Symptoms of emotional disturbances

Increased excitability or, conversely, passivity indicates a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere. Along with this, instability of the autonomic function, general hyperesthesia occurs, and the exhaustion of the nervous system increases.

It is very difficult for babies to fall asleep during this period. They become restless at night and wake up frequently. A child can react violently to any stimuli, especially if he is in an unfamiliar environment.

Adults also largely depend on their mood, which can change for seemingly unknown reasons. Why does this happen and what is important to know about it?

Definition of the emotional-volitional sphere

For appropriate development in society, as well as normal life activity, the emotional-volitional sphere is important. A lot depends on her. And this applies not only to family relationships, but also to professional activities.

The process itself is very complex. Its origin is influenced by various factors. This can be either a person’s social conditions or his heredity. This area begins to develop at an early age and continues to develop until adolescence.

From birth, a person overcomes the following types of development:

  • somato-vegetative;
  • psychomotor;
  • affective;
  • dominance;
  • stabilization.

Emotions are different...

As well as their manifestations in life

For what reasons does the failure occur?

There are a number of reasons that can influence the development of this process and cause emotional and volitional disturbances. The main factors include:

  • suffered shock, stress;
  • lagging behind in terms of intellectual development;
  • lack of emotional contact with family;
  • problems of a social and everyday nature.

Along with this, you can name any other reasons that can cause internal discomfort and a feeling of inferiority. At the same time, a child will be able to develop harmoniously and correctly only if he has a trusting relationship with his family.

Spectrum of disorders of will and emotions

Emotional volitional disorders include:

  • hyperbulia;
  • hypobulia;
  • abulia;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

With a general increase in will, hyperbulia develops, which can affect all major drives. This manifestation is considered characteristic of manic syndrome. So, for example, a person’s appetite will increase; if he is in a department, he will immediately eat the food that is brought to him.

Both will and drive decrease with hypobulia. In this case, the person does not need communication; he is burdened by strangers who are nearby. He feels better alone. Such patients prefer to immerse themselves in their own world of suffering. They do not want to take care of their relatives.

When a decrease in will occurs, this indicates abulia. Such a disorder is considered persistent, and together with apathy it is composed of an apathetic-abulic syndrome, which, as a rule, manifests itself during the final state of schizophrenia.

With obsessive drive, the patient has desires that he is able to control. But when he begins to renounce his desires, this gives rise to serious anxiety in him. He is haunted by thoughts of a need that has not been satisfied. For example, if a person has a fear of pollution, he will try not to wash his hands as often as he would like, but this will make him painfully think about his own need. And when no one is looking at him, he will wash them thoroughly.

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Stronger feelings include compulsive attraction. It is so strong that it is compared to instincts. The need becomes pathological. Her position is dominant, so the internal struggle stops very quickly and the person immediately satisfies his desire. This may be a grossly antisocial act that will result in punishment.


The most favorable prognosis is for patients whose emotional disorders are not associated with brain damage and severe dependence on alcohol and drugs. The sooner professional assistance is provided to the patient, the better the prognosis. With neurological diseases, it will not be possible to achieve a complete cure. However, proper treatment, support from loved ones and the creation of a favorable psychological climate will significantly improve the patient’s psycho-emotional state and quality of life.

Volitional disorders

Will is the mental activity of the individual, which is aimed at a specific goal or overcoming obstacles. Without this, a person will not be able to realize his intentions or solve life problems. Volitional disorders include hypobulia and abulia. In the first case, volitional activity will be weakened, and in the second, it will be completely absent.

If a person experiences hyperbulia, which is combined with distractibility, then this may indicate a manic state or delusional disorder.

The desire for food and self-preservation are disrupted in the case of parabulia, that is, when a volitional act is perverted. The patient, refusing normal foods, begins to eat inedible foods. In some cases, pathological gluttony is observed. When the sense of self-preservation is impaired, the patient can cause serious injury to himself. This also includes sexual perversions, in particular masochism and exhibitionism.

Spectrum of volitional qualities

Emotional disorders

Emotions are different. They characterize people’s relationships to the world around them and to themselves. There are many emotional disorders, but some of them are considered an urgent reason to visit a specialist. Among them:

  • depressed, melancholy mood, of a recurring, protracted nature;
  • constant change of emotions, without serious reasons;
  • uncontrollable emotional states, affects;
  • chronic anxiety;
  • stiffness, uncertainty, timidity;
  • high emotional sensitivity;
  • phobias.

Emotional disorders include the following pathological deviations:

  1. Apathy is similar to emotional paralysis. The person is completely indifferent to everything around him. This is accompanied by inactivity.
  2. Hypotymia , in which the mood decreases, and the person feels depressed, melancholy, hopeless, and therefore fixes his attention only on negative events.
  3. Depression is characterized by a triad of hypothymia, slow thinking, and motor retardation . At the same time, the patient has a melancholic mood, he feels deep sadness, heaviness in his heart and whole body. Early in the morning the state of health worsens significantly. During this period, there is a high probability of suicide.
  4. In the case of dysphoria , the mood is also low, but it has a tense and angry character. This deviation is short-term. As a rule, it occurs in people suffering from epilepsy.
  5. Dysthymia is also not prolonged . It goes away in a relatively short period of time. This condition is characterized by a mood disorder. A person feels despondency, anxiety, anger.
  6. The opposite of the above deviations is hyperthymia , in which a person is overly cheerful, he is happy and cheerful, energetic and overestimates his own capabilities.
  7. A person in a state of euphoria is complacent and carefree, but at the same time is characterized by passivity. This often occurs in cases of organic brain disease.
  8. During ecstasy , the patient plunges into himself, he experiences delight, extraordinary happiness. Sometimes this condition is associated with a visual hallucination of positive content.

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syndromes of emotional disorders (affective)

Category: Psychiatric Nursing/Clinical manifestations of major psychopathological syndromes

Emotional (affective) syndromes are represented by depressive and manic symptom complexes, each of which has a typical triad of symptoms consisting of disorders of emotions, will and thinking


For depressive syndrome

characterized by a sad, depressed mood (hypotymia), decreased volitional activity (hypobulia) and motor retardation, slowing down the thought process.
Patients experience a feeling of painful (vital) melancholy, the world around them is perceived in gloomy tones. The past, present and future seem uninteresting, unpromising, and joyless to them. They are usually unable to fulfill professional and household responsibilities. Patients sit in a monotonous position, with their heads bowed low, or lie in bed for a long time, not talking to anyone
. Facial expressions express suffering and sorrow. The voice is quiet, speech is slow, monotonous. Their feelings of kinship are dulled or absent.

This condition is critically assessed; the patient feels severe mental pain, painful, unpleasant sensations in the heart area

. Sometimes delusional ideas of self-blame may arise; the whole life is regarded as a chain of multiple mistakes, wrong actions, insults, and misfortunes. Suicidal thoughts and actions often occur.

For manic syndrome

characterized by
increased mood (euphoria), increased volitional and motor activity, acceleration of the thought process
A manic state is accompanied by increased distraction of attention, carelessness, cheerfulness, optimism, and superficiality of judgment. At the same time, memory is sharpened. Patients are verbose, read poetry, which they sometimes compose themselves, sing songs, dance, and are sexually disinhibited
Manic syndrome is characterized by an overestimation of the qualities of one’s own personality, sometimes reaching the level of ideas of greatness. They manifest themselves as a desire to impersonate great people, outstanding scientists, and state leaders. Due to instability of attention and acceleration of thought processes, the speech of patients outwardly seems incoherent. However, with a careful conversation, you can notice that there is a logical connection between phrases
. The acceleration of thinking leads to the fact that in patients one unfinished thought is replaced by another (jump of ideas).

These syndromes develop with manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, infectious diseases, and intoxications.

Dysphoria syndrome

classified as mixed affective syndromes
It manifests itself as a melancholy, gloomy mood, fear, anxiety, anger and irritability. In combination with an increase in the volitional activity of the leader, affect can be expressed in aggressive and suicidal behavior.
conflict, pickiness . Dysphoria is observed in epilepsy and organic brain lesions.

See clinical manifestations of the main psychopathological syndromes

Saenko I. A.


  1. Bortnikova S. M., Zubakhina T. V. Nervous and mental illnesses. Series 'Medicine for you'. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2000.
  2. Nurse's Handbook for Care/N. I. Belova, B. A. Berenbein, D. A. Velikoretsky and others; Ed. N. R. Paleeva. - M.: Medicine, 1989.
  3. Kirpichenko A. A. Psychiatry: Textbook. for honey Inst. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional — Mn.: Vysh. school, 1989.

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When a child is overly aggressive or withdrawn

Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, which are most pronounced in children:

  1. Aggressiveness . Almost every child can show aggression, but here it is worth paying attention to the degree of the reaction, its duration and the nature of the reasons.
  2. Emotional disinhibition . In this case, there is an overly violent reaction to everything. Such children, if they cry, do so loudly and defiantly.
  3. Anxiety . With such a violation, the child will be embarrassed to clearly express his emotions, he does not talk about his problems, and feels discomfort when attention is paid to him.

In addition, the disorder occurs with increased and decreased emotionality. In the first case, this concerns euphoria, depression, anxiety syndrome, dysphoria, and fears. When it is low, apathy develops.

Violation of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavioral disorder are observed in a hyperactive child who experiences motor restlessness, suffers from restlessness, and impulsivity. He can't concentrate.

Such failures can be quite dangerous, as they can lead to serious nervous diseases, which have recently become more common in children under 16 years of age. It is important to remember that psycho-emotional disruption can be corrected if it is detected at an early stage.


This is melancholy that is projected into the future, expressed mental anxiety, anxiety caused by the groundless expectation of a catastrophe, a major trouble that will happen to the patient or his loved ones. Anxiety can be caused by a specific event associated with a specific, often exaggerated situation in life, or diffuse, not associated with any events or facts. Such a disorder is usually accompanied by intense autonomic reactions and motor agitation. It is closely related to depressive conditions and acts as part of a single anxiety-depressive syndrome in various somatic and mental disorders, especially often occurring in involutionary age.

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A modern view of correction

Hippotherapy is identified as one of the main methods of soft correction. It involves communication with horses. This procedure is suitable not only for children, but also for adults.

It can be used for the whole family, which will help unite it and improve trusting relationships. This treatment will allow you to say goodbye to a depressive mood, negative experiences, and reduce anxiety.

If we are talking about correcting disorders in a child, then a variety of psychological methods can be used for this. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • play therapy, which involves the use of games (this method is considered especially effective for preschoolers);
  • body-oriented therapy, dance;
  • fairytale therapy;
  • art therapy, which is divided into two types: perception of finished material or independent drawing;
  • music therapy, in which music is used in any form.

It is better to try to prevent any disease or deviation. To prevent emotional and volitional disorders, you should listen to these simple tips:

  • if an adult or child is emotionally traumatized, then those nearby should be calm and show their goodwill;
  • people need to share their experiences and feelings as often as possible;
  • need to do physical labor or draw;
  • monitor your daily routine;
  • try to avoid stressful situations and excessive worry.

It is important to understand that a lot depends on those who are nearby. You don’t need to share your experiences with everyone around you, but you need to have someone who will help in a difficult situation, support and listen. In turn, parents must show patience, care and boundless love. This will preserve the baby’s mental health.


Treatment for emotional disorders includes:

  1. Taking medications is prescribed only by a doctor for organic brain damage and severe psycho-emotional abnormalities. The choice of medications depends on the specifics of the disorder. For apathy, depression and suicidal tendencies, antidepressants are prescribed. Taking tranquilizers is advisable for panic attacks, attacks of uncontrolled aggression, and obsessions. For increased excitability, antipsychotics are prescribed.
  2. Psychotherapy is the basic method of treatment. The correction program for psycho-emotional problems is developed individually, taking into account the causes of behavioral deviations, the patient’s condition and medical history.

The patient may be hospitalized in a hospital. The reasons for this decision include the statement of the patient’s relatives about the need for his hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic. Such a measure is provided if the patient’s behavior threatens the health and lives of others.


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