10 Best Psychology Books Everyone Should Read

Books on psychology today are no less popular than other genres and directions. Readers are always looking for a copy whose essence will be accessible to them and can solve any problem. There are quite a lot of writers who have published books on psychology in the 20th and 21st centuries, and therefore it is not always easy for people to make their choice. But on the World Wide Web you can find many ratings with similar publications, which are described along with the main features and reviews of real readers. Our editors offer one of these ratings.

Below are 25 of the best books on psychology that can improve certain skills in their readers. They are definitely recommended reading for everyone who really strives for success and wants to live a full life, and not just exist under the control of other people who have managed to reach the top.

Paul Kleiman “Psychology. People, concepts, experiments"

Paul Kleinman's book “Psychology. People, Concepts, Experiments" will change the idea of ​​studying psychology! As a rule, it takes a lot of time to understand the structure of the human soul. There is a huge amount of literature to be reviewed, starting from the very beginning of the research. But not everyone has time for this, and seeing an endless number of volumes to read, written in complex language, the desire to learn the secrets of psychology completely disappears.

Paul Kleinman decided to explain everything in his book in an accessible and understandable way, removed unnecessary details that would cause boredom to the reader, and made the story really interesting. Now you can get information much faster that might have taken years to study. You will be able to meet the most famous psychologists who have contributed to science. You will learn about the most important theories and ideas, about understanding feelings, emotions, dreams. You will learn to distinguish between mental disorders caused by different reasons. You will read with interest about experiments conducted in psychology. You will get acquainted with the main concepts and directions. And the most important thing is that all this will be exciting, completely without boredom!

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill will solve financial problems

Lack of money is not a death sentence, but a black streak that can be overcome very easily if you set priorities and analyze situations. The author was once a journalist and interviewed the richest people in the United States. He is the founder of the Academy of Personal Achievement and has been engaged in educational activities for a long time.

The author's book is considered a world bestseller in his homeland. This work is based on twenty years of analysis of the success of wealthy people. Hill identified sixteen laws that will allow you to become rich with the help of a positive mental message. Achieving success is very easy if you know where to start. For example, from the book “Think and Grow Rich.”

Otto Kröger “Why are we like this? 16 Personality Types That Shape How We Live, Work, and Love"

First of all, I want to thank this book for helping me begin to be more attentive to people, as well as better understand their motives, and compare my value system with theirs. Socionics helps to be more attentive to people, to better understand the motives of others. So, socionics divides people into 16 types. To make it easier to remember, for each type a parallel is drawn with the personality type of a famous person or fairy-tale character (there are other designations, but I’ll give these here for now - it’s easier to remember):


The basis of socionics is the assumption that there are four basic dichotomies - extraversion (E), introversion (I), sensory (S), intuition (N), ethics (F), logic (T), rationality (J) and irrationality ( P). Thus, they form sixteen unique combinations that determine the socionic type of a person.

Personally, I am usually classified as the socionic type INTJ, “Robespierre”.

If you have a minute of free time, then, I assure you, spend it on determining your sociotype! This can be done using various tests that are freely available on the Internet, as well as on forums and in socionic groups on social networks, where you can be typed by both amateurs and experienced experts and professionals in this matter.

OSHO “Love.Freedom.Loneliness: a new look at relationships”

This is one of my favorite books on psychology, which at one point changed my whole life. Why is it that people who are happy alone are more likely to form good relationships with others? Currently, the traditional family model is breaking down, children are exposed to sexual experience at an early age, and half of all marriages in developing countries end in divorce. In his book, Osho explains why these phenomena occur and shows how they can be seen not as a cause for concern, but as a reason for joy. In a post-ideological world, where traditional morality is clearly outdated, we have a great opportunity to take a fresh look at our lives and set new priorities in order to bring freshness to our lives and relationships with other people. Osho also shows how a person can fully realize himself both in his personal life and in public life. This book is a provocation and a guide for a new start in life.

“Change your thinking and you will change your life” by Brian Tracy - the key to your mind

A bestseller from a famous author has found a lot of fans and like-minded people. The author is considered one of the best consultants in various areas of life and work. Reading is easily perceived and explains important aspects of life to a person. You can discover the ability to control your thoughts, which not everyone can do.

This work can change everyone's life. The author’s 12 recommendations with real examples based on personal experience will help with this. Tips will help you understand and accept the fact that thoughts are material and we ourselves are the creators of our own destiny. The scientific work is recommended for reading by people of any age and social status.

John Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus"

The book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is a book about relationships and, first of all, about understanding each other as a couple.

After all, scandals often occur that essentially arise out of nowhere. And when you start to remember the reason for the quarrel, it doesn’t work out... It’s all about misunderstanding each other. And not because he is so good and I am so bad and vice versa, but because we are all just different!

We often decipher the words, actions and deeds of our other half as... if I were in his place, I would never have said that... or how could he think such a thing???... or Why did she do that?? Without understanding one simple essence, that men and women think very differently. No, no one is saying that this is right or wrong. Just different.

After reading this book, I found answers to many questions that concern me and explanations of situations for which the puzzle did not fit in my head. By the way, not only women have “critical days”! And this is true, it has been repeatedly tested from our own experience!

It’s just that after reading this book, those actions of the other half that previously irritated or caused bewilderment - now I simply understand and accept them as they are. And you know, life has become so much easier!!!

This is an excellent book on the psychology of relationships between men and women, which in my opinion should be studied by children in high school!

"The Age of Anxiety" by Scott Stossel for those who are tired of living in stress

Depression is a disease that affects more and more people. The work talks about where anxiety comes from and the reasons for its progressiveness. The author provides answers to the main questions related to anxiety and offers treatment methods, ranging from psychological effects to antidepressants.

The book contains the writer's personal experience. He shares his phobias and psychological attacks that prevented him from living a full life for many years. This work will teach you how to find control levers of your own mind and give recommendations on how to control yourself in stressful situations.

Gary Chapen "The Five Love Languages"

You are trying to show your spouse that you love him, but he doesn’t seem to notice anything. Maybe you just speak different languages? Perhaps your husband wants you to sympathize with him, but instead you cook a delicious dinner. Perhaps your wife wants to spend more time with you, and she does not need the luxurious bouquets that you present every evening.

Love can be shown in different ways. Dr. Gary Chapman says there are five love languages: words of encouragement, time, gifts, help, touch.

Words of encouragement

Praise, support, and requests help your spouse feel important. They bring you closer, heal wounds, and allow your spouse to achieve what he wants in life.


When we spend time together, talk, listen carefully to each other, do something, we show our spouse that we care about him, that we enjoy being with him.


Gifts are visible symbols of love. You can buy them, find them, make them with your own hands. Even your presence can be a gift. Gifts show that you are attentive and value your relationship.


If you feel like your spouse isn't helping you enough, maybe your native love language is helping. You cannot force your spouse to do something for you. You can only ask for help.


Touch is important for every person. There are different ways to express love in this language. The language of touch is not only passionate kisses, sometimes it’s enough to just put your hand on your spouse’s shoulder

How to choose books worth reading?

There are a huge number of publications that help you improve yourself and your attitude towards the world. But how to choose the book that is right for you?

First, you should understand what exactly you need - a scientific work by a famous classic, advice from a practicing specialist, or an easy, understandable read with simple instructions for solving temporary difficulties? And in what area of ​​science about the soul and relationships do you want to gain knowledge?

When choosing a book, always read information about its author, but not his regalia and scientific degrees, but information about his personal life and achievements. Remember that those who have not achieved success themselves and become a happy person will never teach this to another. Also, you should not buy a book by a famous author, especially if he is not an expert in this field. And if you still decide to read his work, then do not rush to agree with all the statements and recommendations. Pass them through yourself first, feel how clear and comfortable you are. This advice can be applied to the works of other authors. If you don’t like or don’t understand advice or a call to action, don’t rush to implement it. Reading books should be fun, they should solve problems, make thoughts easier, and not the other way around. It is better to postpone such a manual for other times and find something more understandable.

Well, everyone knows the truth: don’t believe advertising and promises that you will completely change after reading the book, look for reviews from real readers and reviews from famous contemporary critics. Pay attention to the list of literature that the author studied before writing his masterpiece (a real book on psychology will always have references to earlier works and works of famous classics, confirming or refuting their judgments, creating their own conclusions on their foundation).

Kate Ferazzi "Never Eat Alone"

About what? Not so long ago it was considered almost immoral to use personal acquaintances (blat) when promoting; we were taught that what you do is more important, and not who you know. However, the fact that one does not interfere with the other, but rather helps, was rarely mentioned. You can be a professional, but still remain unnoticed; beautiful and smart, about whose positive qualities a limited number of men know; a good person who finds it difficult to communicate and struggle with his loneliness. Connections and acquaintances really decide a lot. Successful businessman Keith Ferazzi explains in detail how to start and maintain them using simple communication skills.

Books that increase self-esteem: a list for women

Sometimes it becomes difficult for us, we feel insecure and become depressed... It is during such periods of life that a cup of warm cocoa, a blanket and a good book will help you! Which one to choose?

First of all, let's talk about:

  • creation by Ute Ehrhardt “Good girls go to heaven, and bad girls go wherever they want.”

A book about why obedience does not bring happiness. It is generally accepted that a woman should be submissive, flexible and tolerant... This is a version of a “good girl”.

Good and bad girls

Experienced German psychologist Ute Erhardt decisively destroys the stereotypical rules of female behavior, explaining his advice by saying that by wanting to please everyone, we miss enormous opportunities for self-realization and move away from ourselves. At first, the book is a little shocking, but a detailed analysis of various areas of life: friendship, family, love, career will make you look at your life from a different angle.

  • Therapist Robin Norwood offers a book that can change your worldview - Women Who Love Too Much .

About loving women

In her work, the author helps women understand and change their format of love. After all, when a woman’s world is focused around a man, but he, in turn, prefers her friends, other women or work - this is a destructive and incorrect form of relationship. Citing examples from his many years of practice, the therapist tells women how to find a way to free themselves from this kind of love and love themselves, first of all.

  • Truly a women's book by British Caitlin Moran, “Being a Woman: Revelations of an Out-and-out Feminist.”

In a light, lively, sweet and slightly ironic form, Caitlin sincerely describes the different life stages of her contemporaries. Each of the analyzed areas: career, achievements, children, sex, girlfriends honestly describes the characteristics of women without stereotypes and labels.

A book worth reading

  • Elinor Porter's sunny novel Pollyanna is a cure for low mood and depression.

The story of an eleven-year-old orphan girl who is taken in by her only relative, Aunt Polly. The most interesting adventures that happen to the girl demonstrate her amazing ability to enjoy life!


Having inherited her father’s positive philosophy, the girl finds the strength to enjoy life even in the most difficult life situations and not only teaches us the same, but also again helps us find in the recesses of our soul such wonderful feelings as kindness, the ability to forgive and believe.

  • book "You Changed My Life" is the book basis of the famous film adaptation of the film "The Untouchables".

You changed my life

An excellent light story about what, it would seem, should not have happened in life - the meeting and strong friendship of a French aristocrat confined to a wheelchair and a poor Algerian guy. A story of support, help and self-belief!

Eric Berne "Games People Play" People who play games"

This is one of the fundamental cult books on the psychology of human relationships. The system developed by Bern is designed to free a person from the influence of life scenarios that program his behavior, teach him to play less in relationships with himself and others, gain true freedom and encourage personal growth. In this book, the reader will find many useful tips that will help to understand the nature of human communication, the motives of one’s own and others’ actions, and the causes of conflicts. According to the author, the fate of each of us is largely determined in early childhood, but in adulthood it can well be realized and controlled by a person if he wants it. It was with the publication of this international bestseller that a “psychological boom” began in our country, when millions of people suddenly realized that psychology can be incredibly interesting, that with its help you can understand a lot about yourself and others. The book was included in Tom Butler-Bowdon's 50 Great Books in Psychology.

The best books on the psychology of life

Eric Byrne. Games People Play. People who play games

This book began a “psychological boom” in Russia. The author is an American psychologist and psychiatrist, known as the developer of scenario analysis. The book was written in 1964; it cannot be called “easy”. Understanding will take time and attention. The author uses professional terminology, because the work was intended for psychotherapists. But the book is worth the effort! For those who have never encountered psychological literature before, it will be a real discovery. The author believes that a person’s life is predetermined from early childhood. People around him impose a certain scenario on the child. A person’s entire future life is based on what his “role” is. Adults have the power to change the scenario and choose a different role for themselves. Berne calls interactions between people “games.” The book gives practical advice on how to change relationships with loved ones. What to do to stop or change the course of the “game”. In numerous reviews of this book, people write that they recognized themselves and their lives in it. She helped many to free themselves and start with a clean slate.

Joe Dispenza. The power of the subconscious, or How to change your life in 4 weeks

The author is a professor of neurochemistry and neurobiology, and will teach you how to penetrate your subconscious and change it. The book contains an effective program designed for 4 weeks. Dispenza will help you analyze yourself from the inside: lifestyle, stereotypes, attitudes, inner world. The reader will be able to see for himself what he needs to work on. The author is convinced that everyone can change their life, because our brain does not distinguish between events occurring in reality and in thoughts. Using the tools described in the book, you can change the way your brain works and create a new, desired reality. A book of guidance, a book of action, without effort on the part of the reader the magic will not happen. But for those who put in the effort, the rewards will be amazing.

Daniel Goleman. Emotional intellect

The author is a famous American psychologist, science journalist, twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. The concept of “emotional intelligence” was not invented by Goleman, but it became famous thanks to him. The book was published in 1995, translated into 40 languages, and is still considered a bestseller. The author explains what “emotional intelligence” is, how it differs from “ordinary” intelligence, and how it affects a person’s life. The book is a must-read for those who want to learn how to cope with anger, despondency, and temper. For those who want to manage their emotions rather than give in to them. The author will teach you to recognize the true feelings of other people, which can help both in business and in relationships with loved ones. The good thing about the book is that it analyzes various manifestations of emotional intelligence using specific examples. It will be clear and interesting for everyone!

Robert Cialdini. Psychology of influence

This book is for everyone who does not want to be a puppet in the wrong hands. The author reveals why many people do what they did not intend and did not want to do. They buy unnecessary things, agree to unfavorable conditions, and make absurd deals. The book describes 6 basic principles of influencing people. Knowing them, you will not fall into the trap, but will be able to use them for your own benefit at work and in family life. This book is recommended as a guide to interpersonal relationships and conflict management. The author of the book is a doctor of science and professor of psychology. Based on his research, co-authored, R. Cialdini wrote many books on motivation and persuasion. “The Psychology of Influence” can easily be called one of the most significant in business literature.

Sigmund Freud. Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Perhaps this book was worth starting with. The basis of the basics. The progenitor of many modern theories. During his life, Freud was considered a genius and a madman, but without his work there would be no modern psychology. The concepts he introduced are still used in science today. Despite being more than 100 years old, the book does not lose its relevance. It will be useful not only to future psychologists, but also to everyone who wants to understand the root causes of their own and others’ actions. The author reveals the topic of the unconscious in a person and its influence on behavior. He pays a lot of attention to dreams and teaches how to decipher brain messages. It also reveals the topic of neuroses, telling how and why they appear.

Erich Fromm. To have or to be?

The age-old question. What is more important: material wealth or a meaningful existence? The author is a philosopher, psychologist and sociologist. In his book, Fromm discusses whether owning luxury goods is so important, can they give a feeling of happiness, and do they add significance to the owner? In our time of endless consumption, it is very important not to forget about the true value of life. The book is a discussion book; it will not have clear instructions on where to run or what to do. This work needs to be read to slow down and reflect. The author tries to teach the reader to truly live every moment of his life, realizing and enjoying it in its entirety. A book that becomes more relevant every day.

Robert Cialdini "The Psychology of Influence"

One of the most popular and recommended publications on social psychology. It is deservedly included in the list of “best books on psychology.” It is a must-read for all those whose work involves persuading people. Robert described most of the influence techniques that are often used to manipulate people. Much of this can be seen in commercials for popular brands. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you can easily recognize when they are trying to manipulate you and stop these attempts, and the easy and interesting presentation of the material will make the learning process simple and fun.

"Act like a woman, think like a man" Steve Harvey

Harvey is a well-known comedian in the States; he hosted his own radio show and appeared in the popular reality show “Kings of Comedy. Does this mean that Steve doesn't understand anything about the nature of human relationships? No, that doesn't mean it. Is he able to express his thoughts convincingly and clearly? Yes, he is capable. Having discovered a talent for reasoning, talking about important things not just for the sake of laughter, Harvey cut his teeth first on radio and then took up writing. In his books everything is quite simple. For example, like this:

“- Boys cohabit - men create families.

— We are very simple people: if we like what we see, we go for it. If we don’t want anything from you, we won’t come to you.”

At the same time, Captain Obvious Steve Harvey, being a comedian, sometimes expresses himself funny and, more importantly, witty. Let's say this:

“I often jokingly say that a woman can only feel truly satisfied when she has four different men - an old man, a scarecrow, a sex giant and a gay man.”

It seems banal, but it’s all to the point. Interesting, exciting and useful. On the other hand, isn't this what the best relationship books should be?

Maxwell John "25 Ways to Win People's Favor"

This book gives us wisdom with which we can win people over. The authors show us the main ideas in a very interesting and unusual way. First, Les Parrott introduces us to the content of the lesson they want to teach us. After this, John Maxwell teaches practical knowledge.

I would especially like to note that before each method of winning people’s favor, there is a clever quote that creatively shows the main meaning of the lesson. The writers very skillfully combine theoretical and practical parts. Reading this book, we clearly perceive illustrations and examples from life that we had not previously considered from other angles.

The unsurpassed advantages of the work are that, firstly, this literature is read quickly and easily, secondly, the knowledge gained will not only help to win over those around you, but will also indicate the path by which you will work on yourself, and , thirdly, you will get great pleasure from reading it.

Author: niksy.net

R. O'CONNOR, “Psychology of bad habits”

About the author: Richard O'Connor is an American psychotherapist who specializes in treating depression and breaking bad habits.

About the book: The desire to control everything, laziness, anxiety, inability to value relationships and perfectionism are the same bad habits as smoking and overeating. They destroy us from the inside and prevent us from enjoying the results. This book introduces us to the nature of bad habits and teaches us how to make decisions correctly, consciously, and not live “automatically.”

The book is based on real research and scientific facts. This work is a road map for getting rid of any bad habits, cultivating the will and desire for a better life. It is perfect for those who have already despaired of fighting “with themselves” on the path to a better life and are ready to give up.

Feature: Easy to read, the book is filled with clear graphs and practical exercises.

Who should read it: those who are in a constant struggle with themselves, but do not feel the result of their actions.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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