Female body language: how to understand that she likes you

Once upon a time there was such a good psychologist who was able to understand the motives of people’s actions and explained each of them through sex, and his name was Sigmund Freud. But in his entire life the old man never found an answer to the question: “What do girls want?” And still guys all over the world are scratching their heads and trying to find the answer. But does he really exist? We will look into this issue. So, Igor Lapin is in touch. Perhaps you even live together, perhaps you think you know her very well. She seems to you to be a good person, an exemplary housewife, but then a yellow liquid hits the left hemisphere, and she begins to behave in the diametrically opposite way. 5 minutes ago she said one thing, and now she said something else. All the girls want to meet each other, live happily, but they reject every guy, and then cry that no one loves them

. So how does the poor male brain understand all this?

First, let's look at the girl's head as a whole. Let's go down to the level of needs and even some physiology.


What primarily attracts women? Pumped up abs?

Six figure bank account? Do they need a tall handsome man on a white horse? No, no and NO. The number one quality women need is extremely simple: reliability. Yes, yes, exactly reliability.

Women are not looking for a prince charming, but a man they can trust.

Reliability is not only the fact that you, for example, do not gamble or, in the case of a long-term relationship, have never cheated on her.

When it comes to courtship and marriage, the meaning of reliability is this: you are who you say you are, and what you say is true to your deeds.

Here concepts such as trust, responsibility and not trying to appear to be someone other than who you really are come to the fore.

Remember: a woman asks herself every minute: “Is he reliable? Will he be my support? Can he be trusted?

Wide circle of friends14

A girl of easy virtue is always surrounded by many acquaintances. Among them there are absolutely strange and incomprehensible personalities. For example, men who are old enough to be her grandfather. Do you understand what the point is? The nymphet has such friends not to talk about literature or classical music. Most likely, these are wealthy sponsors with whom the young fidgety girl sleeps for material gain.

There are partygoers, DJs and other “pseudo-stars” here. With such guys it’s fun and easy for a nymphomaniac. They often use illegal drugs to have fun all day long. Perhaps they are just friends. Although most often such acquaintances exist for the sake of wild sex without prohibitions.

Have you noticed similar girls around her? Often girls of easy virtue are characterized by bisexuality. Lesbian relationships for nymphomaniacs are not something forbidden or strange.

They enjoy the process of mutual affection. Every self-respecting slut has experience with a woman.

Emotional connection

Reliability is built through emotional connection. A woman needs a man who will be there for her when she needs him, who is willing to be interested in her and care for her. Women want to be respected, listened to and connected with.

Give the woman your undivided attention. This means this: if she wants to talk to you, take a break from your computer toy, put your cell phone aside, and by your actions demonstrate how important both she and what she tells you are to you.

Try to feel what your partner is feeling, whether it's logical or not.

Your job is to understand, and understanding can be achieved by asking questions. If your companion complains about her best friend, do not offer her a ready-made solution, do not laugh it off or treat the problem as insignificant.

Ask questions about how she feels and what it all means to her. You need to show true interest, try to understand why this is so important to her.

Men believe that there is no point in discussing negative emotions, because it is much better to find a solution to the problem and forget about it.

But for women, emotions are an opportunity to establish close contact. Try to remember this the next time your date wants to share her feelings.

How to understand a woman?

How to understand a woman?

Women's psychology is built on contradictions, so it is very difficult to understand a woman, and it is almost impossible to understand her with a rational male mind. It is necessary to engage the receptors of intuition, heart and soul, if you like. There is no universal key that can open the door to the soul of all women for a man, because each of Eve’s daughters is individual and has a wide variety of cockroaches inside her beautiful head. It is much easier to find a path to understanding one specific woman. To do this, you need to listen and ask again, often, but with caution, asking what she meant, but not being overly persistent. Sometimes men, trying to understand female psychology, begin to get into the jungle of speculation, although this is predominantly a female prerogative. Try to bring her to the most specific answer possible, do not be like a lady with changeable views and moods, so as not to get completely confused.

Highest skills

Maybe you don't know how to fight with nunchucks, shoot a hunting bow, or hack websites like a badass hacker. But no matter what you can do, women will be fascinated by your skill if you can demonstrate it in something that interests you.

In other words, if you collect stamps, become the most famous and high-status collector. If you are a garbage collector, become the most famous, knowledgeable and powerful garbage collector. Women are attracted to men who know how to become president and head... of themselves.

Women are attracted to confidence and high status. Become your best self.

Make no mistake, this is not about aplomb. There is a huge difference between aplomb and self-confidence. Confidence attracts a woman. Aplomb repels.

Confidence comes from a firm knowledge of your abilities. The aplomb comes from lack of confidence in them.


It's very organic. Such a girl easily fits into even the most elite society. The most important thing is that she does it easily and naturally. He can easily distinguish a salad fork from a fish fork, and supports any topic - from fashion trends to programming. And if she doesn’t understand anything about the topic, she will imperceptibly lead the conversation aside.

A status girl doesn’t show off and doesn’t get fucked. She behaves naturally, so no man would dare call her a silicone doll.

Language of the body

Doctors Lee Ann Renninger, T. Joel Wade and Karl Grammer from the University of Vienna tried to determine which non-verbal cues make men more likely to be chosen by a woman.

The men women paid attention to were the “spatial maximizers.” They demonstrated their dominance in a social setting by stretching their legs, throwing an arm over the back of a chair, or otherwise asserting ownership of an occupied space.

In addition, successful men were “much better at the art of looking.” This means that they looked women in the eyes, often accompanied by smiles.

Remember to look the woman in the eye, smile, stand up straight (upright posture is a sign of confidence) and don't fidget.

Even more successful men made fewer “closed body movements”—imagine wrapping your arms around yourself like a schoolboy being scolded.

If you are in a group of people, you will not be perceived as a dominant person. Therefore, never stand with your arms wrapped around yourself or cross your legs at the knees.

We offer you the contrast “Clark Kent / Superman” to help you. Clark Kent showed nervousness: he stuttered, fussed, mumbled, and as a result the girl did not like him. And as Superman, he carried himself with confidence, took up a lot of space and fought the bad guys without hesitation.

Women are looking for a Hero, not Zero without a wand. Take an example from Superman.

What is characteristic of women?

What is characteristic of women?

To better understand female psychology, you need to understand what women usually start from. Firstly, they often speak emotionally and rarely control themselves. Women are more likely than men to take impulsive actions and, oddly enough, even desperate steps. Women also do not understand some aspects of male psychology and very often, due to such Babylonian chaos, they tend to invent a problem out of the blue. Women are vulnerable and sensitive, they expect compliments and pleasant words, so don’t be surprised if a woman is offended by your inattention. And most women are quite vindictive - such is female psychology. Therefore, be prepared to make up for even the most minor offense with an apology or a gift. However, the pride inherent in many women may require more than one present from you, and even more so the lady will not tolerate repeating the same mistakes. After all, you are a man, not a foolish child.


Humor columnist Dave Barry says the only proper answer when a woman asks you is, “Does this dress make me look fat?” - fall to the floor and pretend to have a heart attack.

All men hear similar questions, but you can’t pretend to be sick year after year! The real answer to this question - the Hero's answer - is: "You are beautiful, and it doesn't matter what you wear." The only way. There is no other answer.

A woman's self-esteem depends very much on whether she approves of her own body.

As a man, you might think it's funny to make jokes about the donut she ate or the size of her thighs. So, nothing funny. And for every statement that belittles her dignity, you will have to pay with hundreds of compliments.

Nothing hurts a woman more deeply than criticism about her appearance.

The Man - Every Woman's Dream never allows himself to do this.

What women want: the opinion of scientists

Science is a strict lady, she believes only in numbers and reasoned evidence. Sociologists, who set out to find out whether the preferences of adult women are changing in comparison with the desires of girls, conducted a study and came to the conclusion:

  • For girls aged 18 to 24, marriage is the priority. They expect from a man to receive what they lack in life: love, care, a sense of security, material stability, etc.;
  • from 25 to 37 years old, a woman experiences an urgent need to find herself and self-realization. Business ladies build successful careers, housewives find their purpose in raising children, and creative people seek self-expression in art;
  • from 38 to 46 years old women are in dire need of love. They have already succeeded as businesswomen, mothers, artists, and have achieved certain heights and results. The time has come to feel like you did in your early youth - attractive and loved;
  • after 47 years, most representatives of the fair sex begin to experience depression due to physiological processes in the body and fear of old age. Therefore, the main need at this stage is attention and care, which make a woman believe that she is needed and still loved.


Research has shown that women's anger usually stems from one of three main reasons: helplessness, injustice and irresponsibility of other people.

When you don't listen to your woman, she gets angry because she feels helpless. When you don't treat her as an equal or betray her trust, she feels unfair and therefore gets angry. When you don't arrive on time (others' irresponsibility), she gets angry with you.

If a conflict breaks out, a woman wants only one thing: to be listened to. Her task is to make her partner understand her better. How do men react to criticism? They take it as a personal attack.

Their innate defense system kicks in, their heart rate increases, and they are ready to fight off an attack with the same vigor with which their ancestors attacked a buffalo or a neighboring tribe.

There is no room for push and pull when you want to resolve a conflict with the woman in your life.

Imagine you are trying to watch a sports channel at the end of the work day, and then a woman says: “You never listen to me.”

If you were a cartoon character, your face would turn red at this moment and steam would pour out of your eyes.

Heroes in such cases use three simple strategies that have been scientifically proven to lower heart rate. First, take a few deep breaths. Second, count to ten.

If you still see that you have not lost the desire to verbally attack your woman, then there is a third strategy: take a time out. You need to say something like this: “You know what, right now I don’t have the strength to listen to you. I’ll be back in half an hour and we’ll continue.”

An old tale about understanding between husband and wife

It’s not without reason that they say that when people of the opposite sex find each other, they say “my other half.” In fact, it really is a half, because a single whole family is created by both a man and a woman.

And in the end it turns out something really cool. In this union new people are born - children. And in order for them to be born, raised, and become happy, both a man and a woman are needed. These are parts of one whole: a man and a woman.

Although they are completely opposite to each other: in character, worldview, feelings, logic, thinking, goals and even genitals - completely different. And this is very good, because, well, imagine if all people were like men, you could go crazy. Or some women are also fucked.

In fact, both men and women have their own important characteristics. For a man, for example, it is very important to be part of a team, to have friends, to have a strong group at work - this is important to him. But as a woman, she lives differently. She lives with family, children, creates home comfort and care.


You can tune in to your partner around the clock, and this is great for your relationship. But she still needs the company of friends.

Do you want the woman next to you to be as happy, accomplished and satisfied as possible? To do this, she needs the social support of other women - from time to time.

If you have entered into a serious relationship with a woman, then know that you are now connected to all of her friends.

Psychology doctor Len Syme from the University of California at Berkeley and his student Lisa Berkman decided to test which factors generally predict longevity. The world was amazed by the results of their study, which involved approximately nine thousand people.

It turned out that it is not cholesterol, exercise or diet that influences early death or long life, but the quality of close relationships.

Interestingly, for men, life or death depended on whether they were married, while for women it depended on friendship with other women.

So if you want to live longer, stay with your partner and try to make the relationship happy.

If you want her to live a long life, support her desire to communicate with her friends.

There is more hair on her body than usual7

Basically, women try to deal with unwanted hair on the body or face. But there are also fans of natural beauty. There is a controversial opinion that a moth has more hair on her body and face than a woman of traditional sexual behavior.

In support of this, an argument is given about the amount of the hormone testosterone. It is known that this hormone is responsible for male potency. It seems that women who have too much sex are the happy owners of this hormone in their bodies.


Every time your woman picks you up, cuddles you, rocks you to sleep, looks into her eyes, gently touches her, and even inhales the scent of a child—your child! - the level of oxytocin in her body increases.

A special thread is stretched between a woman and her child - it is with its help that the survival of the species and the well-being of the offspring are ensured.

If your feelings are hurt because a woman suddenly stops lying on the bed with you in her arms, gently touching you, or inhaling the scent of your hair like an obsessed person, all this is understandable and in fact it cannot be otherwise. And the only solution is to stretch your own thread between you and the baby.

The main thing a woman needs is true partnership in raising children.

If you fail to recognize this side of her identity and her love, then the vast territory of her heart will remain hidden from you.

One of the main ways to show love to your woman is to support her as a mother by loving her and protecting her children.

Show initiative12

If a guy finds himself in bed with a nymphomaniac, he will immediately understand that she is very experienced in love affairs. The moth will not lie flat, waiting for the cherished orgasm. She calmly changes positions, bending in a way that even porn actresses don’t work with.

She doesn’t need to beg for experiments or changes in bed. Such a lady has a highly developed sense of empathy in sex. She will bite her partner like a nut. As soon as he thinks, she has already made his fantasy come true.

An ordinary woman can also take the initiative or ask to make things more pleasant for her. But it’s hard to outdo a nymphomaniac. She is so knowledgeable in sex that a man risks losing all his energy.

The moth knows its body. She had read hundreds of books about sex and peaking. There are no safe words or boundaries in her head that cannot be redrawn to suit the occasion. A woman of easy virtue is engaged in receiving pleasure herself. Uses hands, mouth, tongue, does not refuse anal sex.

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