Why is there a fear of meeting a girl?

  • Why is there fear of girls?
  • How to feel confident?
  • Feeling strong gives you self-confidence
  • What conclusions should be drawn?

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Guys need to take the initiative. For many years, it has been believed that men should be the first to start dating and build relationships. Let’s not get too carried away with the topic of why such a stereotype arose. Let's consider another problem when a guy has a fear of meeting a girl.

Perhaps many readers of the men's site masculino.ru have encountered such a problem as an unconscious fear of approaching and talking to girls. As a result, the guy is left alone because he has not overcome his fear. Next time the situation repeats itself. As soon as you need to approach a girl to talk to her, fear arises.

If you yourself are faced with a similar problem and constantly fail because you are afraid, then you need tips that will help you overcome this trouble.

Reasons for fear of beautiful girls

Why don't men approach beautiful girls, knowing that they may be single? They are driven by fear, which is based on the following reasons:

  1. Fear of rejection.

It will be unpleasant for any person if they are refused. But it is not written on the girl’s forehead whether she will refuse a particular guy or not. Fear of rejection is caused by an unwillingness to face humiliation. Nobody wants to be rejected. A guy would rather meet a not-so-beautiful girl than experience humiliation in front of a beauty.

A guy likes beautiful girls, but his reputation in the eyes of others is important to him. If a beautiful girl and a guy have mutual friends, then this increases the fear even more. If the girl refuses, then the rest of her friends will know about this shame, which the guy doesn’t want.

  1. The presence of other men.

The guy simply cannot believe that a beautiful girl can be lonely. How so? Usually men like beautiful women, and this should make the chosen one in demand. Since the guy may not think that other men think the same way and are afraid to approach beauties, he cannot believe that they can be lonely.

Every man looks at a beauty and thinks: “She definitely has a boyfriend.” And so, imagine, everyone thinks. But in the end it turns out she has no one.

  1. Lack of large sums of money.

Another reason why guys don’t approach beautiful girls is the idea that young ladies only want money. “She’s probably looking for someone rich,” “She’ll want to be given gifts,” “She needs to be provided for, and that’s not cheap.” Such thoughts make guys not to meet beautiful girls, because they understand that they do not have enough money. But no one asked them about whether beautiful girls only need money.

  1. Possibility of lack of mutual sympathy.

The guy may also think the following: “She won’t like me. She is so beautiful, she will never look in my direction.” After such thoughts, all that remains is to start meeting not very attractive girls, although there is a great desire to date beauties.

And here again no one asks the girls. Everyone has different tastes. Beautiful girls don't always only crave handsome guys. There are other priorities that guide the beauty.

  1. Beauties are not for relationships.

This is another idea that guys adhere to in order not to meet beauties. It seems to them that beautiful girls cannot build serious relationships. They will definitely cheat, go out, go to clubs, etc.

However, this opinion is erroneous, since not all beautiful girls lead a similar lifestyle. There are beauties who have long been ready to build serious relationships. They just haven’t found guys who are ready to do the same yet.

Feeling strong gives you self-confidence

If we return to the common way of meeting girls when guys get drunk, we can identify another quality that manifests itself in a state of intoxication. Guys feel strong, which gives them self-confidence. Even if they are faced with a refusal to meet you, they will not be very upset. Guys will continue to meet other girls.

If you cultivate this kind of power in yourself without drinking alcohol, you can become a guy who will never have problems meeting girls.

Let yourself feel your own strength, and never allow yourself to be weak again. Self-confidence appears when a person sees his capabilities. You can be capable of anything not only thanks to physical strength, but also to ingenuity, intelligence, and the ability to be flexible and patient. Anything can be called strength if, thanks to these qualities, you are able to achieve more than you are used to having.

Feeling strong gives you self-confidence. Allow yourself to express yourself to your full potential, after which you will no longer want to return to the miserable existence you led before.

Usually people underestimate their capabilities. From childhood, they get used to obeying, and not making decisions themselves and wanting something, not believing in themselves and doubting, instead of just doing what they want. Remember how parents usually yell at their children when they try to do something, try, which, naturally, will entail the need to correct a mistake (for example, forbidden to climb a tree for an apple, so as not to wash or hem clothes that may be stained or torn). Every year a person learns to infringe on himself, not to believe in his own strength, to doubt, not to desire something that requires a lot of effort. As a result, a person grows up to be strong and capable, but unaware of his capabilities.

But remember how you felt when you did something unusual and achieved success. You did your best and got the desired result. You didn’t do what you usually did, but gave yourself permission to do more. And this led to success. Remember how strong, inspired and confident you were. This is called the power that is present in you and allows you to achieve anything, if only you allow yourself to.

Are you worthy of a beautiful woman?

Men look at the beauty and external attractiveness of a woman when choosing a life partner. When it comes to frivolous relationships, then the beauty of a woman plays the most important role. But if we are talking about a serious relationship, then the man understands that external attractiveness is a temporary phenomenon that fades over the years. And yet, to one degree or another, a woman’s “shell” is assessed by a man when he chooses a partner for certain purposes. But is the man himself worthy of claiming the woman he likes?

Men often talk about female beauty, forgetting that the more a woman takes care of herself, the more carefully she chooses her life partner. The law of proportionality applies here, when the efforts spent on external attractiveness should be equal to the status and wealth of the man.

If you pay attention, the richer the man, the more beautiful the woman next to him is. When a man has status, wealth, opportunities, prospects, then he becomes interesting to those girls and women who spend their energy on being beautiful. And why should we be surprised? You can call it a mutually beneficial exchange, when a man buys what a woman sells to him. Everyone gets theirs in the amounts they expect.

Should men be offended if they cannot attract beautiful women because they are poor, ugly, or unsuccessful? No. The more beautiful a woman is, the more wealthy and successful a man she is looking for. Otherwise, why try? The poor man will be content with a not very beautiful and well-groomed woman. He simply will have no choice, since the beauties will not pay attention to him. So it turns out that you need to not only dream of a beautiful woman, but also understand that she, too, is looking for a far from poor prince. And you need to meet her selection criteria so that she agrees to “decorate” the man.

From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. A woman is looking for a man who will give her what she thinks she deserves.
  2. If you consider yourself unworthy of a beautiful woman, so it will be.
  3. A man must also be at least well-groomed to attract a girl.
  4. You should first ask whether a beautiful girl likes you, so as not to be in guesswork, but to clearly understand the real state of affairs.

How to remove girls' fear quickly and effectively?

The best option for getting rid of the fear of girls is individual work with a hypnotherapist. In this case, you will first be immersed in a state of hypnosis, in which editing of the experience is possible. Only after this will the situation from the past that was the cause of unpleasant sensations in the present be found.

Under hypnosis, the client himself realizes what wrong conclusions he made there and then, makes new decisions and relives situations from childhood, reacting in a new way, feeling comfortable. Then comes a test in real life and consolidation of this new easy and confident state, when meeting and communicating with girls brings joy and pleasure.


Another reason that a man is afraid of beautiful women is lack of self-confidence. It takes courage to approach a girl who, it seems, will definitely refuse and send the guy away. However, the main thing here should be self-confidence.

Dependence on girls, the desire to receive words of approval or compliments from other people, the habit of always looking back at the assessment of strangers regarding how good-naturedly they perceive a guy - all this makes a person lose his own self. “It is not I who decide whether I am good or bad. I don't judge myself. And I give other people the right to judge me, criticize me, encourage me and give me candy.” This approach to life soon leads to the guy becoming unsure of himself. Self-confidence is believing in yourself. But how can self-confidence appear if a person does not trust his own assessment, but waits for other people to appreciate him?

Self-doubt begins where there is an expectation of approval from others. Some person told you that you were ugly and stupid, and you believed it. The girl, under the influence of negative emotions, said that you looked like a pig - and you believed it. The third person, who just wanted to humiliate you, said that you are a loser - and you believe again. This way you can write a whole book about what you are bad at. Then why are you, so bad, unfit and unworthy, still living? I wonder what you think about yourself?

Insecurity only arises because you want approval from the other person. But this interlocutor may be in a bad mood, a desire to increase his self-esteem by humiliating you, or a reluctance to praise anyone. He was rude to you, and you believed him. So what now: do you believe that you are a bad person? And if you are bad, then you cannot have self-confidence.

Stop worrying about what girls will think of you. Many of them simply don’t know you. How can they judge you if they don't know you well?

Start thinking for yourself. What do you see in yourself? Do you like yourself? If you don't like it, then why don't you try to become the kind of person you like yourself. You don't need to please everyone, please yourself. And to achieve this, you only need to think about what you approve and accept in yourself. Let there be something about you that you personally like. And you shouldn’t think about the thoughts of girls.

How to feel confident?

The main reason that a guy cannot meet a girl is his lack of self-confidence. This quality is necessary in any business. If a guy perceives himself as a loser, then this does not help him, but only hinders him. How to feel confident enough to understand what it is?

Let's remember the most basic method that is often used by insecure guys when meeting girls - alcohol. Many guys get drunk first and then go meet girls. They feel swaggering, calm and confident simply because alcohol shuts down their own thoughts about themselves. It is not alcohol itself that promotes dating (although this can happen), but its effect on the brain, which simply stops thinking and spinning various thoughts in the head.

A little advice: if you want to be a little bolder, then have a drink. However, you should not get drunk. Adequate girls do not like alcoholics (therefore it is better to be slightly drunk, but so that it is not noticeable).

Do you want to be confident? Then you will achieve some success. How can you be sure of anything if you haven't actually seen what you can and can't achieve? Confidence is gained as you set some goals and objectives for yourself, and then accomplish them. And the more success you achieve, the more confident you become.

Confidence equals your success. Think about why many people are not confident in themselves? If you look closely, the less success a person achieves, the less confident he becomes. He sets goals for himself, but for some reason does not realize them. He dreams of something, but for some reason does not make his desires come true. And the more such failures, mainly due to the fact that a person does nothing, does not fight, does not overcome difficulties, the less confidence he has.

How can a person be confident in himself that he is worthy of something or can achieve anything if he has no evidence of this in practice? If a person remembers how he started to do something, but did not complete it, how he wanted something, but did not achieve it, then he understands that he will not have everything that he wants in the future. And this causes bitterness, because there are no realized plans - there is no pleasure from achievements!

So it turns out that in order to be a confident person, you just need to prove to yourself that you can achieve something. Carry out errands, daily duties, realize your ideas and goals. The most ideal way here would be to meet a girl. This is the only way you will understand that you can. And since you can, it means you are worthy of having what you have already achieved or intend to achieve.

You become insecure because:

  1. You feel a desire to meet someone, but you don’t do anything about it. How can you rely on yourself?
  2. You set a goal, but then you are afraid to achieve it. How can you know that you will succeed?
  3. You get scared by the first failure and give up without achieving what you want. How can you be sure that you will get what you want anyway?

Eliminate all this, and then the problem of meeting girls will resolve itself in the same way.

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