Features of female conditions at different age stages of life

Online help from a psychologist for women around the world

At Helppoint, we offer online counseling and therapy services to women around the world.

Our online psychological help service has female psychologists, and a female psychologist can be either a woman or a male female psychologist. The choice of a woman or a man as his psychologist remains solely with the client when he fills out the questionnaire. We use online counseling or therapy for women, through video chat or online correspondence with a psychologist.

It's all about simplicity and gratitude

We women, by our nature and emotionality, tend to complicate everything. And a man’s goal is to reduce the complexity of his life . The character and logic of thinking of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity is characterized by simplicity in everything.

Dear ladies, do you really think that your loved ones really care about which curtains go perfectly with the bedspreads? Do they analyze their conversations after communicating with friends, unraveling the hidden meanings in their friends’ statements?

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but most men would say a resounding no to all of the above.

In psychological studies, men said that they were bothered by their partner's insistence on finding out what he was thinking.

Women are often offended when their man does not empathize with the complex web of small factors that they describe to them with or without reason. They blame their partner for simplifying very real problems. They suspect that the man is hiding his true self from her. They try in every possible way to force him to reveal what he is really thinking about.

Excessive persistence and accusations from women irritate men. More than anything, they want to feel truly appreciated .

Knowing these two secrets about men: simplicity and the need for gratitude for the fact that he is exactly the way he is, you, dear ladies, can make your relationship with your loved one happier.

Female psychologist online

Research has shown that online counseling is as effective as in-person counseling, especially for treating depression, stress, anxiety, and eating disorders. It is also effective, especially for women with busy work schedules who may not have the extra time to travel to and from the psychologist's office.

Working with women, we learned about many nuances associated with providing psychological assistance and support specifically to women. Women tend to be more emotional beings than men, so feeling supported and understood is especially important to them. We want to help find the ideal female psychologist who will understand them and be able to help them.

Since relationships play a crucial role in most women's lives, we will help you determine which relationships in your life are working and which ones may need work. If your marriage or relationship has become difficult, and if you and your partner agree, we would like to involve both of you in the counseling process. Again, we think online counseling is a great way to do this, all it takes is for both people to be able to sit relatively close to each other so they can be seen on the screen!

If only one partner is willing to come to counseling, we will work with the partner who wants to help herself and help her change her own life for the better.

We also work with many single women online who would like to find a partner but seem to be having difficulty doing so. If so, we will help you identify negative beliefs you may have about yourself that may be getting in your way.

These beliefs may include a negative body image, where you feel ugly, stupid, bad, uninteresting, or something else. We will help you recognize these feelings as simply beliefs you may have learned over the course of your life, and not as truth.

We then work with you to replace these outdated thoughts with what is truly true in the present. This can change the lives of many women, and can give you the confidence you need to come out of your cocoon and start dating men who can be suitable life partners.

Another aspect of our online women's therapy is to encourage you to develop what makes you truly passionate about your life. This could be continuing education, a business idea, a career change, volunteering, or finding an activity that awakens the passion within. In other words, something truly “yours”!

What is female psychology

Guys and girls perceive the same things in their own way. There is nothing you can do about it except come to terms with it. A man mainly uses logic in thinking, thinking about only one topic. In turn, the girl thinks about many things at once. There's no point in trying to figure this out; you won't succeed.

Such thinking in girls occurs because they are led by feelings and emotions. Literally every reproach, action, word has an emotional background. There are often moments when a girl says one thing, but in reality means the complete opposite.

How can you understand a woman? Let’s not forget about this nuance that quite often, at the sight of a beautiful girl, a man begins to feel severely stupid, in which he cannot think at all.

Men have a completely different psychological point of view. They greatly depend on the emotional state of the girl. Men can be considered as vehicles that are fueled by the energy of a woman.

Therefore, a man’s task is to find a girl who can start his engine. In this case, he will be ready to move mountains for her. A man will plunge into self-development, making money, and all for the sake of his beloved half. A distinctive point is that if there is reciprocity, then it will be easier for such a girl to provide information in the most understandable way for her boyfriend.

Find a female psychologist

The mode of online women's therapy that we provide has evolved over the 9 years of experience accumulated by our women's and family psychologists. Our psychologists are trained in Gestalt therapy, family therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness training. Much of the work we do now combines CBT and mindfulness training to help relieve stress and overcome depression.

We also believe that women are the best at helping each other because they have so much shared experience. Our therapists who provide women's mental health services online are experienced and highly qualified therapists.

Author: Editorial staff of the Help-Point.net portal

Features of female conditions at different age stages of life

“The female state is who you are, what you think about, what you experience. In the past, now. And what you will be like in a minute!”

The female condition arises from the moment a girl is born, and then develops and corrects throughout her life.

Different authors who have identified four age stages in a person’s life and the characteristics of these life periods are, in fact, talking about the same thing. A person's life is divided into four age stages: childhood, youth, maturity - midlife and old age. At each stage, it is necessary to learn how to solve a problem that is relevant at that time.

According to the ancient philosopher Pythagoras, the stages of human life are comparable to the seasons, and each stage lasts approximately twenty years.

Spring is the beginning and development of life, lasting from birth to 20 years. The child is interested in everything, he absorbs new knowledge with pleasure and develops.

Summer is youth, from 20 to 40 years old, the period of growing up.

Autumn is the heyday, from 40 to 60 years old, a person has become an adult, balanced, the former cheerfulness has given way to confidence and leisure.

Winter - fading, from 60 to 80 years, a period of reflection and summing up. The man has come most of the way and is now considering the results of his life.

In the process of life, a person undergoes individuation (this is one of the main concepts of analytical psychology by C. G. Jung) - a movement towards integrity through the integration of conscious and unconscious parts of the personality.

For a woman, personality individuation is determined primarily by relationships with a man, and for a man, by his relationships with the world. O. Lavrova writes in the monograph “Deep Topological Psychotherapy: Ideas on Transformation” that for a man: “Peace is not so much in the woman he loves, but in the entire Universe as a whole. A man, unlike a woman, goes out with a weapon to the border of collision and reconciliation with the World. It is important for him to win - to become a Hero. For a woman, only the world in which He, She and children exist is obvious and real. A woman usually doesn’t care about the universe.”

O. Lavrova identified a key archetype on the path of a woman’s individuation and called it “Beauty”. In the formation of female identity, O. Lavrova distinguishes the following stages: Baby, Beauty, Mother, Charismatic woman.

“From a Child, a woman transforms into a Beauty, from a Beauty - into a Mother, from a Mother - into a spiritualized Charismatic woman - wise, capable of a deep understanding of the universal secrets" [1].

In the psychological literature, authors (L. Renard, A. Kharitonova, N. Rodionova, A. Shulgina, etc.) identify similar four states of a woman: girl, lover, mistress, queen, which can be correlated with the stages of a woman’s life.

At the first stage , emotional energy predominates the Baby-Girl

Girl - Energy of water. She is cheerful, naive, capricious, playful and flirtatious, an eternal dreamer. She gets what she wants because she is in touch with her desires. There will always be someone who will come to her aid, protect her, and take care of her. The girl rejoices, believes in miracles, trusts the world and people. She is spontaneous and openly talks about her desires. A man wants to protect the girl and give her “toys.” Because it’s fun to be with her, you can “do stupid things” and have fun together. A man likes to take care of a girl-woman; next to her he feels needed, wise and strong. He wants to help her, to please her. But if this happens all the time, and the woman is only ready to receive , the man’s opportunities and desires end.

The girl is a joy. To develop the state of a girl, you need to allow yourself to rejoice. This is hampered by disturbances in the early mother-child relationship - excessive “fusion” with the mother or, conversely, her detachment. If the interests of a little girl were not taken into account, she developed a feeling of her own insignificance. The mother could reason something like this: “My child and I are one,” “He feels the same as I do,” “What I want, my child wants.” The girl did not develop a sense of separation from another person, respect for her own personality, her desires. She constantly expects a man to take responsibility for her life.

With a lack of maternal attention, a girl expects rejection even as an adult; she has ideas, often exaggerated, fantasies, about her own worthlessness, loneliness, uselessness, isolation from the world, which, in turn, gives rise to a selectively negative perception of information coming from other people . Every time the girl convinces herself that she is not loved, appreciated, understood, etc. enough.

The psychotherapeutic effect for a woman who has trauma at the stage of development of the Girl’s condition is liberation from narcissistic insults and narcissistic expectations.

Lover - Beauty. Energy of Fire. At the Beauty stage, sexual energy predominates. This is dedication, passion, looseness, sexuality. With the help of sex, a woman transfers powerful energy to a man, filling him with strength. A lover is a close connection with the energy of creativity and with one’s own body. She easily attracts men.

At the Beauty stage, a woman needs to realize and accept her sexuality. Here, as at the stage of childhood, the position of the parents and their attitude towards the awakening sexuality of their daughter is of great importance.

A client, a 32-year-old girl, says: “Mom always said that I had thin hair and crooked legs, and my dad looked at me with admiration and praised me, but I still wear floor-length clothes, trying to hide my ugly legs.”

Perhaps the mother was thus competing with her growing daughter, who was becoming more attractive than her. The older the daughter, the older the mother.

The client, a 27-year-old girl, says: “My dad forbade me to wear makeup and wear tight clothes. He said this is what prostitutes look like.”

The father’s unconscious motive could be fear of his own sexual interest in his daughter’s developing body, reluctance to let her go, jealousy of other men who “will belong to my sweet girl.” Trying to keep their daughter from growing up, parents may use derogatory remarks about her body, manner of dressing, and behavior.

Sometimes parents understand that their daughter's separation will be followed by a moment when they will be left alone with each other. They will need to sort out their relationship, and they are afraid of this.

Acceptance of sexuality at the Beauty stage can also be hampered by a woman’s belief that men are attracted only to beautiful women, and men strive exclusively for a woman’s body.

The client, a 27-year-old girl, says: “My mother said about my father that “he only needed one thing.” And when my mother, the “holy woman,” came home from work, she often found her father in bed with various beauties. Finally, my mother couldn’t stand it and “put her husband on skis,” i.e. I just kicked him out.”

To enhance your sexuality, you can remember a moment when you felt especially sexy. How you walked, what you wore, how the men looked at you. Do everything that gives you pleasure: draw, dance, seduce, give a massage, and the “mistress” state will appear.

In the state of a lover, a woman gives energy. However, if this condition is predominant, men want such a woman, they can conquer her, but they are in no hurry to get married. It is difficult for such a woman to keep a man.

In the Mistress-Mother state, the Energy of the Earth predominates. This is the energy of bestowal , material, maternal, especially noticeable during the birth of a child. The Mistress always has order , cleanliness, all things are in their place, she loves to cook. She is calm, comfortable, she knows how to wait, listen, and sympathize. Housewives plan their lives; they always have a supply of money, time and food in the refrigerator. In an overabundance of “hostess”, a woman is too caring. But when she forgets about herself, she ceases to be interesting to others. If the Mother is expressed beyond measure, the woman devotes her life to her children and husband, depriving them of independence and “suffocating” them with her “love.” She turns into a “mom” not only for the children, but also for her husband. Men rarely admire the mistress. And they rarely care either.

By organizing the space around us, planning our lives, taking care of ourselves and others, we develop our “mistress”, which is very necessary for interacting with the material world.

Psychotherapy for a woman in the “housewife-mother” state consists of understanding that maternal love and care are not the only destiny of a woman’s existence; it will not replace love for a man and relationships with the outside world. When children reach a certain age, they need psychological and social autonomy. It is important for the woman herself to maintain her physical charm and find opportunities for further development of her own personality.

The state of the Queen - a Charismatic woman is the intellectual Energy of Air. The Queen is independent and self-sufficient. She is well-groomed, independent, confident, fulfilled in society. She knows how to behave in society, people look at her with admiration. The Queen achieves everything herself. The state of a queen is a feeling of love for yourself, your body, and, of course, for those around you. A woman who is afraid of being judged and only wants to be good will never become Queen. Even in my own eyes. Part of her energy will always be spent on controlling her behavior, on always looking “good.” A charismatic woman is wise, capable of deep understanding of herself and others.

If a man doesn't value you enough, increase the queen's fortune. Take care of yourself, your beauty, your body, your hobbies.

Every woman has the four states mentioned above.

If it seems to you that you are using only one, it means that the other three are present, but not yet in demand. True femininity lies in the ability to manage these four states and maintain a balance between them.

It is important to remember that from the states of Mistress and Lover, a woman gives a man energy. The Mistress is maternal, the Mistress is sexual.

And from the states of the Girl and the Queen, the woman takes energy from the man. The girl - through receiving gifts and care, and the Queen - through admiration and honor.

It is very important to maintain a balance in giving and receiving energy in a relationship with a man, then this relationship develops. When there is no give/take balance in a relationship, it leads to the end of the relationship.

So, we can say that a certain state of a woman arises at the appropriate stage of life. The state of a Girl is in childhood, a Mistress is in youth, a Mother is a Mistress in adulthood, and a Queen is in old age. This is not entirely true. Conditions arise and mix with each other at different age stages and help a woman in the process of her individuation. We can talk about the positive passage of female individuation if a woman is in contact with all her states, takes responsibility for her own life, perceives the world around her as neutral in relation to her (no love, but not rejecting), accepts her sexuality and uniqueness , and at the same time limiting one’s capabilities, calmly treats one’s own and others’ shortcomings.


  1. Lavrova O.V. Deep topological psychotherapy: ideas about transformation.
  2. Renard L. Circle of feminine power.
  3. Kharitonova A. Training of female power.

"I'm not offended"

Dear men, this phrase is a lie! Don't believe a woman if she tells you so. She expects from you any assistance, help or explanation of your actions. You should know that every little thing is important, because because of this little thing, all this immense resentment towards you is usually inflated. Your task is to find out what the matter is and be as delicate as possible. You should not put pressure on your beloved, shout at her and be too intrusive, thereby you risk losing favor with your companion, and she will not want to talk to you at all. After all, a woman is a sensitive and vulnerable creature. It is very important to talk to her, protect and protect her.

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