Why does fetishism arise and its varieties?

January 25, 2019

Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. Surely you have heard more than once about such a concept as fetish, but not everyone understands the meaning of the word.

It is quite possible that some have a rough idea about this term, but still it would not hurt to clarify and remove all questions.

Today we’ll talk about the concept of fetish (and fetishism), what it is, what types there are, who fetishists are, and also touch on some related definitions.

Causes of attraction

Psychologists and scientists still cannot say for sure what factors influence the development of fetishism. It is believed that this is a combination of emotional experiences and sexual experiences: positive or negative.

Psychologists list the main possible causes of fetishism.

  1. Early onset of sexual activity. Most often, a person experiences vivid emotions from his first sexual experience: excitement, fear, shame, joy, grief. If at the time of the first sexual experience any things, objects, paraphernalia were used, then in order to receive the same emotions in the future, a person will need them as a stimulus.
  2. Disorders of psychological and sexual development. Children at an early age are very susceptible. And situations that occur in early childhood can leave an imprint on adult life. Undisguised adult sexuality can provoke emotional arousal. Afterwards, the child will transfer it into his sexual experience in adulthood. For example, a boy saw at an early age how a mother breastfeeds her youngest child without covering herself. This will form in his mind the image of female breasts as a special fetish.
  3. Low excitability. Many people complain that during regular sex they are not aroused or find it difficult to do so. But using any objects helps to reach the point of pleasure. As a rule, this is due to the fact that in childhood such people experienced very vivid sexual sensations. They, remembering their experience, try to transfer it into adulthood with the help of objects.

Fetishism - what is it according to Freud

The first to study this problem was the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud in the 1920s.

In accordance with his point of view, fetishism is a deviation from the original sexual direction, the cause of which lies in certain childhood traumas and events that are firmly lodged in the mind.

He believes that such tendencies develop in people who do not have a sexual identity or who prefer the wrong role in sexual relations.

Freud argued that fetishism is not always a mental disorder. Dependent people, in his opinion, could have too close or, on the contrary, a cold relationship with their mother, and the father in most cases was perceived as a person who should not be paid attention to.


Fetishism in the mild stage is usually not noticeable. This means it does not pose a threat to human health. However, if it occurs in a severe form, it can significantly impair sexual function in a person. For a fetishist, the role of a partner is reduced to almost nothing. But satisfaction will be one-sided.

Some forms of fetishism entail special disorders that are dangerous to human health, both mental and physical. They also pose a danger to the environment.

It’s scary when a person develops an attraction to children’s wardrobe items. Unable to overcome his desire, the person begins to engage in acts of a sexual nature right in front of minors.

Some suffer from attraction to people with disabilities, congenital defects, and so on. They are forced to have sexual intercourse by force, if this could not be done through persuasion. Naturally, such behavior entails public censure and litigation.

Is this pathology and are fetishists dangerous?

From a medical point of view, fetishism is considered a pathology (what is it?) if it interferes with normal sexual relationships.

If a person is able to live and receive pleasure without the participation of the object of desire, then in this case this is not considered as any deviation.

Often, fetishists do not pose a danger to the people around them, but there are exceptions to every rule. of such people when :

  1. fetishism has become a form of mental disorder;
  2. At the same time, the person suffers from other forms of deviations: split personality or sadism.

To get the object of desire, sometimes such people can do the most unthinkable things, but in such cases they do not pose a danger to society.

Fetish in philosophy, psychology, sexology

In philosophy, fetishism is understood as the deification of any objects. They convey incredible power, mystery, mysticism, which is not yet accessible to human consciousness.

From a psychological point of view, these are unusual preferences or attraction to certain objects. Most often, to an inanimate object.

Psychology includes sexual, religious, and social fetish. In sexology, this concept is considered as a disorder of sexual preference, in which most often the object of arousal is an inanimate object or part of the human body.

Types of fetish

The types of fetish are very diverse. Some of them are quite harmless and even very interesting. Others are evidence of a serious psychological disorder and require immediate communication with a specialist.

Lingerie fetishism

Lingerie fetish is one of the most harmless and popular. It manifests itself in a craving for various wardrobe items. Most often women's clothes. The objects of attraction are panties, stockings, bras, high-heeled shoes, and tight latex clothing.

Ordinary fetishism boils down to the fact that one of the partners gets excited when the other tries on the object of passion.

Fetishistic transvestism

Deviant type of behavior with lingerie attraction. Satisfaction is achieved by dressing in clothes intended for members of the opposite sex. Most often, men try on children's or women's outfits in order to feel like a different person.


A variant of a fetish in which a person dresses in clothes intended for members of his gender. However, excellent in terms of age or social characteristics. For example, when a wealthy adult man puts on the rags of a beggar. Or when a grown woman dresses in clothes for a little girl.

Often this is provoked only by sexual disorders, but also by the desire to feel in another body.


This is a type of transvestism. A person achieves sexual satisfaction by dressing in clothes of a representative of the same sex. It is important to clarify here that wardrobe items must belong to the object of sexual desire.


Attraction to body parts or external characteristics of one's partner.

For example, the desire to constantly touch, look, experience pleasure and even orgasm from interaction with the chest, knees, collarbones, partner’s face, and so on.


A type of deviant behavior in which a person experiences sexual attraction to himself and his reflection in the mirror. The fetish is a person’s own body, as a result of which a person can resort to autosadomasochism and masturbation.


An interesting phenomenon that was first studied by the Polish psychologist Ilyinsky. Automonosexuality refers to attraction to one's own body. But only if it is dressed in appropriate clothing. Most often these are items of women's wardrobe. Also, such attraction is associated with the imitation of another person’s body in these clothes. The fetishist makes sexual desires in his thoughts, getting excited by this.


Attraction to a partner with a different skin color. For example, the attraction of a white partner to African-Americans or vice versa.

Heterochromophilia is different from normal sexual preference.


A strange type of fetishism in which a person is aroused by his own imperfections, disabilities, or even ugliness. Another type of sexual deviation.

Very often such people strive for amputation and even experience phantom pain when they imagine such processes. It is a severe disorder that requires immediate psychological help.


Attraction to any inanimate things, objects that are used for excitement and satisfaction. Items may include various toys, things, accessories, without which it is impossible to have fun.


Shoes become the object of attraction. Mostly female. Most often these are high-heeled or stiletto shoes.


Passion for images of various parts of the human body. The image may be in the nature of a photograph, statue, painting, wax figure, and so on.

Types of fetishism and name fetishism

FETISCHISM - religious. worship of material objects - fetishes to which supernatural beings are attributed. properties.

A fetish sometimes became a particle of a revered object, for example, a stone from a mountain that was worshiped, a piece of a sacred tree, or an image of a revered animal. A fetish could be any object that for some reason captured the imagination of a person.

For communities, tribes and tribal associations; so-called national or national fetishes and, finally, personal fetishes.

Fetishism of the name. The pharaoh, who hated his predecessor, ordered the destruction of all inscriptions with the name, then the soul could not return.

The man said the word. It is not divided into a word and the object it denotes. The name is the first fetish.

What perception of the sign of a name does the fact that some pharaohs could destroy the name of their predecessor on his giant statue and place their name there?

According to the Egyptians, dating back to the deepest antiquity, the name of a person, spirit, demon and even deity was an organic and hidden part of his being. It was believed that the name preserved on the tombstone ensured eternal afterlife and, conversely, “the worst revenge on the enemy was the destruction of names on monuments.” The magical malevolent action consisted of cursing and destroying the name written on something. Fr. Lexa pointed out that, in the eyes of the Egyptians, the name was the true essence of reality. As Lexa aptly puts it, the Egyptians did not assert, like us: “Every existing thing has its own name,” but in complete contrast to this they postulated: “A thing that does not have a name does not exist.”

Analyze the myth about how Isis sought the “real name” of Ra - is there a connection between the ancient belief manifested here and the special quality of the sign perceived by the ancient consciousness?

Each of the gods had many names: one was genuine, hidden, so to speak, the essence of God, others were commonly used nicknames. Knowing the true, secret name of someone gave power over its owner.

Contents of the myth:

Isis, having become known among people as a sorceress, decided to test her powers on the gods. In order to become the mistress of heaven, she decided to find out the secret name of Ra. Ra said that despite all his spells and his secret name, he was bitten by a snake. Isis promised him that she would heal him, but he must tell his secret name. When Ra agreed that his secret name should become the property of the sorceress, and his heart taken out of his chest, Isis agreed.

Totemism and related mythical ideas.

Totemism is one of the most striking forms of manifestations of ancient culture. The term totem itself means a species of animal or plant that is a symbolic patron, and at a later stage, the progenitor of a group of blood relatives. Totems personified the connection between man and living nature.

The totem was treated as a kind and caring ancestor and patron who protects people. Totemism served as one of the main sources of the emergence of zoolatry - the cult of animals. It is believed that animals hear and understand human speech, can turn into people, or were once human. These beliefs are associated with imitating animal and bird dances, wearing skins during rituals, and making special masks.

The cult of animals is manifested in the prohibition of killing certain animals and eating their meat or, conversely, in the ritual slaughter of an animal and its consumption during the rite of propitiation of the spirit of the animal.

In the religious ideas of the ancient Greeks, traces of totemism are preserved by myths about centaurs, often found motives for the transformation of people into animals and plants.

A common motive of T. m. is the marriage of a person with a zoomorphic ancestor, a creature of a zooanthropomorphic nature or capable of werewolves (metamorphoses): from this marriage a people descends.

Animism and related myths.

Animism is the belief in the existence of souls and spirits, that is, fantastic, supernatural, supersensible images that in religious consciousness are imagined to be active in all dead and living nature. If the soul seems to be associated with any individual being or object, then the spirit is credited with independent existence, a wide sphere of activity and the ability to influence various objects.

Primitive people deified and spiritualized not only the formidable forces of nature on which their existence depended, but also mountains, rivers, hills and forests), where, as they believed, there were also spirits who had to be appeased, attracted to their side, etc.

Spirits are mythological creatures usually associated with a person, his body, his living environment, including the natural one. The spirits associated with a person are divided into his own D., embodying the soul, after death they become the D. of the dead. In many mythologies, there are different helping spirits that are associated with different parts of the body. Another category of D. consists of host spirits, D., who live in the house or its individual parts. D. sources, lakes, rivers, forests, mountains, and fields were also distinguished.

THE AFTERWORLD - the other world, the world of the dead, the other world, in mythology the abode of the dead (their souls).

In archaic Traditions, the dead could continue the life of hunters, turn into animals and birds, and return to the sites of their relatives in the form of spirits.

The myth of Charon - the carrier of souls to the world of the dead.

17. Reflection of mythical ideas in the rituals of hunters. One of the most ancient are magical rituals that ensured a successful hunt. Among many primitive peoples, members of a community, led by their community magician, turned to totemic spirits for help in hunting. Often the ritual included ritual dances. At the center of the ritual was the spellcaster. Often such ancestral spirits needed to be won over.

Rock paintings also served as the most important magical aid in hunting.

Hunting rituals, in particular those associated with the myth of the dying and resurrecting beast, regulate the relationship of “exchange” between the human world and the animal kingdom: cf. the customs of burying a bear killed during a hunt as a relative in the sacred center of the community among the peoples of Siberia and the burial of a hunter killed by an animal in the forest.

Reflection of mythical ideas in initiation rites. The initiation rite is an age-specific (age-sex) initiation rite. This ritual is associated in origin with the age and gender division of labor, which originated in primitive society at a certain stage of its development. The system of age-based initiations among the Central Australian tribes gave rise to specific, adequate and very characteristic mythological images, the roots and meaning of which are completely clear. This is, first of all, a two-faced mythical image of the founder and patron of initiation rites, at the same time - a terrifying spirit that scares away the uninitiated. These two sides, two hypostases, either merge in a single image, then split into two, then only one side, one hypostasis remains. Among the Aranda, women and uninitiated teenagers believe in a special spirit, Tuanyirik, who, during initiation, takes the initiated youths into the forest and kills them there, cutting off their heads, then revives them again; During the ceremonies, a dull and eerie sound is heard from the forest - the voice of Tuanyiriki.


If you have a suspicion that your partner has fetishistic tendencies, you urgently need to contact one of the specialists: a psychotherapist, a psychiatrist or a sex therapist.

If fetishism has taken on severe symptoms, and it is uncontrollable and calls into question life, health, family, then in this case it is necessary to seek a clinical examination.

As a rule, diagnosis is carried out as a result of conversation. The doctor identifies the following parameters.

  1. Having a specific fetish. This is revealed during a discussion with the patient about his addiction to sex.
  2. The duration of such symptoms appears. For example, the phenomenon has just appeared, or has already been present in the patient’s life for many years.
  3. Totality. It turns out whether the influence of the fetish on a person’s life is increasing or whether it remains outside the boundaries of his behavior in society.
  4. Uncontrollability. Whether the fetish is obsessive, manifests itself suddenly, or is a planned fact.

Danger and safety for a partner

Some fetishes can add variety to your sex life. For example, an addiction to role-playing games, toys, and wardrobe items. Other hobbies can cause not only damage to family relationships, causing suffering, but also to the health of the partner. Some types of fetish, if not diagnosed in the early stages, can lead to various acts classified by the criminal code of the Russian Federation.

In order to protect himself and other family members, the partner should, at the first sign of a fetish, persuade the person to visit a psychiatrist in order to understand how dangerous his behavior can be.

Keep a secret or share with a partner

Many people are afraid to open up to their partner, as there is always a fear of being misunderstood

If your fetish is very harmless and only adds zest to your sex life, then it is worth sharing it with a regular partner with whom you hope to build a long-term, trusting relationship.

If the relationship does not last long, there is a possibility that you will break up; it is better to remain silent about your “points” and not talk about them.

If a fetish was discovered during family life, your other half must know about it.

Fighting fetishism

Whether it is necessary to fight fetishism is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If it is harmless in nature and brings some variety to the lives of partners, then it is possible and should be left if it can be controlled.

If the fetish is uncontrollable, affects relationships, and you cannot subordinate it to common sense, then it must be dealt with through treatment under the supervision of specialists.

Individual psychotherapy

Individual psychotherapy can take place in different formats depending on the methods of work of the specialists, as well as the patient’s situation.

Most often, various behavioral techniques are used that use stimulation methods. This could be injections, physical impact, or electric shock. They are used at the moment when a person becomes aroused by his fetish.

Also, the method of psychoanalysis is used, which allows us to identify the original causes of the appearance of such features and eliminate them.

Support groups

Group support can have a good effect and provides motivation. People share their emotional problems, support each other, encourage each other. In such a group you can feel like a normal person with some peculiarities that need to be eliminated.

Drug therapy

Doctors prescribe drug therapy when fetishism takes on various dangerous forms for society. Also, drug therapy is prescribed when the patient is not motivated to get rid of his fetish. In this case, drugs are used that reduce libido to nothing. Also various hormonal and sedatives.

Who is a fetishist

A fetishist is a person with a pronounced dependence on a certain object, which is an object of worship for him.

Contrary to popular belief that such dependence is characteristic only of the stronger sex, it is also often found among representatives of the fair half of humanity.

According to research, 28% of men and 26% of women are fetishists.

The most common fetishes among ladies are developed male muscles and an abundance of hair on the partner’s body. Men most often like high heels, women's breasts, feet, buttocks, and underwear, although cases of more strange objects of sexual worship are not uncommon.

Features of life with a fetishist

As a rule, fetishism brings its own nuances into family life. In order for partners to exist with each other in love and harmony, it is necessary to contact a sex therapist. A specialist will help you understand how dangerous the fetish is and how to deal with it.

A fetish is just a psychological glitch in the program. Experts assure that if a person is motivated to get rid of this feature, he will quickly recover. In order to prevent such developments in your children, it is necessary to pay attention to their quality psychological and sexual education.

Is it possible to get rid of this

It is possible to get rid of a strange addiction, although it will be quite difficult for the addict. The most common methods are:

  1. psychotherapy;
  2. aversion therapy is when the patient is shown the object of desire while simultaneously subjecting him to an electric shock or giving him nausea-inducing drugs.

That's all, dear friends. I tried to explain in simple words what a fetish is and answer the most common questions related to this problem. I hope that after reading the article everything will become completely clear to you.

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