Questions for girls: TOP-20 vulgar and provocative questions to get to know a girl better

We all have a stereotype that only women know how to flirt. But this is not so - guys and men sometimes also want to add some zest to their communication with the girl they like and flirt with her. Another thing is that not all guys know how to flirt with girls correctly. Today we will try to help them and look at what postures, movements, and phrases when communicating will help a guy flirt with a girl correctly.

Flirting with a girl correctly

Flirting is like a mobile library in which the same book is rarely borrowed twice.
Dorothy Parker

  • 1.Body language
  • 2. Delicacy
  • 3.Talking about her
  • 4.Tease her
  • 5. We charm
  • 6. This should not happen when flirting!
  • 7.Additional tips
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  • How to stop being nervous when communicating?
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  • What to talk about with a girl: on a date, on the phone, on the Internet?

Language of the body

Using body language, you can express many more feelings, emotions and thoughts than just words.
Body language consists of gestures, facial expressions, and the like. There are some techniques and methods of body movements during flirting that give the maximum effect when communicating with a girl:

  • Maintaining eye contact.
    Instead of looking at the people around you or responding to a message on the social network VKontakte, when talking, you need to look the girl in the eyes. This will clearly show the guy's interest in her. But a fixed gaze can scare a girl, so you shouldn’t constantly peer into her eyes either.
  • Don't cross your arms over your chest.
    Active gestures show openness and intention to continue the conversation further. A closed pose is not conducive to oneself.
  • Lean towards her, try to be closer physically.
    But you shouldn’t go too far in this either, so that the girl feels comfortable and calm.
  • A smile is an indicator of good mood and cheerfulness.
    If a girl notices that a guy’s smile is addressed to her, she will relax and the tension will be relieved. This will be a big plus in communication.
  • Maintain an upright posture, which will add confidence and nobility to your appearance.
    These are the qualities that girls like most in guys.

The power of gaze: why is eye contact important when communicating?


Guy flirting with girl

Delicate and sophisticated communication is the basis of flirting, and this should always be remembered. The girl you like should not hear about your sympathy directly; she will like a playful and refined manner much more.

Representatives of the fair sex often come up with the continuations of some phrases themselves. This is what flirting is all about – creating intrigue and making an impression.

Recommendations for implementing this advice:

  • Non-banality of compliments.
    Good appearance, beautiful color of clothes, elegance of hairstyle - there is no need to repeat what others have told her many times already. You need to give an original compliment that the girl will hear for the first time. She will remember such words for a long time.
  • A hint of a desire to be together more often.
    Having learned about a girl’s hobbies, she should be supported in this matter. For example, having learned that she loves sports, you shouldn’t say that a sports uniform probably suits her very well. It’s better to say that girls who play sports are beautiful.
  • Highlighting the girl's characteristics.
    If you use words that apply specifically to her and separate her from the rest, she will definitely like it.

How to learn to flirt with a guy?

Questions to ask and what not to ask

Guys who already have experience communicating with the fair sex know that there are a number of topics that are best avoided. Otherwise, it may spell trouble.

Here are the trickiest of them:

  1. “Do you have a beautiful sister?” This is most likely due to jokes and movies where guys first meet a girl and then choose her prettier sister. And it is not surprising that such a question receives a negative reaction from ladies.
  2. “Are you having your period?” For some reason, guys often explain their girlfriend's bad mood and irritability only by the fact that, according to their assumption, menstruation is coming. If your companion is really not in the best mood, then it is better to ask if she wants to eat.
  3. “Can you borrow some money?” If you have a good relationship, then the girl will not refuse to pay the bill or lend a certain amount. But if this request is repeated regularly, then your relationship may be shaken.
  4. "What is your weight?". By asking such a question, you risk becoming incinerated, especially if the interlocutor is dissatisfied with her weight category. But if you want to win over a girl, it’s better to ask: “Do you seem to have lost weight?”
  5. “And why are you only friends with them?” This phrase is sometimes addressed to those close to you, and it is unfair to force a girl to abandon her friends. Think about how you would enjoy being in a situation like this.

Talking about her

Flirting at work with a female colleague

When talking, you should not mention only yourself. Even if it is very interesting to talk about work, hobbies, friends, this will not show interest in it. The number of questions should not make a guy intrusive; asking a few is enough to show your interest.

For example:

  • The question is how the girl spends her leisure time.
    This will demonstrate that the guy is interested in her and perhaps wants to spend time with her on active or passive recreation, at home or in a large company.
  • When a girl tells something about her family, you need to ask about her brothers and sisters.
    This way the guy will please her, since they often like to talk about such topics.
  • It is also worth learning about pets.
    Girls, as a rule, treat them with special trepidation. Therefore, we are ready to talk about pets constantly.
  • Be interested in a girl's opinion about something stupid and original.
    For example, about her attitude towards men who like pink. A silly question will add fun and help relieve stress.

Allan Pease: Body Language Theory

Types of questions

There are no strict restrictions. They can be different, and they can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • interesting;
  • funny;
  • tricky;
  • provocative;
  • frank.

We invite you to consider them in more detail.

Interesting questions include those that allow you to learn more about the interlocutor herself, about her life, interests and hobbies, without violating personal boundaries.

You can ask about this at any stage of dating, even at the initial stage. The main thing is to listen carefully to the answers so as not to ask again later. This way you will show your sincere interest and respect, which will induce the object of your sympathy to have a more confidential conversation.

  1. Do you have a truly favorite movie?
  2. Do you always wake up in a good mood in the morning?
  3. Do you believe in love and loyalty?
  4. Do your friends often turn to you for help?
  5. What song can better convey your state of mind?

Such phrases that involuntarily make a person think and at the same time emphasize his importance to you.
The next category is “funny questions”. Without a sense of humor, it will be quite difficult to win over the girl you like. Guys know this, so even those whom nature has not endowed with this quality have in their arsenal a number of jokes that can make “Princess Nesmeyana” smile.

And if you can’t come up with something funny on your own, here’s an example of what you can rely on in a conversation.

  1. I would like to invite you for a cup of coffee, but I have no idea how. Can you help?
  2. Do you already have hobbies, or are you looking for interesting activities?
  3. Girl, aren't you bored without a charming and intelligent interlocutor?

And a sense of humor also helps in cases where even gallantry does not work. When you need to get a phone number, attention will be your lifesaver.

  1. I’m not original, and I know it, but I’m so impressed with you, would you allow me to meet you?
  2. If you give me your phone number, missing one digit, I will still call you, proving my true interest. Will you give me a chance?
  3. How many digits are in your number? What are they like?

Such recognition will touch the heart of even that beauty who has a string of admirers behind her.
Such casual questions help relieve tension and bring the interlocutors closer together. In addition, the young man gets the opportunity to look more original in the eyes of his chosen one than his competitors.

The time has come to discuss tricky issues. Conversations about some topics can become unpleasant. Therefore, you should be more delicate with curiosity. How can you find out her age from a lady? And do it in such a way as not to offend her?

Sometimes a girl has reasons not to talk about it. You should not ask directly; this may confuse your interlocutor. But if you veil it a little, you get an exciting game. Here's what it might sound like:

  1. I think you're old enough to kiss me back?
  2. You are so beautiful and confident that sometimes you seem older to me, but you’re not?
  3. You look so charming. Tell me, how old are you?

Often the most important questions may seem provocative, but they simply cannot be ignored. When establishing a relationship with a girl, it is important to know whether her heart is open to new sympathy. But direct interest on this topic may frighten her away. But in this form they will sound original and unobtrusive.

  1. I can learn an important thing from you: is your heart free? No matter what, I will fight for him!
  2. Do you have a boyfriend! No, don't answer! Already there – it’s me!
  3. Will you allow me to give you something that your ex-boyfriend couldn’t give you?

To find out how the object of your adoration treats you, it is not at all necessary to bother him with your persecution.

It’s enough to ask like this: “I want to admit that I’m falling in love with you. Do you like it?" or “I think about you day and night. What do you think this is?” And you will definitely hear the long-awaited answer.

If the acquaintance has been going on for more than a day, then it’s time to raise frank topics. A willingness to have a conversation about such topics is an indicator that you trust each other. And this places great responsibility on everyone. Therefore, you should prepare to expose your curiosity in a delicate manner.

Guys quite often worry about the previous relationships of their chosen one. In order not to torment yourself with speculation, correctly formulate and ask an exciting question. You can do it like this:

  1. You are so bright and attractive! Do you take advantage of listening to men? You can brag. I'm listening to.
  2. Admit it, how many guys owe you their broken hearts?

Teasing her

If the tension between a guy and a girl is completely relieved, you can tease her a little.
Thus, the guy will show an abundance of sense of humor and originality. Eg:

  • Make jokes about her interests.
    If a girl watches television shows, we can recommend the programs “House 2” or, for example, “Let’s Get Married.” There is no need to be afraid of offending her; she will appreciate it and respond with a joke.
  • Jokes about appearance.
    They are allowed only if the girl is sure that you like her and can take it as a joke. She will develop such confidence if the guy has previously complimented her appearance more than once.

    You can joke, for example, about a large amount of jewelry. But you need to strike the right tone to make it clear that this is a joke.

  • You can joke about her laugh
    - some people laugh very contagiously. It is important that the joke is good.


Differences between female and male flirting

Both men and women use flirting, but they do it in different ways. The lady uses subtle, light signs that appear in gestures, facial expressions and gaze. When a man catches the signal, he begins to act, that is, he comes up to meet the young lady. Guys also know what flirting with a girl is and actively use it, but they show it differently - more simply and openly.

The main differences between female and male flirting are:

  • Smile. The lady has an attractive look. This involves the lips and eyes. The latter are filled with a sexual sheen that shows obvious interest. For guys, a smile expresses approval, not attraction. She says that the girl arouses his interest, he likes to watch her.
  • Sight. The eyes are the main tool used when flirting. When a guy is interested, his gaze acquires courage and persistence. An intrigue appears in him, which reveals a predisposition towards the lady. A flirting young man is capable of piercing a girl with his gaze, which often leads young ladies into a state of embarrassment. Women have a slightly different view. There is no openness and attention to it. On the contrary, in the eyes of an interested lady you can see embarrassment, inconstancy and languor. A classic manifestation of female flirting is a look directed at the floor, a flick of the eyelashes and downcast eyes.
  • Gesticulation. Many people prefer movements and body language. The woman casually throws her hair aside, allowing the guy to contemplate her bare neck. Another way is to gently sway your hips while walking. The young lady can play with a shoe or beautifully cross one leg over the other, opening her mouth and protruding her lips to visually make them larger. It is common for men to use subconscious gestures: lightly touching the cheek as if to check if stubble has grown, rubbing the chin or loosening the knot of the tie. If a young lady notices that a young man nearby has done any of the above, she can assume that he is interested in her. One of the most aggressive non-verbal signs is the gesture when a man hides his thumbs in the waistband of his trousers. With this movement he seeks to demonstrate his confidence and authority.
  • Voice. The softness and velvety quality in the young man’s voice indicate flirting on his part. This voice has hypnotic properties, so it is used to attract attention. Ladies laugh contagiously and cheerfully for this, while guys prefer phrases filled with double meaning.


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  • Touches. This method is considered the most powerful and dangerous. Use it carefully so as not to cross the permissible limits. Inept use can frighten and alienate a girl.
  • Help. Here men and women express themselves differently. For young ladies, asking for help becomes a reason to get acquainted. The guys, on the contrary, offer to help. They may offer their outerwear if it's cool outside, or carry a heavy bag home.

The main difference between flirting on the part of guys and girls is that the former try to show their strength and ability to dominate, while the latter demonstrate defenselessness and a desire for submission.

We enchant

Flirting on a date with a girl

Charm consists of several points. All girls like witty guys. We can say that the job is done if the guy can at least respond to any of her phrases in a non-banal and humorous manner. This is a fundamental fact that will show a girl a guy's ability to flirt.

Witty guys:

  • Good conversationalists
    who can develop any topic of conversation. When a girl makes some ironic remark about a guy, he should immediately respond in the same way, in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • Original
    – they have their own opinion even on the most popular, frequently discussed topics. A guy who just expresses the majority opinion won't be interesting. Therefore, it is useful to be able to think outside the box.
  • They study the girl.
    Smart, well-read, educated people are able to understand subtle, thoughtful expressions. Simpler girls should not be overloaded with information; it is important that the girl understands the guy.

Interesting guys are distinguished by their ability to joke.
A guy with a good sense of humor will stand out from the crowd of other boring guys. It is jokes that will help you get closer to a girl, can relieve tension and put you in a positive mood. The following will help create a positive atmosphere:

  • Timeliness.
    It’s not worth joking for any reason or without reason. The main advantage of jokes is relevance. There is no need to interrupt the girl, even if she suddenly remembers the funniest joke in the world. You need to listen to the speech to the end.
  • Support her humor.
    You shouldn’t judge a girl’s humor in any way. It is better to respond to her joke with a kind joke without negative remarks. This way you can please her.
  • Do everything relaxed, without tension.
    Don't try to get first place as the funniest people in the world. It will be too obvious and nothing good will come of it.
  • The ability to laugh at yourself.
    This will show the girl that the guy knows how to see positive aspects even in his own shortcomings. She will definitely like this kind of humor.

Self-confidence without arrogance is also a good trait.
This is the basis of flirting. The guy should not be uptight and nervous, otherwise the girl will have an indelible negative opinion about him. Before flirting, you need to believe in yourself. This is the only way to win the attention of the fair sex. If a guy is confident in himself, he should:

  • Create an impression of yourself as a positive person.
    Be open and talk about what you like and enjoy. Eternal complaints about life will not please anyone; at most, they will cause pity or even disgust.
  • Forget about unnecessary criticism.
    A guy can make good jokes about himself without going too far, without making himself look too poor and unhappy. Otherwise, the girl will consider him an unlucky person who always complains. And it will be quite difficult to get rid of such an impression.
  • Develop topics in which he is well versed.
    These topics should be a guy’s advantage over others, which will show him as a capable and interesting person.
  • Forget about arrogance.
    If you always tell a girl that she is a lucky person, because such a guy is with her. Not a single representative of the fair sex can forgive this. The guy should strive to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for both.

Politeness has become so rare that some people mistake it for flirting.

This should not happen when flirting!

Be polite and original!

There is no need for excessive straightforwardness. The guy should also remain a mystery. Flirting without this is not flirting - a complete open story about yourself is unlikely to impress a girl. This amounts to a direct statement of feelings and desire to be with her. Being too straightforward can make relationships boring.

An aggressive attitude will also not lead to anything good. In this case, an aggressive attitude should be understood as vulgar and frank compliments, which are more like harassment.

The guy needs to remember:

  • You should never talk openly about the fact that you want to kiss a girl.
    You need to approach this in a different way - with a compliment to your lips, hint that all the beautiful aspects have already been appreciated. And a compliment on a beautiful smile will be a hint of a kiss. The girl will like this much more than a direct text.
  • No intimacy.
    A too frank look at the bust area or a compliment of similar meaning would be inappropriate. It will look like the guy doesn't respect the girl and his only goal is to have sex. Instead of such words and looks, it is better for the guy to compliment her on her outfit.
  • Don't get hung up on it.
    If you pay concentrated attention only to the girl, she will soon cease to be interested in the guy and consider him too annoying.
  • Excessive caution will be unnecessary.
    When a guy is too careful, it's unclear to a girl whether he's interested in her or not. Ideal flirting involves maintaining a balance between interest and indifference. It is important to show your interest, not coldness and aloofness. It is important to create comfortable conditions, and not force her to guess whether the guy liked her or not.

The most optimal would be:

  • Make hints.
    With their help, you can accurately determine whether a guy likes a girl or not. It is important for the guy to show that he wants to continue communicating. Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect consent from her for the next date. This will happen because she does not know that she liked and interested the guy.
  • Don't give the girl the feeling of being friendzoned.
    Nice things, compliments and flirting will let her know that the guy views her not only as a friend, but also hopes for a relationship.

You need to not only flirt, but also usually communicate normally with the girl.

Common mistakes

Sometimes men who master the art of communication make mistakes. The most common unsuccessful methods are:

  1. Lots of jokes. If a guy constantly tells jokes out of place, others begin to consider him a buffoon.
  2. Mystery. A lack of straightforwardness can make a girl think that a man is trying to hide something from her.
  3. Positive image. By showing a girl only your strengths, you can seem boring to her.
  4. Vulgarity. Ladies who are in the mood for a serious relationship do not like conversations on intimate topics.
  5. Posturing. An enthusiastic listing of one's merits is regarded as a hint of praise.
  6. Intrusiveness. In some cases, perseverance really allows you to win the favor of your chosen one, but you should not pursue her.
  7. Talk about sex. A demonstration of liberation can attract a young girl in love, but most ladies do not welcome the use of vulgar phrases.
  8. Bad timing. If a woman is busy with important work or is stressed, flirting is inappropriate.
  9. Ignoring signals. Immersed in his dreams, a man may not notice that the girl is already ready to reciprocate his feelings.

Having figured out how to flirt with a woman, you need to hone your skills in practice. The main thing is to be prepared for any turn of events and remain confident in your own abilities.

Additional Tips

The consequences of flirting can only be pleasant; this is the most powerful tool showing that the girl is not indifferent to the guy.
But you don't need to overdo it. It's not worth flirting all evening - the value of flirting will be lost. The girl will think that the guy always communicates with everyone like this, that this is his style of communication. Because of this, the sense of specialness and uniqueness will be lost. The relationship will not be able to develop further.

It is useful to be able to flirt and just communicate at the same time. Girls like it. Everyone will appreciate this skill. The guy must remember that the girl is a living person on whom they hone their skills. It is recommended to use a balance of flirting and simple communication.

After you break up, the girl should feel that she learned a lot about you during the meeting. With each new meeting, the guy should tell him a little about himself - work and hobbies are always interesting to the fair sex. It will also be useful to ask about similar aspects of the girl’s life. Sharing such information will allow the guy to become much closer to her.

· Sep 27, 2018

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