How to put a drunk person to sleep. How to put your wife to sleep to take advantage

The pendulum method and techniques for resolving internal conflicts.

Everyone has at least once encountered examples of self-healing, and people have cured the most terrible diseases. How can this be done using self-hypnosis? Everything ingenious is simple))

Further, in order not to bore the reader, I will say that the entire article is based on the book by Leslie M. Leckrone GOOD POWER. SELF-HYPNOSIS (download from All quotations are taken from the work cited.

“Self-hypnosis, unlike hypnosis, does not create a person’s dependence on the doctor, but develops and trains the processes of introspection, self-control, fosters active, transformative thinking, develops and develops self-influence skills.”

Meditation & Hypnosis. Self-hypnosis. How to learn to control the subconscious?

What is self-hypnosis? Myths and facts about self-hypnosis.

How to put a person to sleep using your hands?

In different situations, it may be necessary to search for sleepy points and their location on the human body. Sometimes a person needs this skill in everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is intoxicated.

Even in ancient times, people knew that when certain points on a person’s body were pressed, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck; pressing on it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And this can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

How to fall asleep quickly?

Many people suffering from insomnia are interested in where the sleepy spot may be located. Every person has several of them on their body.

By pressing them you can relax as much as possible, which will make it possible to get rid of the signs of insomnia:

  • A point that is located one centimeter from the outer corner of the eye. In order to put a person to sleep as quickly as possible, it should be massaged with the index and middle fingers;
  • The area between the eyebrows. To activate it, you need to press it several times with your index finger;
  • A point about a finger's width from the nostrils is massaged in a circular motion;
  • In order for relaxation to occur as quickly as possible, you need to press on the points above the eyeballs with two fists, then lower your eyelids and try to “see” your own legs with your inner gaze.

Advice! When pressing various points on the body, you need to be extremely careful, since the reaction of each individual human body can be simply unpredictable.

How to quickly influence and put a drunk person to sleep? After all, in such a state, anyone can behave unpredictably and inappropriately. To do this, it will be enough to buy sleeping pills at the pharmacy. Today there are many products that produce a similar effect.

It is important to be as careful as possible when using sleeping pills. After all, among them there are those, when taking which it is unacceptable to deviate from the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Cases of drugging a person for the purpose of robbery are quite common. For this purpose, clonidine is used, which is also mixed into alcoholic drinks. But after such a mixture a person feels very unwell, so it is not recommended to use it to put a drunk to sleep.

Alcohol and medications can have unpredictable effects. Alcohol may, within an hour, affect the effect of the drug, causing respiratory arrest, which can even be fatal.

Hypnosis theory

An effective method to quickly put a person to sleep is hypnosis. People who master hypnosis are able to influence others, induce them to perform certain actions (including putting them to sleep) and even thoughts, as well as engage in self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is mentioned in many religious books and is closely connected with the history of human development. The exact period of occurrence of hypnosis is impossible to determine.

It is likely that it began to develop back in the era of primitive people, when rites and ritual actions played a very important role in the life of tribes, where shamans were their heads.

Today you can learn how to instantly put a person to sleep using hypnosis. as it has become incredibly popular and widespread.

Moreover, it can be used both for good purposes and to subjugate the will and mind of the masses of people. Thus, with the help of hypnosis, you can safely heal the possessed and possessed, including influencing a person who is heavily intoxicated.

Self-hypnosis. Pendulum method.

The four main directions of pendulum movement can be taken as a set of signal responses. You can make it yourself, using, for example, a wedding ring, but a small lucite ball suspended on a thread 12-16 centimeters long is best suited for this purpose. In some stores you can now find a thing called the “Magic Eye” - This commercial modification of the pendulum is intended, according to the advertisement, for fortune tellers and, in fact, serves as a kind of planchette. Which is not surprising: for centuries, the pendulum has been the main tool of various kinds of professional seers. Well, you and I will not tempt fate; for us, a transparent ball on a string is just a key to information reserves stored in the subconscious; The key is simple and very reliable.

So, place your elbow on the table (or just on your knee) and pinch the end of the thread with your thumb and forefinger. The weight will begin to swing freely. It is clear that it has four main directions of movement: clockwise and counterclockwise, in the longitudinal plane (left-right) and in the transverse plane (forward-backward). Let’s assume that we have the same number of conditional answers: “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer” - the latter, by the way, is no less important than the others: this is a signal that in search In your life, you have encountered an internal barrier.

Of course, the meaning of each direction of movement can be prescribed in advance, but it is still better to give the subconscious the right to choose: by giving it the opportunity to show independence, we are thereby already building bridges for future cooperation.

Swing the pendulum first in one direction, then in the other, and so on. After this, hold the ball with your free hand and, when it freezes motionless, mentally invite your inner mind to make its first choice. This can be formulated something like this: “Of the four possible options for the movement of the pendulum, my subconscious will now choose one and will subsequently answer my questions affirmatively with it.” Keep an eye on the tool: it has been noticed that it works better this way.

Usually the ball begins to move within a few seconds, although sometimes it takes some time for the internal “motor” to warm up. When you feel that there is a hitch, begin to repeat to yourself: “yes... yes... yes...”, continuing to hypnotize the pendulum with your gaze. Don't just try to push him to work consciously; the fingers that hold the thread and the entire hand should remain completely motionless. If the pause is prolonged, and the pendulum does not even think of moving, ask someone present to say the same suggestion out loud. Having finally received the first answer, move on to the next one, and so on.

I am sure that working with a pendulum will captivate you in an extraordinary way. How many times have I heard this quiet cry of amazement: indeed, in the very first seconds, when the ball on a string suddenly “comes to life” and begins to meaningfully respond to questions, you simply refuse to believe your own eyes. The amplitude of its oscillations, as a rule, is quite large, and the answers look quite definite.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely nothing supernatural in such an unusual phenomenon at first glance: the behavior of the pendulum just proves to us once again that the subconscious is capable of independent thinking, making independent decisions and, if necessary, taking control of certain muscle groups. Which, however, is not new to him: our inner mind exercises such control every day and every minute. While you are reading these lines, for example, the subconscious mind monitors your breathing pattern; when walking, it eliminates the need to think about your every step, and while typing, it ensures complete automaticity: we wouldn’t have time to type much if we looked for each key with our eyes. Sooner or later you will all find a common language with the pendulum. In case of failure, there can be only one explanation: the subconscious probably suspected an attempt on your part to penetrate some of its secrets and decided to prevent this.

Theory and practice of self-hypnosis.

Identifying the cause of a disease means understanding the hidden goal that the subconscious is trying to achieve “at our expense.” Listed below are possible causes and sample questions that should be asked to find the roots of the problem.

A conflict, which is usually based on a mismatch between “I need” and “I want.” For example, parents say you need to listen to your elders, but somehow you don’t really want to lose the pleasure of acting in your own way. As a result, a feeling of guilt may arise, which, like a thorn, does not disappear anywhere, but secretly continues to live in the head. Examples of questions - Do I have some kind of negative attitude towards someone close to me? — Does excess weight ensure sexual safety? - Do I feel somehow guilty?

Motivation or secondary benefit. Remember yourself in childhood, when the temperature was below 38-39, is that good or bad? Just don’t rush to answer, but imagine how sometimes it’s great for a child to skip classes, stay at home and enjoy parental affection. Here pain is nothing more than a tool to achieve a hidden goal (secondary benefit - satisfying the need for love and pleasure). Examples of questions - Is the disease intended to serve some purpose unknown to me? - Is illness keeping me from doing something bad? — Does the disease perform any positive function?

The effect of suggestion. How do you think character traits are formed in childhood? Such a mechanism is possible. Even a random remark, to say nothing of the constant pounding, “You’re an idiot and you don’t understand anything!” from a person to whom he owes his life along with corporal punishment - there is a suggestion. And as soon as such a suggestion is reinforced in life (teachers usually say not “you just made a mistake,” but more harshly, “you are incapable of science”), then this phrase will become part of the worldview. Examples of questions - Is this pain a consequence of some words spoken to me, otherwise - the result of suggestion? “Are these my words or most likely someone said that?” — Is the reason for overeating a phrase said in childhood by someone close to you? — Is there something about work that causes an accumulation of negative emotions? Is this the only reason for the conflict?

Elements of “organic speech”. Look, everyone has heard phrases like “I can’t hear this...”, “I’m already sick of...”, “my heart is breaking from...”, “anger takes over...”, “it hurts to see...”, “my head is spinning...”, “not I’m digesting...”, “sits in the liver...”. As found in hypnotherapy, these weeds, rooted in the soil of the subconscious, produce real physiological shoots. Examples of questions - So, the reason for the pain in the heart is the phrase: “My heart aches for him so much”? — Is my illness a physical embodiment of some phrase or thought? - Maybe in childhood, when someone close to me died, I was told that this person “fell asleep”? Is this the only cause of insomnia? — The phrase “mom is annoying” is the cause of skin disease?

Identification. There is an old piece of advice, if you want to know what a girl will be like in the future, look at her mother. And so it is in almost everything, because the effect of imitation is the oldest method of education (look at the learning process in animals). In the biographies of the greats one can find examples of how some event or character impressed a child so much that, as he grows up, the person recreates the image of the ideal. Sample questions: Am I trying to be like someone else? — When did I decide to repeat the fate of my mother/father? — As a child, I often heard that I looked like my grandfather/grandmother?

Self-punishment. A person may not be consciously aware of his actions, continuing to involuntarily punish himself for old sins. But just like in the tale of the ugly duckling, as soon as the duckling realizes that by nature it is different, it becomes a swan. Likewise, patients in hypnosis, realizing what hidden purpose the subconscious is fulfilling, can become directors of their lives. Examples of questions - Is the reason for failures due to feelings of guilt towards one of the parents? — Is the disease caused by dissatisfaction with oneself? Someone close to you? Is it body dissatisfaction?

Painful past experience. Events of the past, colored by wild horror and shock, can remain stuck in the body’s memory for a long time. It would seem that the cause of the fear has gone away, but only thanks to the will many are able to tolerate seemingly simple stimuli. This means that in order to change the learned and often unconscious type of reaction, you need to look at the situation “there and then” from the moment “here and now”. Examples of questions: Is this pain related to some childhood event? — Does the illness have anything to do with the operation you underwent at that time? — Did I get sick before I was 18? Before 10? After 7?

What does self-hypnosis give? Why is it effective to work with memory in hypnosis?

Warm-up before street hypnosis)) Hypnoanesthesia. Eisdale's fortunes.

Cases from the practice of a hypnotherapist.

During one of the hypnosis symposium workshops, Dr. P, a regular participant in our classes, came up on stage for a demonstration session. He had long experienced severe pain in the upper back and now hoped to at least alleviate it with the help of hypnotic anesthesia. At the moment, P. was recovering from a heart attack suffered a month ago; I hadn’t started work yet, but I was already languishing from idleness. The doctor, of course, had no doubt that the pain was caused by organic reasons.

The instructor’s first question: “Is shoulder pain caused by some subconscious factors?” - made the subject exclaim indignantly: “No, I’m telling you; How long can you repeat? “Yes,” answered the pendulum in his hand. It seems that the inner mind had its own opinion on this matter! Then the following “dialogue” took place on stage:

Question: Can you find out for yourself exactly what psychological reasons caused your back pain? Answer: Yes. Q: Is it possible for all of us in this audience to know about this? Oh yeah. Q: The source of pain is self-punishment? Oh no. Q: Is this pain a consequence of some words spoken to you, or is it the result of suggestion? Oh no. Q: Is the pain related to some past event? Oh yeah. Q: Did this event happen before you were 20 years old? Oh yeah. Q: Before you were 10 years old? Oh yeah. Five years? Oh yeah. Q: Two years? Oh yeah. Q: Before you were one year old? Oh no. Q: Is this related to the illness? Oh no. Q: An accident? Oh yeah. Q: Did this accident happen within the walls of the house? Oh no. Q: Was anyone else directly involved in this? O.: I don’t know. (It later became clear why the doctor could not give an exact answer to this question: the woman present was more of a witness than a participant in the events.) Q: At the time of the incident, did you feel pain? Oh yeah. Q: Is the pain in your right shoulder? Oh yeah.

During this time, while the interview continued, Dr. P., who had not taken his eyes off the lucite ball, managed to plunge into a spontaneous hypnotic trance. Having previously secured the consent of the subconscious, the instructor helped the patient travel back in time to the moment of the incident in order to relive it with all five senses, and asked him to comment on his impressions. The doctor “saw” himself in the yard lying in a stroller; There seemed to be no one around, but the stroller was slowly rolling along the sidewalk. When asked about his age, he replied that he had recently turned one year old. Suddenly the speed of movement began to increase; then the stroller overturned, he fell out of it and painfully hit his right shoulder. The doctor answered the following questions with finger movements: Q: Is there a connection between this event and shoulder pain? Oh yeah. V.: But some kind of association should have worked here. What caused the pain to recur? Now you can just guess about it. So?.. O. (aloud): It started because of my mother. Q: Did your mother have anything to do with the return of long-standing shoulder pain? Oh yeah. (Then out loud.) She said something about a bottle... What the bottle has to do with it, I have no idea. A couple of weeks ago she was visiting me, we argued about something, and... that same night my shoulder suddenly began to ache. Q: Are there any other reasons? Oh yeah.

Later it became clear that the pain, among other things, was subconsciously motivated and had a specific “task”: to keep the untreated doctor at home, to prevent him from returning to work prematurely. The patient’s subconscious mind agreed to weaken the symptom, but the final recovery came later, when normal heart function was completely restored and our patient began seeing patients in his office without any risk to himself.

P.'s mother remembered that incident very well - of course: it left an indelible feeling of guilt in her soul. She really gaped, let go of the stroller from her hands, and it rolled down the slope - in general, everything was exactly as the doctor said while under hypnosis. The woman was extremely surprised that we learned this story from her son: the boy was a little over a year old at that time, and of course, he could not remember anything. It never even occurred to her to tell her son about her own mistake. This story is quite remarkable - first of all, because the patient was able to recall the events of distant childhood. It is also quite typical: patients with invariable fervor defend the organic origin of their symptom. The case of Dr. P. again confirms the fact that under hypnosis it is possible to penetrate into the most remote corners of the subconscious memory and, in cooperation with the inner mind, aware of all the causes of our internal problems, investigate any incident.

Dr. S. suffered from asthma since childhood. Having completed a course in hypnotherapy and having become convinced of the enormous possibilities the phenomenon of hypnosis conceals, he decided to become a patient himself for a while. The previous series of psychoanalytic sessions helped to identify only a number of minor factors; Having convinced myself during preliminary conversations that all the previous “discoveries” were true, I approached the main question. V.: So, we already know something about your illness. Let's now try to find the original cause - the very first event in your life associated with it. So when did it happen - before you were five years old? Oh yeah. (Finger movement.) Q: Before you were two years old? Oh yeah. 57 Q: Before you were one year old? Oh yeah. Q: Before you were six months old? Oh yeah. Q: Three months? Oh yeah. Q: One month? Oh yeah. Q: Did this happen soon after you were born? (Little finger raised: my question was either inaccurately formulated or unclear.) Q: Did something happen at the moment of birth that was the cause of your illness? Oh yeah. (The finger raised several times in a row - the subconscious clearly signaled the exceptional importance of its answer.) “Well, this is too much! - the patient exclaimed, still in a trance. - A person cannot remember this. My subconscious must be just fooling you and me!” Q: Did you feel fear at that moment? Oh yeah. Q: Could you now recall all this in your memory? Oh yeah. Q: So you still have memories of your own birth? Oh yeah. I put Dr. S into partial age regression mode and he went on his long journey; he had to be transported to that moment that immediately preceded... his birth! The patient screamed: he experienced a sharp and very unusual sensation. In response to my question about how he felt, the doctor muttered: “Very warm... wet... and tight!” I gave the decisive command, and the patient began to show signs of growing discomfort: his face turned purple, he coughed and choked - it was clear that some force was preventing him from taking air into his lungs. Several agonizing seconds passed before the doctor was able to take his first breath. “The obstetrician is holding me by the heels! - he finally blurted out with incredible relief. “He spanked me, and now ... I’m breathing!” The blood drained from the face; his health improved noticeably. Dr. S. went through this ordeal twice more. Each time the tension eased. Finally, I resumed the survey: Q: So, the cause of asthma is holding your breath at birth? Oh yeah. Q: Now that you know this, will you be able to get rid of the disease once and for all? Oh yeah.

Later, talking about his impressions, Doctor S. did not doubt their authenticity for a second: a play of imagination alone could never have caused such a powerful emotional reaction. By the way, the psychoanalytic method could hardly bring the patient even close to such early memories. This session turned out to be the last: S. never experienced any more asthma attacks.

Autogenic training to improve vision. Self-hypnosis – www classicalhypnosis ru

Treatment of deep caries under hypnosis. Hypnoanesthesia & Self-hypnosis.

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How to determine the strength of impact

The modern method of determining the force of an impact on a painful point is determined by five levels:

  1. The first level is a weak blow that does not cause serious damage to the attacker, but serves only as a distracting maneuver for retaliating against the opponent’s attacks.
  2. The second has a slightly stronger effect in a fight compared to the first.
  3. The third is attacks that can lead to stunning the enemy or numbness of the affected limbs. Such techniques will allow you to neutralize the enemy for a short period of time.
  1. Impact on points of the fourth level can have serious consequences; impacts often lead to injuries or loss of consciousness; sometimes the result of interaction with points is paralysis.
  2. five strikes are extremely dangerous to the opponent’s health; techniques can be fatal.

Now you should pay attention to the fact that all pain points of the body can be divided into conditional groups - points of the head, torso and legs.

Tranquilizers - weapons of hypnotists

Today, hypnology is considered an already established science, enriched by the works of numerous authors. There are very real procedures and techniques that have been proven over the years to immerse a person in a state of hypnosis. Some of them are far from metaphysics. For example, to overcome the protective reaction of the brain against mental influence from the outside (it turns out that our body has a mechanism to combat hypnosis), various drugs are used, in particular meprobomate and phenobarbital.

The hypnologist, who quietly injected the person with these tranquilizers, can only say something monotonously, gradually lowering his voice. “You can hypnotize anyone this way, for example, during a business breakfast,” says a hypnosis teacher who preferred to remain anonymous. “I know businessmen who sign contracts that are profitable for them this way.” According to the statistics he cited, 40% of people have weak protection against suggestibility. They are the “golden fund” of various hypnotists, most often criminally oriented.

Pain points of the head

The first points we will look at are the head points. These include: eyes, nose, ears, temples, lips and chin.


The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body; any blow to them will cause pain. For eye damage, a simple “fork” technique is suitable. However, there is a possibility that your fingers may be caught and twisted, so be careful.


Even a mild direct blow to the nose almost guarantees bleeding and severe discomfort. For a more effective blow, it is recommended to use a “catchy” blow with the knuckles on the convex part of the nose to the side. Such a blow guarantees a painful shock to the opponent.


In this place, blows have the most serious consequences, since the skull is most vulnerable in this area, traumatic nerves and arteries are dangerously close to the surface of the skin. Most different types of impacts can cause death or severe head injuries.

Milton Erickson's method of hypnosis

It is also called American. This complex method was developed in the 20th century by Milton Erickson, a legendary hypnologist. The patient himself also participates in the practice of hypnotization, so it is quite effective. The hypnotist says the following words:

“Get comfortable on the chair, your body begins to relax. Pay attention to your fingers, watch them. The longer you observe, the more you immerse yourself in a pleasant, light state of peace and relaxation. Observe how your body relaxes more every second until it reaches the maximum point of relaxation.”

And so on.

When the psychotherapist's patient relaxes, further suggestions of a therapeutic nature or attitude follow.

Torso pain points

Solar plexus

The blow should be delivered with a fist. Such a blow causes a burning pain that forces the person to bend over or kneel.


In the armpit, the large one passes close to the skin, so any blow there causes severe pain, temporarily paralyzing the enemy.

Belly, groin and kidneys

A punch to the stomach forces the enemy to bend, which will allow additional blows to the back or back of the head; a blow with the toe of the foot is no less effective.

The groin is one of the most convenient points to strike. A kick, fist, palm, or knee immobilizes the enemy.

Impacts to the kidneys can cause nervous shock and death without proper medical care. help, blows should be applied with the edge of the palm, as well as with the knee.

False rib

A blow to this rib can be applied from both sides of the body, but a stronger effect is manifested when striking the opponent's right side. You should hit with your elbow, knee or edge of your palm.

Defensive reaction

Understanding that hypnosis is being used against you is quite simple. To begin with, the fraudulent hypnotist copies your posture and adjusts to the rhythm of your breathing, while quickly pronouncing completely unnecessary information, gradually lowering his voice. If you feel guilty about him, then his first arrows hit the target.

By the way, neurolinguistic programming is also used by intelligence officers. “During the negotiation process, the task is to win over the bandits as much as possible, to arouse in them a feeling of mutual sympathy, in order to lull their vigilance,” one of the operatives, Sergei D., shared his experience. “Such a program is always drawn up individually, taking into account the psyche of the opponent.”

Pain points in the legs

Impacts to the knee, its lateral part and the kneecap should be applied with the edge of the boot. This technique immobilizes the opponent, damaging the ligaments and joint of the knee.


The blow should be applied with the outer edge of the boot, keeping it perpendicular to the ankle. Hitting with the toe of the boot is extremely ineffective and it is recommended not to use it.


In the area of ​​the shin, the bone is the least thin and, accordingly, poorly protected. The greatest effectiveness is achieved by striking with the outer edge of the foot at 1/3 of the height of the shin from below.


The most vulnerable and fragile bones are located in the foot. Impacts to these bones easily lead to their destruction. Basically these are strikes with the heel or foot from top to bottom. It is recommended to carry out when the enemy is behind you.

Hitting pressure points is often used in special fighting techniques. Special combat techniques are aimed at ensuring a person’s safety in situations where his life is in mortal danger.

Not a single special combat technique is aimed at deliberately killing a person, but only at disarming (immobilizing) the enemy.

Watch a training video in which a self-defense specialist talks about working with pain points:

Hypnosis - to the masses

Doctor of Philosophy in anthropology Carlos Castaneda, author of many works on shamanism, considered “magic” the most important way to manipulate human consciousness. That is why he dedicated his books to the teachings of the Toltecs (“people of knowledge”), which he learned about from the Mexican magician Juan Matus. The essence of the teaching comes down to changing the perception of the world around another person. In other words, after a session of such “magic”, another person sees everything around him in a different reality. For example, a magician is perceived as God.

And although Castaneda argued that all this is done in the name of man, his works allow the so-called “naguals” (magicians) to spiritually dominate other people. Meanwhile, hypnosis experts say that the artistic treatises of Carlos Castaneda can be safely attributed to hypnology - the science of hypnosis.

However, he can hardly be called the discoverer of hypnosis. Castaneda's merit lies in the popularization of this teaching. Only the hypnologists themselves could understand the scientific articles of hypnologists, and not the general public. Another thing is the fascinating books of a talented writer like Castaneda. Having become bestsellers, his publications revealed to Western society the mysterious power of hypnosis, and also suggested to many swindlers the path to non-violent withdrawal of other people's money.

Where is

The carotid artery is a paired vessel. Departing from the thoracic aorta, it immediately diverges into 2 separate arteries. One goes along the left side of the neck, the second along the right. In the area of ​​the larynx, or rather the Adam’s apple, each of the arteries is divided into 2 more branches - internal and external. The latter can be felt by placing your fingertips on your neck.

The internal branch runs along the temple and goes to the brain, since its main task is to supply it with blood. In the temporal region, the internal artery enters the skull. There it is divided into a network of smaller vessels, they into one more, and those into another. This forms a complex blood highway that supplies blood to all brain cells.

The outer one goes forward, making a slight bend along the chin and rushing upward, delivering blood to the eyes and face. Its terminal branches form a huge and extensive network of capillaries leading to the oral cavity and eyeballs. It is thanks to them that a blush appears on a person’s face in the heat or while running.

Thus, the carotid artery passes through all the tissues in the head area, saturates them with arterial blood coming from the heart, and the blood saturates them with the oxygen necessary to perform all functions.

Where and how can euthanasia be performed?

To completely euthanize a dog or cat, the owner will have to go to a veterinary clinic. But some owners may want to do this at home. And in order to understand which of these options is more humane, it is worthwhile to dwell on each in detail.

How to euthanize a pet in a veterinary clinic?

go to the clinic immediately

It all starts with the introduction of anesthesia into the dog’s body. After the injection, the animal becomes immobilized and falls asleep within a few minutes.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct calculation of the dosage, which is selected taking into account the weight of the animal. When it goes to sleep, a second injection is given: this time a drug is used that blocks the heart.

The procedure of euthanasia in the veterinary clinic itself does not cause the pet any pain, and it lasts a couple of minutes.

How to euthanize your pet at home yourself?

Some owners may want to euthanize their dog or cat themselves. However, you need to immediately abandon this idea, since it is impossible to correctly perform this procedure without a specialist. Therefore, you need to call a veterinarian at home, who, after weighing the dog, will be able to determine the optimal dose of medication.

It should be borne in mind that euthanasia can only be carried out if there are certain conclusions.

It is also wrong to euthanize a dog or cat without a specialist because you will not be able to correctly calculate the amount of the drug. Therefore, you will only cause more suffering to your pet. Many reviews only confirm that if you decide to euthanize a dog at home, it is better to invite a specialist to do this.

What happens when pinched

If you remember the name of the blood vessel, the answer to the second frequently asked question will immediately appear, starting with the words, what will happen - if you squeeze the carotid artery, the person will lose consciousness. Why is this happening?

The carotid artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the brain, which means oxygen and other important elements. If you squeeze it on one side of the neck, the blood flow will be reduced. But the second artery will continue to perform its function. However, this amount will not be enough, and the brain will go into economical mode. It will turn off its main and most costly functions - the innervation of the body, as well as the perception of the senses.

The consequences of clamping an artery can be different, depending on how it is done. If you squeeze it for no more than a minute, the person will simply lose consciousness. But in 5 minutes or less he will wake up, as blood circulation will be restored.

But taking risks and squeezing the artery for more than one minute is dangerous, since with a prolonged lack of oxygen, brain cells will begin to die, and irreversible degenerative processes will begin.

It is not recommended to conduct experiments on yourself or other people. This can be dangerous to health and life!

The main thing is to tire

After the works of Dr. Liebeau, hypnology began to develop at an accelerated pace. It turned out that it is not necessary to put a person into a somnambulistic sleep in order to influence his consciousness. “Hypnosis is nothing more than the instillation by word or some other method of various mental phenomena. For example, feelings, sensations, or actions to another person when his volitional attention or concentration is diverted,” said Russian psychologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. Physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov agreed with him. In his opinion, in order to hypnotize a person, it was necessary to cause mental fatigue in him. In scientific terms, it is necessary to provoke inhibition of brain cells, which occurs at the moment of normal falling asleep.

In parallel with Pavlov’s theory, the idea of ​​hypnosis as a generalized super-suggestibility, which was held by the American hypnologist Michael Hull, was also formed. However, modern experts are convinced that both theories only complement each other.

How to stop bleeding

In some cases, clamping the carotid artery can save a person's life. If it bleeds, death occurs in just 2-3 minutes. By squeezing the damaged vessel, you can extend this short time. However, the clamping technique is not simple, and unskilled actions can aggravate the situation and lead to death.

It is recommended to compress the artery with a bandage or gauze bandage, applying it in the hole where the pulse is felt, and pressing it with your hand. For more qualified assistance, a tourniquet technique is used. The hand located on the side opposite to the injury is used as a splint. It is lifted up and bent so that the forearm rests on the vault of the skull and the shoulder rests against the ear.

A tourniquet is applied around the neck and opposite limb. The involved hand will prevent squeezing the entire artery located on the side opposite to the wound. A tourniquet placed this way can reduce bleeding. But you should know that even the most experienced doctor is not always able to save a person with such a wound.


Currently, there are about 266 large schools in Russia where they teach hypnosis, including the technique of neurolinguistic programming. Most likely, not all graduates become hypnologists “from the highway.” However, experts are confident that 4% of all crimes are committed by students of such schools. As a rule, catalepsy, distortion of time perception, positive and negative hallucinations, amnesia, and post-hypnotic suggestion are used for criminal purposes.

“Whatever a person’s willpower, if he is under hypnosis, he will perform any criminal action suggested to him by the attacker,” says candidate of legal sciences Lidiya Sedykh. According to her, such crimes are difficult to prove, and, therefore, to sentence a criminal hypnologist to real terms. Today, operatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory are investigating the case of a person using neuro-linguistic programming for the non-violent withdrawal of money. “I didn’t even notice how quickly we became friends,” said one of the victims, who voluntarily gave him 87 thousand rubles.

Where it might come in handy

The technique of pressing on the vessel that supplies blood to the brain is used in many types of martial arts. When the enemy is knocked unconscious in this way. To put a person into sleep, 10 seconds and a force equal to five kilograms of weight are enough, but he will wake up in just a quarter of a minute.

This technique is not life-threatening because the second artery continues to supply the brain. However, you should not joke with your health. If you accidentally compress both vessels, the consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain will be dire and irreversible. Or you can even take a person’s life altogether.

Now you know where the carotid artery is and what will happen if you press on it. Do not forget that this is a very important and extremely delicate organ. Under no circumstances should you squeeze it out of interest, such a stupid act can cause death or disability!


Living deliciously is a whole science!

Establishing contact with the subconscious

The cause of many diseases and psychological problems is our lack of understanding of the needs of our body. The subconscious mind actively signals us about upcoming disruptions through dreams, premonitions, and sensations, but not everyone notices these signals. And if a person persistently ignores them, the consequences can be very sad.

To effectively resolve internal conflicts and find the hidden causes of problems that you want to get rid of (such as self-doubt, shyness, etc.), you need to be able to contact your subconscious.

In previous lessons, I taught a powerful technique for directly communicating with the unconscious through lucid dreams, but for some subscribers it turned out to be too difficult.

Today I will share with you a simpler way of contacting the subconscious, which is called the pendulum method. It is based on a signaling system of ideomotor responses - movements and reactions of the body that are not controlled by consciousness.

The pendulum as a means of diagnosis and prediction came from the occult, but, despite all its “non-scientific” nature, it found use among psychologists. The main advantage of the method is that with the help of a pendulum you can receive answers from the unconscious without plunging into deep trance states , but simply closing your eyes for a while.

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