How to remember your past life? 10 ways to find out who you were in past lives

Throughout our lives, our brain processes an inexhaustible flow of information. Can our memory store “megabytes” of information? Of course not. Small, unremarkable events that occur automatically are erased quickly and irrevocably. But we can easily reproduce important events. Sometimes situations occur when you need to remember something important, but it is impossible to get information from memory. Then hypnosis comes to the rescue. This powerful tool influences the human subconscious in such a way that it unlocks the doors of the memory “storage”, giving out the necessary information. But it is important to understand why this is needed. According to experienced hypnotherapists, the past does not always need to be dredged up.

Hypnosis as a method to remember forgotten old things

Hypnosis is a powerful tool with great possibilities. The method allows you to concentrate as much as possible on one event or subject, blocking extraneous information. Abroad, the influence of hypnosis on memories has been used for many years. With its help, many serious crimes have been solved.

How can you remember what you forgot using hypnosis? Initially, you should find a good specialist with extensive experience. For qualified help, you can contact experienced hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Regression hypnosis is aimed at reproducing important moments that have been forgotten, but continue to influence today's life. By extracting the necessary information from the subconscious, a person experiences it again, analyzes it, and processes it. Hypnoreproduction is used to treat phobias, fears, and depression. Most often we are talking about childhood psychotraumas that have left a certain imprint on the behavior of an adult.

The main goal of hypnosis is to remember forgotten moments. It brings to life events that affect the psycho-emotional state, no matter whether they are negative or positive. Also, with the help of hypnosis, you can remember facts that are remembered much worse than bright moments.

Coincident Event Methods

This method does not require special skills and is available to everyone who wants to learn about their previous incarnations. All you need is patience, since the technique may not give results the first time.

For the procedure, you will need a mechanical watch so that it makes a ticking sound. Close your eyes, enter a relaxed state and listen to the clock ticking. You need to remember any fragment of your life where the ticking of the clock took place. For example, you are reading a book or doing homework, and an alarm clock is ticking next to you. Replay this piece from the past in your mind several times, paying attention to the details.

The ticking of a clock will be a signal to awaken deep memory

Now complicate the task and tune in to a memory from a past life, where you also heard the rhythmic knock of a clock. Don't make an effort, just let your memory generate images accompanied by sensations.

This method is based on the fact that the sound of a ticking clock is familiar to all of us. This is what accompanies us every day. With a high degree of probability, the ticking of a clock was also present in a past life, and this sound will serve as a signal to activate deep memory.

And also watch the video, the author of which tells how to remember a past life:

When is hypnosis effective?

The use of hypnosis to help remember important life events began in the early 19th century. Since then, it has been successfully used by psychotherapists, helping patients improve their quality of life. Numerous studies claim that hypnotherapy can help you remember the following:

  • shock moments that caused a strong shake-up;
  • emotionally charged events. If you saw another person writing down an address or password on paper, after a short time your memory will completely erase this information, since it was not colored by emotions. But if you wrote down the password yourself, and were nervous or worried, you will be able to remember the contents of the recording under hypnosis;
  • A day has passed since the event. Even if the action was carried out automatically and without emotion, it can be retrieved from RAM;
  • if you need to remember an episode that occurred under the influence of alcoholic intoxication. But provided that the person does not abuse alcohol. In hypnotherapy practice, there are many cases where cars were found in this way, which the owners left in the most unexpected places.

Under hypnosis, you can also remember events that caused shock or fear. Their roots usually grow from the past. This could be rape, an accident, or even surgery under anesthesia. But if organic brain damage occurs during the injury, you will not be able to remember.

Hypnosis is an entirely voluntary procedure. It is impossible to force people to reproduce fragments of life against their own will. To achieve complete immersion in trance, the hypnotherapist and the person must act in concert. The latter reserves the right to contradict the instructions of the presenter and, if desired, terminate the session.

Note! The common belief that a person does not control himself during hypnosis is erroneous. Even deep hypnotic immersion does not deprive you of the ability to hear and control what is happening around you. During the session there remains a subjective feeling that at the slightest desire the session can be stopped.

The main thing is always the person who needs help. Without his efforts, it is impossible to remember events. The hypnologist plays the role of an assistant, giving tips and advice. He does not influence the psyche of the hypnotized person, and does not impose his ideas on him. If there is no internal mood to search for information, then hypnosis is ineffective.

What helps you unlock memories?

This process makes it easier:

1) engaging in meditation , which actively undermines our perception and ability to bring out subconscious blocks of information from within;

You can start with simple meditations here on the website – Meditations.

2) immersion in the topic of reincarnation - by tuning your mind to the interest of gaining knowledge about your past, use books and films .

The most famous and popular books about regression were written by American hypnologist Michael Newton.

For more information about the best books about regression, read the article “The 7 Most Hidden Books on the Topic of Past Lives”

A book that is not included in this list, but which is a detailed practical guide to various methods of independent work: Richard Webster “Memories of Past Lives” (it can be easily found on the Internet).

Films about past lives (the list is incomplete, there are many more):

  • Restless Anna
  • Avatar. The Legend of Aang (animated series)
  • The Secret of Zohar
  • 2:22
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Dog life
  • Cafe de Flor
  • Our Home (Nosso Lar)
  • Cloud Atlas
  • I am the beginning
  • Outlander (seral)
  • Fountain
  • Out of time
  • Valley of Flowers
  • Little Buddha
  • Made in heaven
  • On a clear day you will see eternity
  • Uncle Boonmee, who remembers his past lives
  • Die again

When independently remembering past incarnations, there are a number of nuances warn you about this :

  • it is important to know safety and grounding techniques;
  • it is difficult to move through memories - you need to be both a leader and a follower at the same time, and this means double energy expenditure for switching;
  • deep-seated traumas, the roots of which lie in the past, cannot be worked through independently.

That is why it is much more convenient and effective to dive into your memory with a guide.

Reviews on the use of hypnosis

Perm detectives have long been using the services of professional hypnotists. Such cooperation has helped solve dozens of cases. Witnesses to crimes are voluntarily hypnotized, after which they reproduce events that have long been erased from memory.

Employees of the Perm Investigative Committee decided to resort to hypnoreproduction when investigating serial murders in the city of Solikamsk. The criminal brutally killed people for 10 years. For a long time, detectives could not find the maniac, who carefully prepared for his crimes and left no traces. The photographs that were compiled during the search process were uninformative and left virtually no chance of successfully completing the case. Then the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation decided to use all possible methods to solve crimes, one of which turned out to be hypnosis.

Witnesses who saw the criminal for some moments were able to remember his features with maximum accuracy under hypnosis. On this basis, a photograph was drawn up, and the serial killer was found. It turned out to be Alexander Gerashchenko, deputy chief of the fire service guard.

Evidence obtained from hypnosis sessions formed the basis of the charges. Interestingly, the accused did not challenge them. Thus, the killer was sentenced to life imprisonment. And the experimental method, which was based on hypno-reproduction, was widely used among criminologists.

You can give many examples and reviews of how, with the help of hypnotherapy, memories were extracted from memory, which made it possible to restore justice, punish criminals and acquit the innocent, free oneself from fears, phobias and other things. All this once again confirms the high effectiveness of hypnoreproduction and its positive effect on memory.

Factors indicating previous incarnations

Life gives us clues about who we were in our previous incarnations. Of course, these are just hints and not specific information. But they indicate what the person did, what country he lived in, and even how he died.

Natural abilities, inclinations

Let's start with the fact that every person chooses what to do in life. Sometimes the choice is determined by spiritual inclination, sometimes by ambition, and sometimes by coincidence.

In the first case, interest in the profession has roots in a past life. A person is subconsciously drawn to what was once familiar. Perhaps he was even a true master in this matter.

It is believed that a talented person receives his abilities at birth. But how did he acquire them and when? What does it mean to be a born poet or a born racer? Mozart wrote his first pieces of music at the age of 5, and by the age of 9 he was the author of a symphony and an accomplished composer.

Creativity tends to indicate a past life occupation

Why does one person spend decades acquiring mastery, while another seems to come into this world with honed skills? The phenomenon can only be explained by the experience of previous incarnations. If a person has been a sailor throughout his life, then in his next life he will again be drawn to the ocean.

Children's imagination, favorite games

In the minds of children, intellect does not yet dominate, so impressions from other stays on Earth are alive in them. Parents usually mistake echoes of the real past for children's fantasies, although in these visions traces of previous incarnations are clearly visible. The same can be said about the games that a child chooses for his leisure time.

Try to remember what you dreamed of as a child, what you loved to play. And then a window will open into the era to which you once belonged.

Favorite books, films and music

Our artistic tastes also point to past incarnations. It is quite obvious that when choosing books, films and music, a person shows his individuality. Some people gravitate toward French culture, others are passionate about the military history of Germany, others love watching films about the inhabitants of the Far North, and others adore Italian opera. Undoubtedly, tastes are formed by the environment, but sometimes addiction has completely different origins - from a previous life.

It happens that the content of a film or book is taken to heart. We seem to be experiencing the events described, and in the most literal sense. This phenomenon can be explained by a tendency toward sentimentality, but sometimes it is a reaction of the subconscious to actual events of a past life.

Sometimes, when reading a book, spontaneous memories of previous incarnations arise.

Travel, ease of learning foreign languages

Not everyone finds foreign languages ​​equally easy. This is also connected with past incarnations, or more precisely, with their geography. Let's say in one life a person lived in England and spoke English. Appearing in his next life on the territory of Russia, he will communicate in Russian. However, the former native language will remain in deep memory. Access to it will open in a situation related to the English language. When you hear the sounds of English speech, you will feel something incredibly familiar, and learning the language will not arise any difficulties, since you will not have to master it from scratch.

Visiting an unfamiliar place can awaken deep memory

Deep memory also awakens during trips to foreign countries. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar place, a person suddenly feels that he has been here before. Memories that arise spontaneously create a déjà vu effect. The traveler actually visited this place, only it was in a past life.

Strong emotions, fears or attachments

Events from a past life are often indicated by a person’s phobias and fears, the origin of which cannot be explained rationally. Our affections also contain similar hints. Phobias usually arise as a conditioned reflex to a traumatic event. For example, a person survived an accident and after that he is terrified of driving a car.

Unexplained phobias may be related to tragic past life events

But what if there are no visible reasons for such emotions? This means that the roots must be sought in a previous life. Why does one person have a fear of heights, while another becomes nervous at the sight of water? One can offer the following explanation: the first one could have died in a past life by falling from a high mountain, the second one could have drowned in a river or sea. The direction of the search has been identified, and specifics can be found out using special techniques.


Memories under hypnosis have nothing to do with the Polygraph procedure. When immersed in a trance, a person retains willpower and control of everything that happens. To put it simply, hypnoreproduction is not suitable for bringing to a session a person convicted of some “ignoble” actions, for example, an unfaithful spouse or a thief. Not a single specialist, unless he is a swindler, will take on such work. The principle of hypnotherapy is based only on a person’s desire. If you don't want to disclose information, no one can force you.

The second important point is that not all events need to be remembered. Before you decide to take this step, think about how it will affect your future life. Our brain blocks feelings of humiliation and shame in order to make human existence possible. Otherwise many would go crazy. So think twice about whether you need such memories. Despite the fact that traumatic events are often brought to light for the purpose of analyzing and working through them, such therapy is not always effective. In every person’s life there are moments that are better not to “unpack”, especially if they have been successfully forgotten. Many professional hypnotherapists are of the opinion that traumatic memories should be treated, not pulled out.

How to remember a dream you already had?

The first step in dream recall is for most people to try to get up slowly. If the memory of the dream is clear and definite, remain still and relive it with your eyes closed, allowing the dream and its images to enter your mind before you write them down.

After waking up, you should spend five or ten minutes mentally imagining yourself falling asleep, dreaming, and writing down your dreams. Often this is enough to get a satisfactory result. If you wake up naturally at night, always write down everything you can remember from your dreams. If you don't wake up on your own, a more radical solution is to set an alarm to wake up every ninety minutes. Then immediately write down everything you can remember. This action may not be appropriate if you are sleeping with a partner who does not dream. But it must be said that it works within two or three days and is usually needed only once.

How to fully recall a dream with a long script


If you wake up with a colossal dream scenario that vanishes into thin air as soon as you reach for your pillow, then relax back into bed, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then roll over. If the dream does not return, then think in the opposite direction. For example, what was going on in your mind before you opened your eyes? How did you feel as you fell asleep? What did you write in your diary before going to bed? What did you do yesterday? This may help you remember your dream.


Even if you can't remember a dream, always write down something - a fragment of a dream, a color, a symbol, a feeling or a thought that you woke up with. These thoughts often come from dreams at night and may be the first clues to restore them.


If nothing comes to mind, take a deep breath and exhale a few times, count from ten to zero, take a pen and start writing without thinking. Don't judge it - just hold the pen so it can move and let the pen think. This is another way to make the unconscious speak. Edgar Cayce called it inspirational writing. It is a method that puts you in line with your own dream-producing self, and the result can be a story, a commentary, or just rambling words. You can use all or part of this, just as you would use a dream, and over time this method can become a powerful source of information.


When you write down a dream, note the most important symbols first, such as numbers, words, figures of speech, puns, or names, but do not try to analyze or interpret the dream while you are writing it down. (Play with words or an abstract idea, expressed mostly in verbal form, which often appears unexpectedly in a dream.

For example,

One woman, during a period of emotional coldness after an unhappy divorce, dreamed that she was forcibly taken to Iceland. The dream was repeated until she took steps to free her emotional self from this state of coldness.)


Describe in a few words (the less the better!) your feelings, thoughts and assumptions about the dream, as well as your physical reactions to it. Remember people, objects, events and what they mean to you.


Choose one part of your dream at a time and imagine yourself in it. Listen to your dream before attempting to interpret.


Reflecting on a dream, even when it cannot be remembered, can sometimes help with this. If you firmly believe that whatever the dream says is exactly what you need to hear at that moment, this will also help you assimilate the information sent by the dream, even if you do not remember the dream itself.


Meet with your dream guide or teacher and ask him or her to explain the dream and its message to you. To achieve this, imagine yourself walking through a door and walking down steps that lead into a beautiful garden. Imagine it so real that you can almost smell the grass and flowers, feel the light breeze in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your cheeks, hear the rustling of leaves on the branches of trees, the murmur of streams of water in a pond or stream and see the clouds floating lazily above your head. . Your dream guide is waiting for you, perhaps under a tree or swimming in a stream. You can ask any questions you want about your dream and its meaning - or even ask for the dream to be replayed, like an old movie. You can also record a tape with similar text and listen to it. For greater effect, breathe deeply, count from ten to zero and, above all, relax your body.

It is easier to remember dreams at dawn. This is the most sacred and creative time - the hour of contact between the inner and outer worlds.

Drawing as a way to remember your dreams that you had

Another excellent way to remember and record a dream is to draw or write inside a circle. The circle is a connecting link between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, conscious and unconscious, and symbolizes the integrity of the individual. When used in this way, the circle can be a powerful tool for analyzing a particular period of your life, as well as your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Before you go to sleep, draw a circle and place your drawing supplies next to your bed. When you wake up, reach for any paint that seems best to you and quickly draw inside the circle a symbol, feeling or image that connects you to the dream. It could be a bright spot, a flower or a rainbow - it is not at all necessary to depict every object in the dream; it's just a way to somehow designate the feeling experienced. If you have forgotten the dream, then such a drawing will be a jolt to your memory.

If you write down your dreams in this way, after a while you will have a series of mandalas that can give a tremendous boost of insight both in the waking state and while dreaming. Used as points for reflection or meditation, they can initiate deep self-knowledge - more often than not, you never even knew you had this ability to such an extent.

Remember your past life through meditation

If you are interested in how to remember your past life, a special meditation will help.
The experience of meditation is useful. The temperature in the room should be comfortable; cold and stuffiness will be distracting. Turn off the TV, radio, mobile and home phones, and doorbell so that there are no distractions. It is even advisable to choose the time so that as little noise as possible comes from the street. Care must be taken that the person is not distracted by hunger, thirst or a feeling of a full stomach. It is advisable to reduce the illumination of the room to a minimum. After preparation, make yourself comfortable so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you - you can lie or sit in any position.

Close your eyes and imagine a white light that envelops your body. The shell is impenetrable to any energetic dirt, ill-wishers and entities living in the subtle world.

A white shining cocoon is needed for protection - a person faces a difficult journey, during which they mentally hold a cocoon of any (not necessarily white) color.

They imagine that a person is standing in a large hall. At the end of the room you should see a door. The hall is examined in as much detail as possible, assessing the interior, lighting, ceiling height, etc. The room should be remembered in the smallest detail: the hall is always imagined when working with past lives.

Slowly they approach the door. Every step is taken with a sense of purpose. They listen, trying to hear the sound of footsteps, and remember the characteristics of the floor.

Behind the door is information about a past life. Do not rush to open the door: you should feel the texture of the handle, feel how it turns in the door, what sounds the parts of the lock make. The door is carefully examined, because it is an obstacle to understanding how to remember a past life on your own.

You must believe that what you see behind the door is related to a past life. Perhaps, with experience in meditation, it will turn out that some of the information is false, but doubts will negate all efforts.

Open the door and accept information about your past incarnation. It’s rare to get a lot of information the first time. For example, an unfamiliar face is shown, which is preserved in the memory of a past incarnation, or only a color. Repeating the exercise, it becomes clear that this is the color of a favorite carpet or dress, and the abstract wall was the wall of the house or place of work.

You can also look at yourself. For example, evaluate what kind of shoes a person was wearing, which will be a clue to determine the century and country in which the meditator spent his past life.

If images stop appearing or images do not arise, there is not enough strength. To return to the present, they mentally enter the hall and close the door to their past life. As soon as a person reaches the place where he started, he will open his eyes and remember what he was able to see.

It is impossible to remember a past life through a one-time meditation experience. Regular meditation will eventually provide all the information about the past incarnation with sufficient persistence. A person has more than one past incarnation: information from different lives is mixed, but with experience will come the skills to distinguish between images and an understanding of how many lives a person has lived.


The Creator, perhaps, showed the greatest wisdom by depriving the ordinary person of the memory of previous incarnations. Therefore, if you fail in your attempts to find out who you were in a past life, you should not fall into despair. In the end, it doesn't really matter who you once were. It is better to be aware of who you are in the present moment, HERE and NOW.

Tags: Astral, Reincarnation

About the author: Evgeniy Tukubaev

The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

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Prayers and hypnosis

Effective ways to restore memory loss are magic and spells. You should not get carried away with magic, otherwise, with the wrong words and prayers, all magical rituals can bring disaster.

There are common conspiracies and rituals that help find a missing item:

  1. Conspiracy to the cross. Draw a cross on your right palm in red ink. Then wash it off with milk, repeating the words: “Everything lost will return, whatever is dear to me will be found.”
  2. Water spell. You will need matches and a bowl of water. Light matches by throwing them into the water. While saying the words: “The devil is a joker, he brings darkness, you are a great joker. Wait, play, and give us the thing.”
  3. Tie three knots on a piece of cloth In a few hours the item will definitely be found.
  4. If you forgot where you put something valuable and dear to your heart, a ritual with herbs will come to the rescue. You need to take dry lavender and wormwood herbs, place them in a metal container and set them on fire. When the smoke starts, walk around the apartment, fumigating all the rooms with it. The loss will be discovered within 2-3 hours.
  5. Belt plot. Tie a belt to the leg of the chair or the back so that its edge touches the floor. Sit on it and say the words: “Damn, give me the toy, otherwise I’ll break your hut.” In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".
  6. The Lord's Prayer will be effective All words must be addressed to God. The following words will be useful: “God help me find what I have lost. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

It is important to note! Perform all rituals completely alone, so that no one can stop you from reading powerful conspiracies and prayers. It is important to remember the correct sequence of words and necessary actions.

What methods of assistance people choose to resort to on their own in order to find their loss.

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Help from professionals

If independent attempts to awaken deep memory are unsuccessful, contact specialists whose field of activity is related to the work of consciousness and mysticism. Perhaps this path is more convenient for you personally.

Under hypnosis

There is a proven option for looking into the very distant past. This is hypnosis. A professional hypnotherapist is able to put a person into a state of deep trance and help him remember any day in the smallest detail. It is believed that a person remembers his life until he is three years old.

During a session of regressive hypnosis, access is opened not only to the memories of early childhood, but also to the memory of the prenatal (intrauterine) period. Further movement reveals the memory of past lives, both in the human body and in the body of an animal, such as a bird or a moth.

How to remember by date of birth

With the help of numerology, you can also get information from your past life. Using the numbers contained in your date of birth, you can create, for example, a Pythagorean square, from which an expert can understand your character, energy potential and destiny. An experienced numerologist will determine whether the soul is young, coming to Earth for the first time, or wise, having many incarnations behind it. He will even name his occupation in a past life.

You can also calculate the Pythagorean square online by following this link.

Tarot cards, astrology, fortune telling

It takes a lot of time to master this art. Mastery is acquired over years. The same applies to astrology.

Professional Tarot experts have several layouts that provide information about past incarnations of a person. As an example, we give the simplest type of fortune telling “My past lives”, consisting of 4 positions:

  1. Who the person was in a past life. This position will give information about your personality in a previous life, tell you about your character and what you did.
  2. Gift of past incarnations. The second card speaks of karmic merit, highlighting the best traits and talents that you brought from your previous incarnation.
  3. The burden of past lives. The third card, on the contrary, indicates your past misdeeds, for which you will have to answer in this life.
  4. The purpose of this incarnation. The last card of the layout tells why you came to Earth now and what you must achieve in terms of personal evolution.

Example of a Tarot card layout “My Past Lives”

If you would like to read My Past Lives Tarot online, go here.

Tarot fortune telling is based on a random arrangement of cards, but astrology relies on accurate data. Tarot is, rather, an occult practice, whose experience is 500-700 years old. Astrology is an ancient science, whose history goes back at least five thousand years.

A modern astrologer operates with natal charts, compiled taking into account the exact time (preferably down to seconds) and place of birth. Such a map shows the influence of which celestial bodies accompanied the birth of man. Based on this, the astrologer can trace both the previous path of the Soul and its future. He sees all these connections in the natal chart.

Of course, you can get your free personal horoscope by clicking here.

Astrological science provides quite extensive information, including information related to past lives. A detailed analysis of the natal chart will reveal the karmic legacy of your incarnations, both positive and negative: merits, noble deeds, as well as mistakes and unpaid debts. An astrologer can also create a horoscope for a married couple, determining how these people were connected in previous incarnations.

Reiki sessions

This is a technique where the healer touches the patient with his palms. Reiki masters claim that during sessions the patient experiences flashes of memory of past lives. As a rule, events related to the disease being healed pop up in the mind.

During the session, memories of your previous life may spontaneously emerge.

The energetic influence coming from the Reiki master activates the patient's subconscious and evokes spontaneous memories. These pictures may be complex for the average person, but understandable to a specialist. Therefore, a good solution for searching for information about a past life would be to combine a Reiki session and work with a reincarnation consultant.


This is the author’s method with which anyone can take a tour of their past lives under the guidance of an experienced trainer. The authors of the method promise that in one hour a person will be able to remember his previous incarnations and harmonize his current life based on the knowledge gained. Representatives of the Institute of Reincarnation guarantee that the method works in 85 cases out of 100.

The session takes place in the form of a game, without using complex terms. Despite its simplicity, reincarnation shows impressive results.

Those interested can take a 4-month course to master the innovative method. During their studies, the authors claim, some students manage to remember 40 of their incarnations.

Tips for beginners

Before you start exploring past lives, think carefully about whether you are ready to face the truth. Previous incarnations may not be what you expect. This is not an adventure film where you play the role of a hero saving the world.

  1. Some memories can be shocking or painful. You may see yourself as a criminal, an executioner, a fallen woman, or a traitor. You may witness the loss of loved ones or a global catastrophe. These terrible events should not be frightened. You've been through a painful experience, but it's a thing of the past.
  2. Whatever method you use to immerse yourself, be diligent about recording your memories. The more data you record, the more accurately you can determine your past path. Don't ignore little things that could be very important.
  3. Be patient and take your time. Excessive zeal does not speed up the learning process. A meditative mood is more suitable here.
  4. Don’t get hung up on it; if a method doesn’t produce results for a long time, it’s better to try another technique. Perhaps things will go faster.


If someone argues that a person’s memory is the most valuable thing he has, I personally will refrain from arguing. There is a theory that most of us live only a tiny fraction of our allotted time. The rest of our lives we exist, that is, we are in an unconscious state. Outwardly, of course, you can’t complain - we walk, eat, talk, but in fact we exist “automatically”, since some tiny part of the brain works, servicing the same scenarios. That is why, even under hypnosis, it is impossible to remember the hours and minutes spent in a calm state, which usually happens when we indulge in a habitual activity. At such moments we seem to be “passed out.” Therefore, looking for traces of something that never happened is simply pointless. Another thing is discoveries, which include the bitterness of defeat, the joy of victory, the surprise of seeing your lover in your wife’s bed, the fear of the violence being done to you, and the admiration of a poetic stanza that has arisen in your mind...

I believe that the creative process of creating a personality occurs as a layering of impressions, each of which is a discovery recorded in your memory. The most adequate image of your personality may look like a section of a tree trunk on which annual rings can be distinguished. We are all “trees,” and the task of the hypnotherapist you contacted regarding forgotten memories is to help you find the right memory ring to press the “Play” button and reproduce the area of ​​interest.

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