according to a schedule.

3. Show your fangs

Women don't need domestic cats. We need predators. Untamed, active, powerful, willful. Show a woman your fangs periodically. Don't let anyone doubt your strength and character.

How to make even the most unapproachable girl fall in love

4. Show spontaneity

It's time for your creativity and eccentricity to awaken. Follow your desires and act spontaneously. Buy tickets to the cinema, to the sea, arrange a date, give an unexpected gift, or flowers. Act extraordinary. Celebrate from scratch without waiting for Valentine's Day or March 8th.

5. Take care of your body

Join a gym or start working out on your own. But the gym would be preferable. A coach will help you achieve better results. A changing body, growing muscles, six-pack abs, a vigorous appearance and healthy skin. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Sports will help you be more active in bed. Male sexuality and attractiveness will increase.

6. Pick up a hobby

A man who sits exclusively at home and has no interests is a pitiful sight. It's good that you're not like that.

7. Make someone jealous

Healthy jealousy is necessary for any relationship. A little jealousy is a good seasoning for passionate love. Let her know that women like you. She is a little jealous, but her suspicions are not confirmed.

8. Get active in sex

It is quality sex that brings two people together the most. Download a sex manual from the Internet or buy one. You can watch it on your own or together with a girl. Time to try something new sexually. Visit a sex shop and buy something interesting. Ask about a woman’s desires and tell her about yours.

This is how you can make a girl fall in love with you again. The most important thing is not to try to change a woman. Change yourself. Improve and grow. Don’t be afraid to approach the ideal, you won’t achieve it in this life. Change every day. She will notice a changing figure, a new hairstyle, a stylish jacket, strength of character, confidence, unpredictability and sexuality. She will feel a surge of tenderness, love and concern for her man. She will tremble again, like a frightened doe, at your appearance. She will dream about you. You will sit in her thoughts. You will sleep in the same bed with a girl who has fallen in love again.

How to increase your importance for a girl and tie her to you?

Support and assistance

Everyday life and endless worries can destroy even the most sublime and beautiful feelings. In our difficult times, most women have to simultaneously take on the role of mother and housewife, a professional in their field. Of course, if they do not feel any help and support from their spouse, there can be no talk of love and strong family relationships. Family psychology experts note that every young lady periodically needs time for personal matters, self-care and just rest. It is for this reason that the betrothed, who considers cleaning the house and changing diapers for children to be an exclusively female activity, will sooner or later see the negative fruits of such a position.

In order to re-win the heart of your beloved, you need to become support and support for her. That is, if you returned from work a little earlier, just help your spouse, do something useful. If your loved one is late, it’s late, and there’s no dinner, don’t expect her to come home and flutter around the stove. It’s better to just order ready-made food to your home. Well, and, of course, don’t forget to thank your beloved: for a delicious lunch, fresh laundry, order in the house and other things. Give up the “not a man’s business” attitude and solve all your worries and problems together. After all, a man’s strength in understanding a woman lies in the fact that he can be a support in everything.

how to make a love spell to make the wife love her husband deeply

Not only women use love spells in their love practices. Many men also want to strengthen their love connection with the woman they love. For them, I would like to remind you that it is better to recite love spells on food or drink (most effectively on sweets or alcohol).

Words must come from the heart with all the power of inflamed love. You can create your own test in accordance with the desires, circumstances, and characteristics of your union. It is important that the words do not diverge from thoughts, life attitudes, positive thinking, complete faith in the result, the absence of negative thoughts, such as “she doesn’t love me now” - which, on the contrary, will neutralize any love spell actions. YOU CAN ALWAYS SEEK ANY MAGICAL HELP AND CONSULTATION FROM OUR SPECIALISTS BY WRITING THROUGH VIBER APPLICATION, WHATSAPP +79606999998 OR BY EMAIL

For example, such a love spell to make the wife love her husband deeply is read on her photograph or on food for the woman:

“Like a thread behind a needle, so you, name, follow me. Just as a fire in a furnace burns, blazes and glows, so in your heart the fire of passion for me burns, your love, my name, kindles for me.”

Love magic rituals are performed on the waxing moon - since this is creative magic, not destructive. The time when you should resort to such magical actions is a protracted period of cooling of feelings, the appearance of indifference, coldness of your spouse after past love and harmony. And naturally, love magic also has its own rules, laws, by observing which you can get a 100% result of a love spell. You can read about these rules in more detail in the document Rules for Creating Pure Love .

A love spell is the transfer of one’s own thoughts and feelings of desires to one’s partner using magic. Therefore, before you start love spells, you yourself need to be imbued with love, so that only sincere warm feelings without negative thoughts about the problem will pass into your wife.

You will not be able to bewitch a woman who passionately and truly loves another man, because the power of love will destroy any attempts to destroy such a relationship. If a love spell is performed for fun, interest or entertainment, for the sake of testing magical powers, then it is also doomed to failure, since there is no love, there is no feeling that needs to be conveyed and ignited in the heart of the bewitched object.

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How to make your wife fall in love with you? There are many ways. One of them is showing respect. Remain gallant in absolutely any situation, do not forget about the rules of good manners: open the car door for your companion, pull out a chair for her in a restaurant, help her put on her outerwear. Psychologists say: representatives of the fair sex are incredibly attentive to such things, they know how to notice and appreciate them. But what you shouldn’t do is allow yourself to be rude towards your wife, especially in public. Even if you think she is wrong, you can agree with her in public, and then, in private, calmly express your opinion. We assure you that absolute respect for your wife as an individual will ensure that you retain her devotion, love and understanding for a long time.

Other love spells

There are a huge number of options on how to get your wife back using a love spell and magic. If a woman fell in love with someone else, cheated on her, or left home, of course there is a way to get her back. However, it’s worth thinking about whether you should give up trying and let your beloved be happy, albeit with another man.

If it is impossible to let go of your spouse, then rituals using holy water, a wedding ring, a strand of hair, or, for example, the famous love spell from the famous healer Vanga will help.

Love spell on food

A simple love spell on food (breakfast) for a wife.

If misunderstandings and conflicts begin to appear in the family, then a love spell on your wife using magical powers will help. You don’t need to have outstanding culinary skills to cast a love spell on your wife about food. Cooking is a truly masculine activity. If you imbue the dish with your feelings, the love spell will affect the woman with great power. The old passion will return, and doubts will go away.

To perform a ritual, there is no urgent need to prepare specially or buy various magical attributes. It is enough to prepare your wife breakfast according to her taste in the morning. Even just to such a manifestation of care, a woman will respond with warm feelings and gratitude.

Offer her breakfast and when your wife starts eating, say the words of the love spell to yourself:

Flesh to flesh, soul to soul,

Let the feelings return to my wife.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

The result will appear on the same day. If the ritual does not have the desired effect, repeat it every other day.

Love spell on hair

To return the strong and mutual love of your spouse you will need:

  • A strand of a woman’s hair, or several hairs from a comb or clothing;
  • Large wax candle from the church;
  • Your own photo;
  • Matchbox.

First you need to light a candle. Wrap your hair around your ring finger, saying your wife’s name, thinking only about her. Then the ring is removed from the finger and placed on your photograph. The candle is taken in the right hand and dripped onto the hair so as to seal it to the photo. At this time the words are spoken:

Fire cannot live without air, and grass cannot live without water,

So you (name) will not be able to leave me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Next, the photograph is placed in a cardboard box and sealed with wax around the edges. Then they hide it in a safe place. Looking into the boxes is strictly prohibited.

How to bewitch your wife to holy water.

Holy water love spell

Casting a love spell on a woman on blessed water is quite simple and effective. You only need two things:

  • water blessed in the temple;
  • sweetheart's photo.

The ceremony goes as follows:

  • They place the photograph in front of them on the table and drink water three times, while thinking only about their beloved and their desire to return her.
  • Then, they ask higher powers for help:

Not a single living creature can live without water, so let my wife not be able to live without me, may witchcraft help me.

  • Then you need to spray water three times on the photo and remove it from prying eyes.

Love spell on the wind

Love spells using magical wind energy do not bring negative effects, but are quite powerful magical rituals. Before the ceremony you should stock up on:

  • Red wax candle;
  • any item of the spouse that she constantly wears or uses. This could be a comb, a ring, earrings, a scarf or your favorite lipstick;
  • full-length shot of his wife.

The ritual should be performed on a waxing moon, with the windows wide open, so that the wind can saturate the room with its energy.

  • To begin with, they light a candle and look at the fire for a long time, concentrating on their feelings for their wife.
  • Then they put the thing on the table and cover it with their hands, saying:

My wife, I love you and will never let you go.

  • Afterwards, they set fire to the edges of the photograph and lower it onto the item. After a couple of seconds the fire is extinguished.
  • All items are put under the pillow for a week. Then they hide it in a safe place away from prying eyes.

Love spell from Vanga

An effective love spell from a famous healer using beets and photographs of a married couple.

  • You need to make a cut in the shape of a cross on the beets so that the juice flows out.
  • Place three drops of beet juice on the photo.
  • Two wax candles are tied with burgundy thread.
  • Place two photographs on the table and a beetroot on top to form a triangle.
  • Light candles are placed in the center and they say:

The blade of the knife is sharp,

How will a wife's love for her husband become?

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on wife by phone and SMS.

Love spell by phone

With the advent of cellular communications, people began to use love spells using calls or SMS. To carry out such a love spell, you just need to call her or send an SMS, and before that say the words of the conspiracy:

In every word, in every letter

Love is concluded and separation ends.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A simple love spell on water

To make your wife feel homesick and homesick, you can perform a simple ritual using holy water. At midnight, the vessel is filled with blessed water and the fingers are passed along its rim seven times, repeating the name of the beloved. Then the water is placed so that the moonlight falls on it, and they repeat several times:

She swore an oath to love and never forget her.

Fates are connected by an invisible thread, I will paint happiness with a rainbow brush.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

The next morning the spouse must drink the water, then the love spell will work.

Trust and communication

How to make your wife fall in love with you again? Try to do everything possible to make her your friend. Share your secrets with her, be sure to discuss over dinner how everyone’s day went. Psychologists advise taking an interest in the affairs of your beloved spouse. By the way, by their nature, women are prone to debate and debate. Therefore, if your other half asks you to share or tell something, do not refuse her. Another masculine quality that will allow you to re-win the heart of your beloved woman is trust. Under no circumstances allow yourself unfounded scenes of jealousy and accusations. It’s better to find activities that will be interesting to both of you: you can play tennis on weekends, go out into nature, or dance together.

Intimate relationships

To the question of how to make a husband fall in love with a wife or a wife with a husband, psychologists answer: it is extremely important that everything is in order in intimate relationships. Are you sure that you satisfy your woman? Try talking to her about it: maybe she is missing something, maybe you are asking too much of her. It is also possible that your intimate relationships have become monotonous. The fact is that sex allows partners to express love to each other as vividly and sensually as possible, which is why it is an area of ​​life that needs to be constantly worked on. First, try changing the situation, give your beloved more affection and tenderness. You will see, realizing that your passion for her has not faded away, she will reciprocate your feelings.

How to prepare for a love spell ritual

Preparation for any ritual is an important stage, in which 99% of future success lies. For any magical manipulation it is especially important because it allows:

  • Gather your thoughts.
  • Focus on your goal.
  • Free your mind from negative energy.
  • Concentrate on your feelings for the woman you love.

The reason for the special significance of the preparatory stage for performing a love spell ritual is that it is often possible to destroy a wall in a relationship without resorting to magic. Misunderstandings that develop into quarrels and separations can be resolved through a heart-to-heart conversation or sincere repentance for the wrong actions committed. Mentally, carefully analyzing the reasons and prerequisites for a quarrel with his wife, a man is able to send her energy and signals indicating that he wants her back, that he continues to love her reverently.

How to bewitch your wife without consequences at home and make your message more powerful. To do this, try:

  • Let go of all the resentment and anger that is caused by the disagreement;
  • Introduce your beloved, the most wonderful and irresistible;
  • Mentally send signals to your soulmate, filled with warmth, affection and a strong feeling of love.

Advice. Any, even the most powerful love spell on your wife, will have a greater effect if you additionally show tenderness to your wife and surround her with attention and care. It is even more important to constantly send mental signals to your beloved, filled with sincere feelings. In some cases, they will be much more effective than any magical rituals.

A woman should feel the special energy emanating from her husband; your thoughts and actions should be filled with sincere admiration and love. Only in this case will the love spell ritual work and bring peace to family relationships.

How to make your ex-wife fall in love with you?

This issue deserves special attention. It often happens that a man can only understand after a breakup that his beloved (now ex) was the love of his life. Of course, restoring a relationship after such a serious rift is extremely difficult, however, nothing is impossible. The simplest tactic is to disappear from the sight of your passion for some time. Give her a little rest, cool down and release negative emotions. After your quarrels and scandals have subsided, you can win her heart again. Some young ladies can be influenced through feelings of jealousy. To do this, it is not at all necessary to start a new romance; you can simply hint that you are interesting to other women.

What to do in this situation if your ex-wife found her happiness in another man? Often, psychologists say that they are approached by men who claim that they are in love with someone else’s wife or girlfriend. Of course, in such a situation it will be extremely difficult to care for her, but it is quite possible that you will be able to look even better against the background of your new lover. Show all your positive qualities, remind your beloved of your happy moments.

How to get your wife back with a love spell

In every married couple, there comes a time when one wants to leave, start another relationship and experience different feelings. Of course, you should respect your partner’s choice, however, if the desire to be together is stronger, then you can call on magical powers to help and perform love rituals.

There are many options for how to bewitch a departed spouse, but none of them will work if you do not believe in the magical powers of the ritual.

Ritual for the return of the wife at the window to the moon.

Love spell under the moon at the window

A simple but effective way to get your spouse back is to perform a love spell ritual at the window. To do this you need:

  • On the waxing moon, around midnight, go to the window and open it to the moonlight.
  • Looking at the month, you need to ask it for your beloved to return as soon as possible. You can ask in any words, the main thing is passionately and sincerely.
  • The ritual must be repeated at least five times for maximum effectiveness.

Ritual to prevent divorce from wife

Preparation for this love spell should be quite serious, for this you will have to:

  • Sew your own small bag from red fabric.
  • Prepare olive oil, two small stones, preferably one light and the other dark, a strand of your hair and nutmeg.
  • Find a photo of your wife.

The order of the ceremony is as follows:

  • The names of the spouses are written on the photograph and then circled around them.
  • All attributes are put into a bag.
  • Seven drops of oil are dripped into it, praying to higher powers for the return of the beloved.
  • The bag is then sutured.

The love spell acts slowly, but very powerfully, so you need to repeat it every week on Women's Day.

Love spell on a castle

This love spell is performed when the wife left the family and filed for divorce. If tender feelings, as well as the desire to return the relationship, are great, then you can perform a love spell ritual. Regardless of what feelings a woman had for her husband, magic will return happiness to the married couple.

Any lock will be useful for it, the size or color does not matter, a key to it, as well as three beeswax candles. The ritual takes place on Friday, during the waxing moon, at midnight.

  • Light the candles.
  • Take the lock in one hand and the key in the other and say the words:

I close the lock and appeal to higher powers.

Let my wife return, let love beat in my heart again.

  • Close the lock, and in the morning go to the river and throw the key into it. The castle must be kept in a secret place so that no one will find it, otherwise the magic will dissipate.

The ritual is a very strong love spell; the spouse will definitely return, and family life will sparkle with new colors.

Let's sum it up

So, in order to win the heart of your soulmate again, you don’t need to try to change her, blame her and allow rude words towards her. First, analyze your behavior, take on some of the household chores. Pamper your beloved, organize romantic evenings for her from time to time. Be sure to be interested in her needs and problems, discuss her intimate life and, of course, surprise her. Remember: true love is unconditional, it will never demand anything in return. Therefore, try to drown out your own selfishness and simply give your beloved wife all the best that you have, without setting conditions for her. This is how you can win your wife’s heart, her loyalty and devotion.

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