Relationships in a team: how to find balance, taking into account behavioral patterns

From time to time, each of us changes jobs. The reasons for this are very diverse. However, most often we crave professional growth, which is simply impossible at our old place of work. And with a change of position, new, as yet unknown opportunities often open up. In addition, the environment also changes, which also often becomes one of the incentives for one’s own development.

No matter where you settle, at first you will feel a little out of place. After all, new colleagues have been working together for some time, have gotten used to each other and have become a team. Foreign enterprises, for example, have long noted this fact; they are trying to make the arrival of a “newcomer” as comfortable as possible both for himself and for old employees. For example, in Japan it is customary to have a corporate lunch in a good restaurant.

However, finding common topics for conversation and establishing relationships with colleagues is largely the task of the beginner himself. Naturally, work is much more effective if a person works in a close-knit team, where everyone treats each other with understanding. But it’s not always easy to win over new colleagues. What do psychologists say about this?

Getting to know each other, or the first day at a new job

First, of course, you need to get to know your colleagues. As a rule, this begins with the introduction of the new employee by the head of the company. This is very good practice. After all, if a newcomer feels attention to himself and support from his superiors, it is much easier for him to adapt. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t manage to “become one of the people” with your new colleagues from the very first day. This happens very rarely.

Try to concentrate, be balanced and calm. In order to make a good impression on your colleagues, you just need to treat them friendly and smile, but there is no need to be excessively intrusive and intrusive.

A few recommendations

It will be much easier for you to establish relationships in your team if you treat your colleagues with genuine interest. Pay close attention to the company's communication style. Study how employees work, what the characteristics of each of them are, and who has what role.

Try to prove yourself as a committed and disciplined person. At a minimum, you should not be late for work or lunch.

As they say, you meet someone by their clothes. And this is really important. If your company has a dress code, follow it strictly. But if there are no strict requirements, still try to choose business-style clothes that are relaxed and comfortable. Even if you really want to show your extravagance, it is better to restrain yourself.

Try to work in the same style as others. Perhaps you actually know better what to do in a given situation, but you shouldn’t show it yet. Get comfortable, get treated as an equal, and then open up your ideas. This makes it much more likely that your thoughts will be listened to. After all, no one likes “upstarts”.

How to take a worthy place in the team.

Getting a new job always evokes positive emotions, of which there are only two - joy and interest. Joy in the soul, from the fact that one of the goals in life, in this case, getting a job, has been achieved, interest - from the anticipation of an interesting business and meeting a new team. New spaces have opened up - you can get used to it and realize your potential. Of course, everyone’s ambitions are different, but there is one path - man is a being who must constantly develop his abilities, acquire new knowledge and skills. Even a stop in development is equal to the beginning of degradation. And this is inherent in any person on a subconscious level. Therefore, whether you like it or not, you need to develop and take your place in the work team. But that’s not about that now. How to gain knowledge and acquire skills is up to everyone to decide for themselves; everything is quite individual and depends on the specifics of the work. But the laws of interpersonal relations in a team are general. I would like to tell you about the structure of the team and help you find your place in it, and a worthy place at that.

A production team is a community of people united by a specific job that they must perform. There is an official leader, and there are performers who perform work of varying levels of complexity, depending on their qualifications and experience. At the output, the team produces a certain result. This is how most of these structures can be summarized.

But people are not robots, and quite human passions simmer within the work team. The team has its own informal leaders, and this is not necessarily the leader. When a manager is also an informal leader, this is a sign of a healthy team, unless of course it consists entirely of sycophants... But in most cases, the leader is not always the official leader. There is nothing wrong with this - hello from primitive times, when people themselves chose their leader, based on the qualities that helped them all survive, this is still enshrined at the genetic level. Next - again about sycophants, their goals are different, the reasons for this behavior are approximately the same, either this compensates for the low professional level and the reluctance to improve it, or there are goals to build a career in this way. Moreover, both the official leader and the informal leader can have sycophants. The remaining people are divided into three groups. Why only three? It’s just that the team not only has one common goal, but the people within it also have their own. Ideally, part of such a goal must necessarily coincide with the general one, then the work will be done better and of higher quality. These are the three groups

— those seeking to improve their classification and gain new skills in their chosen profession;

- those who have reached, as they consider, their heights and have transferred all their interest and development to their family, hobby, social work, or some other activity outside the team;

- a frank “swamp”, these are people who do their work anyhow, their typical hobbies are promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex and various kinds of partying, both in the team and outside it, there is no talk of any growth in the profession, they have been stopped at one level once achieved.

In principle, everything is clear. Only in different teams, each of these groups has more influence than the others, and each will have its own informal leader and its own sycophants. So, the first task, in addition to performing immediate duties, is to determine the presence and degree of influence of these groups, without joining them, to identify informal leaders and then proceed according to the situation. The best and worthy place is to join the first group, or create one by finding like-minded people. This also corresponds to the laws of nature - to continuously improve, which will bring moral and material success and will help further career development. And finally, you don’t need to start getting closer to informal leaders yourself; if you take your rightful place in the team, they themselves will make contact. And it’s also easy to identify sycophants - they are, as a rule, the first to get to know each other and bring them up to date with the affairs within the team. You need to be careful with them and not trust too much.

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Patience and tact

Don't confuse openness and friendliness with flattery. The insincerity of your words will quickly be revealed, and contact will be lost. After all, it is known that no relationship can be built on falsehood.

When we come to a new job, we, of course, want to be liked, so we often take on many responsibilities that, however, are not within our competence. This way you will gradually turn yourself into a trouble-free employee that everyone will ride on. Under no circumstances should this be allowed to happen.

Be yourself, treat new colleagues with due respect, but keep the relationship strictly business-like. If you behave in accordance with these simple rules, then communication at work will be as comfortable as possible for everyone.

Don't take on any job without thinking whether it's up to you. You are just beginning to express yourself in a company, because it is natural that you do not know and cannot do something. If you take on an assignment and fail, your reputation as a “loser” will stick with you for a long time.

Don’t try to immediately become “on the board.” You should not interfere in the conversations of your colleagues, much less give advice or evaluate actions. You may not want to offend anyone. But such a familiar attitude is usually met with hostility. Let your colleagues begin to consider you one of their own, then you will express your opinion.

Relationships and age

Often, young girls, coming to work, trying to establish contact in the team, begin to flirt with male colleagues. However, in addition to the fact that this is unprofessional, you can incur the contempt of the beautiful part of the team.

The most difficult thing is to establish good relationships with representatives of the older generation. Do not forget that they have considerable experience and knowledge in this field. It is in your best interest to get them to share them with you. In addition, older people always teach young people - this is inherent in nature itself. By the way, it is precisely because of this that it is not easy for young managers to find an approach to their older subordinates. In order for your relationship with such colleagues to become warm, simply communicate, show genuine interest in them, and listen.

How to join the team after maternity leave?

For a woman who has been on maternity leave, going back to work is associated with the expectation that everything will remain the same as it was before she left. In fact, a lot of time has passed, which means that working conditions have changed and employees have been updated. An unusual atmosphere can easily throw you out of your rhythm.

To avoid searching for an answer to the question of how to join the team after maternity leave, go to work before leaving and find out what has changed.

It is possible that the changes have affected your entire team and you will have to adapt again. It will be a good idea to find colleagues who can support you.

For each woman, maternity leave is a different period of time, usually, of course, it takes three years

The next step, which will tell you how to quickly join a new team after maternity leave, is to prepare for possible problems:

  • lack of knowledge of new employees;
  • lack of necessary skills;
  • changed atmosphere;
  • other working conditions.

Advanced training courses and socio-psychological trainings on interaction with people will help you solve them; they will refresh your memory and help you get involved in the work process. Use all your professional skills and abilities, strengths and advantages.

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Returning to work after such a long break is associated with another difficulty - a change in life scenery. You are already accustomed to spending a lot of time with your family, to a certain daily routine. It will be good if your husband takes on some of your household responsibilities. In addition, changing the status of a housewife to a working and earning woman already serves as a motivator for further employment prospects.

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