How to cure a man from alcoholism: methods and treatment regimens

In addiction medicine and medical science in general there is no such thing as hidden alcoholism, but it is often used by psychologists, psychotherapists and other specialists who help addicts. The expression “latent alcoholic” gradually became widespread in society, identifying the problem of hiding addiction from others.

What factors influence the occurrence of alcoholism in men?

What causes male alcoholism? The development of the disease is influenced by a variety of reasons: social, psychological, physiological and genetic. However, the main ones among them are the first two.

Psychological. Men are not characterized by open expression of emotions. As a rule, all feelings remain inside, which can cause psychological stress to accumulate. The source of problems can also be the inability to present oneself and tightness, when a man begins to be shy and afraid of communicating with representatives of the opposite sex. In this case, alcohol helps the alcoholic become bolder, which means it is easier to make new acquaintances.

Social. As you know, it is accepted in society that a man should work more, because he is the breadwinner of the family, he is responsible for his wife and children. Due to hard work, representatives of the stronger sex often get tired and overworked, which makes them want to relax and forget about all their problems. Another reason is the Russian mentality, as well as traditions, according to which it is necessary to drink alcohol when meeting or at a holiday.

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Cherednichenko N.V.,

Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Advice for wives of alcoholics

Wives of alcoholics have particular difficulty coping with the cycles of drinking and repentance. They also find a mate out of deep-seated motives to save and help - but they have to help and save their entire family life. Breaking the vicious circle is difficult, but possible.

Find your life!

Living in the interests of a loved one is a wonderful fairy tale and idyll that girls are “fed” from a very early age. Alas, life cruelly convinces you: the more you are interested in yourself, your life, and care about your mood, the better the addict treats you, the more he is afraid of losing and is inclined to do something for the relationship.

If “he” is too selfish, then maybe you are not selfish enough? Please think about it!

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

Of course, saving someone who will later thank you so sweetly (a balm for the heart!) is a worthy activity. However, wake up and look at the result. The result of the next rescue of an adult, self-sufficient (somehow he lived without you) person becomes severe dependence.

In addition, the “drowning” themselves are capable of plaintively moaning or screaming, simulating the most terrible moment of their life. Try not to respond to the call “come and save me” at least 1 time out of 10 - and this will already be a big step.

Work on all aspects of codependency

The diagnosis “builds codependent relationships” is given today to 98 out of a hundred people. However, like the color gray, codependency has many shades. You can completely control the life of another person - and he will go on a binge very quickly. Or you can learn to deal gently and non-traumatically with your own anxiety, the desire to know where your husband is, what he is doing and whether everything is okay with him.

Bottom line: what should a wife of a drinking husband do? First of all, in any period - both “good” and “bad” - understand where her responsibility for what is happening is. And does she need just such a man - up to lifelong “imprisonment” with her alcoholic husband in the same apartment.

Do it for the children

“For the sake of the children,” women often stay with dependent husbands. It is argued that children definitely need a father - but do they need such an example (of a wetted, deranged dad) in life? Be an example for them yourself. Codependency in alcoholism is a huge possibility of having a terrible impact on the lives of children, giving them unreliability and loss instead of support in life.

Bottom line: if you can work on your codependent tendencies, you will practically give your children better partners than they would have chosen as the “children of an alcoholic.”

Rehabilitation begins with him

Just remember that alcohol rehab starts with two things:

  1. the alcoholic admits that he is addicted and has problems,
  2. the decision of the alcoholic himself to change his behavior from dependent to normal, to stop drinking.

By admitting your powerlessness to decide “for him,” you take a huge step towards a normal relationship - with this man or another. And most importantly, you heal your life. This is a difficult decision, but it is possible.

Pay attention to your health

As a rule, while a woman is dealing with the problems of an addict, she accumulates a bunch of her own. Put his interests aside and take care of your health. Get examined if necessary. Establish “intuitive” nutrition, find something that pleases, inspires, makes you feel better - walks, swimming pool, cycling, sauna.

Your body is your best partner in life, and in the heat of battle for your spouse’s sobriety, it’s so easy to lose all your health!

What symptoms indicate alcoholism in men

Signs of male alcoholism develop gradually and can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the causes of this condition. However, in general, even among different people, all symptoms have similarities.

At the first stage . Among the first signs of alcoholism in men is a persistent desire to drink alcohol, uncontrollably. Over time, the dose of alcohol consumed increases, and periodic gatherings with friends turn into a mandatory pastime. At this stage, the addict’s outlook on life changes, he gradually loses interest in loved ones and work, and alcohol comes first. Apathy sets in and appetite decreases. Also one of the signs is insomnia.

At the second stage . To the already listed symptoms of alcoholism in men is added the hangover syndrome. At this stage, the need for alcohol grows and becomes irresistible. Moreover, the addict increases the dose of alcohol and tolerates it normally. Among the signs of alcoholism in men at this stage, disturbances in the emotional sphere appear: the person becomes unbalanced, aggressive, and irritable. A man gets tired quickly, loses control of himself, and reacts to everything at a slow pace. Also at this stage, memory deteriorates, paranoia occurs, and later, hallucinations. Moreover, they can appear both during heavy drinking and after a short period of abstinence. Also, signs of alcoholism in men include external manifestations, when the face and nose turn red, spider veins appear on the skin, and hands begin to shake.

At the third stage. At this stage of alcoholism, men may experience epileptic seizures and severe psychosis. Withdrawal symptoms become more severe. A person begins to drink alcohol constantly, including during the day. At the last stage, signs of alcohol dependence such as memory loss appear. A person's mental abilities deteriorate. As a result, male alcoholism leads to constant fatigue and lethargy; the patient loses all interests and completely degrades.

Detoxification in hospital

Most often, the sickest patients are admitted to the hospital for long periods of time. Here we are talking not only about restoring sobriety, but also about restoring internal organs and the psyche:

  • removing alcohol from the body using droppers; if alcohol has been consumed recently, then gastric lavage is also used;
  • injections of vitamin preparations, sedatives, glucose;
  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms, mild antidepressants, B vitamins and antipsychotics are selected individually;

For further treatment, therapy is also selected individually; these can be group classes or sessions with a psychotherapist. For physical recovery and calm, massage, acupuncture, and electrophoresis procedures are used.


What are the consequences of alcoholism in men

Regular drinking of alcohol entails a number of diseases and other unpleasant consequences. Even a small amount of strong drinks has a detrimental effect on brain cells - they are the ones that are affected first. Among the consequences of alcoholism in men are rapid heartbeat and irregular heart rhythm, which often leads to severe heart failure. Vessels are affected and blood cells die. Damage is caused to the lungs and liver, the body’s main filter. Bone and muscle tissue are affected, osteoporosis develops, and frequent bone fractures occur. Male alcoholism causes flabbiness and weakness in the muscles, as a result the man loses weight. Due to chronic alcohol addiction, disorders of the male reproductive system appear, including feminization and infertility. In addition to harm to health, there are also social consequences, because children born to alcoholics often have mental disorders and other diseases of the nervous system. The man also loses control of himself, which leads to conflicts in the family and at work. To find money for alcohol, the patient can start selling household appliances, furniture, etc. Male alcoholism leads to attacks of aggression, from which children and the wife suffer the most, since they are close to the addict every day.

The tragedy of children in a family with a drinking father

The family of an alcoholic is most often concerned with constant monitoring of the drinker, quarrels and searches for treatment methods. There is simply no time or energy left to raise children in such a family.

Growing up, the baby does not find recognition and love from his parents, which often causes the development of mental illnesses. Children of alcoholics can be noisy and self-confident, or vice versa - quiet and invisible.

In any case, this is an abnormal position of a child and it will be very difficult for him to build his own life, struggling with complexes and depression. Not only an alcoholic, but also a codependent mother often does not take the interests of the child into account, being concerned about maintaining peace in the family.

A woman’s psychological exhaustion can lead to the fact that the slightest misdeed of the baby will cause her anger and discontent. Male alcoholism destroys the life of a child, depriving him of childhood. People who grew up with such a father have low self-esteem, they feel depressed, afraid and guilty for everything that happens.

In adult life, the lack of a “correct” family model and the feeling of one’s own insignificance are reflected. Many children of alcoholics solve childhood problems only in a psychotherapist's office.

How to help with alcoholism

The process of treating alcoholism in a man should begin with awareness of the problem and making a decision to change his life. Only in this case will a person be able to completely give up strong drinks. But it is important to remember that it is not always possible to cope with the problem on your own. This is a truly complex process that requires an integrated approach. That is why it is important not to waste time searching for an independent solution, but to seek treatment for the disease from a qualified specialist. He will conduct the necessary examinations, prescribe detoxification to eliminate withdrawal symptoms and select the most appropriate method, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. Direct treatment may include medication or psychotherapy. The third stage usually involves psychocorrection and dynamic observation, thanks to which the achieved results are consolidated. After undergoing treatment for alcoholism, the patient remains under the supervision of a doctor for some time, for example, visiting a clinic on weekends. A particularly important role is assigned to the patient’s relatives, because they are the ones who will be able to create a comfortable environment at home that is conducive to therapy, as well as support the addict and help him step into a new, healthy life.

Detoxification at home

In severe cases, the doctor may come to the patient’s home with the necessary medication to overcome binge drinking:

  • A narcologist is available 24 hours a day;
  • dropper with a volume of 500, 1000, 1500 ml;
  • general diagnosis of the condition;
  • consultation with a doctor with further recommendations;
  • supply of medicines for three days.

It is worth noting that this is not a treatment for alcoholism, but only the removal of an alcoholic from a hangover and drunken state.


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