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What to do if life seems unbearable?

The reason why people find themselves in this situation is a lack of will to live, fear of difficulties and self-pity. All these qualities have a negative impact on a person.

In order for life to stop being unbearable, you need to get rid of these qualities. Lack of will to live and fear of difficulties prevent a person from realizing his potential, which leads a person to degradation. A person who cannot reveal the talents inherent in him, no matter for what reason he cannot do this, is truly unhappy.

Self-pity occurs when a person thinks that he lacks love. This is what egoists usually think. The egoist wants to be loved, but at the same time he does not show love for people, but only plays the role of a respectful and kind person. And he does something not because he loves, but because he wants to be loved more after that.

Such people are addicted to pity. They want to hear words of love addressed to them, and when they don’t hear them, they get offended and upset. Stupidity, there is no other word for it. In this situation, it would be correct to tell such a person that he is an egoist and loves only himself, that he needs to change, start loving others, sometimes sacrificing his own interests. Speak sincerely, and not with malice in your words. Anger will not bring good. And the truth will only benefit him.

There should be no self-pity. There should be wisdom in taking care of your body, your personality, but not pity. To get rid of self-pity, you need to start caring for others for free. And it's very easy to do. You just need to start. Help the old lady cross the road without even expecting gratitude, the main thing is with the desire to help, and not “for show.”

Wisdom is also needed to know what to say in what situation. But if you speak with love, you won’t go wrong. Love is the key to any situation because every person is drawn to love.

If you speak with love, you will definitely say the right words. It cannot be otherwise. The main thing is not the word, but the word from God. You can say the same words, but in one case speak sincerely and with love, and in the other - with flattery and anger. The effect will be different both for the one to whom it is spoken and for the speaker himself. Evil will never bring anything good, no matter what it is disguised as and no matter how it justifies itself.

The attitude towards life determines life itself. To change an attitude, you need to change the principles on the basis of which it is formed. The necessary principles are love, wisdom and courage - this is the opposite of those mentioned at the beginning of the article. By taking them as a basis and relying on them, you will never find life unbearable. And you will be very happy that you live.

Tags: love, courage, life, attitude, pity, wisdom, psychology

Opening the way to freedom when nothing makes you happy in life

Popular wisdom says: “The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” Indeed, without active cooperation with a rescuer, a person will not be able to get out of the water. Similarly, even in a state of deep anguish, something must be done. Psychologists offer practical advice that leads to enlightenment of the mind and emotional uplift.

Desire for active work

Passively watching TV or “wandering” on the Internet takes up not only precious time, but also causes addiction. Sometimes such people wonder: why nothing in life makes me happy, but there is a “green” melancholy in my soul. Experts advise putting aside the remote control or gadget, getting up from a comfortable chair and doing something interesting. You can start with regular charging. Even a few exercises will lift your mood. Doing any homework will bring satisfaction. Why not start cleaning your house or yard. In autumn, collect fallen leaves. In winter, clear the roof of snow.

If life is focused only on secular work, it is necessary to dilute it with an interesting hobby:

  • learn a foreign language;
  • master a musical instrument;
  • workout.

Spending active time with family members or friends will evoke new emotions. Over time, the heart will be filled with joy, and life will take on new meaning.

Occupational therapy has always been considered a powerful weapon in the treatment of emotional disorders.

Good deeds warm a tired heart

The feeling of hopelessness has a detrimental effect on a person’s mental state. His hands give up. He withdraws into himself and doesn’t want to see anyone. What to do if everything is worn out and nothing makes you happy in life? Experts advise doing good deeds.

In every city you can find a nursing home, hospital, boarding school or orphanage. Why not chat with those who are in such circumstances. Often they do not lose joy, although they face difficulties every day. To ease their suffering, you can bring clothes, toys or sweets. Just chat and support with a kind word. It’s not for nothing that they say that giving is more happiness than receiving.

Charitable causes must be coordinated with the heads of social organizations.

The irresistible power of a sense of humor

The famous French actor Louis de Funes once remarked: “We grumble all the time, but what a wonderful thing it is to laugh and live.” If you approach failures with humor, it is easy to get rid of indignation. Why not laugh at yourself.

On the other hand, when nothing makes you happy in life, watching comedy films helps a lot. To begin with, you should make a list of films and review them periodically. It won’t hurt to notice funny situations on the subway, minibus or at work. When there is a smile on your face, the world becomes brighter. And behind her, true joy will knock on the house.

Even by applying these three tips, you can overcome despondency and learn to enjoy life. Active work will save you from idleness. Hobi will occupy his thoughts. Good deeds and charity will give you moments of happiness. A sense of humor and a smile will relieve sadness from a tired heart.

If nothing goes well in life

If you are tormented by melancholy and resentment, you are already tired of mental suffering, then do not sit idly by - help yourself.

You will need some kind of container, such as a glass jar. The main thing is that it has a tight-fitting lid. Wait until the 13th of any month and make sure that at midnight of this day no one interferes with you from performing the ritual. Sit at the table, light a candle, take a blank sheet of paper and a pen with red ink.

Look at the candle flame for five minutes and think about what torments you, worries you, what you need to get rid of. Then write on a piece of paper everything that comes to your mind about what is preventing you from living in peace. Don’t try to write beautifully - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is your emotions and feelings.

After writing everything down, crumple the paper and set it on fire from a candle flame. Prepare an ashtray or plate in advance to place the ashes on. I have had a special bronze ashtray from India for a long time. I use it every time I need to burn paper for magical purposes.

So, while the paper is burning, tell us about how you feel, how the melancholy leaves you, how you get rid of mental anguish, depression, and everything that prevented you from living a normal life. When the paper burns out, say:

So be it and so be it!

Place the ashes in the jar and close it tightly, saying the word “Alminar!” Put out the candle and continue the ceremony. (Do everything quickly!) Place the jar of ashes in an iron bucket or pan (only iron, not plastic!), cover the pan with a lid. After this, go to bed, but lie down with your feet in the direction in which you always laid your head. Be sure to place two crossed spoons under the bed - they will help you restore your strength.

The next day at noon you need to go to the nearest pond or stream. Throw the jar of ashes into the water as far as possible and say:

Let the spiritual melancholy

Will float away from me

Let them come back to me again

Joy, happiness and love!

So be it and so be it!

After this, throw whatever comes to hand after the can: a stick, a stone, a handful of sand, etc.

Leave quickly without looking back.

At home, light the candle again and hold your hands over it. When your hands are warm, run them over your face - “wash” with the energy of fire. Then touch your chest, your solar plexus - close the spiritual wound energetically. Repeat these movements until you feel calm and happy. Relax, don't rush anywhere: things can wait. Lie down and remember your feelings. And repeat the ritual with a candle for several days in a row in the mornings and evenings. Don't waste time on it, and soon you won't recognize yourself. You will only wonder: where did the melancholy and sadness go?

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