Classification of emotional states and their characteristics

Emotional artificial intelligence, in addition to the obvious connection with machine learning and neural networks, is directly related to psychology and, in particular, to the science of emotions. There are several pressing challenges in this area today. One of them is the formation of an accurate and complete classification of emotional states, on which the annotation process directly depends—the comparison of observed facial expressions and other nonverbal signals with certain emotions and affective states.


One of the longest lasting emotional states. It affects human activity and can occur either gradually or suddenly. Moods can be positive, negative, temporary and permanent.

Affect. This is a group of short-term emotions that suddenly grip a person and are characterized by a vivid manifestation in behavior. Despite the short duration, the influence of affects on the psyche is very great and is destructive, reducing its ability to organize and adequately assess reality. This state can only be controlled by individuals with developed will.

Description and meaning of emotions

Joy. Helps to get closer and interact with other people, forms psychological attachment. Strengthens the feeling of belonging and unity with the world. The answer to pleasure, the justification of hopes and desires. Maintains a positive attitude and inspires.

Sadness. Reaction to loss and the resulting inner emptiness. Performs a protective function, stimulating the release of negativity and internal tension, which, in turn, prevents falling into long-term depression.

Fear. Occurs in situations of danger. The personality ceases to adequately assess reality, and therefore cannot concentrate on the very possibility of avoiding the threat. It forces a person to increase the distance between him and unsafe factors. The greater the distance, the less manifestations of fear. This is a powerful incentive and assistant, as it makes it possible to prevail over danger.

Disgust (disgust). Rejection reaction. May manifest itself in relation to objects, smells, tastes, other people and oneself

Subconsciously, the person will strive to keep his distance, which is a positive side, as it prevents situations that could have negative consequences.

Astonishment. Helps to better navigate the environment, increases attention, builds relationships and mutual understanding. Opens up opportunities to see something new in familiar things or surroundings

But if a person is alarmed, it turns into fear.

Anger. Performs important functions: signals the appearance of an enemy or threat, stimulates the fight for needs. Energizes and prepares the body to defend itself: focuses attention, reduces anxiety and empathy to make it easier to attack if necessary.

Anger (rage). Pushes for change in an unsatisfactory situation. It is constructive only if it is aimed at changes, otherwise it acts as a destroyer. This is a pure emotion. It is a signaling system for changing interactions with certain individuals. Pushes to destroy the old and build something new.

Contempt. Negative assessment of events or people. Those who feel contempt feel superior. But if it is directed at oneself, it can provoke prolonged depression and suicide. The most destructive emotional state for relationships and the person himself. Particularly brutal murders are provoked by him. The positive aspects are: the individual’s desire to become better, as a way of assessing an unworthy act.

Shame (humiliation). Makes a person feel like a failure, helpless and incompetent. On the other hand, it develops self-control and encourages the acquisition of new skills and development.

Grief (suffering). A negative state associated with the loss of something (someone) very valuable or a complete inability to satisfy extremely important needs. Often results in depression.

Of the basic emotions, the most important are those that ensure survival and stimulate development.


They arise when a person finds himself in an extreme situation from a subjective point of view. Severe stress can be accompanied by affect if great emotional damage has been suffered. On the one hand, stress is a negative phenomenon that has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, and on the other hand, it mobilizes a person, which sometimes allows him to save his life.

7 pages, 3225 words

3. Basic mental states: stress, affect, mood, frustration

Lecture 10. Mental states. Emotional phenomena. Plan: 1. Feelings as a form of relationship to objective reality, signaling and regulating functions of feelings. 2.Emotions, feelings and their relationship with mental and emotional states. 3. Basic mental states: stress, affect, mood, frustration. 1.Feelings as a form of relationship to objective reality, signaling and...

Frustration. It is characterized by a feeling of difficulties and obstacles, putting the person in a depressed state. The behavior is characterized by anger, sometimes aggressiveness, as well as a negative reaction to ongoing events, regardless of their nature.


Cultural considerations

Ethnographic and cross-cultural studies of emotion have shown the variety of ways in which emotions vary across cultures. Because of these differences, many cross-cultural psychologists and anthropologists generally challenge the idea of ​​a universal classification of emotions.

Cultural differences have been observed in how emotions are assessed, expressed, and regulated. Social norms for emotions, such as the frequency or circumstances in which they are expressed, also vary widely. For example, displays of anger are encouraged by the Kaluli people, but frowned upon by the Utku Inuit. The biggest piece of evidence challenging the universality of emotions is language. Differences within languages ​​are directly related to differences in the taxonomy of emotions. Languages ​​differ in that they classify emotions based on different components. Some may be classified by event type, while others are classified by action readiness. Additionally, the taxonomy of emotions varies due to the different meanings of emotions in different languages. However, not all English words have equivalents in all other languages, and vice versa, which indicates that some languages ​​have words for emotions and others do not. Emotions such as schadenfreude in German and saudade in Portuguese are commonly expressed as emotions in their respective languages, but have no equivalent in English. Some languages ​​do not differentiate between emotions, which are considered basic emotions in English. For example, some African languages ​​have one word for anger and sadness, while others have one word for shame and fear. There is ethnographic evidence that even questions the universality of the category "emotion", since some cultures do not have a specific word related to the English word "emotion".

Volitional personality traits.

Volitional personality traits are personality traits that have developed in the process of gaining life experience and are associated with the realization of will and overcoming obstacles on the path of life.

Volitional personality traits:

• purposefulness - a strong-willed personality trait, manifested in a person’s subordination of his behavior to a sustainable life goal, the target orientation of decisions made and their implementation;.

• determination is a strong-willed personality trait, which manifests itself in a quick and thoughtful choice of a goal and determining ways to achieve it. Determination is necessary especially in difficult situations involving risk. The opposite of this quality is indecisiveness;

• courage - the ability to overcome fear and confusion, taking into account the threatening dangers. A brave person is aware of his capabilities and thinks through his actions sufficiently;

• persistence is a strong-willed personality trait, which manifests itself in the ability to follow through on decisions and achieve set goals. One should distinguish from perseverance stubbornness, where only one’s own opinion is recognized, although it may be erroneous;

• self-control (self-control) is a strong-willed personality trait, which manifests itself in the ability to restrain mental and physical manifestations that interfere with achieving a goal. It is contrasted with impulsiveness - the tendency to act on the first impulse, hastily, without thinking about one’s actions;

18 pp., 8600 words

Methods for diagnosing basic volitional personality traits

... individuals who are called strong-willed. Such qualities really exist. They can be defined as properties of a person’s character, ... Purpose of the study: to study methods for diagnosing the basic volitional properties of a person. Subject of research: methods for studying the volitional properties of a person. Research hypothesis: the most optimal method for studying the volitional properties of a person is the “Self-assessment of volitional...

• courage is a complex volitional personality trait that presupposes not only courage, but also perseverance, endurance, and self-confidence. This is not a short-term state, but a long-term systematic overcoming of internal and external difficulties in solving large and complex vital problems;

• initiative is a volitional property thanks to which a person acts creatively; it is an active and courageous flexibility of a person’s actions and deeds that corresponds to the time and conditions;

• independence - a strong-willed property, manifested in the ability to independently set goals, find ways to achieve them and carry out decisions made. The opposite quality is suggestibility. A suggestible person easily succumbs to the influence of others, does not know how to be critical of other people's advice and resist them;

• discipline is a volitional property of an individual, which consists in the conscious subordination of one’s behavior to social rules and norms.

The volitional qualities of a person can be both positive and negative. Some qualities reflect mainly the incentive function of the will, stimulating a person to conscious active activity (determination), others - the inhibitory function (self-control).

A complete list of positive human emotions

So, we will look at what emotions a person has in our complete list. There will be a description in only some of them, so you can understand what we are talking about. I will also note that the italicized ones will be the basic emotions that were identified by the famous psychologist Izard. I don’t take Paul Ekman’s classification, because the only positive thing in it is joy. I really want to expand the basic list a little! Go.

  1. Tranquility is a state of peace and balance.
  2. Relaxation is that feeling when you don’t owe anything to anyone, and you don’t owe anything to yourself either.
  3. Contentment is a feeling of complete contentment with the moment.
  4. Clarity – there is no need to worry or think about something.
  5. Definition.
  6. Flexibility is the ability to accept changes in life without harm.
  7. Smoothness.
  8. Susceptibility.
  9. Warmth – a feeling of joyful affection.
  10. Adoption.
  11. Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is feeling.
  12. Sympathy.
  13. Compassion.
  14. Tenderness is affection with sensitivity and a supportive attitude.
  15. Love.
  16. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for something good.
  17. Trust is a feeling of complete security.
  18. Caring is the need to look after someone.
  19. Location – favorable attitude.
  20. Kindness.
  21. Cheerfulness.
  22. Kind irony is an affectionate and friendly joke.
  23. Confidence.
  24. Stability is the ability to maintain one's current state.
  25. Readiness.
  26. Composure - “everything is under control.”
  27. Sexuality is a person’s experiences associated with the manifestation and satisfaction of sexual desire.
  28. Passion is a strong attraction to the object of passion or inexhaustible enthusiasm.
  29. Grace is subtlety and a sense of beauty, proportionality in everything.
  30. Ease.
  31. Freedom.
  32. Liberation - a person practically does not criticize his behavior.
  33. Rejoicing is a high degree of manifestation of joy and triumph.
  34. Joy.
  35. Happiness.
  36. Bliss is a state of complete happiness.
  37. Ecstasy is a passionately enthusiastic state.
  38. Serenity is a calm attitude towards the world, acceptance of all its manifestations.
  39. Kindness - mercy and kind attitude, kindness.
  40. Security is a state of reliable security.
  41. A sense of security is a feeling of complete security, “soil under your feet,” a calm life and development.
  42. Prudence is an attentive and careful attitude to upcoming events.
  43. Attentiveness.
  44. Hope.
  45. Premonition - intuitive forecasting.
  46. Anticipation is a mental feeling of something, a preliminary experience in the imagination.
  47. Interest.
  48. Openness is a characteristic of a noble and generous person who does not feel the need to hide his deeds and thoughts.
  49. Reverence is deep reverence.
  50. Tenderness.
  51. Delight.
  52. Devotion.
  53. Commitment – ​​craving, inclination, predisposition.
  54. Perseverance is the ability to achieve a goal.
  55. Perseverance is a persistent pursuit of something.
  56. Intention.
  57. Aspiration.
  58. Rapidity.
  59. Swiftness is the ability to perform the maximum number of actions in the minimum time.
  60. Respect.
  61. Self-respect.
  62. Self-esteem - awareness of one’s worth, respectful attitude towards oneself.

There are also neutral emotions, the “positivity” of which depends on the context of events:

concreteness, conviction, directness, inflexibility, softness, regret, fluidity, repentance, pliability, light sadness, pity, pride, seriousness, surprise, detachment, spontaneity, impartiality, naivety, impartiality, awe, abstraction, caution, thoughtfulness, dreaminess - especially expressed in women

Character accents.

Accentuation of character is an exaggeration of individual properties, traits, manifested in the selective attitude of the individual to certain influences with sufficient resistance to others. K. Leongard identifies 12 types of character accentuation, which predetermine the characteristics of behavior, mood, activity, emotions, anxiety and other personality traits. 1. Hyperactive (hyperthymic). The person is very energetic, independent, strives for leadership, risk, and adventure. He does not respond to comments, there is no self-criticism. 2. Dysthymic (dysthymic). This type of people is constantly in a low mood, sad, withdrawn, taciturn, and pessimistic. These people are burdened by noisy societies and do not get along closely with their colleagues. 3. Cycloid type (cyclothymic). The accentuation of character is manifested in cyclically changing periods of rise and fall of mood. 4. Emotive (emotionality). This person is overly sensitive, vulnerable and deeply worries about the slightest troubles. He is overly sensitive to comments and failures, so he is often in a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and relatives who would understand him perfectly. He rarely enters into conflicts and plays a passive role in them. 5. Demonstrative (demonstrativeness). This person strives to be the center of attention and achieves his goals at any cost. He easily forgets about his unseemly actions. He has a high adaptability to people. 6. Excitable (excitability). These people have increased irritability, lack of restraint, sullenness, and boringness, but flattery, helpfulness (as a disguise), a tendency to rudeness and obscene language or silence, and slowness in conversation are possible. 7. Stuck (stuck). People with this type of accentuation get stuck on their feelings and thoughts. They cannot forget grievances and “settle scores” with their offenders. They have official and everyday intractability and a tendency to protracted squabbles. In a conflict, they are most often an active party and clearly define for themselves a circle of enemies and friends. 8. Pedantic (pedantic). These people are characterized by tediousness in the form of “experiencing” details; at work, they are capable of tormenting visitors with formal requirements, and exhausting their household with excessive neatness. 9. Anxious (anxiety). People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low mood, timidity, and self-doubt. They constantly fear for themselves and their loved ones, experience failure for a long time and doubt the correctness of their actions. They rarely enter into conflicts and play a passive role. 10. Exalted (lavile) – often changeable mood, very amorous, prone to despair, very impressionable, pronounced emotions 11. Introverted. People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low sociability and isolation. They are aloof from everyone and enter into communication with other people out of necessity; most often they are immersed in themselves and their thoughts. They are characterized by increased vulnerability, but they do not tell anything about themselves and do not share their experiences. They even treat their close people coldly and reservedly. Their behavior and logic are often not understood by others. 12. Conformal (extroverted). People of this type are highly sociable, talkative to the point of talkativeness, do not have their own opinions and are very dependent, they strive not to stand out “from the crowd.”

12 pp., 5928 words

How to learn to recognize negative emotions in yourself and others

In an ideal situation, even in childhood you need to learn to recognize different emotions, name them and try to control or competently work through them. But for you, no matter what age you are now, all is not lost! It’s never too late to learn to develop emotional intelligence (this is what the ability to understand the emotional background of yourself and others is called)!

What you can learn by taking this course:

  • recognize deceitful people you meet at work and in your personal life;
  • see the manifestation of empathy and other hidden emotions;
  • the ability to “read” the interlocutor;
  • determine where the information leak occurred;
  • the ability not to show off your emotions;
  • the ability to see the manipulator;
  • improve relationships in your personal life;
  • become confident.

The cost of training is 990 rubles. Registration is made automatically on the website.

Within 7 days you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the course.

There is also an article on that contains the best courses on EI.

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