Statistics of female and male infidelity, who cheats more often and for what reason

If you catch your dearest spouse cheating on you, do not rush to conclude that life is over. Male infidelity is evil, but this evil can be effectively fought. However, you should understand that if a man says that he loves only you, the fact that this was a fatal mistake is worthless. Because he says one thing, but still cheats. We need facts, and it is these that we will now analyze, and then draw conclusions based on the information received.

Statistics of infidelity in Russia

Russia differs from European countries in the percentage of infidelity between men and women. Thanks to sociological research, it turned out that about 70% of men go “to the left”. Of these, 60% prefer to date married women, and only 10% contact single ladies.

For women, this figure is three times lower: only 25% of the fairer sex were capable of adultery. Moreover, most of them had one constant lover for a long time.

This dispersion of indicators is historically easy to explain. Women were the keepers of the hearth and spent all their time in the house. But the male breadwinner had much more freedom, and he could afford casual relationships on the side.


Have you probably ever met such men for whom every woman is desirable? They literally cannot let a single skirt pass them by. They like everyone - brunettes, blondes, short and tall. Naturally, as in the case described above, you need to pay attention to this at the dating stage. You need to understand that you are unlikely to be able to change it. So, if, for one reason or another, you decide to throw in your lot with such a womanizer, then later you only have yourself to blame.

Treason in other countries

In European countries, the picture of betrayal is slightly different:

  • in England , where there are many self-confident businesswomen, 46% of women and only 26% of men admitted to being unfaithful to their partners;
  • in Italy men cheat more often, but in percentage terms their number is much smaller than in Russia: 55% of men and 34% of women;
  • in Germany, 100% of citizens admitted that they had cheated on their lover at least once;
  • In Muslim countries, society condemns infidelity, so they have the lowest rate of both female and male infidelity - only 3%.

Indicators depend on the attitude of citizens to the very fact of treason, on the looseness of the population and the degree of independence.

Reasons for male infidelity

To understand why a man loves but cheats, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior. The reasons for a husband's infidelity are as follows:

  • likes a woman, and it is difficult for a man to refuse her. He likes female attention, and if the girl makes it clear that she is not against the relationship, the man will most likely agree;
  • self-affirmation. By winning new ladies, a man increases his own importance;
  • friends, their influence, desire to stand out;
  • boredom, routine in relationships;
  • a mistress comes as an addition to family life;
  • the desire to feel free from family relationships;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Men cheat on their wives even if they love them, and this is the rule rather than the exception.

Divorce statistics due to infidelity

Russia is a leader in divorce rates – every second couple gets divorced. Moreover, the most common reason for the separation of spouses is due to the infidelity of one of the partners.

The vast majority of divorces (about 90%) occur either during the first year of marriage, or in the interval of 5-9 years.

It’s impossible to forget about your partner’s needs

We want to be connected to other people, especially those we love and adore, those with whom we feel a special connection. The needs for intimacy between spouses, for love and recognition are paramount.

They can be ignored, pushed aside, or denied, but they never go away.

They are so important that if left unsatisfied for too long, they create a gap between partners large enough for someone else (the mistress) to step in and try to do what the man wants instead of the spouse. And in this case, it may happen that the husband loves his wife, but begins to cheat on her.

When an important need goes unmet, there are two options. We can:

  1. or suppress it,
  2. or change the environment in which we are trying to get what we need.

When a certain desire of a person is too important, it will not be possible to forget about it. If a man tries to do this, it will create a rift in the couple and a temptation to change the conditions of his life, for example, by finding someone else.

Reasons why spouses cheat

As we found out, women cheat much less often than men. They are driven to this step not so much by the search for new experiences, but by despair and emotional devastation.

The most important reasons why a woman finds a lover:

  1. Lack of attention from her husband. If the husband stops giving compliments, giving gifts, and admiring his appearance, then sooner or later the woman begins to accept signs of attention from other representatives of the stronger sex. Against the backdrop of an emotionally absent spouse, the gentleman trying to woo the lady looks like a fairy-tale prince and, sooner or later, will achieve favor.
  2. Feeling of revenge. Some spouses cheat “out of spite” after learning about their lover’s infidelity. As they say, “a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.” Usually, such a connection is one-time and does not bring pleasure.
  3. Low self-esteem. This may seem strange, but self-doubt, tightness, and complexes often become the cause of infidelity. In this way, ladies try to believe in themselves, assert themselves, and raise their self-esteem.
  4. Long separation. The absence of her husband for a long period of time pushes a woman to cheat. And it doesn’t matter whether he went on a business trip, is in prison, serves in the army, or has flown away on vacation. The reason is absolutely not important. Out of loneliness, a lady finds someone who will brighten up her long lonely nights.
  5. Lack of love for your partner. If a couple got married as a result of an unexpected pregnancy or at the behest of their parents, and the wife does not have warm feelings for her husband, then she will begin to look for them on the side. The same thing happens when a partner realizes that she has long fallen out of love.
  6. Headship in the family. If the spouse plays the role of head of the family, that is, provides the family with money, then she becomes independent and uninhibited. This also encourages infidelity.

How does a man decide to cheat? Vasya's story

How does this happen? A man lives for a day, two, a week, a year... and then suddenly - bam! – and changes. In honor of what? At what point?

Here is Vasya, he will be the hero of this story. Vasya has a family - a wife and children. Vasya works for the benefit of the family. Vasya is about 43 years old. We have many years of marriage behind us. The stage of getting used to it with my wife has already passed, the children are already going to school, everyday life is regulated, the mortgage is half paid. Life isn't perfect, yes. But it is more or less understandable and predictable.

Vasya’s wife, Katya, is normal. With your cockroaches, of course. Vasya knows very well when and what words can displease Katya and lead to a quarrel or scandal. Therefore, sometimes Vasya is silent, sometimes he immediately “growls” (the best defense is an attack), sometimes he still says what he wants, even if he knows: “it’s about to start.” When it “starts” Vasya either withdraws or suppresses. This is how they live.

Vasya has no fantasies that one day he will meet a beautiful princess! He doesn't think about saving the Princess from the clutches of the dragon and receiving selfless love and mind-blowing sex as gratitude. Dreams are not Vasya’s destiny.

It’s just that one day he notices that a certain Masha is very pretty and has SUCH a look! Calling... Alluring...

Masha either works in the next department, or lives in the next entrance; history is silent about this. By the way, Masha’s look is ordinary. The normal look of a healthy woman. It’s just that Vasya has long been “ripe” to notice this look. Masha, or Olya, or Zhanetta - it’s not about her. And the fact is that Vasya lives with one of three beliefs (see the previous part of the article). Our hero does not realize that there is any problem. He believes that he lives a “normal” life. Everyone does. All sorts of psychological “stuff”, working on relationships is not his topic. He just doesn't think about it.

Meanwhile, the tension in Vasya's life is growing. Vasya knows that his wife has a lot of problems of her own. Should we also “slip” ours into it? Vasya will figure it out himself. After. And now you can relax and “drown” in Masha’s gaze.

Why did he notice this look now, today? Randomness + readiness. The day before there was a quarrel with his wife, and today there were successful negotiations at work, plus the day before yesterday he was in a rocking chair and just talked with men about who has how many women. It just so happened. Then somehow it goes without saying...

Vasya invited Masha to have coffee. Just coffee! It's nice to communicate.

Then again coffee. It’s not Vasya’s fault that he’s relaxing in Masha’s company! It's easy with her!

After coffee, I walked Masha home. We had a very nice walk. She smells amazing. She is like a fairy; there are simply no problems around her. It seems that if you touch such a fairy, it will be just a fabulous feeling. I want to touch you more and more. Why not? It's easy to take your hand and kiss you on the cheek goodbye. “Test the waters”, what will the reaction be? Normal reaction. The fairy did not faint, but sighed very languidly...

Further the article rating will be 18+

We don't need any further. It was important to understand how it all begins.

Which women cheat most often?

According to sociological research, women over 40 most often cheat. They are more likely than others to fill out profiles on dating sites and agree to meet young people.

If we talk about qualities, they most often change:

  • too strong women who carry the whole house, children, and spouse;
  • women who are too weak, who are unsure of themselves, or are in a critical situation in life;
  • feminists;
  • more experienced in bed than their spouse;
  • unloved, not feeling attention, affection, care, support.

In addition, critical age periods have been identified when ladies are most ready to find a lover: 29, 49 and 59 years old.

What to do?

Try to look at the world not only through the prism of your own illusions and rose-colored glasses, but look at life realistically, at its facts. Learn to speak and negotiate with your partner. Understand that living together, marriage, children together, everyday life is not only about romance, intense passion and adoration for each other, it is about work, the ability to cope with difficulties, trust, support and respect.

Can't do it yourself? Seek psychological counseling. Ask not your friends, but professionals who work with people and have seen hundreds of married couples from the inside.

Which men are not faithful?

According to the survey, 40% of the stronger sex cheat constantly, but at the same time retain feelings for their spouse, another 40% were unfaithful several times (2-5), and 6% cheated on their wives only once. Of these, 40% did this before marriage, and 60%, respectively, after marriage.

If we talk about characteristics, then men who cheat most often are:

  • are overly sexual and experience constant dissatisfaction in bed (little variety, infrequent sex);
  • live alone for a long time (the wife works on a shift basis, often flies alone on vacation, etc.);
  • often overindulge in alcohol (it relaxes and dulls the sense of responsibility);
  • love another, but for some reason live with their spouse (money, property, children);
  • not confident in themselves (trying to assert themselves at the expense of random lovers).

Most often, it is precisely these types of men who find temporary (less often permanent) lovers.

Why can a man often change women?

Few people know, but under the wave of the usual concept of a womanizer lies a serious disease, which in medicine is usually called intimophobia. Those representatives of the stronger half of humanity who are frightened by long-term intimate relationships with representatives of the fair sex suffer from this terrible illness. Such men often change women for the simple reason that they experience panic. And here it doesn’t matter how seductive and charming his next partner will be, it is important for him to move on after winning. Such men, as a rule, look self-confident in appearance. However, under the mask there is usually a personality that is filled with doubts about its own masculinity. Such men are burdened by the constant need to be first in the eyes of women. Therefore, striving for another intimacy, such men actually experience enormous fear.

According to doctors, the foundation for the development of intimate phobia in boys is laid by the age of five. Moreover, during school years, such “Males” are usually exemplary students who are madly loved by the teaching staff, relatives and friends. Such boys always look neat, behave tactfully and politely. Having matured, such men usually choose professions in which the majority of the team are representatives of the fair sex.

In search of ideal and diversity

A man often changes partners, not always just because he is a womanizer. In about half of the cases, men are sure that when they go through women, they are looking for the only one whose image has formed in their head. Moreover, every time he falls in love and starts a new relationship, such a man really believes that he has found that very ideal. But no! The series of such loves lasts endlessly and each successive partner resigns again and again. Also, men often change women because they really need variety. According to statistics, about 30% of men are attracted to variety. Therefore, when a man gets to know another woman again, he may begin to experience boredom. The relationships of such men can be of interest as long as there is intensity of passion and intrigue in them. Then it becomes monotonous for him and he begins to look for new emotions and adventures. Such lovers of variety sometimes do not always abandon the first object of desire for another. Most often, they conduct relationships on both sides. But among men there are also those who, in order to emphasize their status, often change women. For such men, the most important thing is the number of women, not their quality. Of course, it is not at all necessary that these women are uncharming or stupid. It’s just that for such men they are regarded more as trophies.

Zodiac signs and infidelity

Finally, let’s briefly look at which zodiac signs you should trust, and which ones you should always be on the lookout for:

  1. Taurus can be trusted unconditionally. It is very difficult to win his heart, but if you succeed, then be sure of devotion and dedication.
  2. Capricorn , once choosing a life partner, will be faithful until the end of his life.
  3. Virgo carefully chooses her spouse, therefore, having decided to take an important step in life, she will remain faithful forever.
  4. Leo also takes a long time to choose a suitable partner, and will not dare to destroy the relationship with a fleeting, meaningless connection.
  5. Cancer is considered one of the most reliable signs. A great romantic, he is devoted to his beloved to the end.
  6. Aquarius is a pedant who values ​​time. He adores his life partner and is rarely overtaken by the thought of betrayal.
  7. Sagittarians are prone to infidelity, but their condition depends on the attitude of the person who will be nearby.
  8. Libra loves order and harmony, but cheating brings chaos into life. But if the spouse begins to show disrespect and indifference, then representatives of the sign may decide to take this step.
  9. Pisces is a depressive sign that often feels sad and suffers. To somehow cheer themselves up, they begin to look for adventures on the side.
  10. Aries craves new sensations, and therefore it costs him nothing to “go left.”
  11. Geminis are flighty and fickle. If there is no influx of fresh sensations in the relationship, then representatives of the sign will find them on the side.
  12. Scorpio is very emotional and needs strong emotions. If this is not given to him, then he will easily find a mistress, and maybe more than one.

The statistics of cheating, as well as its causes, are very diverse. But once you find out what can push your partner to be unfaithful, you can easily avoid it. “Who is forewarned is forearmed!”

Have you cheated on your other half?

Why does my husband cheat but says he loves me?

There are some males who cunningly twist such a piquant situation around themselves. No longer a bachelor, a person continues to lead an active lifestyle without trying to give up his old habits. How is it possible to hang out until the morning in a club with friends and not become like the homies who picked up young chicks and had a good hang. And it’s not at all weak to boast about the same freedom!

Thus, the husband cheats, but says that he loves madly and this may be true. But why this happens is a “hostage” of circumstances: the guys invited a group of girls to a table, I drank quite a bit, we went to Tolik’s apartment to catch up, and then I remember almost nothing... There will be a hundred similar stories, but the essence is the same and it is extremely unpleasant for the wife , who has already heard a lot from friends about her husband’s adventures to the left.

There are also cunning foxes that run into the neighbor’s chicken coop and quietly do bad things, but if they are caught, they immediately back down. Like, how could you think, I only love you and don’t even look at anyone else around me!

You need to trust your husband, but when he has already “messed up” once, know that he has this type of hero lover. In addition, if he tries to smooth out the situation by saying that he loves you, it means that he is afraid of losing you, disturbing your state of comfort, or is worried about the financial side in the event of a divorce.

How to make a man miss you - simple ways are given in this article.

Romance at work

Office romances happened always and everywhere. Not a single person is immune from this. After all, we often spend more time at work than with our families. And if you meet someone there who evokes sympathy, then romance is not far away.

In this case, it is difficult to advise anything; everything will depend only on the prudence of the man himself.

Treason under the influence of momentary weakness

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, such betrayals happen quite often. Usually they are associated with a large amount of alcohol at some party where the man found himself without his wife. This could be a corporate party or some other event. When many people simultaneously indulge in the joy of some event, this lulls one’s vigilance and a man can easily fall into the arms of some laughing woman who would not mind seclusion to end the evening in an intimate setting. Usually, after such a betrayal, a man is very worried, blaming himself for losing control under the influence of alcohol.

Most often, such betrayals do not continue, and a man can be very ashamed to even remember this.

If this happens, then you are unlikely to know about it, unless your sworn friends or girlfriends tell you about it.

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