5 books that will help you come to awareness and change your life for the better

Make changes in your life

These words reminded me of a phrase that I often heard from an acquaintance, namely: “I would rather be right than consistent.” It doesn't matter what I think about Kanye's decision. He decided to turn his life in a different direction. And, in my personal opinion, every person should be ready for a year of change.

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We need to start thinking a little differently. For example, I decided to go on vacation. But instead of choosing a destination in advance, I simply decided whether I wanted to go East or West. Now I don’t make clear plans for my life, but simply make some outlines that I can easily adjust if necessary. This helps me not to get too caught up in my plans, so I can look at opportunities positively and not get too caught up. For me, life is not as stagnant as it used to be. Yes, she is more chaotic now, but having clear plans really kept me from moving forward.

Live your life

Firstly, you will live freely and independently of those around you. All people dream of freedom, but few achieve it because they do not understand that they need to care not about how they live and what other people think, but about how they personally live and what they think about themselves and their actions. When you set goals for yourself and actively take actions towards their implementation, then you have no time left for other people’s lives and advice on how and who to live. You create your life and achieve what you want to have in it.

Secondly, your life becomes interesting to you. And since you are interested in life itself, then you are also interested in yourself. In other words, you no longer cling to those around you (loved people, children, friends, etc.), you don’t try to keep them near you if they suddenly leave you, because you have an interesting person - you yourself and your fascinating and colorful life.

People often interfere in each other's lives because their lives are monotonous, boring, unhappy. And someone else’s life always seems more exciting and interesting! That’s why people try to live not by themselves, but by each other, trying to control and lead, that is, to become those to whom other people’s lives are subordinate. And if suddenly a person whose life is controlled by another individual leaves, then the individual begins to suffer and returns the one whose life he wanted to control (after all, his own life is so boring and uninteresting).

Therefore, live your life, not someone else's. This will allow you to make your life the way you want it to be. At the same time, you will be free from keeping someone close to you, since you are not passionate about others, but about yourself. Your happiness remains close to you, and other people can leave if they do not want to stay near you. Live your life, make plans, create events so that someone else’s life is not interesting and you do not want to have it, especially if the person with his life begins to leave you.

Refusal of planning

Of course, there must be partial plans, but I will never plan my life completely again. After all, I could never have predicted that my old friend would call and offer me a job in the capital. I also cannot plan for a relationship that I previously considered ideal. For me, the biggest flaw in the planning process is that when I write my five-year plan, I expect that I will not change at all during that time. However, this does not happen. I, like other people, evolve, and my perception of what I want to achieve is constantly changing.

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