How to understand that a male colleague likes you

Signs of attention and flirtation from a man

Body signs

Nonverbal communication experts say women have 52 different signals they send when they want to show interest in a man. Just think: more than fifty! Fortunately, for men everything is much simpler. They use only ten signals. The most obvious of them: his gaze often stops at you for a long time, while the man looks straight into your eyes. He tries to get closer, leans towards you, invading your personal space. When communicating, his body, arms, and legs are turned in your direction; he does not try to “close himself” from you. The man tries to turn his back to you as little as possible. When sitting, he takes a distinctly masculine pose: his legs are spread wide apart, or his ankle is crossed over his knee, his hand rests casually on the back of a chair or armchair. Have you ever seen on animal shows how peacocks spread their tails in front of the females? This is how a man can preen himself: smooth his hair, straighten his shirt sleeves, straighten his tie, brush away non-existent specks of dust from his clothes, etc.

Interested look

Do you often catch his interested gaze on you? If he looks at your lips at the same time, it means that the interest is by no means platonic. Let’s say that in a group of people a man makes a good joke, everyone around laughs, and he casts a quick glance in your direction to make sure that you also liked the joke. This means that he is trying to impress you. By the way, you can easily confuse an uninterested man with a shy one. Catch the signals! If a man is shy, he will still look at you and immediately look away as soon as your eyes meet.

Listens carefully

If a man is truly interested, he will try to hang on your every word. Try this trick: in a large noisy company, do not try to shout over everyone; on the contrary, speak more quietly, so that it is difficult to hear you. If a man leans closer to understand your words or asks again - hooray! - he breathes unevenly towards you.)

If a man closes the distance

The rule is simple: the more accidental or non-random touches, the higher the degree of interest. A man may, for example, put his hand on your back or waist, letting you pass in the corridor or at the entrance to the room. When talking, he may touch your arm or palm, trying to attract attention. When you sit next to him, his knee “accidentally” touches your leg, and he is in no hurry to move away. It is important not only how a man touches you, but also how he reacts to your touch. He takes a step back, tries to move away, tenses, frowns, withdraws his hand - bad signals, which means that your touch is unpleasant to him and there is no trace of any interest on his part.

If he jokes often

When a man harmlessly teases you and tells jokes, even if not always decent ones, it means he is trying to attract your attention and make an impression. By the way, watch the behavior of his friends. They make stupid jokes from the series: “Oh, Katya, come here, Antokha is completely bored here without you!” Or maybe they give knowing glances and smile meaningfully, as if they know some secret. It may well be that they have long been aware of their friend’s sympathies and now, as is customary in a male company, they are making fun of him.

If it sets you apart from others

In order not to be deceived in your expectations, be sure to observe how a man treats other women. When you can see with the naked eye that he looks at you longer, touches you more often, tries with all his might to make you laugh, “reflects” your gestures - in a word, makes you stand out from the crowd, it means he is experiencing genuine male interest.

One of the topics that has worried, worries and will worry the fair sex is the attention of a man to a woman. How does it manifest itself? How to interpret this or that nonverbal sign? Is it worth looking for hidden subtext in a simple smile? What signs of a man’s attention to a woman, conscious or involuntary, indicate interest in the interlocutor? We will try to reveal all this in this article.

How can you tell by a man’s behavior that he is interested?

A guy in love is looking for a meeting, calling for any reason, picking him up from work or school, inviting him to the cinema. This is how grown men express their feelings. But timid representatives of the stronger sex act more softly. You have to make an effort to recognize sympathy. How can a woman understand a man and recognize that he is interested?

  1. Voice timbre. If velvety notes appear in the conversation, then take a closer look at the man. Embarrassment, confused speech, stuttering - speak of sympathy for the girl. A man is in love and does not know how to approach the woman he likes.
  2. Touching a girl. During a conversation, a man touches his hand, helps him get up, and gets out of the vehicle. Random touches indicate the partner's interest. By hugging a girl around the waist, a man lets his rivals know that this is his woman. If a companion guides you while driving, it means the man has serious intentions. It is important for a lover to know where you are.
  3. Poses. Take a closer look at how the man sits or stands. Hands on your hips or behind your head indicate interest in you. Sitting astride a chair, legs crossed. The poses are aggressive, open and showcasing the man’s assets.
  4. Communication. The chosen one listens to you carefully. At the same time, the man’s mouth is slightly open, touching his face or lips. Thus, the companion shows that he craves hugs and kisses. If you are not alone, but in a company, then the guy will single you out. He will mention it in conversation, come up to you, offer you a drink, sit on the edge of the chair to get closer.

A meeting with a man interested in you will be fun and relaxed. Witty jokes, funny stories, and signs of attention will indicate sympathy. A man in love does not skimp on beautiful words and compliments.

They are so different, signs of attention from men

It’s worth starting with the fact that men and women show signs of attention to each other differently. Representatives of the strong half of humanity do not strive to show off their feelings and intentions. They can openly rejoice at the success of a business partner, not necessarily a woman, but hide their interest.

Women openly show their interest. When flirting, they often bat their eyelashes, lick their lips, sigh languidly, touch their hair, fiddle with accessories in their hands and demonstrate their most advantageous angles. All this applies to non-verbal signs. Girls can demonstrate their interest and readiness for a new relationship by turning their entire body towards the interlocutor.

Gestures of a man that indicate sympathy

Facial expressions and gestures are characterized by involuntary manifestation. All people behave the same way during times of excitement. A man will put his fingers in his pockets or behind his belt. It’s as if he’s afraid of giving himself away if he inadvertently touches the object of his desire.

Another gesture is clasping your fingers together, wanting to occupy your hands with some object, straightening your tie, straightening your shirt. He wants to show his best side in front of his chosen one. He may tap a rhythm on the table with his fingers when he communicates with you.

It is interesting that women behave in a similar way. They begin to straighten their hair, fiddle with the buttons on their jacket, and copy the pose of their interlocutor. The man seems to want to touch you, but he touches his face and strokes his hands. It has long been known that shaking your head to the rhythm of a conversation, biting your lip and smiling are indirect signs of sympathy.

Common signs of attention from men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, first of all, try to show the person they like that they are males with whom it is not scary to start a family and have offspring. This is precisely what worries women on a subconscious level since ancient times. A man pays attention to a woman, which is expressed primarily in a change in his behavior, postures, and gestures. If we consider that consciousness does not control such signs, then others will be able to notice and read them. Many women skillfully hear what their interlocutor says in such signs without saying a word out loud.

Line of behavior and attention of a man to a woman

Having identified an attractive, primarily sexually desirable object for himself, a man begins to transform before his eyes. If up to this moment he has been slouching, he will straighten up and stretch up, draw in his stomach and straighten his shoulders. He will do everything to look as attractive as possible. In this case, the behavior of a “human male” will not differ from the behavior of an animal, for example, a peacock, which spreads its luxurious tail in front of the female.

He also begins to preen himself: straightens his trousers and tie, shakes off threads and dust from his clothes, which may not actually be there, involuntarily begins to fasten and fasten the buttons on his clothes, and plays with the zipper and cufflinks. The pupils of the eyes narrow, the hands are on the belt or on the hip.

The interest in the lady and the fact that the man is showing signs of attention are indicated by widely spaced legs and socks turned towards the desired object.

At the time of external metamorphosis, hormonal changes occur in the body of a young man. His gaze changes, which becomes aggressive and undressing, or warm and intimate, as well as his voice, which becomes lower in timbre and quieter.

In general, in order to win a “female”, a man looks straight into the eyes of his interlocutor, trying to “disarm” her, and diligently imitates her. Unconsciously repeating the lady’s gestures and facial expressions, the man uses the “mirror” effect and also tries to touch her.

Interest is also indicated by such signs of attention from men as numerous compliments addressed to the interlocutor, as well as verbosity that is uncharacteristic of the stronger sex.

If your interlocutor repeats your name many times, is sincerely interested in your work and hobbies, praises your successes and talks about topics that interest you, then rest assured, these are clear signs of a man’s attention.

All of the above can be attributed to non-verbal signs of a man’s attention. But there are also more overt signs of interest, such as touching a woman's arms, hands, and elbows.

Where did it all go: why does the man’s attention disappear?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a man who managed to win your attention and became an official partner suddenly stopped showing signs of attention. In this case, there is no need to panic. They didn’t stop loving you and didn’t stop wanting you. It’s just that representatives of the stronger sex, being by nature not only males, but also conquerors, limit the phase of increased attention to the period of courtship. After a man wins a lady, he simply relaxes. This is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing wrong with it. But a woman sees everything in a different light. She still wants to receive gifts, hear compliments and feel attention from a man. In order to get what she wants, a woman also needs to try.

Praise your partner for any action: he took out the trash, went grocery shopping, walked the dog or gave you a massage - everything deserves praise. Such signs of attention from men as a box of chocolates, your favorite chocolate bar, a romantic dinner by candlelight or a bouquet of daisies also deserve gratitude and admiration.

Even if this is not what you would like to receive at the moment, thank him and show sincere admiration. Tell your man that he is your favorite, the best. But never reproach a man for spending too much, don’t say how little attention you have, how you lack gifts and compliments. It’s better to ask for something specific, for example, to go with you for a walk in the park, visit a new restaurant, or have a romantic dinner in the evening.

Experienced women say that if you don’t receive compliments, it means you don’t live up to it. Indeed, many ladies forget about the self-care measures they used at the stage of relationship development. Take care of your hair, get your nails done, and don’t forget to dress attractively at home. A greasy robe should be replaced with a shorter and flirtier silk item, an old nightgown, a flirty set of short shorts and a T-shirt with straps.

Do not appear in front of your loved one in a sloppy, unwashed and unkempt state.

Don't be upset if your loved one doesn't notice the new haircut or lipstick. He will react to something else: sparkle in the eyes, playful mood and sexuality.

How to return signs of attention from a man

Psychologists and family therapists, who have long ceased to be conservatives, recommend that women be more liberated and less judicious. Dear ladies, succumb to seduction by men and seduce yourself, flirt, have affairs and get satisfaction, sexual and moral. Realize your attractiveness, use your charm, let a man conquer you, and skillfully read men’s signs of attention. In this case, not only your personal and sexual life will be successful, but also your career.

That is why it is believed that in order to influence a woman and earn her favor, it is necessary to give more emphasis on expressing admiration, constant compliments, especially if they are addressed to a seemingly unnoticeable trifle. But often such behavior can be perceived in a very ambivalent way. On the one hand, a man shows signs of attention as a manifestation of his sympathy and a desire to start some kind of relationship, or at least a short date. On the other hand, sometimes such gestures towards a woman can be made without obvious interest in her person, but simply out of respect or a desire to “grease up”. It especially often happens that flattery manifests itself against the background of the work environment in the organization where a woman works, especially if she occupies a significant position. So it happens that a subordinate has an affair with his boss, which is more like working extra hours of work in order to increase wages.

But there are several ways to determine intentions by the way a man shows attention, and if so, to preserve his work reputation.

Your behavior.

Women also don’t mind flirting with men, even if they are employees, no matter whether they are married or single. But such behavior does not carry with it the desire to move everything a little further than just communication. But men can perceive everything differently. And this becomes a signal to action.

The first stage of a man showing signs of attention is unobtrusive courtship. He holds the door with a smile, is increasingly interested in how you are doing, touching on broad work topics, begins to sympathize, advise, tries to come and leave work around the same time as you, usually walking you to the front door of the office, bus stop or car.

Don't expect this to go unnoticed. And the speed at which gossip spreads will depend entirely on your behavior and reaction. Even if you like the person, still try to leave some distance, at least within the radius of your work.

Then men tend to show more pressure, they are still delicate in behavior, but you increasingly notice observations of you, invitations for a smoke break, lunch together, tea/coffee. And all you have to do is give a spark, and the flame will immediately flare up.

If a man is not interested, let him know it, or tell him directly. He, of course, will not calm down right away, but over time everything will become as before. A man will be more offended by you if you allow him to cross the line of friendship and refuse to continue.

Of course, male attention is pleasant, but it is not idle, and it is worth understanding that every action has its consequences.

His behavior.

Usually, with regard to a man’s attention, the most active period is the initial period of a relationship, when he still needs to win a woman. Then their ardor subsides, and everything becomes more measured and ordinary. If your colleague or subordinate suddenly begins to breathe unevenly towards you, be careful. Depending on their character, men usually either show their zeal brightly and briefly, or slowly but over a long period. A man who begins courting a woman with a clearly defined goal usually tries to act quickly in any case so as not to waste time. Therefore, we can safely say that obsession is the sister of self-interest. If you feel pressure from a colleague, it is unlikely that his friend has rekindled crazy feelings for you, especially if you have been working together for several years. A man, especially one who has been working with you for a long time, will look for a more subtle approach.

You should also not react to “tackles” from your superiors. Such affairs will only have a bad effect on your reputation, and may even cause you to be fired. Usually, if the boss has his eye on you, you will notice a more loyal attitude towards yourself. The opposite is also possible, but a change in attitude towards your work is guaranteed. You may be called on the carpet more often to supposedly give comments or praise for the work done. Usually it all starts with frequent praise, and then necessarily follows, “how do you feel about discussing your future.” Such signs of attention shown by a man must be ignored, or adhere to the strict framework of a professional approach to relationships at work.

Remember that a person who really has feelings for you will also respect your reputation as an employee and just a woman, will not force you to find yourself in awkward situations, and will allow you to move the possible development of the relationship far beyond the office. The best option would be if the news about your affair immediately becomes news about your upcoming marriage or decision to cohabitate. But this is very difficult to achieve, because gossip usually comes before the event.


We tried to look at how a man usually shows signs of attention using examples. But every man is also an individual, capable of a variety of actions and exploits. Therefore, you can safely expect unforeseen circumstances. We also remember that a man can show attention not only in his personal life, but also in his work life. No team can do without this. In order to maintain communication without going beyond the boundaries and not giving reasons for action, first of all, watch yourself and how exactly attention is shown to you. You must be mentally prepared to fight back or continue the relationship, depending on your wishes, but not in front of your joint employees. By the way a man shows signs of attention, you can learn a lot about him, and understand how the relationship will develop in the future, and whether negative consequences may be possible. Be vigilant and attentive, rely on your intuition, and then you will succeed.

Intellectual abilities, an outstanding mind, a set of positive personal qualities and talents of a person are facets of internal potential hidden from the outside world. Every day we pass thousands of people on the street, without thinking about their preferences and hobbies, without imagining the complex of skills hidden in the minds of strangers. It is not surprising that finding like-minded people and a soul mate in modern society is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming process that requires a long period of time. Often, in the daily hustle and bustle and rush of everyday life, women do not notice obvious signs of attention from men who express sympathy with the help of gifts and household care. In order not to miss the person destined by fate due to absent-mindedness and inattention, it is important to notice the guy’s increased interest in time.

In the search for truth, you need to rationally evaluate behavioral signs and habitual manner of communication, notice changes in the timbre of your voice, and identify romantic symbols among friendly gestures. Often, love unions become a logical continuation of friendly relations between a man and a woman, so the appearance of excessive warmth can be directly linked to the emergence of a guy’s sympathy for a representative of the fair sex. How not to become a “hostage” of chance without learning about the emergence of a bright feeling in a gallant but modest man? How to recognize a gentleman among the variety of friends? What signs of attention does a guy show to a girl? In the search for personal happiness, various methods are relevant, so for girls dreaming of, it is important to evaluate fans in detail, dividing suitors into promising options and insincere flatterers.

It’s quite easy to identify a man’s sympathy – guys can’t hide their sincere feelings for a long time. They cross the friendly line in communication, getting carried away by eye contact and random tactile touches with their chosen one

How does a man behave around the woman he likes?

We can highlight the following behavior that indicates the presence of sympathy. Get ready to record and check how that handsome guy you met a couple of days ago behaves.

Read in the topic: Body and gesture language

  1. Close contact
    A man wants to be as close as possible to the object of his affection. He will find himself suspiciously close to you every time. The same work colleague or classmate will sit down during lunch. It’s as if he will deliberately walk next to you on the way to work or school. You can check for yourself whether sympathy exists.

    You can ask the man for a pen, a spare item. He will, as if deliberately, try to stay next to you as long as possible, starting a stupid conversation about the weather, some plans. You can watch how a man tries to touch you with his hand, straighten your dress, shake off a speck of dust. He subconsciously wants to be around as often and as long as possible, but does not dare to take the first step.

    Notice where the man will sit during corporate events and various meetings. Most often, this is a place opposite or next to you, so that, as if by chance, they can touch your hand. Touching and the desire to be close are the surest signs by which one can diagnose the presence of sympathy.

  2. Changes in the timbre of the voice
    Nature has laid down that under the influence of feelings and hormones, the voice of a person in love can change, become much softer. It seems like there are hoarse or “cooing” notes appearing in it. If you notice that the intonation of a man’s voice changes only in relation to you, you can talk about the presence of sympathy. It is this nuance that forces him to hide the natural aggressiveness of his voice.
  3. A loving look
    No one will deny that a man loves with his eyes. From the outside you can see how one person looks at another. A look can express feelings such as: hostility, contempt, respect, great sympathy. You may not notice exactly how a man looks at you. Another issue is the frequency of this look. He can look away as soon as he is noticed. Passionate desire for a woman will be expressed in blurred vision.
  4. Manifestations of jealousy
    If a relationship is just beginning, one cannot talk about real jealousy. It can be noted if you are very observant. Imagine a situation where you are talking to a friend on the phone. Your new acquaintance may be displeased when he hears about another man. This also applies to receiving compliments from your colleagues and friends. You can find your potential chosen one portraying a dissatisfied face. He also has a tense posture, which will indicate jealousy. It will indicate the presence of a feeling of sympathy.

Common signs of attention from guys

To find out about a guy’s sympathy, you need to pay attention to his behavior, tracking the gentleman’s facial expressions and gestures. Imitation or, excessive self-sufficiency or feigned heroism - the variety of manifestations allows you to easily identify a suitor. However, the most popular method of determining interest in your person is personal feelings. A girl always feels when a man likes her. The behavior of a guy in love can be accompanied by various signs of attention shown to the chosen one. Common courtship options include:

A gift coupon for a SPA complex or exquisite jewelry, a lush bouquet of your favorite flowers or a joint visit to an elite restaurant, a romantic dinner on the roof of a high-rise building or a vacation at an exotic resort, pleasant compliments or a declaration of love on the radio - there are a variety of options for showing a man’s sympathy for a woman. The main thing is to correctly interpret signs of attention, without distorting the guy’s intentions. If he gave you a subscription to a massage parlor, this is not a hint of excess weight, which the girl is advised to get rid of. The man simply decided to please his chosen one.

It is important for a girl not to delay in determining her own range of feelings that she experiences for a guy. A few men are ready to “knock” on closed doors for a long time, not counting on reciprocity

Typical mistakes of girls

Having detected interest on the part of a guy, it is important to find a “golden” mean to start a fateful conversation. Reciprocating immediately is not a practical solution, because the man will think about your chastity. How many gentlemen have already managed to win you over, if gaining favor is so easy? Delaying the clarification of the relationship by showing reciprocity is an unjustified risk, because the guy can “burn out” during an unsuccessful courtship. Be guided in your decision by the following rules that will help you promptly stir up interest in a representative of the stronger sex:

  • Do not encourage every action of the gentleman who wants to achieve reciprocity. Some surprises should be rewarded with “fiery” gratitude, and other gifts should be accompanied by a modest “thank you” - a man should not lose interest in the process of winning the girl’s favor. If a representative of the fairer sex does not show chastity and restraint, then it will not be possible to count on a serious relationship - the feelings that arise will not be able to be contained. In order to, it is necessary to first create favorable conditions for its “nurturing”.
  • Match the compliments and direction of the attention the guy gives. If he admires your appearance, hinting at going to a restaurant together, then take the time to visit a beauty salon and choose an elegant evening dress. You must regularly stir up interest in a man, so you will have to be especially careful about your own appearance, behavior and speech.
  • Give up hints and plan to reciprocate the guy's feelings. Gentlemen, carried away by the inaccessibility of their chosen one, do not understand the ornate statements of their beloved. Be direct - men need specifics.

The scale of a young man’s courtship does not depend on the sincerity of the gentleman’s feelings, so judging guys by the cost of gifts is not a practical option. The direction of the surprises is determined by the man’s financial capabilities and imagination.

The gallant courtship of a gentleman, stroking a girl’s ego is an effective way to enhance a representative of the fair half of humanity. However, think about the feelings of a guy who prepares surprises and spends personal time looking for gifts for his chosen one. If you clearly realize that the gentleman will not be able to achieve your favor, do not delay, tell him about it.

If a man wants to attract the attention of the woman he likes, he must do it correctly, so as not to push her away with his obsession or stupidity, or who knows what else. But it is also important how to correctly recognize male sympathy, without confusing it with a manifestation of friendship, banal goodwill and politeness.

There are very tactful men who will never say something unpleasant to a girl, refuse to help, etc. But it also happens that a woman, due to her impressionability, decides that this is a sign of sympathy.

So, in order to understand the signs of a man’s attention to a woman, you first need to classify them:

  • Non-verbal:
  1. This is the very first thing you need to pay attention to, because it happens unconsciously. When a man wants to please, he instinctively tries to show himself in a more favorable light - his gait, his posture, his whole appearance indicates that he is trying to look as attractive as possible. Pay attention to his postures, gestures, facial expressions. An interested man will turn his whole body towards you, and the toes of his feet will be directed in your direction.
  2. “Mirroring” your gestures and facial expressions, adjusting to your speech - all this speaks in favor of the fact that this man likes you.
  3. Sight. This is a very important point. An interested guy will not avoid your gaze; on the contrary, he tries to look into your eyes as closely and as long as possible. The pupils are dilated, and you can see from his eyes whether he is simply looking kindly, or with interest or even lust.
  4. Attracting your attention with his person, which consists of copious jokes, the man becomes talkative, which is unusual for the male sex, some even begin to boast, trying to show themselves in the most favorable light possible. Well, compliments addressed to you are a completely direct sign indicating his sympathy, especially if the praise concerns appearance.
  5. Interest in your hobbies, questions about your personal life, etc. from a man is a sure sign of his sympathy. When he shares something personal with you, tells something only to you, this can also be considered a sign of attention.
  6. He tries to enter your “intimate zone”; when talking, he moves closer and leans closer.
  7. He often shows open palms, puts his hands on his hips, touches his own thighs - sexual desire is raging within him.
  • Body contact: you are definitely attractive to that young man who tries to take your arm, during a conversation touches your hand, as if by accident, adjusts your clothes, removes a speck of dust, constantly touches you when passing by, even hugs you when you meet, takes your hand - These are all male tricks.
  • Hints. They can be either very vague or completely unambiguous. In the first case, you need to look for confirmation of your guesses in his other actions, and in the second, it’s better, after all, to make sure that you have correctly interpreted these hints.
  • He remembers well what you talked about, praises your taste, may say something that shows that he is not indifferent to you, for example, thank you for something, adding that he was counting on your help. Always responds at the first call, ready to help, never refuses. At the same time, you know that he does not behave this way with everyone.

But this is all psychology. In reality, everything may turn out to be completely different. If you notice that a guy keeps his hands in his pockets all the time, looks around, nervously fiddles with something, moves away from you - he is not interested in you, and he wants to stop communicating as soon as possible.

Every woman in communicating with the opposite sex should, of course, rely on her intuition, because sometimes men simply do not know how or are embarrassed to show a girl that he likes her, more often this happens with young guys who do not yet have much experience communicating with the opposite sex.

How to understand that a man is interested?

When you like a person, harmless gestures seem to be a sign of attention, and ordinary politeness seems like sympathy. Have you recognized all the signals, but the relationship is not progressing? You may have fooled yourself and mistook ordinary gestures for sympathy. Taking active steps will help dispel doubts. How to understand that a man is interested?

  1. Invite on a date. While among friends or by chance meeting your chosen one, hint that you want to go to the cinema, visit an exhibition, or a club. At the same time, make it clear that you are looking for company, since your friend refused to go to the cinema. If a man offers to replace his girlfriend, it means he is interested in developing the relationship.
  2. Invite them for a walk. Turn a friendly outing into a romantic date. Invite several friends and your chosen one to change their usual place of hanging out to another. If your lover refuses, then you should not waste time on him. Consent means that the man is interested in you. On a walk, invite him to go for a walk together. Another “yes” will strengthen the guess.
  3. Leave your phone number. Don't act directly. Ask a friend to ask for your phone number and dictate the numbers out loud. Forget a handbag with your contacts or a notebook with your name and number. Next, wait for the call. A man who is interested in you will definitely take the chance and call you. If at a meeting he gives away a notebook and does not offer to take a walk, then this is not your chosen one.
  4. Talk about your feelings. Confess softly and carefully. Don’t sing serenades under the window and don’t send love letters to your man. Hint to your lover about your sympathy. When watching a movie, say that you like the main character because he looks like a lover. Or tell your companion that you value him for his courage, reliability, and sense of humor. Next, expect a response. If the relationship remains at the same stage, then count only on friendship.

Please note that there are men nearby who are sending signals indicating interest in you. Turn your attention to such fans. Don't waste your time on men offering friendship. By being able to recognize secret gestures, you will improve your personal life and build business relationships.

Sources: https://sunmag. me/sovety/13-01-2014-kak-ponyat-chto-muzhchina-zainteresovalsya-toboj.html

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