List of drugs for coding for alcoholism

In modern drug treatment practice, several types of drugs are used to code for alcoholism.
The first group includes drugs containing disulfiram. This substance, when combined with alcohol, leads to poisoning of the body and the appearance of a lot of unpleasant sensations. The second group is medications based on naltrexone, an opioid receptor blocker that completely eliminates any pleasant sensations from drinking alcohol. These are more modern means that provide gradual relief of cravings. Their main drawback is the price.


The drug for intravenous coding for alcoholism Torpedo (TORPEDO) - has moderately pronounced properties of suppressing the desire (craving) to drink alcohol. Alcohol treatment with Torpedo belongs to the so-called “prohibitive methods” of treating alcoholism and is used primarily to maintain sobriety.

The desire to drink alcohol only with the help of coding cannot be reduced in all patients, that is, the method is not suitable for everyone. It is necessary to find out and try to eliminate the causes of alcoholism. First, you need to get a consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist so that a specialist can decide on the advisability of such coding during a face-to-face consultation.

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Teturam is an anti-drinking pill based on disulfiram. Teturam provokes the occurrence of withdrawal syndrome after ethanol enters the body.


The hepatoprotector activates liver enzymes responsible for processing ethanol. Metadoxyl accelerates the process of processing acetaldehyde and prevents the destruction of liver cells.


Anti-alcohol tablets are used to maintain remission, when actualizing the psychological craving for alcohol, low mood and irritability.


ALGOMINAL is one of the most effective and modern drugs at the moment. Maximum suppression of cravings for alcohol, high coding efficiency for all stages of alcoholism. To correctly select a treatment method, it is necessary to take into account the previous situation. If the patient has never been coded before, then Algominal is one of the drugs of choice. If coding has already been carried out and it was successful, it is best to use the same drug, or a more modern one, but from the same group.

In the event that unsuccessful coding was carried out without provocation, to achieve an effect it is necessary to use provocation - showing what the use of even a minimal dose of alcohol can lead to.

Contraindications for medical coding

Coding using medications is not acceptable for many diseases. This treatment method cannot be used for the following pathologies:

  • mental disorder,
  • diseases of the heart and respiratory system,
  • severe nervous disorders,
  • severe liver damage,
  • organic brain diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • oncological neoplasms,
  • infectious diseases, including those in the compensation stage,
  • withdrawal state,


Aquilong (ACVILONG) - coding for alcoholism with the drug Aquilong is similar in its effect to Algominal , the drug also reduces the desire (craving) for drinking alcohol and forms a chemical compound with it, so that if the patient does drink, he will feel worse. This develops a negative association with alcohol and further reduces cravings for it. The procedure for administering the drug Aquilong is different, as it may be accompanied by provocation - the patient is given a little alcohol to drink so that he can feel the complex of negative reactions that await him if he drinks alcohol. In this case, depression occurs (difficulty in breathing), nausea, and dizziness are present.

Contraindications to the treatment of alcoholism with coding Aquilong are diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system. The doctor must determine their presence or absence. If this method is not suitable, the narcologist will select another one.

Alcohol craving pills to stop drinking

Today there are no pills to stop drinking. Drug therapy can maintain remission to prevent binge drinking, but does not eliminate the root cause of the disease.


Proprothene-100 is a good remedy for alcoholism, supporting remission. The medicine eliminates psychopathological disorders (anxiety, restlessness, irritability) and some physiological manifestations of an alcoholic hangover, such as weakness, sweating, headache, tachycardia.


Tianeptine helps fight depression during withdrawal symptoms. Antidepressants should only be used under the supervision of a doctor, since anxiety and depression increases the risk of suicide attempts.


Fluanxol is an antipsychotic used for psychopathological reactions (anxiety and depressive disorders, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, irritability, etc.). Produced strictly according to prescription.


Acamprosate is an American drug for the treatment of alcohol addiction. It affects NMDA and GABA receptors, as a result of which the craving for alcoholic beverages is reduced. Acamprosate is prescribed only after detoxification, since the combination of Acaprosate with ethanol leads to withdrawal symptoms.


Diazepam is a strong sedative used to relieve alcoholic psychosis. Available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Diazepam is effective against psychomotor agitation and insomnia.

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Actoplex (Atoplex) (ACTOPLEX, ATOPLEX) is a new generation drug that is used to treat alcohol dependence in intoxicated persons. Detoxification therapy (drips, blood purification) is required first. Treatment with Actoplex refers to medicinal methods that involve the administration of a drug that reduces desire (craving) for alcohol due to its effect on neurotransmitters (biologically active substances that are involved in the formation of alcohol dependence). Moreover, in the event of a relapse, a “breakdown into binge drinking,” Actoplex forms a chemical compound with alcohol that can cause an aversion to drinking alcohol in the patient. Thus, the patient not only is not attracted to the addiction, it becomes truly intolerable for him.

The effect of Actoplex is considered to be of medium duration , which is usually about a year.
Indirectly helps to soften the atmosphere in the family, providing more opportunities for the social rehabilitation of the patient. Moreover, the drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Produced by American pharmaceutical companies.

Treatment of alcoholism with tablets

Medicines are actively used in drug treatment practice to eliminate symptoms of intoxication and restore the functioning of internal organs. Eliminating the physical consequences of addiction will not solve the problem in the long term.

Detoxification and restoration of the body are necessary in order to begin the main stage of treatment - psychotherapy. In a rehabilitation center, an alcoholic is under the constant supervision of medical personnel, undergoes psychotherapy sessions and focuses on recovery. Motivation for recovery is formed through group and individual sessions with a psychotherapist.

Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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Ferronit (FERRONIT) is a drug for achieving stable remission (sobriety) . The peculiarity of the drug is that it blocks the metabolism of ethyl alcohol at the level of liver enzyme systems.

When drinking alcohol, products of incomplete breakdown of ethanol (alcohol) are formed in the patient's liver, resulting in the development of a clinical picture of acute acetate-aldehyde intoxication, which manifests itself in the form of sharp redness of the skin, cold sweat, uncontrollable vomiting, a feeling of constriction behind the sternum (caused by spasm of the coronary arteries , resembles the clinical picture of an angina attack), a feeling of lack of air (suffocation) and fear of death. Knowing about the prohibition and impossibility of drinking alcohol, the patient consciously abstains from alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing medications. The administered drug is effective for 18 months, after which, for 2-3 months, there are residual negative effects when drinking alcohol.

Methods of drug administration

Depending on how the medicine needs to be administered to the patient, there is a classification of methods:

  • Intramuscular. Such injections are considered the safest because they cause almost no side effects and are approved for use at home. Typically, drugs such as Delfizon and Vivitrol are used. The cost of treatment will cost approximately from 2 to 8 thousand rubles.

  • Intravenous. It is an injection directly into a vein, it is an effective remedy, but it also poses a danger to the patient. Various complications are possible in the form of chills and fever, heart pain, and attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia. There may also be temporary blackouts or hallucinations due to the severe effects on the brain. It is very important that the patient’s health condition allows such procedures to be performed. The price for such manipulation ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen drug.
  • Subcutaneous. When using this method, the drug in the form of a special gel is injected subcutaneously into the area of ​​the scapula. Encapsulation of the gel is often accompanied by an increase in temperature and lasts several days.
  • Under the shoulder blade. Hemming is another popular name for the method. It is based on blocking the processing of ethyl alcohol by the body, as a result of which the patient ceases to enjoy drinking alcohol. In addition, with any attempts to drink alcohol, his health deteriorates sharply. The procedure is quite painful and therefore is not in demand among alcoholics. To reduce discomfort, the drug is sometimes administered together with an anesthetic.
  • To the liver. This method does not imply that the drug will be injected directly into the liver. Here we are talking about blocking liver enzymes that are produced in order to process alcohol. Manipulation causes alcohol poisoning. It is rarely used because it can lead to health problems.


Ferronit FORTE (chemoblockade method). In Latin transcription, the prefix “forte” is translated as long, extended. The chemoblockade method involves injecting a drug (FERRONIT) into the patient’s body at the highest possible dosage.

The administration method is carried out only with the use of special equipment that allows a high concentration of the drug to be introduced and deposited (absorbed, retained) in the patient’s body. Maximum suppression of desire (craving) to drink alcohol, high anti-alcohol effectiveness, easy tolerability of the procedure, minimum contraindications. The validity period of encoding increases to 3-3.5 years.

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