How to understand that a girl wants a kiss: interpreting body language

Don't be upset if you're too shy and don't know how to get a girl to kiss you. Many guys face a similar problem. Firstly, there is no need to be persistent if the girl does not show interest or you have just started dating. But if your relationship has been going on for a long time and there are still no kisses, then you should check out our tips on how to get a girl to kiss you.

Brings the face closer

Imagine you're spending the evening with a girl you like and everything is going great. And suddenly she begins to slowly approach you. Before you decide to take any active action, think that in reality this could mean anything. For example, she felt uncomfortable in her place, or she couldn’t hear what you were saying, or it became cooler outside, and she instinctively reached for warmth.

How do you know when it's ready? If a girl wants you to kiss her, she will not only invade your personal space, she will try to bring her face closer to you. This is a sure sign.

Basic tips on how to get a girl to kiss you

Work on your self-confidence

In fact, if a guy already has some experience in relationships, it will be easier for him in this situation. He will understand that if he attracts a girl, she will not mind a kiss. And perhaps he has been dreaming about this for a long time. So, if you keep sitting and thinking about how to get a girl to kiss you, nothing good will come of it. Women want men to take the initiative and take the first steps in relationships. They want guys to show confidence not only when kissing, but also in everyday life. So if you're trying to get a girl to kiss you, you probably need to work on your confidence. Or, if you have a fear of dating and kissing, you should also get rid of it.

You need to understand that a girl can have the same fear. She may be very worried that you don't kiss her. A girl may think that she is not attractive and uninteresting to you. Kisses convince a person that you are attracted to him and your feelings are mutual. So, if you really like a girl, don't hesitate. Show with all your appearance that you like her and want to kiss her.

Don't rush things

If you haven't kissed yet, perhaps too little time has passed? Let there be a few dates. You will get used to each other, and you will better understand how to build relationships. Just repeat, you shouldn’t wait too long and think about how to get a girl to kiss you. I know a lot of guys who think that if they wait a little longer, the girl will take the initiative. But if more than three dates have already passed, then you should move on to the next stage. Try to find out whether the girl really has feelings of love and attraction for you. Or is she just using you?

Looks at lips2

People often spend a long time looking at what they like or what they want. It doesn't matter whether it's an object or a person. It is very difficult to look away from what makes you happy. This statement is also true for girls looking at guys they want to kiss.

Therefore, before approaching you, a girl, if she wants to kiss you, will first look at your lips. So if she's constantly looking at your face, it's a clear sign of subconscious interest and a signal that she doesn't mind getting a little closer.

Do not rush

A lot of guys are determined to show themselves as men - they know what they want, they are purposeful and even a little stubborn. Therefore, in their minds, such a desire as kissing a girl on a date, the first in a row, is completely natural. No one denies this, but is it always right to do this?

Girls of different ages love to follow the unspoken rule that kissing at the first meeting with a young man is taboo. Everyone wants to get to know their potential life partner better and talk to him. Girls who have never kissed before in their lives may even be afraid, and a sudden impulse will frighten them even more.

Seduction and attraction3

A girl waiting for a kiss will not only peer into your face, but will also make enough efforts to make you pay attention to her. And she will also do this at the level of instincts.

In such cases, girls try to do something to make the guy pay attention to her lips. They may lightly bite them, touch them, lick them, or do anything else.

Hand movements

Kissing a girl on the lips for the first time is a rather serious step for which you should thoroughly prepare. If a guy does this at a time when his beloved is not ready, there will be trouble. In order not to spoil the pleasure of the first kiss, you should pay attention to the beauty’s hands, since very often she uses them in order to unconsciously show her femininity and readiness to enter into an intimate relationship with her partner. Here are just the main details a man should remember:

  • the girl constantly plays with beads or a chain in her hand;
  • the beauty twirls a long strand of her hair around her finger;
  • a representative of the fair sex strokes a glass.

However, it is worth understanding that all of the above actions must be performed in a sensual sense. Some girls just have a habit of keeping their hands busy with something all the time. If up to this moment you have not noticed anything similar about the beauty, then you can kiss her directly on the lips. Typically, a girl uses her hands to flirt with a man or try to appear more feminine and attractive. Be that as it may, such a moment should definitely be used for a kiss.

Procrastination 5

This is one of the important signs that a girl wants you to kiss her, especially if she becomes noticeably shy or nervous. By the end of the date, she may become embarrassed, show her awkwardness, and look away, especially after you catch her looking at your face.

To be sure, after you say goodbye, pay attention to what she does: either she retreats very quickly, or she lingers and looks around as if she is waiting for something more. It is clear that in the first case there can be no talk of any kisses. But in the second, there is a high probability that she is waiting for you to make your move. If she's looking around to see if you're looking at her, she's probably just a regular shy girl who's hoping you'll kiss her at the last minute.

Why doesn't a girl want to kiss on the first date?

Yes, this can happen too. You are on fire, but she does not crave your kiss and sneaks a glance at the painted clock. You should kiss a girl only when you are absolutely sure that she wants it too.

So why do girls sometimes not want to kiss their date?

  • There are too many people around. For girls this is a real stopper, it seems that everyone will stare. So kissing in public doesn't add romance. Keep this in mind. In this case, the best way to end the first date is with a kiss at the entrance.
  • She doesn't want to be slutty. Girls are sure that a kiss on the first date is a sign of availability. To be honest, this fear can be worked through, and the main thing is not to push, do everything gently and carefully.
  • A woman is ashamed of something. Gentle natures may simply be shy. There can be many options: the fact that he doesn’t know how to kiss, intimacy with a man in general, acquaintances, bad breath. It doesn't matter. If you feel that it’s a matter of embarrassment, ask directly: “Is something embarrassing you?”
  • The girl didn't like you. Yes, man, this happens too. She went on a date with a man whose image was formed in her head, but the reality is different from him. Usually girls are embarrassed to say this directly, but they definitely won’t come to the second date.

In most cases, it is best to ask directly: “What bothers you?”, “Do you want to rush things?” By doing this you will show your gallantry, which will definitely add pluses to your karma.


If you've ever encountered this, you know what it is. If this happens for the first time, don’t worry, this look is impossible not to recognize.

Eye contact is the main indicator of any girl's interest. But they have a special look in their arsenal. It's not just eye contact that lasts for a while, but it's meant to make you understand. That it's time to take decisive action.

But now you are faced with the question of how to determine the “same” look and not make a mistake? There are two reliable ways to do this.

First, look at the distance. If she's within 45 centimeters, she's probably trying to get you going. 45 centimeters is the boundary of personal space, known as the intimate zone. Only very close people are allowed there. Secondly, if you are still not sure whether the girl will agree to a kiss, just ask her about it. Any normal girl will answer you honestly, or instead of answering, she will kiss you.

Open borders8

When you spend time with your girlfriend, you most likely think about or even try to get as close to her as possible. A lot depends on how you do it. Of course, it's best to proceed slowly and carefully. At first, just gradually move closer and closer to her. Then, as if by chance, lightly touch with your hand or shoulder. After some time, try to hug her.

This tactic makes it possible to constantly monitor the situation and monitor the girl’s reaction. If it doesn't scare her and she doesn't try to pull away, then she's loosening her barriers because she feels comfortable. And most likely, she won’t mind if you decide to kiss her.

She's not trying to escape10

During your date, she will have many chances to end it quickly and leave if things don't go well. And we are not talking here about a banal escape with slamming doors. Girls always find a way to ignore a bad date; the easiest way to avoid an awkward situation is to devote most of their time not to you, but to your phone.

On the other hand, if she ignores her phone when it rings or a text notification comes in, chances are she really enjoys spending time with you and considers you to be something more important, worthy of attention, at least during this time. moment.

Of course, if a girl has her phone with her, that doesn't mean you can't kiss her, but if she's not distracted by it, that's one of the surest signs that she won't mind at all if you kiss her.

Stage 1

First of all, you need to observe the behavior of the girl in your company. Get to know her better. By nature, women are very unpredictable. If one happily throws herself on your neck on the first day of meeting you, then the other will have to deal with you for several days before she gets used to you.

How do you know that a girl is ready? Take a closer look, if she flirts with you, tries to touch you, comes close - everything is going according to plan.

If these “signals” are not there, then work on it, flirt, seduce, excite. Let's assume that everything goes according to plan, the girl is interested in you, makes eyes and flirts. If you think that now you can just pick her up and kiss her, then you are mistaken.

How to know when it's time for a kiss11

There is one main sign that a girl doesn't want you to kiss her. The reasons for this can be very different: she doesn’t really like you, it’s not the right time, or she just isn’t in the right mood today. It’s not always worth trying to understand the reasons for girls’ actions. If she steps back from you, tries to break the distance, then in this way she tries to eliminate the possibility that you can kiss.

Keeping your distance is the only thing a girl can do to avoid a kiss. And almost any girl shows in this way that she is not ready for this.

How to understand that a girl is ready for a kiss

Often on first dates, situations arise that make girls and guys feel uncomfortable. The situation with the first kiss is just like that. Of course, there are also dates when a guy and a girl immediately make it clear to each other why they met. However, it happens that the girl does not give any signals, or the guy simply does not know how to read them.

In order for you not to find yourself in such situations, I will write a couple of points that you should pay attention to and that will help you better understand what a girl really wants.

1) Permission. Under no circumstances should you ask a girl if you can kiss her. You must decide for yourself whether you need to do this or not. I had a case when an acquaintance of mine came up to me, he was 20 at the time and I was 17, and asked if he could hit me on the butt. I was so surprised and puzzled that every time I saw him, I felt a certain disgust, and then I began to avoid him altogether.

2) Communication. If you are the only one conducting the entire conversation, and the girl behaves distantly and does not show any interest, then she does not want a kiss at all. In this case, in the end it is better to simply say goodbye without making any other attempts. In the case when a girl communicates with you cheerfully and complements the conversation with her thoughts, then be sure that a kiss is needed and everything will go well.

3) Touch. The moment you touch a girl (waist, shoulders, arms), watch her reaction. If a girl does not move away from you and does not try to remove her hand, then she does not feel disgust towards you and would be glad to end your date with a kiss. If a girl does the opposite - she tries to stay away from you, then she doesn’t like you very much, and a kiss at the end of this date will be unnecessary.

4) Distance. Notice how far away the girl is from you. If every time you notice that she is very close to you, and at some points even very close, then this means that she is ready and already wants a certain intimacy. If a girl keeps her distance, it means she doesn't really trust you and isn't ready to kiss you. Remember also that each person’s intimate area is of a different size; the difference between the size of women and men is especially noticeable. If a girl comes close to you, you can take it as a signal, but for her it may still only be a friend zone. Look for a middle ground in such cases; if a girl comes close, don’t start kissing her right away, wait: if she comes even closer, this is definitely a sign.

5) Look. Observe the girl’s gaze; if she constantly looks around, it means she’s either in a hurry, or she doesn’t like the date at all. There can be no talk of a kiss here at all. If she constantly looks at you or into your eyes, then she likes the situation that has developed now, and this situation should be completed with a kiss. When a girl really wants you to kiss her, she begins to directly hint at this to you: she looks long and intently into your eyes, looks at your lips so much that you notice it yourself. At such moments, the main thing is not to get confused and immediately take control of the situation, otherwise I have had cases when a guy was so lost from such signs that later it was even difficult for him to gather his thoughts.

6) Farewell . If during the entire date you still haven’t figured out whether the girl wants a kiss, or you just haven’t chosen the right moment, then farewell is the best time. For us girls, it's logical to end a good date with a kiss. Regarding signals: if a guy doesn’t take any steps, then we are looking for a reason to stay around a little longer and give him one last chance. That is, we say that we don’t want to go home yet, we’ll miss another minibus, etc. Think of it as if the girl directly said “Kiss me!” and start taking action.

There are times when these signs are missing or cannot be understood correctly. In this case, I advise you to rely on your inner feelings. After all, it’s difficult to give someone 100% working advice if you yourself are not involved in the situation.

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