How to forgive a woman if you don’t want to break off the relationship?

  • It is necessary to understand the motives of a woman’s behavior
  • It is necessary to recognize the motives of a woman’s behavior
  • You need to see women's tears
  • What is adult behavior?
  • How to ultimately forgive a woman and maintain a relationship with her?

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Women are not just emotional beings. They often commit unforgivable and offensive acts under the influence of their emotions. So, a woman can offend a man with betrayal, hysterics, deception or harsh criticism. Often this becomes a reason for breaking off relationships. But what if you are not an impulsive person and understand that you do not intend to destroy love? In this case, you need to be able to forgive a woman for the actions that offended you.

Many readers of the men's magazine find it difficult to make concessions to those people who insult them. And there are individuals who do not perceive women as equal people at all. If a man is susceptible to these factors, then it will be much more difficult for him not only to forgive a woman, but also to maintain any relationship at all. Thus, first of all you need:

  1. Treat a woman as an adult and equal person.
  2. Do not consider yourself a god whom no one has the right to insult.

It is necessary to understand the motives of a woman’s behavior

To forgive, you need to understand the motives for behavior. The woman was guided by something before committing an unpleasant act. To find out the motives, you need to talk to her. Moreover, the woman needs to be listened to and even understood. And this will require considerable willpower on the part of the man who is offended in the first place. But what is more important to you - your pride or your relationship with a woman? Depending on your choice, you will follow one of the paths.

Often a person does not notice how he gradually ceases to open up to his beloved partner, while continuing to build a relationship with him. If at first you rejoice at a happy acquaintance, you are overwhelmed with emotions and you readily tell everything about yourself in order to be as close as possible to the person you like, then you begin to move away when you no longer want to share your thoughts, ideas and experiences.

Why do people stop communicating with each other? Why, even in relationships, do partners prefer to keep silent about their hidden aspirations and motives? When did it happen? After one day they didn’t want to listen to you? Or perhaps you told your wildest dream and then felt like you were being laughed at? All these unpleasant things, when you open up and receive a rude or derogatory assessment in return, close you off from sincere communication with your partner. You don’t break up because of this, but you already understand that it’s better not to say some things.

Over time, such thoughts become many. If at first you did not reveal what may seem stupid, then later you learn to hide even what you do not know your partner's true reaction to. You assume that he will not be able to understand you, so you decide to remain silent. And every year there are a lot of such things. The most surprising thing is that your partner may have the same situation: you once reacted inappropriately to his story, he closed himself off from you, and then began to hide even what he needed to say to each other.

Thus, a man and a woman cease to be open less and less, since they tell each other less and less what is going on inside them. It is not surprising that over time, quarrels, misunderstandings, and actions begin that can simply destroy the relationship in one moment. Everyone wants to do something: he tries to realize all his unexpressed emotions, desires and ideas where, as he believes, he will be adequately perceived. You begin to reach out to complete strangers, completely forgetting that a loved one is next to you.

If we are to be frank not with our wife, then with whom? This is why the man and woman feel upset. You are not completely sincere with each other. Tell your loved one how you want to feel his arms at night and how afraid you are of losing him. Tell the truth – what you really feel. Why are you sharing this openness with complete strangers who won’t help you anyway? After all, within your relationship, only two people need to know what is happening between them and what good or bad has happened. If you want to fix something in your relationship, don’t look for outside help, try to sincerely tell everything to your partner.

Be frank with the people you love! Perhaps then protracted disputes between you will stop, misunderstandings will disappear and you will know what is missing. After all, precisely because you don’t tell your partner anything, he doesn’t know how to help you, how to please you and how to surprise you. And you suffer through your own fault! Therefore, start right from today to be more open with those people whom you have chosen as your soulmate, spouse.

Forgive or fix the situation

When you have been betrayed, you begin to think about what to do. Analyze how significant betrayal is and what it means to you. If you value your relationship, then you should make efforts to preserve it.

Talk to the girl about the reasons

If a woman decided to sleep with another man, she definitely had a good reason. The reasons for female infidelity can be:

  • conflicts;
  • lack of attention;
  • lack of passion;
  • disrespect for a partner;
  • cruel treatment;
  • jealousy;
  • cheating on a man;
  • frivolous relationships;
  • lack of attention.

If a woman feels unhappy, she looks for a way to get rid of negative feelings. You must talk to the girl without reproaches and shouts, express your readiness to understand her. When you realize what made your loved one take such a step, then you will understand what to do next.

Find a solution to the problem

After a sincere conversation, you need to eliminate the reasons that led to the betrayal. To do this, partners need to learn to hear each other and negotiate. The ability to find a way out of a conflict situation is the most common problem in couples. If you want to prevent cheating from happening again, you need to satisfy your partner’s demands. Only compromise can solve problems in the union.


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Work on your relationships

You continue to build love with the girl who cheated. After finding out the reasons for betrayal, you need to understand how to prevent betrayal. But there is no guarantee that the situation will not repeat itself. If you want to regain trust in your partner and restore your relationship, then you should work on it. Both need to take responsibility and start making efforts. To do this, it is necessary to respect and satisfy each other's desires.

It is necessary to recognize the motives of a woman’s behavior

Every person acts under the influence of certain motives. In order to forgive a woman, you need to recognize the right to the existence of the motives that guided her. And here men often face two problems that they themselves create:

  1. They do not consider the motives of women's behavior to be justified.
  2. They immediately begin to divide logic into correct and feminine, that is, incorrect.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong. A woman can be guided by any beliefs and motives. But if she considers them correct, then she will perform actions that are a consequence of these motives and beliefs. Instead of humiliating a woman because you do not consider her motives to be reasoned and correct, it is better to recognize that they have a right to exist, since they are the reasons for the way your beloved behaves.

Ignoring women's opinions will not save you from doing things that hurt you. A woman thinks with her head, not yours. The more you don’t accept this and don’t understand why a woman doesn’t think the way you do, the more often you face disappointment and separation from your loved ones.

To forgive, you need to realize that a woman’s motives are as correct and justified as your beliefs and views. To no longer face pain, you need to help a woman eliminate her own motives. But first you need to acknowledge their presence and understand them.

How to prevent betrayal

In order to prevent betrayal, you need to notice in time that something has gone wrong. You started to move away from each other. Look at your relationship and see if there are any signs of cheating on the horizon:


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  1. A surge in workaholism. The girl starts working more, she is busy all the time, there is absolutely no free time for you. But this does not affect your income, and she does not tell you about the details of new activities.
  2. Constantly communicates with girlfriends. If a woman’s social circle has single friends, then together they may well meet men. The danger is that there is a high probability of a rival emerging.
  3. Confused about events. The woman says something that didn’t happen, for example, “Remember when you said you were going to football?” (at the same time, the man is not interested in football), “When you and I went to the movies...” (we didn’t). If the guy doesn’t remember this, it means the events happened without him.
  4. Doesn't insist on communication. If a girl used to often write, call, strive to spend time together, and then suddenly stopped, this means that she is passionate about someone else.
  5. Finds fault. The woman reproaches and criticizes, although before everything suited her. She is dissatisfied with everything: your hobbies, work, salary, friends. This means that your loved one is looking for a reason to cheat on you.
  6. She began to preen herself. If you notice that a girl has started to dress up, put on makeup, or has radically changed her image, then take a closer look. Usually women try to look attractive when they want to please someone.
  7. He's hiding . The girl began to hide her pages on the Internet, password her phone, and delete calls and SMS. When the phone rings, she gets nervous or hangs up calls. You get the impression that she is hiding something.

When you notice alarming manifestations in your girlfriend’s behavior, you should not ignore them. It is better to take measures to prevent betrayal.

Keep her busy

The man tries too hard for the girl, completely freeing her from household duties, work and other matters. In this case, the woman does not value her partner, since she does not invest anything in the relationship.

Psychologists say that a person begins to love and appreciate only when he tries for the sake of another, so give your other half responsibilities, offer her to cook breakfast and clean.

Talk more

Girls love to push themselves. They can come up with any nonsense and begin to suspect a man of cheating, and then, in retaliation, go to bed with another. Talk to your significant other, especially if she is in a bad mood, so that she does not come up with anything unnecessary.


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Constant relationships become boring, interest fades, and a woman needs an emotional shake-up. Give your girlfriend new experiences in sex and life, then she will always be faithful to you.

Show importance

Your lover needs to feel that you value her opinion. It is quite normal that in a couple all decisions are made by the man, but there is no need to devalue the woman. Show your loved one that you listen to her words, otherwise she will go looking for support from another person.

Before you forgive her and continue living with her, decide for yourself whether you are ready to do this. Is the relationship worth the effort? Does she really love you and is your love enough for her? If you are ready to forgive your girlfriend for cheating and see a common future with her, then you should find out the reasons for the betrayal. After that, you need to find ways to fix everything and take the relationship to the next level.

You need to see women's tears

Men rarely understand women, because they often run away from women's tears. Here we understand not only tears in the literal sense of the word, but also all the experiences that a woman experiences. A woman suffers next to a man - only this can push her to commit acts that insult and humiliate a man. As long as a man ignores a woman's suffering and continues to hurt her, she becomes more and more prone to commit unpleasant acts.

You need to see and understand how a woman suffers in a relationship with you in order to forgive her behavior. Only bad behavior with a woman pushes her to reciprocate bad actions towards a man. In other words, if you intend to forgive a woman, you need to understand that you yourself were the cause of her bad behavior. And to eliminate her unpleasant behavior, you need to eliminate your actions that cause her pain.

What is adult behavior?

Many people reach adulthood only according to their passport, according to their years. But inside, psychologically and morally, people continue to remain the same children they once were. This trend can be easily traced: look at all the dysfunctional families or single people - they all have childish qualities that do not allow them to live happily and harmoniously.

A person can be an adult in body, but remain a child in his soul. For example, tears, screams and constant criticism are childish behavior. Little children cry, scream and blame everyone when something doesn't happen the way they wanted. Are you faced with the fact that you are constantly interrupted, not heard (as if they are letting you say something, but the opponent’s subsequent response seems to be unrelated to what you said before)? This is also childish behavior, a kind of defensive reaction when a person does not want to hear things that are unpleasant for him. In this case, he wants only him to be listened to, so that everything will be the way he likes it, and nothing else. Therefore, he interrupts or does not listen to what is said to him.

How then do adults behave? Vivid examples of adult behavior are people who are directors or successful entrepreneurs. It is worth emphasizing that these people should occupy high positions in enterprises for a long time, and not temporarily. Businessmen and millionaires know how to behave like adults. This behavior includes calmness, the desire to listen to the other person, and one’s own clear position (“What do I want? What am I trying to achieve?”). They respect their opinions, but also understand that others may be right in their own way. They have a clear idea of ​​what they want and completely reject anything that conflicts with their aspirations. An adult is peaceful, calm, honest, and open. He is not afraid, because nothing can threaten him unless he himself leads him to it. He is confident in himself, does not demand anything from others, but tries to make contact, cooperation, mutual understanding (namely mutual understanding, and not understanding by one partner of the other).

An adult does not allow himself to shout, because he understands that this will not lead to anything good. He does not allow himself to insult, humiliate or negotiate with anyone, since all the people with whom he communicates are important and valuable to him, and he simply does not communicate with everyone else, does not pay any attention to them. He understands that in any situation everyone who took part is to blame. In other words, both he and other people (and not just everyone except him) are to blame.

To understand the difference between adult and child behavior, you just need to look at two categories of people who exhibit these patterns:

  • Children are people from dysfunctional families, lonely people, alcoholics and other representatives who radiate unhappiness and suffering.
  • Adults are all those people who have achieved some kind of success in their lives: they have organized a successful business, have a strong and friendly family, have large sums of money, etc.

In other words, immature people always remain on the sidelines of life because they do not know how to safely and harmoniously build relationships with other people (after all, everyone is to blame, everyone is imperfect, everyone is not what a person would like them to be).

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