Theatrical (dramatic) personality disorder

  • Psychological development disorder in a child
  • Major psychological disorders
  • Psychological disorders list
  • The list of such pathologies includes health disorders associated with disorders occurring in the psyche. They can be triggered by social, biological or psychological factors. People who have difficulty coping with accepting the realities of real life are most often susceptible to illness. They are often unable to recover from failures that have occurred. There is some inadequacy in actions, behavior and thinking.

    Psychological developmental disorders

    These pathologies in ICD-10 are included in the heading F80-F89. The diseases included in it always begin in childhood, including infancy. Their development requires a delay in the development of the nervous system or its damage associated with pathological maturation. They are characterized by a constant course, there are no relapses.

    The lesions affect motor functions, speech, and visual-spatial skills. In most cases, environmental factors in this pathology are important, but not decisive. At the same time, the etiology of the lesion is not precisely defined, due to which an exact determination of the causes of developmental disorders cannot be established at the moment. Today it is also common to include autistic disorders among such pathologies.

    Psychological disorders treatment

    Treatment of psychological disorders in patients of any age can only be prescribed by an experienced specialist. Previously, the patient undergoes a thorough health examination. It is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of the presence of a physiological disease. Passing symptoms can be provoked, for example, by endocrine or neurological disorders.

    After eliminating physiological causes, the patient's psychological state is examined. An important part is collecting a family history. The fact of hereditary damage to psychological diseases has not been confirmed at the moment, but there are cases of familial predisposition. Doctors suggest that they may be associated with family habits and hereditary character traits.

    The following are used in therapy:

    • medications: antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers;
    • psychological classes, both individual and in groups;
    • Physical therapy classes are shown.

    Often patients may be advised to find an additional hobby. It can distract the patient from unpleasant thoughts.

    Psychological personality disorders

    After confirmation of the diagnosis, pathology refers to severe psychological deviations in the psychological sphere of a person’s consciousness. They are found in human popularity and are diagnosed in about 12% of the population. Disorders are more often diagnosed in males.

    They are characterized by obvious violations of destructive behavior patterns. This list does not include personality disorders caused by pathologies or brain injuries.

    According to ICD10, psychological disorders are divided into:

    • Schizoid, characterized primarily by disturbances of contact in society, a tendency to recluse and complete isolation. Patients lack a proper sense of reality. A schizoid can be continuously busy with endless and meaningless mental work.
    • Paranoid disorders accompanied by an increased level of suspicion. Patients are characterized by increased sensitivity, high ambition, and inability to accept personal failures. Over time, the severity of the reaction does not dull, but appears regularly with increasing force.
    • Dissocial, characterized by a disdainful attitude towards social, personal, and everyday responsibilities.
    • Emotionally unstable, in which instincts and feelings become the determining reasons for actions.
    • Hysterical, in which patients are characterized by dramatization of what is happening, excessive pretense in the manifestation of feelings.
    • Anankastnye, a striking feature of which is pedantry at the level of pathology. Petty scrupulousness contradicts a real love of order.
    • Anxious, which is accompanied by a constant feeling of fear and personal tension. A person constantly assumes that something tragic might happen to him. Accompanied in most cases by an inferiority complex.
    • Dependents, characterized by a personality’s tendency to completely subordinate to others, pathological passivity, and the inability to make adequate decisions independently.

    According to ICD 10, “other disorders” include narcissism, eccentricity, infantilism, psychoneurotic and passive-aggressive disorders. Doctors also separately identify pathologies of an unspecified type.

    What is psychopathy

    Psychopathy is not a mental illness, since it is only a pathology of character and nothing more. This is an intermediate state between normal and pathological mental health. Therefore, the symptoms of psychopathy are not highlighted. It is possible that a personality disorder may contribute to the development of some kind of psychopathology.

    Psychopathy, being an anomaly of character, develops in childhood. It can be either acquired or congenital. During puberty, the process of formation of all pathological character traits occurs. Further, the personality disorder will accompany the person throughout his entire life. Some character traits may undergo changes, because a person develops all the time, but in general, the basis of psychopathy inherent in an individual does not change radically.

    Persons with personality disorders are recognized as sane and bear criminal responsibility for their actions. In some professional areas, character pathology is detected through special tests, which can serve as a limitation on the choice of specialty and place of work.

    Personality disorders can manifest in a variety of traits. Psychopathy can be compensated or in a state of decompensation.

    There are several different versions about what causes the development of character pathology. There are suggestions that genetic and biochemical factors play a role in this. However, the leading factor is still recognized as the social factor. In other words, whether a child will develop a personality disorder depends on who surrounds him and in what family he is raised.

    Causes of psychological disorders

    The list of provoking factors may include:

    • severe pregnancy in the patient’s mother;
    • birth injuries;
    • presence of genetic predisposition;
    • severe stressful situations;
    • experiences, including in childhood, of psychological or physical violence.

    The presence of one or even several provoking factors at once does not guarantee the onset of a psychological disorder.

    In such patients, disturbances are caused by the characterological constitution, the habitual model of behavior used, and a certain personal structure.

    Symptoms and signs of psychological disorder

    At the moment, doctors are not ready to strictly define the specific symptoms and signs of a psychological personality disorder. Manifestations in each patient are strictly individual. But there are general points that suggest the need to seek advice.

    According to ICD10, the main symptoms and signs include disturbances in behavioral reactions, mental activity, and actions that go beyond the recognized framework of current cultural and moral beliefs and norms. Physical, cognitive and neurological symptoms are observed. They are prone to increased levels of fatigue. They often feel excessively happy or excessively unhappy without a specific reason. Logical relationships are broken.

    ICD10 calls the signs:

    • spatiotemporal disorientation;
    • quick and groundless changes in mood;
    • inadequate attitude towards one’s own physical and emotional state;
    • the appearance of hallucinations;
    • cases of confusion;
    • confusion;
    • fright;
    • lack of reaction to what is happening.

    Sleep is often disturbed. This can equally manifest itself as increased levels of drowsiness and insomnia. A common trigger is depression associated with serious stress, for example, the loss of a close relative. There may be a violation of the order of self-identification. The patient creates an alternative personality that has nothing to do with what happened. The weakening of memory to the level of its complete absence is diagnosed. Mental interest is disturbed, often accompanied by delirium. In some cases, the patient suffers from bouts of unreasonable laughter or a tendency to unreasonably increased tearfulness. Doctors include alcohol and drug abuse among psychological disorders.

    Signs characteristic only of men are highlighted separately. They may be associated with untidiness in appearance and violation of hygiene standards. Men experience failures especially painfully and tend to blame the entire world around them for what happened. They become irritable and tend to offend and humiliate their interlocutors.

    Personality disorder and work

    For people with certain types of PD, it is necessary to select work taking into account behavioral characteristics. With the right choice, work helps a person realize himself, adapt to society, satisfy financial needs, and most importantly, switch from disorders to more positive activities. Employment includes several stages:

    1. Protected - the patient works under the constant supervision of a doctor or social worker, the work is simplified, the regime is gentle.
    2. Transitional - work with the usual schedule, but supervision by a social worker or doctor continues.
    3. General grounds - work at a regular place, with training at the enterprise, control is maintained.

    No specialist will give universal recommendations regarding the employment of a person with LD. It all depends on individual abilities and the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

    Work and labor are not at all prohibited in case of personality disorder, but, on the contrary, are indicated

    For complex forms of disorders, doctors do not recommend getting a job or attending educational institutions until effective treatment has been completed and the diagnosis has been eliminated.

    Diagnosis of psychological disorders

    When diagnosing psychological disorders, doctors must first prescribe an examination of all body systems. This is necessary to exclude physiological causes of pathology.

    Patients are prescribed ECHO, MRI, CT, and examination by an endocrinologist and neurologist is recommended. A study of the medical history is carried out. Psychological manifestations often become side effects of taking certain medications. For example, prescribed in the treatment of neurological diagnoses.

    An important part of the diagnosis is a personal conversation with the patient. It is recommended to involve close relatives and those people with whom the patient is in constant contact.

    Types of psychological disorders

    In modern medicine, there are several main types of psychological disorders, which differ in symptoms and types of manifestation. Often, to eliminate the disease or enter a state of stable remission, depending on the type, different treatment options are required.

    Neuropsychological disorder

    Differs in manifestations of destructive behavior. In most cases, it is caused by improper functioning of the brain. Stand out:

    • Exogenous or external causes associated with head injuries, illnesses, chemical poisoning, psychological trauma. May be associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system, leading to impaired blood supply to the brain.
    • Endogenous or internal causes, which are mostly genetic, caused by a violation in the set of chromosomes.

    Due to the commonality of psychotypes, they can often be transmitted from parents to children. Among the provoking factors are some diseases, including cerebral vascular sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular accidents, and infectious diagnoses. Can be triggered by taking drugs and alcohol.

    Mixed developmental disorders

    In ICD13 they are classified as F83. The first manifestation is most often noted in childhood or infancy. Typically associated with chromosomal or genetic disorders. Accompanied by speech and school skills impairments. Motor functions may be impaired. They are diagnosed only in the case of a complete combination of several psychological disorders aggravated by life circumstances.

    Specific psychological development disorder

    Today, this category of pathological disorders has been poorly studied. An accurate diagnosis is complicated by the unreasonable combination of violations of the proper and timely acquisition of language skills, accompanied by motor disorders. But it is not recognized as intellectual retardation as such.

    Mixed specific psychological development disorders

    They are also established in the case of a combination of several factors recognized in the ICD10. Verbal intelligence suffers, and there are disturbances in the development of speech functions. There may be cases of disorientation and problems with logic are identified. Memory suffers.

    Psychological development disorder in a child

    They are diagnosed when a child has a combination of impairments in school skills, poor speech development, and problems with motor functions. In this case, it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis due to the lack of predominance of one of these disorders.

    Additionally, a certain level of cognitive impairment is detected. The disadvantage of diagnosis is the frequent use of diagnosis in the absence of a real opportunity to establish the exact cause and the leading predominant factor. Often such children are diagnosed with mental retardation. An important condition is the identification of the first signs of pathology at a very early, often infancy, age.

    The leading causes are called biological factors. Including minor tissue damage to brain structures, which provoked a disruption in the formation of interanalyzer connections.

    An additional provocateur is the lack of information associated with the low family level. Manifestations include:

    • speech disorder dyslexia;
    • dysgraphia, which manifests itself in the occurrence of problems with the development of written speech skills;
    • dyscalculation disorders.

    Such children should be under constant supervision of a psychiatrist. The course of treatment includes psychotherapy sessions and drug therapy. It is difficult for children to master the curriculum of a secondary school. They successfully master the rules of acquiring school skills in Type VIII schools. Although such a translation is recommended only in situations where the level of pathology is on the same level as mental retardation.

    There is a clear trend towards a decrease in the level of impairments in adolescence; often the pathology can eventually be smoothed out completely, but problems with cognitive efficiency can remain in adulthood.

    How to Treat a Personality Disorder

    To eliminate symptoms such as anxiety, panic, depression and others, drug treatment is undertaken. The drugs include psychotropic, neuroleptic drugs, serotonin inhibitors. Risperidone is used to prevent depersonalization.

    Psychotherapy is aimed at correcting inappropriate symptoms, but it is worth remembering that the treatment will be long-term. The cognitive-behavioral method allows the patient to pay attention to his behavior, and not the consequences caused by his actions. The specialist can force the patient to obey his orders, for example, stop screaming, speak quietly, calmly, and control himself during attacks. Of no small importance is the participation of the patient’s relatives, who should also know the diagnosis of “personality disorder”, what it is, communicate with a specialist and develop a certain manner of behavior. Positive results can be expected after 5-6 months of constant exposure to the patient. The optimal treatment period is from 3 years.

    How to remove a personality disorder diagnosis

    In Russia, free medical and advisory assistance is provided to people with LC. There is no longer a record of patients with this diagnosis, as in past times. After appropriate treatment, patients undergo dynamic examination at the dispensary for some time, that is, they need to visit doctors for six months. People who want to get a job as a driver or security guard mainly seek to remove the diagnosis. If a patient does not visit a doctor for five years, then his card is transferred to the medical archive, from where it can be requested by law enforcement agencies, the human resources department, etc.

    Removal of the diagnosis is possible after a successful treatment course

    It is theoretically possible to remove the diagnosis only after 5 years, but only if the patient was under observation for a year and the doctor canceled the treatment therapy. To remove the diagnosis prematurely, it is necessary to go to a psychiatric clinic, undergo an examination, and obtain the approval of the commission. Some people with LC, feeling completely healthy, are confident in the positive decision of the doctors, but the latter, in turn, can draw the opposite conclusion.

    Major psychological disorders

    Currently, experts suggest that by 2020, psychological disorders may take fifth place in the list of diseases leading to disability. According to Russian doctors, pathologies can be diagnosed in at least every resident of modern Russia. Approximately similar levels of indicators are observed in all developed countries of the world.

    All the reasons for the occurrence of such pathologies are not known to modern doctors today. Conducted research shows that the list of provocateurs may equally include genetic predisposition and external life events. Diseases of the nervous system, leading to psychological pathologies, are caused by all factors that disrupt the activity of the central nervous system.

    Despite the inability to identify the exact cause of the onset of psychological disorders, these pathologies can now be successfully treated. Depending on the degree of damage, treatment uses only courses of psychotherapy or medications, including antipsychotics and antidepressants.

    Currently, psychiatrists are highlighting an increase in the number of confirmations of diagnoses of depressive disorders and phobias. They can often be accompanied by bipolar disorder.

    The danger of each of these diagnoses is a violation of the patient’s socialization. Even a violation at the mildest level leads to a decrease in the level of performance. Patients become socially isolated. They often prefer loneliness and family ties are disrupted. Pathology leads to the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

    Another large group is fears. They are established whenever a level of panic is detected in the perception of objects, natural phenomena, or events. Modern man often becomes pathologically afraid of spiders, the dark, water, and some animals. The reason can actually be any factor. Moreover, in such a situation, fear is not caused by a natural sense of self-preservation. It is inexplicable and appears unreasonably. The concern is that in reality there is no threat to health, much less life.

    The number of diseases associated with unreasonable feelings of fear is incredibly large. Many of us also encounter their manifestations during rush hour in a subway car or in a large chain store. The crowds of people that surround us here are unpleasant even for healthy people. But it is not rejection that speaks of pathology, but rather fear at the level of a panic attack, in which the patient may begin to choke and may faint.

    The list of major pathological disorders includes alcohol and drug addiction, bulimia, anorexia, and obesity. Doctors often encounter pathological sleep disorders.

    Theatrical (dramatic) personality disorder

    Dramatic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality disorder. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and distorted self-images. For people with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others and is not based on a true sense of self-worth. They have an overwhelming desire to be noticed and often behave in dramatic or inappropriate ways in order to gain attention. The word histrionic means “dramatic or theatrical.”

    This disorder is more common in women than men and usually becomes evident in early childhood.

    What are the symptoms of theatrical personality disorder?

    In many cases, people with theatrical personality disorder have good social skills; however, they use these skills to manipulate other people so that they can be the center of attention.

    A person with this disorder may also:

    • Feeling uncomfortable until he or they are the center of attention
    • Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriate seductive or flirtatious behavior
    • Change emotions quickly
    • Behave very dramatically, as if performing a performance in front of an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, and lack of sincerity
    • Being too concerned about your appearance
    • Constantly asking for reassurance or approval
    • Be gullible and easily influenced by others
    • Being overly sensitive to criticism or disapproval
    • Have little tolerance for dissatisfaction and are easily bored by routine, often starting projects without finishing them, or jumping from one event to another
    • Don't think before you act
    • Be focused on yourself and very rarely interested in others
    • Find it difficult to maintain relationships and often appear deceitful or superficial in your interactions with others
    • Scare or attempt suicide to get attention

    What causes theatrical personality disorder?

    The exact cause of theatrical personality disorder is not known, but most mental health professionals believe that both inherited and learned factors play a role in its development. For example, the existence of a family history of theatrical behavior disorder suggests that there may be a genetic component and that the disorder may be inherited. However, a child of a parent with this disorder may simply be repeating learned behavior. Other environmental factors that may have an influence are a lack of criticism or punishment in childhood, positive reinforcement that is given only when the child behaves only in approved ways, and unpredictable attention given to the child by his or her parent(s).

    How is theatrical personality disorder diagnosed?

    If symptoms are present, the doctor will begin the evaluation by reviewing the patient's complete medical history and physical examination. Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose personality disorders with a specific diagnosis, a doctor may use various diagnostic methods, such as x-rays and blood tests, to rule out physical illness or medication side effects as the cause of symptoms.

    If no physical illness is found, the patient may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, health care professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illness. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interviews and assessment tools to determine whether a person has a personality disorder.

    How is theatrical personality disorder treated?

    In general, people with theatrical personality disorder do not believe that they need treatment. They also tend to exaggerate their feelings, which makes it difficult to follow the treatment plan.

    Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is used to treat theatrical personality disorder. The goal of treatment is to help the person uncover the motivations and fears associated with his or her thoughts and behavior and to help that person learn to relate to other people in the most positive way.

    Medicines may be used to treat symptoms of distress that may occur with the disorder, such as depression and anxiety.

    What complications are associated with theater disorder?

    Histrionic personality disorder can affect a person's social or romantic relationships, as well as how the person reacts to loss. People with this disorder also have a higher risk of developing depression than the general population.

    What is the prognosis for people with theatrical personality disorder?

    Many of these people are able to function well socially and at work. Patients with severe cases may face significant problems in their daily lives.

    Can theatrical personality disorder be prevented?

    Although there is no known way to prevent this disorder, treatment may allow people who are susceptible to this disorder to learn more productive ways to adapt to different situations.

    Tested by doctors at the Cleveland Clinical Department of Psychiatry and Psychology

    Psychological disorders list

    This list is currently incredibly wide, but experts identify the largest groups:

    • Alcohol addiction, caused by a pathological passion for drinking alcoholic beverages, often caused by a violation of social adaptation. This also includes drug addiction. Admission leads to persistent mental disorders.
    • Schizophrenia, in which the patient most often experiences perceptual disturbances. Often accompanied by fantastic delusions and hallucinations.
    • Pathologies of the brain, most often first manifested in childhood, sometimes in adolescents, the pathology intensifies as they grow older.
    • Disorders that occur in the emotional sphere, often called affective disorders. This section includes bipolar disorder, which is increasingly being diagnosed today.
    • Neuroses and numerous variants of phobias that arise from a combination of internal and external conflicts.
    • Physiological disorders associated with pathologies of eating, sexual, labor, and sleep dysfunction.
    • Disorders that occur in adults are associated with pathological conditions in the field of social adaptation, and there is a lack of development in the emotional sphere. Patients often deny the presence of problems and refuse any medical care options.
    • Cases of mental retardation. In such a situation, all areas of life suffer, the patient needs constant monitoring, and is almost always unable to care for himself.

    In the modern world, everyone can sometimes suspect one or another type of psychological illness. But an accurate diagnosis can only be established in a medical institution by a qualified doctor. If you suspect the presence of a pathology, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.

    Types of psychopathy

    There are several classifications according to which psychopathy is divided into different types. In fact, all existing classifications identify the same types, only the name changes, but the essence remains the same. Previously, there were two main types - excitable and inhibited psychopathy. Currently, the group of psychopathy is represented by a large number of types.

    Each type of personality disorder is characterized by a set of certain, most pronounced traits inherent in a particular person. The list of all character anomalies is quite wide. And it is not surprising that such a set of traits can be found in one of your friends and relatives. For some, the state of psychopathy is quite well compensated, they have adapted well to society. Decompensation of personality disorder occurs under the influence of various unfavorable factors and difficult life situations. Then all abnormal character traits are revealed.

    Of all the types of psychopathy, two of the most striking character pathologies should be highlighted, namely the hysterical and schizoid type of personality disorder.

    1. Hysterical psychopath. Such people are also called theatergoers, good actors and actresses. Hysterical psychopathy is most characteristic of women. And this is no coincidence. After all, it has long been believed that the entire female sex is hysterical. However, this statement is currently considered erroneous. The hysterical personality simply loves to be the center of attention. If this is not the case, she will do everything to be admired. Hysterical people are good manipulators. They know how to masterfully create scenes with screaming and crying. Their feelings are superficial and showy. The hysterical type expresses his emotions very violently. Any remark addressed to them can turn into a whole verbal battle with shouts and screams.
    2. Psychopathic schizoid. The schizoid personality type is a kind of counterbalance to the hysterical one. In schizoid psychopathy, the main character trait is pathological isolation. Such people prefer to spend time alone with themselves. They are not used to large companies and many strangers. Schizoids find it difficult to communicate on an informal level. They feel significant discomfort when someone tries to establish contact with them, for them it is akin to a barbaric invasion of personal space. Despite such isolation, which many people perceive as nothing more than a mental illness, these people have good mental abilities. Due to their ability to sit with books and study for a long time, they successfully graduate from school and enter higher education institutions. Many scientists, writers and creative figures, to one degree or another, had traits of a schizoid personality. In general, people with such character pathology are very well settled in life. As a rule, the condition remains compensated for a long period of life.
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