Children's stories about “past lives”. Memories or fantasies?


Robert Duncan. Memories of a camp fire.


The ability to remember what happened many years ago not only helps a person develop intellectually, but also has a significant impact on his spiritual formation. Memories make it possible to analyze the actions of the past and draw appropriate conclusions. In other words, memory helps people not to make mistakes, to retain the feelings and emotions of days long past.


Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin in the proposed passage discusses the role of childhood in the formation of a mature personality and raises the problem of the influence of childhood memories on a person’s life. The author notes how valuable childhood years are, using the example of the words of Alyosha Karamazov from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov".

A comment

The author admits that with age he had to rethink Alyosha’s words, which he had simply not paid attention to before: “There is nothing higher, and stronger, and healthier, and more useful ... like some good memory, especially from childhood.” He encourages the younger generation to keep their best deeds in their hearts and to often remember the moments when they felt good. Such thoughts at certain moments can help young people avoid becoming bitter and doing wrong things. The feeling of one’s positive qualities imposes a certain responsibility on a person, which does not allow one to stoop to unseemly actions. Every person who was able to go through life's difficulties and remain true to his heart certainly carries some bright childhood memory in his soul.

Author's position

The author suggests that the memory of past positive experiences may not be useless. He very clearly formulates his position regarding good memories: “It would be better to have it than to go through only prohibitions and repentance in your past.” Experiences, good and bad, leave an indelible imprint on a person’s entire subsequent life and are a kind of foundation for personality. If there is at least one bright story from childhood, you can be sure that it can help you achieve your goals and add perseverance in realizing your plans.

Your position

The author’s opinion is clear and close to me. The fate of a person, the components of his personality directly depend on what experience he had in life, how his psyche and character were formed. The memory of bright moments, of how a person became a person, can protect the soul from death.

Argument No. 1

The problem of the influence of childhood memories on a person’s life was not ignored by literary artists. A striking example of dependence on childhood experience can be considered the literary image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Almost throughout the entire narrative, he recalls his childhood, his native village of Oblomovka, the lazy and measured lifestyle of its inhabitants. The main character easily associates his past experiences with his current existence, hoping to build a life just like his parents.

Argument No. 2

Maxim Gorky, in his autobiographical story “Childhood,” recalls how his grandmother taught him to be interested in and admire fairy tales, and then works of serious literature. Thanks to her upbringing and his memories of childhood, M. Gorky gained fame and recognition as one of the greatest writers of Russian literature. This is how childhood influenced a person’s future destiny.


Each of us certainly has good, bright, happy memories of childhood. It is worth taking care of them, turning to them more often, because it is the memory of the good that will help you overcome all the hardships of life, withstand the fight against evil, and strive more persistently for kindness.

How to get rid of memories of the past

Our life does not consist of only troubles. Everyone has bright and joyful moments, when remembering which the soul comes alive and sings. And instead of thinking about good things more often, many people are ready to suffer for the rest of their lives, regret unrealistic things, harbor pain and resentment, worry about past failures and disappointments. They don’t even understand that it could be otherwise, and they continue to cause irreparable harm to themselves and their loved ones by refusing to forget past memories. In order to clear your memory, you first need to calmly understand the reasons, separate events that should be erased from your life, or accept them, leaving tender and warm moments in your memory, and turn them to your advantage.

Conducting an analysis of memories of the past

In order for the events of the past to stop haunting a person, you need to figure out at what moment and why these thoughts began to disturb and occupy a large part of his consciousness.
At this stage it is important:

  1. Forgive and let go
    . It often happens that, having experienced certain failures, a person constantly scrolls through them, reinsuring himself from new disappointments. He mistakenly thinks that he will be ready for a situation where the same failures are repeated in his life, and does not understand that, on the contrary, he only attracts them to himself.
  2. Admit your guilt
    . You need to understand that everything that happens to a person partially happens because of his actions. It is very important to realize this, since it is easiest to blame anyone for all sins, but not yourself. This approach will make it possible to quickly draw the right conclusions: if you yourself are to blame for what happened, if you attracted negativity to yourself through actions or thoughts, then it is easier to get out of such a situation and change everything.
  3. Forget mistakes
    . It often happens that a person reproaches himself all his life for acting badly towards another, causing him a lot of trouble, pain and tears. Most likely, he really acted disgustingly, for which he should be ashamed. But this does not mean at all that because of this you need to endlessly torture yourself, poisoning the life not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. The very fact of awareness of a bad deed is important.

Careful analysis and sincere repentance will allow you to quickly forgive yourself and turn this page.

Learning from the Past

Everything that happened to us in the past, good or bad, should not just disappear without a trace.
Even if a person’s life is wonderful, you should not relax, as everything can change in one moment. As for unpleasant situations, we must always learn lessons from them. Firstly, so that they do not repeat themselves in the future, and secondly, so that in the future they are not tormented by the question of how to get rid of negative memories of the past.

The past should become an invaluable experience for everyone. And if a person learns to use it correctly so as not to make or repeat mistakes, then he will be able to live, enjoying the present, and look confidently into the future.

But, unfortunately, there are not so many such people. The rest continue to step on the same rake, which leads them to the next ups and downs of life, which return to them in unpleasant and unwanted memories.

Freeing yourself from negative thoughts about the past

First of all, in order to stop living with memories, you need to have a great desire and the perception that this cannot continue.
Daily practical exercises and meditation will help you free yourself from obsessive memories:

  • Choose the right attitude
    . Every morning you need to start by listing everything positive and dear to your heart that you have today.
  • Perform a psychological technique with water
    . If unpleasant thoughts and memories enter your head, you need to open the water tap and imagine how all the negativity flows into the sink along with the water.
  • Get rid of things associated with the past
    . If you are bothered by resentment and anger towards a former loved one with whom you broke up, you need to delete his phone number from your mobile phone, put it away or throw away his photographs, gifts and things. It is better to destroy them, while simultaneously freeing yourself from his invisible presence, or, at a minimum, hide them away or give them to strangers.
  • Change something in your surroundings and habits
    . Another good way to forget about the bad is to do something useful (put your house in perfect order, buy new furniture or start renovations), change your environment (go to a fitness club, make new acquaintances), transform your appearance (cut your hair or dye your hair to a different color) and finally change the job.
  • Master meditation
    . This will help you learn to relax your body and brain, calm your nervous system, and focus your attention only on important and pleasant things.
  • Accept the lessons of fate
    . In order to let go of grievances and forgive offenders, you need to learn to be grateful for what you have. After analyzing all the events that happened in the past, you can find positive aspects in them. For example, how they contributed to creative development or the formation of oneself as an individual.

Many people don't know how to get rid of past memories.
Giving this or that advice, it is necessary to direct their thoughts and actions on the right path. It is a mistake to think that forgiveness is an approval of bad actions. Rather, it is getting rid of anger, malice, hatred, desire for revenge, etc. As you can see, nothing special is required from a person. But there is still one important condition - you need to discard laziness, since laziness and stupidity are our two worst enemies. You should get rid of them first, otherwise nothing in life will change for the better.

Introducing meditation to get rid of memories of the past

Meditation is the art of relaxation through concentration.
No need to be scared. Initial practice is quite simple and involves concentrating on sounds. Since many people perceive information better by hearing, this method is very effective. Using certain mantras that are easy to find on the Internet, or meaningful phrases, you can protect yourself from negative thoughts. It’s not bad when a person independently comes up with phrases for meditation based on his personal memories and phobias from the past that he wants to get rid of.

These should be short and specific phrases, for example:

  1. I'm letting go of my past
    . Repeating the phrase several times will make it easier to cope with the memories. It also acts as self-hypnosis.
  2. I am free from unpleasant memories, I control my thoughts myself
    . This is the second step of cleansing. This is the only way to tune yourself and open yourself to the world around you.
  3. I easily part with painful memories, forgive myself for mistakes in my past life
    . Yes, it is painful and difficult. But you can’t return or change the past. So it’s better to accept it as it is, let it go and prevent it from happening again in the future.
  4. I sincerely thank the past for lessons and life experiences
    . Sometimes believers say that God will not give trials that a person cannot endure. Once it was destined to happen, nothing could be done. But you need to find strength and survive the events.
  5. I live only in the present
    . Such a simple mantra teaches you to perceive reality, notice those around you, events that just happen, helps you escape from the abyss of sad memories.
  6. I love myself, my loved ones and all people
    . Yes exactly. Even if someone really hurt you, you should forgive him. And also live with the faith that this will not happen again.

Mantras need to be repeated not only when unpleasant memories come up, but at any free moment.
You can do this at home in peace and quiet, or you can do it on the way to work on public transport or in your car, standing in line or waiting for a phone call. In this case, the psychological mood of a person is of no small importance. And if he recites the healing formulas with all his heart, this can become a starting point for a new life without unpleasant memories of the past.

I would like to once again emphasize the well-known truth about the materiality of thoughts. Therefore, you need to repeat verbal phrases slowly, thoughtfully, many times until you begin to feel favorable changes in your consciousness. Relief may not come immediately, so don’t get upset ahead of time. Positive thoughts will definitely begin to fill the brain, gradually displacing disturbing memories from consciousness.

The main thing in meditation is to learn to concentrate your attention on the spoken words. At first, a person’s mind may be distracted by other thoughts. Therefore, you need to return your consciousness to repeating a mantra or significant phrase, trying to keep your attention on them for as long as possible.

What are memories on Instagram?

Each user can create a record with memories. The publication is made from photos taken no earlier than a year ago. Instagram offers photos on its own. You can edit the photo, apply one of the available effects, or sign it.

Memories are made from the archive and notifications section. When you log in to your personal profile, you may receive a notification “Posted on this day.” Click on the notification to go to the photo editing and publishing menu.

The option only offers older posts that were published a year or more ago. If several photos were published that day, they will be on the list.

Important. If the option is not available and notifications do not appear, update Instagram to the latest version.

Features Features

The account owner sees only photos published previously. The Memories feature on Instagram has the following features:

  • photos are offered automatically if the date matches;
  • Before publishing, you can edit the photo, apply filters, and make a signature;
  • If there is no photo from a year ago, then you won’t be able to publish the memory.

Account holders registered less than a year ago will not be able to make a memory. Instagram will not detect the photo and will not issue a corresponding notification.

How are cats and bicycles related?

During the study, scientists tested 12 patients with epilepsy aged 24 to 53 years. All subjects had electrodes placed directly into the brain tissue - the hippocampus and neocortex - as part of the treatment for epilepsy. During the experiment, patients learned associations between various stimuli (such as words, sounds and videos) and then recalled them. Thus, scientists found that during learning, neural activity in the neocortex desynchronizes, and then, after about 150 milliseconds, neural activity in the hippocampus synchronizes. Apparently, information about the sensory details of the stimuli is first processed by the neocortex and then transmitted to the hippocampus for fusion. Researchers have found that the hippocampus and neocortex interact closely in the formation and retrieval of memories.

What associations do you have with a cat and a bicycle? Let's discuss these and other strange associations with the participants of our Telegram chat

The findings support a recent theory that suggests that a desynchronized neocortex and a synchronized hippocampus must interact for a person to form and then retrieve memories. Understanding how the hippocampus and neocortex work together to form memories and retrieve them could be important for the further development of new technologies that could help improve the memory of people suffering from cognitive impairments such as dementia, as well as improve memory performance in general .

How to share a memory on a page

Before publication, photographs can be viewed in the archive. The option only detects entries made a year ago or more.

How to find an archive with pictures:

  1. Open Instagram on your phone.
  2. Click on the person icon to go to your personal profile.
  3. Click on the menu button.
  4. Click on the “Archive” line.
  5. The list contains all photos and publications made more than a year ago.

The date and caption “Memory” will automatically appear on pictures taken on that day. The text can be edited. The recording can be published in Stories or sent to friends. The photo will be published as new, with the date, year and signature of the author indicated on it.

How to post in Stories:

  1. Open the application on your smartphone.
  2. Go to your personal profile page.
  3. Click on the menu button and go to the archive.
  4. Use the menu to select "Story Archive" or "Post Archive" .
  5. Click on a photo from the list.
  6. Click on the "Share" button.
  7. Edit photos and text.
  8. At the bottom, find the “Your Story” and click on it.

The publication will appear in Stories. It can be viewed by all subscribers and friends.

Important. You can add any effect available on Instagram to a photo with memories.

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