Mosaic personality disorder. The disease of great dictators is mosaic psychopathy. Lack of empathy for others

With a personality disorder, a person may exhibit so-called mosaic psychopathy . It implies a mixture of different psychotypes in one person. As a result, life activity becomes more difficult, since it is difficult to adapt socially to the environment.

Let us recall that psychopathy is a type of personality anomaly in which the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted . For example, with mosaic psychopathy, the character can be extremely hot-tempered, aggressive, but at the same time inquisitive, powerful and tolerant. A nervous system disease of this kind is considered difficult to cure. And it affects older people more often.

An example is people who are constantly dissatisfied with their environment. They complain about housing and communal services, neighbors, the government and ordinary passers-by. At the same time, they can communicate normally with people, say hello, and show no signs of mental disorders.

The name “mosaic” for the disease was chosen for a reason. Psychologists describe such psychopathy as a mosaic of various forms of nervous system disorders.

Etiology of the disease

At present, no reliable cause for the development of mosaic psychopathy has been identified. Scientists have identified two theories of the development of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • influence of the social environment.

Proponents of the hereditary nature of the disease suggest the dominant influence of a certain gene sequence on the development of psychopathy. The role of mutations in the human genotype cannot be ruled out. This theory is supported by the frequent combinations of psychopathy with organic brain lesions (mental retardation, schizophrenia, mental retardation).

Many experts point out that the development of antisocial behavior is often influenced by a history of traumatic brain injury.

With the prevailing influence of the social environment in conditions of ignoring the norms and rules of behavior, the development of psychopathy is possible without organic brain damage and in the absence of such diseases in the family.

Many psychologists are inclined towards these two versions of the pathogenetic formation of mosaic psychopathy. It is known that in 50% of cases, in the presence of a predisposition, the decisive role belongs to environmental factors. A favorable family environment and early instillation of social norms reduce the development of psychopathic behavior even in the case of a genetic predisposition.

Psychopathic personality

The term “psychopathic personality” is used by many doctors to describe patients with antisocial behavior. Mixed personality disorder has the following features of antisocial behavior:

  • inability to form attachments to others, including children and parents;
  • ignoring social norms and rules;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • imposing one’s own thoughts and opinions on others;
  • desire for dominance in relationships;
  • lying for one's own benefit;
  • inability to plan your actions;
  • unexpressed sense of conscience.

A psychopathic person cannot experience a sincere feeling of attachment to people, so he begins to build his relationships in order to achieve a certain benefit. At the same time, they understand all the norms and rules of behavior, but continue to deliberately ignore them.

Often such people skillfully know how to manipulate loved ones and relatives to achieve their goal. The dominant role in behavior is determined by one’s own desires. Sociopaths have no problem lying for their own benefit. Among them there are often people who have committed an offense. People with a personality disorder do not feel guilty. For their own benefit, they may imitate normal behavior, but for a short time.

A characteristic feature of sociopaths is the impulsiveness of their actions. They do not know how to apply long-term planning in their lives. All actions are related to achieving short-term results.

With mixed personality disorder, social restrictions and norms are perceived as tools for manipulating people. Sociopaths do not understand selfless behavior. The feelings of loved ones and relatives do not bother them much. They may use force or violence to satisfy their needs. In relationships with people, sociopaths occupy a dominant role with the phenomena of tyranny in the family.

How is the fitness category determined?

Each disease has specific symptoms and ways of manifestation. That is why, when making a decision, the medical commission takes into account the emotional and mental state of the conscript. Most often, people with similar diagnoses are given a “D” fitness category and given a military ID in their hands. In the future, such a person is considered unfit for military service.

With less severe symptoms, the young man may be assigned fitness category “B”. If the patient is sent for inpatient treatment to an appropriate institution, the risk of his recovery increases. Then he can be assigned the fitness category “B-4”.

Associated symptoms

To identify mosaic-type psychopathy in people, it is necessary to be guided not only by characteristic signs, but also pay attention to accompanying symptoms. Such symptoms complicate social adaptation and make it possible to identify sociopaths in the early stages of the formation of antisocial behavior.

The main signs to suspect mosaic psychopathy are:

  • irritability;
  • emotional instability;
  • learning difficulties;
  • inability to perform the labor process, especially in a systematic manner;
  • pathological liars who attribute their mistakes to others;
  • emotional response.

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Multiple personality disorder can be identified in children with antisocial behavior while still at school. As a rule, such children study poorly and are characterized by cruel behavior. They cannot react normally to external factors, so they always try to choose for themselves the role of a predator, rather than a victim. Emotional response is a defense mechanism in which the child plays out a frightening scenario in order to replace the passive role with an active one. They choose weaker children as their victims.

In the early diagnosis of mosaic psychopathy, an important role is given to school psychologists, who should work with children on the subject of sociopathy. Particular attention should be paid to children from disadvantaged families, where children are taught antisocial behavior from an early age.

Types of infantile disorders

Depending on the symptoms and emotional state of the patient, 4 types of infantile disorders can be distinguished:

  • Borderline represents severe mood swings. The disease most often persists after puberty.
  • Antisocial disorder involves a complete reluctance to interact with society and form partnerships and friendships.
  • Narcissistic disorder is an unhealthy, uncontrollable tendency toward power and authoritarianism.
  • Theatrical disorder is expressed in envy, the desire to manipulate, and attracting attention through eccentric, overly emotional behavior.

Types of mosaic psychopathy

In psychological practice, it is customary to distinguish two forms of psychopathy:

  • active;
  • passive.

People suffering from active psychopathy are characterized by behavior without internal or external delays. Sociopaths do not control their behavior and do not consider it necessary to comply with laws and rules in society. Such people can behave normally for some time, especially when required by a regime or supervision of authoritative people (hospitalization or imprisonment). Without supervision, active sociopaths revert to antisocial lifestyles. The presence of morality and conscience is not observed in them.

Passive sociopaths in their lives are guided by a certain set of rules that replace their conscience and other feelings. Most often, such people are committed to religion and actively observe all religious laws. Such people often exhibit ideological behavior, when they choose an ideal or an authoritative person to follow. These people simply obey certain laws without realizing the humanity of their actions. When deprived of an ideal and a change in their usual lifestyle, passive sociopaths may exhibit antisocial behavior.

Mosaic psychopathy and the law

Often the result of antisocial behavior is a violation of the law as a result of deviant behavior. Types of deviant behavior:

  • criminal;
  • antisocial.

Violation of legislation in the field of administrative or criminal law leads to consequences in the form of sexual assault, fraud, hooliganism and, in the most severe cases, murder.

Violating antisocial norms and rules does not directly harm the people around you, but may indirectly affect them. This behavior includes avoidance of work duties, minor mischief, or inappropriate behavior.

Psychopathic personality traits often lead them to commit various crimes. However, sociopaths never regret breaking the law, only that they were caught.

Socially, such individuals can realize themselves as leaders of a criminal group or religious sects. The fate of many people suffering from mosaic psychopathy is associated with drug or alcohol use. Dependence is formed only to satisfy one’s own desires.


In the international classification of diseases ICD-10 there is no diagnosis of “mosaic psychopathy”. ICD-10 contains a section on personality disorders. This is where possible diagnoses of psychopathic personality disorders are found.

With mosaic psychopathy, the diagnosis is established if the following signs are present (at least three):

  • indifferent attitude towards loved ones;
  • irresponsibility and disregard for social behavior;
  • inability to form attachments;
  • low threshold for controlling one’s aggressive behavior and a short period of frustration;
  • lack of guilt;
  • all kinds of justification for one’s behavior and blaming other people.

If at least three signs are established, then the doctor can safely diagnose “dissocial personality disorder” or “mosaic psychopathy.” Sometimes, for diagnosis, the school psychologist's notes on the presence of conflict behavior are reviewed. An additional symptom may include emotional instability and irritability.

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But it is worth noting that the assessment of each patient’s behavior is taken into account individually. For this purpose, relationships between religion and law are drawn up to form antisocial behavior.

There are a number of other criteria introduced by the American Psychiatric Association, the presence of which is mandatory for the diagnosis of “mosaic psychopathy”:

  • non-compliance with social norms and rules;
  • hypocritical behavior;
  • lack of planning in daily life;
  • aggressive and harsh behavior;
  • exposure of oneself and others to unjustified risks;
  • irresponsible behavior at work and in life;
  • lack of pity for others and indifferent behavior.

The diagnosis can only be made to adults. In this case, manifestations of psychopathy under the age of 15 should be taken into account.

In the presence of comorbid mental illness, evidence of antisocial behavior during periods of well-being is required. For example, with manic-depressive syndrome, behavior during periods of mania and depression is not taken into account. To identify complex cases, a commission is assembled to conduct a psychological examination to make a final diagnosis.

What is mosaic schizophrenia

People with this pathology find it very difficult to be in a social environment

Mosaic schizophrenia is a mixed personality disorder that is based on a psychopathological syndrome. It may be fickle or uncertain.

In the international classification of diseases there is no code under which the mosaic type of schizophrenia is located: in ICD 10 there is no such diagnosis. Pathology belongs to the group of personality disorders.

Schizophrenia of this type is characterized by the development of diverse symptoms in a person. All of them prevent him from behaving adequately in the company of other people. Patients with such a diagnosis are deprived of the opportunity to adapt to society and its laws.


Illness may lead to cravings for drugs

The disease is accompanied by symptoms that do not allow a person to adapt normally to society. Some signs of illness gradually replace others. For this reason, it can be difficult even for a competent specialist to make a correct diagnosis for a patient.

Pathology in most cases is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the emergence of addiction of various forms (drug, alcohol, gaming);
  • the emergence of “super valuable” ideas;
  • excessive initiative and hot temper;
  • constant feeling of infringement of one's own rights by other people;
  • lack of empathy for another person;
  • lack of fear and irresponsible behavior;
  • praising one's merits;
  • open criticism of other people;
  • excessive aggressiveness.

These symptoms are the basis for the doctor to suspect that the patient is developing schizophrenia. A detailed study of a person’s disease allows us to determine its type.

If symptoms characteristic of a mental disorder are detected, the patient must be immediately shown to a specialist. It is very important to prevent the progression of the disease. Otherwise, a person is deprived of the opportunity to be free in society.

Mosaic psychopathy in famous people

Famous personalities have encountered mosaic schizophrenia. Among them was the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. It was the disease that led him to thoughts of a superman.

Another person whom some experts suspect has this disease is the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. Many noticed his inappropriate behavior. Psychiatrist Dmitry Shchigelsky actively studied this issue. He discovered a number of signs in the politician that indicate mosaic-type schizophrenia. Among them, the psychiatrist identified:

  • predisposition to control and manipulate people;
  • presence of an extremely valuable idea;
  • incorrect perception of the surrounding world;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • lack of close friends;
  • refusal to respect social norms.

Shchigelsky is not the only one who suspects the development of this disease in the President of Belarus. His theory was confirmed by other psychiatrists.

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