Where can I find a husband? How to find a rich husband - tips and tricks

You need to approach marriage issues responsibly and always choose the most worthy man among the contenders for your hand and heart. Women who are ready to live with a sweetheart in a hut and enjoy cozy poverty are becoming fewer and fewer every year. Girls don’t want to work all their lives for pennies and barely scrape together money for new purchases of beautiful accessories and clothes. I would like to immediately meet a rich man and live without problems and worries. If meeting a wealthy man is not a problem, then how can you marry a rich man and not remain as a mistress all your life?

Pros of arranged marriage

The only plus is a secure marriage and full support for the family and children for many years. The constant presence of a credit card in her wallet gives the wife of a millionaire constant access to the best entertainment, expensive boutiques, exclusive jewelry, previously unavailable resorts and private parties.

A man with a large fortune will demand that his wife constantly conform to his ideal. You will have to work on developing your personality and improving your skills. This is a huge plus! After marriage, the best coaches, tutors, clubs, luxury beauty salons and beauty treatments that cost hundreds of thousands will be available.

Film "Pretty Woman"

Be yourself and forget about complexes!

Where to find an athlete husband? The gym is a great place to meet people. This is not a bar, not a club, but a place dedicated to health and self-improvement. The only thing is that you will have to sweat a lot, because you will have to work out in the gym on simulators. Men generally don't go to Pilates or yoga.

If you like the life of a powerful luxury woman, the challenge ahead of you will be more serious.

Possible disadvantages of marriage2

Before marrying a rich man, you need to evaluate the disadvantages of such a union. Money and power can ruin the most ideal man. After marriage, it may turn out that a woman does not have the right to have her own opinion, and her husband’s stinginess does not allow him to spend money on everything in the store. It's not difficult to explain. The money and the millions acquired were obtained through hard, persistent work, but instead of increasing wealth, a woman comes who tries to spend everything. Another factor that spoils life with a rich husband is the constant absence from home. Life comes down to existing in two different worlds, where the husband appears periodically and asks to accompany him to events. At some point it may become boring and lonely.

Unusual ways to attract the attention of your future husband

Take, for example, the most popular method at the moment - a bright sexy T-shirt with flashy letters “Looking for a husband.” If an elegant waist and bulging breasts are present in your appearance, then both free and unfree men will pay 100% attention to you.

An interesting option to attract attention is to make a similar inscription on your car. And indicate your phone number. Those passing by, seeing your beautiful face, will immediately want to call.

Many men are reserved and will think that this is a sign of frivolity. But others will appreciate this approach and find you an interesting, multifaceted person. So what? You are free and do whatever you want.

What kind of woman do wealthy men look for for marriage?3

To understand how to successfully marry a rich man, you need to understand what kind of woman they want to see next to them. This is not just an ordinary girl from the nearest shoe store with ambitions. Rich men are looking for a life partner for whom they will not be ashamed. Relationships in which rich men choose a companion among girls of average or low income show that the choice is based on several criteria:

  • Outer beauty. You can argue as much as you like that behind every gray appearance you can see a rich inner world. Practice says the opposite: a man is focused on good looks. It is difficult to immediately discern an intellectual and a good housewife behind her unattractive appearance. A girl should always look amazing, take care of her figure, nutrition, and outwardly meet all the expectations of a wealthy husband.
  • Youth. Great wealth comes in mature years, and at this time you want to see next to you not someone the same age, but a beautiful and sexy girl no older than 30 years old. No one will be surprised by the age difference even of 60 years!
  • Intellectual compliance. Charming fools look cute only for the first few minutes. For family life, no one wants to choose a stupid woman who will drive the owner of millions into despondency with every new phrase. No one will ask for a diploma, but you need to be able to carry on small talk, discuss generally accepted topics and be interested in world events regularly.
  • Sweet and charming. Every day, millionaires fight with competitors, sign new contracts, fight to increase their money, and they want to return home and see a beautiful woman at home with an easy attitude to life. A light smile, a positive outlook on the world and the desire to give love to a man will help not only bring him to the registry office, but also become a loyal friend and reliable support for a long time.
  • The most important quality that rich men look for in candidates for his hand and heart is a stable mental state. Hysterical young ladies who make scenes and become jealous and reproach their husbands for being too busy have never attracted men. You don’t want to approach such a girl, let alone return home. When the main goal is to marry a rich man, you will have to learn to control yourself and accept his lifestyle, understand that he has a lot to do and needs to devote time to controlling his assets, communicating with partners, and going on trips abroad.

Marriage to a rich man looks like a beautiful fairy tale except on the screen. In exchange for a carefree life, many new fears and doubts will appear; you will have to learn to occupy your free time with new activities, master new knowledge, develop spiritually in order to be interesting to your man. After a critical assessment of your own strengths and capabilities, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and, without the slightest shadow of a doubt, storm the habitats of rich men.

A practical guide for young girls on how to get married successfully is waiting for you in our next article.

Where to find a rich man

We have already determined who the modern prince is and what girls are interesting to him. Let's move on to searching for him.

When a person is successful, he has certain habitats. If you visit them, the likelihood of meeting will increase significantly.

Places preferred by wealthy men:


Every man loves to eat tasty and satisfying food. When he has money, he will not refuse to eat expensively and in luxurious surroundings. A wealthy man prefers such places because the food is really tasty there and his status in society is demonstrated. If you want to find a rich man, go to the restaurant and meet.


A healthy lifestyle has become a very popular phenomenon in the 21st century. That is why people who monitor their health go to gyms. If you want to find a rich lover, put on leggings and go to the gym to squat, while dressing in the sexiest way possible.

Charity event

At these events, a large number of rich people gather, acting as sponsors, helping the poor or in other important areas of society. During such events, they especially feel that they are needed. Therefore, getting to know a wealthy gentleman by resorting to a conversation where you praise his actions will be very profitable and easy to implement.

Social event

Not every rich person likes to show off in public and show off their wealth. This is what social evenings were invented for. Going to such a meeting will give you the opportunity to meet a man with finances.

Expensive resorts

Go on vacation to the Maldives, Venezuela, Miami and other reputable vacation spots. On vacation, men are always positive and ready to meet new people. This means that if you show interest in a man, acquaintance from his side will not take long.

How to find a husband after 40?

If a woman begins a new personal life after 40, then she needs to remember how to communicate with men. You need to be attractive, beautiful and lively. Let’s not forget that a woman should be cheerful and interesting. At the age of 40, people already have established habits that they are not ready to give up. Most likely, a woman will have to change into a man or look for a gentleman who will have the same habits as her.

Don't try to start dating right away. Base your relationship with a man on common interests and lifestyle. Understand that you are no longer little children. Use your experience. Eliminate from the relationship those mistakes that previously led to the rupture of the love union.

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How to find a good husband?

“A good husband” is a vague concept. For every girl, a husband is good in his own way. That is why sometimes you need to decide on the criteria of goodness in order to understand which husband will be considered such.

Psychologists give the following recommendations on which man to choose as a husband:

  • A little older than himself, no more than a couple of years. This is associated with the characteristics of the psychological maturation of men and women. It's better when the man is a little older than the woman.
  • Choose a man who is as active as the woman herself. This feature does not change. There will be no contradictions if the partners are equally active in their lifestyles.
  • Choose with a clear understanding of who is needed. Make a list of criteria that a man must meet. This will also allow you to understand where to look for it. What should a man be interested in and what kind of image should he lead? Look for him there.
  • From a good family. It should be understood that on a subconscious level, a man adopts the models that existed in the family of his parents.
  • Free. Married men are no longer suitable in principle. They cannot be good husbands if they took you as mistresses and even abandoned their wives.
  • With acceptable flaws. Understand that ideal men do not exist. No matter what kind of husband you choose for yourself, he will have shortcomings. If you can live with them, then this person is right for you.

You can look for a husband anywhere: in the company of friends, on dating sites, in a cafe and even a nightclub. It is unknown where fate will bring you and when it will happen.

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Useful tips

So, how to find a rich husband? Remember, you should look not only neat and beautiful, but also expensive! Take the money you saved for sausages and candy and buy yourself an expensive and high-quality dress that attracts attention, elegant jewelry and perfect shoes. For a decent establishment, elegance is the usual norm. There will be absolutely no need for excessive sexuality. Hair and nails should of course be at the highest level.

Also a very important factor is your literacy and erudition, your intelligence. A stupid but beautiful doll is the lot of ordinary managers. A story about what kind of literature you love and why exactly will impress your interlocutor.

Believe in love

Hairdresser Vasilisa urges Vasily not to despair and continue to look for his soulmate: “It’s hard for me to believe that a worthy, attractive man cannot find a life partner because of a low salary! Let Vasily not despair and continue to believe in love.

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Vasilisa points out that material wealth does not guarantee family happiness. She advises Vasily to reconsider his style of behavior: “It is quite possible that the guy’s failures on the personal front are connected not only with his modest financial situation, but also with complexes and lack of self-confidence.”

The girl advises the head of the aircraft modeling circle to look for a life partner among young ladies who are also fond of aircraft modeling: “Common hobbies, spiritual kinship, similarity in life goals mean much more than the amount on the payroll.”

Girls don't appreciate Vasenka!

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“Modern girls only give rich suitors!.. And my son is a modest guy, he earns little. Girls don't appreciate Vasenka! I’m afraid I’ll die and won’t see my grandchildren!” Vasily’s , Praskovya Stepanovna, notes bitterly .

Vasenka is already 37 years old. Never married, no children. Lives with his retired parents in a large regional center in a small two-room apartment. In personal communication, Vasily does not give the impression of being a baby and a mama's boy: tall, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, he served in the Airborne Forces.

He seems to be an enviable groom... But Vasily has one minus: “All my life I have been working at the Center for Children's Creativity, a former home of pioneers, and I run an aircraft modeling club. I work at one and a half times the rate, but I manage to earn no more than 12–13 thousand rubles a month. This is not enough for potential wives...”

Aircraft modeling is not only a profession, but also Vasily’s main hobby. His room in his parents’ apartment resembles a branch of an aviation museum: there are model airplanes everywhere.

“I recently met a charming unmarried girl. But when she found out about my profession, salary, lack of my own home and car, she was very disappointed,” the young teacher shares her experience.

How can a woman with a child find a husband?

Many ladies think that having children deprives them of the opportunity to organize their personal life. This is fundamentally wrong. Men are ready to communicate with women who may even have two or more children. The problem is not with the children, but with the women themselves.

Many mothers forget about themselves as women. They take care of everyday life, children, and stop being interested in anything and pleasing themselves. How can mothers be attracted? To become interesting to men, you need to be a woman. Don’t forget about your child, but also take care of yourself:

  1. Get yourself in order.
  2. Dress nicely and wear makeup.
  3. Be interested in something else besides the child.
  4. Flirt with men.
  5. Be happy and interesting.

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What should you not count on?

I would not like to advise you, such an intelligent and attractive woman, to look for a husband in nightlife establishments (bars, clubs). You shouldn’t resort to organized tours, there are already a lot of single women there. And car dealerships are not your help in such a difficult matter, because you can buy a car on credit and then pay for it for several years.

Finding a husband in Moscow is not so easy, but not so difficult either! He who seeks will always find. Don't give up! If you know that loneliness is not your thing, then it won’t exist. Use your feminine charm and everything will work out. Good luck in your personal life!

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