Why does a girl delay her first kiss?

How to determine a person's character by a kiss

Now let's reveal some secrets concerning women . Do you want to know what it really is? Determine her character by kissing her!

  1. Decisive in her actions, but timid when kissing, the lady is actually very shy. Usually such women hide their complexes behind an iron mask of arrogance. Most likely, sex with such a woman will be classic, where the guy will dominate. These girls really like “bad” guys who like to experiment in bed, are bold and a little rude.
  2. “Wet”, slobbery kisses are typical for inexperienced young ladies. Such girls are very unpredictable in their feelings and desires. Therefore, guys often have a question: “Why did the girl begin to ignore me after the first kiss?”

I’ll tell you right away - it’s not your fault. It's all about women's insecurities and excessive drama. This type of girl can be divided into those who begin to learn quickly and those who withdraw into themselves.

  1. Aggressive kissing is a sure sign of a selfish character. Such ladies only care about their mood and satisfaction. The man will always obey her or she will leave him. While guys are looking for an answer to why the girl lost interest after the first kiss, girls are looking for a new relationship object.

Although there are exceptions. Some women hide their fear of loneliness behind their power and aggression. But there are still more of the first.

Unforgettable first kiss with a guy

Oh! The first kiss, how touching and tender it is! This moment in everyone’s life can cause a storm of emotions and feelings. Have you already had your first kiss? Surely you experienced something unearthly: insane dizziness, rapid breathing and a frantic heartbeat that was about to jump out of your chest.

In general, the feelings that arise at the moment of the first kiss are difficult to describe; they need to be known and felt for yourself.

But before experiencing this bliss from the first kiss, many are tormented by doubts and fear on the eve of the upcoming event. The “newly married” have a lot of questions brewing: when should the first kiss with a guy take place? What should this kiss be like? How to behave? But the worst thing for both girls and guys seems to be the inability to kiss as it should. Many people are afraid that their lack of experience in kissing will alienate their significant other.

In this article we will try to reveal the main issues of interest, and most importantly, we will describe the technique of the first kiss. First of all, it must be said that there is no need to be afraid or ashamed of anything.

When should you start kissing?

Many girls wonder if they have reached the age when they can start kissing. Here we can answer that all ages are submissive to love. Usually, the first kiss occurs very young, at about 13-14 years old.

But don’t be too embarrassed if you are a little younger or, on the contrary, older. If you really have feelings and feel the desire to kiss a person, you don’t need to suppress it all within yourself.

How to prepare yourself for your first kiss?

Firstly, in order not to leave an unpleasant aftertaste after the kiss, be confident in your partner; if he does not like you, it is better to avoid this contact. If everything suits you, then go for it.

Independent psychological training will help you prepare for the upcoming event, that is, you need to rehearse everything mentally. Close your eyes, relax, imagine your boyfriend, his face and tender lips. Imagine how you touch his lips with your lips. Imagine how your shared breath has become warmer, try to smell his scent and feel the tenderness of his lips. And now your lips have merged together...

You need to imagine such a situation as often as possible, this will make your mind believe in the reality of the imaginary and when the time comes for a real kiss, you will be more confident in yourself. Embarrassment and timidity, of course, will be present, but this is the beauty of the first kiss.

What should the first kiss be like?

It is impossible to say definitely what the first kiss should be like, it all depends on the person. From his relaxedness, passion, desire and other determining factors, but it is always purity and innocence.

The first kiss is tenderness and unspeakable excitement. There is an atmosphere of romanticism and a certain mystery around, trembling in the eyes and a heart full of affection and love. A piece of the soul is put into the first kiss.

With awkward touches, the lips finally closed, and at that moment you understand that there is nothing more beautiful in the world. Admiration and tenderness overtake at the same time. Many people remember this moment throughout their lives.

How to kiss if you don't know how

“Should I just “smack” him?” “Maybe we need to be more decisive?” “Won’t your nose get in the way?” Girls have a lot of questions, they are interested in how they should kiss a guy.

Of course, after reading various recommendations, you won’t immediately start kissing like an expert, but you can get useful information. So, you need to tilt your head a little to the side so that your noses do not collide. As you approach each other, touch your lips to each other. At first it's just a few touches of your lips. Then you can try a little more: try to capture his upper lip with your lips first, then the lower one, continue, changing the order. The main thing is not to be afraid of ruining something; excessive tension can develop into panic and ruin everything.

Breathe slowly through your nose, controlling your breathing. The lips should be relaxed and you just need to maintain their tone sometimes.

The kiss may turn out to be too wet; do not rush to quickly wipe your lips so as not to offend the guy. Do this discreetly, turning slightly to the side.

Kissing is happiness, so be happy!

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Why doesn't she want to kiss

What to do if the young lady doesn’t want to kiss at all and is trying in every way to avoid your touch?

Firstly, sooner or later she will have to do this, so there is no need to put pressure and insist, otherwise you risk completely frightening her off.

Psychologists advise not to broach the topic of sex with a new acquaintance, even if you have millions of “whys” in your head.

There are three main reasons for refusing a kiss:

  1. She doesn't like you.
  2. She is very shy.
  3. She likes you very much, and she is counting on a long-term relationship, but for now she is playing for time, overestimating herself, and does not want to rush.

It is clear that no man will wait forever. Therefore, psychologists have established a certain procedure that can help get answers without putting a lot of pressure on the girl. Perhaps the young lady just needs a little push towards a kiss.

after the first kiss you can determine the future fate of the relationship

Scientists have proven that the first kiss is not only an exciting moment for a romantically inclined couple, but also serves as an indicator of further development or, conversely, termination of the relationship, writes The Times. If for a man a kiss can be “just a kiss,” then for a woman it is the determining criterion of compatibility or incompatibility with a partner. Scientists say women use it to deeply and comprehensively analyze the chemical and sensory indicators that partners exchange when touching each other's lips. A “good kisser” will convince her that this partner is worth fighting for, while a man who is a bad kisser is unlikely to be invited to a cup of coffee. In the long term, a woman uses kissing as a means to establish a connection and ensure that her partner is faithful and interested in the relationship. (Full text on the website InoPressa.ru). A kiss is much less important for men. In some cases, it can serve to exchange hormonal information, but it is usually seen as a prelude to sex. According to researchers, a good kiss for a man is one in which he uses his tongue and which evokes voluptuous moans from his partner. Dr Gordon Gallup from the University at Albany (USA) said: “The information conveyed during a kiss can be fundamental to a romantic relationship and may even be the main reason for the end of one. There are many paths to romance, but a kiss—and especially a first kiss—can ruin it all.” Kiss as information about health The authors of a study published in the online journal Evolutionary Psychology claim that when kissing, partners exchange information about their health. This information - consciously or unconsciously - is collected and interpreted by both partners, but is more meaningful to the woman because she is more interested in a long-term relationship, unlike the man, who often acts out of "mercantile considerations," the researchers say. During a kiss, women tend to pay more attention to the freshness of their partner’s breath, the taste of his mouth and the health of his teeth. “Women place more importance on a kiss when choosing a partner,” the scientists report. “The results of our work indicate that women, as a rule, evaluate their partner’s ability to kiss based on chemical data, that is, smell and taste. The study suggests that sensual kissing may have evolved as an adaptive courtship strategy that serves as a mate selection algorithm, a means of achieving sexual arousal and receptivity, and a way to establish a lasting relationship.” Relationships start, kisses end In more than half of the cases, women refused sex with a partner whose first kiss was unpleasant, and were also not allowed to use tongue during the first date, the study found. On the contrary, men turned out to be much less picky, and, as a rule, wanted sex, despite the fact that their partner is a bad kisser, or even without bothering themselves with preliminary kisses at all. Scientists have found that after formalizing a relationship, men lose interest in kissing, while women still attach great importance to them. They are more likely to kiss their partner after sexual intimacy than men. The researchers based their findings on three surveys involving a total of 1,041 students, mostly aged 18 to 25. The work was carried out by teachers from the University at Albany, the City University of New York and Albright College (USA). Information collected from sources of the largest information service in Russia "Integrum"

Increase immunity

The fact that kissing increases immunity has been proven by scientists from the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research and Certification. The results of their work were published in the journal Microbiome. 21 couples took part in the experiment. Volunteers were asked to indicate in the questionnaire the approximate number of kisses they exchanged during the day. Afterwards, tongue swabs and saliva samples were taken from the participants. Analysis of the biomaterial showed that the microflora of the partners is almost identical. In a control experiment, volunteers were asked to drink a drink containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The partners then kissed, after which oral samples were taken from them again. As a result, experts discovered that in just one kiss, 80 million different bacteria are transmitted from person to person.

Scientists were not at all upset by this result. On the contrary, commenting on the research, experts regretted that modern people are too obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene. It is this obsession that leads to an increase in diseases. An immunologist from University College London, Professor Graham Rook, shares a similar opinion. According to Rook, kissing is very useful, as it is a kind of “vaccination” against allergies and other diseases. The professor claims that the immune system needs to be trained. Only in this case does immunity work. If there is no danger, and everything around is sterile, the system simply “turns off.”

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