MEDELLA-2: calming anti-stress complex

Flu of young careerists

Between the ages of 25 and 45, we owe everything, everywhere: bosses and creditors, spouses and children, elderly parents and friends. The desire to do everything and “keep your finger on the pulse” from time to time leads to a state of mortal fatigue.

Fatigue and stress

The normal reaction of a healthy body in these cases is: “forget everything, forget everything,” first get some sleep, and then eat well. Those who follow this golden rule have no health problems, and, oddly enough, succeed everywhere.

But most of us prefer, heroically opening our sleepy eyes, to pore over an urgent project at night or iron our daughter’s bows for the holiday.

Work, career, salary, prosperity in life, children's successes - all these everyday things grow in the mind into mirages, force you to work for wear, and deprive you of rest. The result is the mysterious disease of the century: chronic fatigue syndrome . It’s like a signal from a sensor in a car: “That’s it, we’ve arrived, the fuel has run out.”

How vitamins can help

Taking vitamins is beneficial
Chronic fatigue is not as harmless a condition as it seems at first glance. Good sleep and plenty of nutrition will not get rid of it: insomnia and lack of appetite, fatigue that has no reason, become constant companions of life. Doctors have not yet found the reasons for this condition; in any case, we are talking about a hormonal imbalance in the body and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.

Hormones are microdoses of substances, the release of which into the blood is a signal to start vital processes. These are Lilliputian wizards, without whom the coordinated work of all organs is impossible; they are produced by the body itself.

Another type of Lilliputian - microscopic doses of a substance - are vitamins. Without their participation, the metabolic processes themselves in the body are impossible. The brain sends a signal, hormones are released into the blood, and it delivers the signal to the organ that performs the work.

But the process does not begin: a millionth of a gram of some amino acid - a vitamin - is missing. Unlike hormones, vitamins are not formed inside the body ; they must be constantly replenished from the outside: with food or in special supplements.

During physical activity and stress, the body needs vitamins in much larger quantities than usual. This is required by the high speed of metabolic processes, which for workaholics does not decrease at all: neither day nor night. It is more prudent to support your resources during this time with vitamin supplements than to develop symptoms of chronic fatigue. Treating constant stress is much more difficult and needs to be done in a comprehensive manner.

Benefits of Vitamin E for the Brain

It includes hypnosis and autogenic training, adamants and tranquilizers, an enhanced course of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. So, vitamins for fatigue and stress are the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome. If it is present, they are only part of a complex and expensive treatment.

Ashwagandha treats anxiety and sleep disorders

Ashwagandha is also used for anxiety, but the form of the drug matters. Patented ashwagandha extract Sensoril Ashwaganda (8% Withanolides) is titrated to the active component withanolides, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties.

Studies have shown that ashwagandha reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, treats anxiety and sleep disorders , and insomnia. In a study of people with chronic stress, ashwagandha reduced anxiety and insomnia by 69%.

The benefits of Sensoril Ashwaganda are that the extract provides a relaxing effect while also increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue. The effective dosage is 125 - 250 mg twice a day.

My choice: Natural Factors Ashwagandha or Natural Factors Ashwagandha Adaptogen, Stress-Relax, Serenity Formula

Little doers of big work

Today, 13 vitamins are known, each of which is unique and indispensable in the normal functioning of the human body. Knowing about their role, you can determine in time which vitamin is missing and fill the need for it.

Vitamins and their role in the body

Vitamin nameRole in metabolismSigns of Deficiency
Retinol – vitamin A.1. Participates in the production of sex hormones; intrauterine development of the fetus; 2. Necessary for the formation of phagocytes and antibodies - components of the immune system. 3. Strong antioxidant, binds free radicals. Difficulty conceiving a child; feeling tired; irritability; weakening of the immune system.
Thiamine is vitamin B1.1. Without thiamine, cell nutrition is impossible. Keeps the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and heart in good shape. 2. Participates in the production of acetylcholine, a transmitter of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex. Signs of cellular starvation: muscle weakness, fatigue, nervous disorders, depression.
Riboflavin is vitamin B2.1. Participates in the formation of nerve cells and in the transmission of impulses between neurons; 2. Stimulates the growth of red blood cells; monitors the amount of adrenaline; 3. Regulates the production of hormones by the adrenal glands. Poor appetite, migraines, loss of performance.
Nicotinic acid - vitamin B3 (PP).1. Necessary for the production of many hormones (insulin, sex hormones, cortisone, etc.);Insomnia, chronic fatigue, memory loss.
Pantothenic acid - vitamin B5.1. Necessary for the production of acetylcholine, a mediator that transmits nerve impulses. 2. Participates in the formation of antibodies - the basis of the immune system; 3. It is extremely necessary for the production of cortisone - the stress hormone - by the adrenal glands; 4. Required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Lethargy, inhibited reaction, restless sleep, upset stomach and intestines.
Pyridoxine is vitamin B6.1. Required in more than 60 metabolic processes, especially in the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates into amino acids that are absorbed by cells; 2. Is a stimulant of the heart; 3. Participates in the synthesis of “hormones of joy” - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine - mediators responsible for mood. There is 30-50 times more pyridoxine in the brain than in the blood. Anemia, drowsiness; nervous, nutritional, immune disorders.
Biotin is vitamin H (B7).1. Regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, blood sugar; 2. Participates in cell division Anemia.
Folic acid - vitamin B91. Necessary during cell division and the breakdown of protein foods into digestible amino acids; 2. Used in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine; 3. Participates in hematopoiesis. Anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; diseases of the fetus during pregnancy.
Cyanocobalamin - vitamin B121. Indispensable for the division of bone marrow and epithelial cells; 2. Participates in the production of myelin, which protects nerve fibers; Gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite.
Ascorbic acid - vitamin C1. Participates in the production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline; other stimulants that stabilize the psyche; 2. Antioxidant, blocks free radicals, preventing them from disrupting the functioning of organs; 3. Necessary for oxygen metabolism and absorption of iron and calcium. Immune system disorder.
Tocopherol - vitamin E1. As an antioxidant, prevents the formation of cancer cells; supports the heart; 2. Reproduction vitamin – participates in the production of estrogens; Sexual disorders; muscle dystrophy.
Calciferol - vitamin DPlays an important role in the formation of bone tissue, in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium.Bone diseases.
Menadione – vitamin KParticipates in the basic energy processes of the body.Bleeding and hemorrhage.

Vitamins for strength training

It is important for athletes and people with an active lifestyle to know which vitamins to take during stress associated with heavy physical activity. Exhaustive training or long work accelerates biochemical processes and requires a lot of oxygen.

What vitamins are lost during exercise?

The second need of the body is the protein component, since high energy consumption leads to the burning of muscle fibers due to the breakdown of protein. A vitamin complex for athletes should include minerals that are lost through heavy sweat during intense exercise. This is calcium (ensures bone strength); iron (oxygen exchange); magnesium (heart muscle function), potassium (prevention of muscle cramps).

Sports vitamins

The following vitamins are especially important during physical activity:

  • representatives of group B prevent the burning of muscle tissue during work (if they are insufficient, the strength for the last push is lost);
  • Vitamin D – not only strengthens bones, but also increases the tone of muscle tissue;
  • vitamin C – immunity and relief from shortness of breath during exercise;
  • vitamin E is an antioxidant, blocks breakdown products during increased metabolism;
  • Vitamin A – helps restore strength and increase endurance.

For people who do heavy physical work, anti-stress vitamin complexes are suitable.

  1. “Alphabet effect” - vitamins are divided into three groups, which must be taken in three doses. This is due to the compatibility of the components of the complex.
  2. "Complivit asset" - created for intense physical activity.
  3. "Dynamizan" - along with vitamins and minerals, contains ginseng, good for women.
  4. “Vitrumperformance” is designed for prolonged physical and mental stress.
  5. "Gerimaksenergy" - a combination of vitamins with green tea and ginseng restores the female body well after physical activity.

The best vitamin complexes against fatigue

Pharmacies sell many vitamin-containing preparations that help get rid of increased fatigue. Before purchasing a pharmaceutical product, you should consult a medical specialist. The fact is that some vitamin complexes cannot be used together with certain medications. Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal treatment without side effects. Vitamin preparations should not be taken continuously. You should take the course and then be sure to take a break. If you use pharmacy vitamins constantly, your body will stop absorbing nutrients from food. Below is a list of the best vitamin supplements for fatigue.

  1. Alphabet Energy. A complex of vitamins and minerals intended for people who are mentally and physically overtired. The tablets are divided into three parts: morning, afternoon and evening. The morning tablet includes thiamine, folic acid, medicinal plant extracts, activates mental performance, and helps to cheer up. The daily tablet contains ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, magnesium, rutin, supports the body's energy throughout the day, stimulates metabolism. The evening tablet includes cyanocobalamin, folic acid, biotin, calcium, restores strength, strengthens the immune system, nerves, and heart.
  2. Vitrum Energy. An effective drug based on vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine glands, increasing body tone. Prescribed for loss of strength, constant lack of sleep, low performance, weakened sexual activity, and exposure to stress. Recommended for people who have had a serious illness or surgery.
  3. Duovit. A complex of vitamins and minerals, including ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherol, iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, ginseng extract. Recommended for people who constantly face stress, athletes, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. Taking the drug is useful when you have a poor diet, after surgery, and also in winter, when there are not enough local vegetables and fruits.
  4. Doppelhertz Energotonic. A tasty and pleasant-smelling elixir that includes vitamins, minerals, medicinal plant extracts, and essential oils. Strengthens the immune system, fills the body with energy, improves performance and concentration. It is recommended to drink the medicine for anemia, chronic fatigue, weakening of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.
  5. Supradin. A vitamin complex taken for drowsiness, immunosuppression, winter and autumn fatigue. Restores body tone, activates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of nerves and hematopoietic organs, increases mental strength, and maintains normal blood pressure. Recommended for students and people of intellectual professions to improve concentration and performance.
  6. Multi-tabs Active. A highly effective complex of vitamins prescribed for fatigue, low physical and mental activity, emotional stress, and mental disorders. It is recommended for people who are constantly overworked physically and intellectually, who have suffered a serious and long-term illness, who play sports, or who have sexual problems. The tablets contain phylloquinone, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Complivit. A vitamin complex that restores the nervous system, helping to overcome drowsiness, emotional burnout, laziness, and apathy. Prescribed to strengthen the immune system, relieve fatigue and the effects of stress, increase the stamina and endurance of the body. The drug contains ginkgo biloba extract, which renews cells, strengthens blood vessels in the brain, improves mood and concentration.
  8. Berocca Plus. Good vitamins recommended for high school students, students, and people engaged in intellectual work. The drug helps get rid of nervous tension and the effects of insomnia, increase energy and performance.
  9. Bion 3. Dietary supplement containing large quantities of vitamins, minerals, and lactobacilli. Helps get rid of chronic fatigue and strengthen the immune system. Sometimes prescribed as a prophylactic against anemia.
  10. Revien. Dietary supplement including ginseng and hop extracts, iron, zinc. Helps to resist stress, prevents the development of nervous disorders, relieves emotional stress, enhances intellectual activity, and improves body tone. Recommended for apathy, blues, irritability, nervousness, drowsiness, high mental and physical stress.
  11. Dynamisan. Dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, ginseng extract. Eliminates depression, fills the body with energy, strengthens the immune system, improves memory and intelligence. It is best to take the drug for old people who feel weak and powerless, people who have undergone surgery, or who have problems with the reproductive system.
  12. Apilak. Biological medicine that has a general strengthening effect. It is produced on the basis of royal jelly, rich in vitamins, microelements, enzymes, and hormones. The medication helps resist stress, supports memory, normalizes blood pressure, increases appetite, activates metabolism, and improves blood circulation in the brain. Recommended for drowsiness, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure.

If a person is suffering from severe fatigue, then it is useful for him to take a course of B vitamins. The dosage of vitamin injections is selected only by a medical specialist. Through injections, you can get rid of even severe energy deficiency in the body, restore vigor and activity, and significantly improve health.

Vitamins for men

Men react to stress somewhat differently than women, and this is due to the characteristics of their physiology and psyche. Stressful situations and exhaustion of the body reduce the production of the male hormone testosterone. Its deficiency leads to problems in sexual life, self-doubt, and isolation.

Read more about known stress hormones .

Vitamins for men

For this reason, the following diseases are common among men: prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and prostate adenoma (formation of a tumor in it). In a word, stress causes almost more trouble for the stronger sex than for the weaker sex.

Restorative vitamin complexes for men are created taking into account the biochemical reactions of their body.

  1. “Alphabet for Men” - along with basic vitamins and minerals, this complex contains herbs that stimulate sexual activity. It has a restorative effect and increases the tone of life.
  2. “Douvit” improves well-being in case of prostatitis, restores normal sexual function, and a man’s appearance becomes more attractive.
  3. "Velmen" - contains all the useful vitamins and minerals in the daily requirement. Taking these vitamins is accompanied by nausea, which goes away after 20 minutes. The “Velmen” complex is indicated for men under intense mental and physical stress.
  4. "Man's formula. More than a multivitamin" - an American drug certified in Russia, has conflicting reviews. With a price starting from 600 rubles, it promises to increase energy, immunity, potency, stress resistance - in a word, to create a brutal hero out of a confused man. Those for whom the miracle did not happen are disappointed.

In general, switching from alcohol, nicotine and energy drinks to vitamins for men against stress will allow the stronger half to steer onto a healthy path of life, and lead the whole family onto it.

What vitamins to choose for stress

In the modern pace of life, most people face stressful situations every day.
This condition has a negative impact on health. It is possible to get rid of this disease by replenishing vitamins and microelements needed by the body. Immunity is a specific system of the body that protects it from the influence of an unfavorable environment. That is, it develops protection against the entry of various bacteria and toxins into the body. With good immunity, a person is protected from various infections. For this reason, it is imperative to increase it, thereby staying healthy.

In order to strengthen your immune system, you need to:

  • Healthy food;
  • harden the body;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • take specially designed vitamin complexes.

People need to take vitamins not only during the season of decreased immunity, but also for preventive purposes. There are several groups of beneficial elements that help in improving the functioning of the immune system.

List of essential vitamins to support the immune system:

  • A – helps preserve the visual system, improves blood circulation in the vessels, and also strengthens them. Prevents the development of tumors in the prostate and protects the mammary glands of women from the development of tumors;
  • B – B1, B12, B6 are used from this group. It is these elements that are necessary to protect the body from the effects of viruses and infections. They produce special antibodies required to strengthen the immune system;
  • C – helps accelerate the production of antibodies. Extremely necessary for seasonal colds;
  • E – can prevent aging of soft tissues, accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin;
  • P – protects the body from the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • D – needed to develop immunity against colds;
  • N – is able to improve metabolism and also protects against skin ailments;
  • K - improves the coagulability of blood fluid, which promotes good absorption of calcium. And this has a positive effect on bone strength, as the risk of fractures is reduced.

However, vitamins alone are not enough to boost immunity. They should be taken together with microelements. Therefore, the best solution would be to take ready-made vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • Immunal Forte - this complex contains plant extracts, vitamins B6, C, as well as the mineral zinc;
  • Mukulti-tabs - contains vitamins B, C, A, D, E, and folic acid. In addition, the drug contains elements such as zinc, iron, iodine, chromium, manganese;
  • Vitrum is one of the popular drugs, consisting of 15 minerals and vitamins that combine perfectly with each other. Allows you to protect the body from severe fatigue;
  • Complivit - consists of 19 different vitamins and microelements, most often prescribed to older people. It is able to compensate for a large lack of vitamin substances;
  • Immunal - unlike many medications, is made only from natural ingredients.

It is necessary to take vitamins for stress and nerves strictly according to the instructions, and you must take into account the schedule for taking them.

When a person is constantly in a state of anxiety, the body begins to feel a lack of certain elements. Therefore, it is very important, in case of prolonged depression, to consume more vitamins and minerals. Since the missing elements will only increase the accumulated internal tension.

Those who are constantly depressed need to reconsider their diet and also take vitamin complexes that contain substances such as zinc, tryptophan, magnesium, and dopamine. The most important vitamins for this disease are the elements of group B, as they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It is advisable to take all vitamins for depression in a comprehensive manner:

  • B1 – prevents the development of irritability and rapid fatigue;
  • B2 – improves the functioning of nerve cells, activates metabolic processes. If there is a lack of this vitamin, a prolonged depressive state may develop;
  • B3 – fights the problem of poor sleep. Due to the fact that the element improves blood circulation, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiac system;
  • B5 – against the background of a poor emotional and mental state, an infection may develop in the body. And this vitamin allows you to suppress diseases;
  • B6 – the absence of this element causes irritability in a person;
  • B12 – promotes the restoration of cells that are responsible for sleep.

You can get all the substances your body needs with the help of medications:

  • Invigorates. Charges the body with energy and tones it. Increases performance and makes a person more resistant to stressful situations;
  • Stress Aid. The medicine contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that will help cope with the disease;
  • Doppelhertz. Used for long-term depression. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system;
  • Neutromultivit. Helps improve emotional background. They treat problems of the nervous system.

Representatives of the fair sex suffer from depression much more often than men. Basically, a factor in this condition is postpartum activity or the onset of menopause. If a woman is breastfeeding, then she needs to take vitamin complexes that contain a predominant content of zinc, omega-3, vitamins B, and A.

With constant nervous excitability, it is possible to use the drug MagneB6. It allows you to relax and also relieves symptoms of irritability.

During the onset of menopause, a woman experiences changes in her body. It is recommended to drink the drug Osteovit, as it provides support during hormonal changes. In addition, anti-fatigue vitamins are prescribed - ALPHABET Energy.

But men are most often prescribed medications based on St. John's wort. This is due to the fact that their body structure is very different from that of the fair sex.

Almost every person faces stressful situations. These could be stressful situations at work or in relationships with family members. Therefore, the question of what vitamins to take against stress is very relevant among the population.

During stress, changes occur in the body, heart rate increases, and the performance of the nervous system deteriorates. In this case, you can take fish oil, pribiotics, vitamin complex, valerian, L-theanine, which is a natural source of amino acids. Vitamins for stress have a positive effect and do not have negative side effects.

Basic list of vitamins for stress and

  • Natural Factors – relieves symptoms of anxiety, restlessness;
  • Jarrow Formulas – reduces cortisol levels, thereby reducing the level of anger and anxiety;
  • Solgar – lowers blood pressure, which increases greatly during a stressful situation;
  • Gaia Hebs - consists entirely of natural plant components, copes quite well with stress.

There are quite a lot of factors that cause stress. First of all, regular stress conditions, vitamin deficiencies, and the presence of bad habits.

Essential vitamins for stress and mental stress:

  • Magnesium B6. It contains elements such as pyridoxine and magnesium. Reduces the risk of mental disorders, has a restorative effect, prevents neurological disorders;
  • Trigamma - produced on the basis of vitamin B6. Used to treat mental disorders;
  • Vitabalance. An effective drug. It includes vitamins B, C, A, as well as ascorbic acid and minerals. First of all, it has a calming effect and reduces the load on mental activity.

Attention! In addition to taking vitamins for neuroses, you should try to avoid situations that affect your psychological state.

People who are susceptible to depression and stress need to eat right. You need to eat more foods that are enriched with vitamins and minerals. Also, with nervous disorders, a person can often gain weight - this is caused by the fact that there is a lack of nutrients in the body.

To prevent this situation, you need to plan your diet. It is recommended to avoid fatty, high-calorie foods. Avoid fast food and alcoholic drinks. You should eat vegetables and fruits every day. They are a natural source of vitamins and microelements.

Healthy foods:

  • celery;
  • tomatoes;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • grain crops;
  • nuts.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that you need to drink more fluid. It has been established that people in a stressful situation are recommended to consume ½ liter of water more. A decoction of chamomile and ginger will be beneficial, and you can also drink a cup of green tea. Drinking it in large quantities is not recommended, as it may cause problems with blood pressure.

After treating depression, a person needs to regularly take a course of multivitamins for stress. It is also recommended to prevent stress. Start doing physical exercise, try to get enough sleep, and eat right.

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Multivitamins - first aid for everyone

Many families have a good tradition: during spring vitamin deficiency, take a course of multivitamins. The body responds gratefully to such care: the risk of colds is reduced, and chronic fatigue syndrome remains an unknown term. The following complexes are popular and inexpensive, they are suitable for all family members.

  1. "Undevit" - contains almost all B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol. Supports the immune system well.
  2. "Triovit" - provides antioxidant protection, is indicated for increased loads, suitable for both elderly people and children from 10 years of age.
  3. "Univit" - can be taken from the age of 3, provides the growing body with everything necessary.
  4. “Centrum from A to Zinc” is good because it contains a daily dose of all vitamins and minerals, helps with vitamin deficiency and increased stress, with chronic diseases.
  5. “Supradin is an effective complex of multivitamins and minerals, has a restorative effect, the best remedy in the spring.
  6. “Alphabet” and “Complivit” are the most popular multivitamins for the whole family, stimulating physical and mental activity.

Read more about Complivit anti-stress.

Of course, vitamins will not solve all the problems that life poses to a person, but they help to stay afloat in difficult moments and get out of stress with the least loss.

Pharmacy vitamins for the nervous system

Irritability, constant fatigue, apathy are the consequences of a decrease in the performance of the central nervous system. As soon as the body's protective function weakens, the cells of the central nervous system remain defenseless against free radicals. This leads to their destruction and death. B vitamins help strengthen the outer shell of neurons. A sufficient amount of them is contained in brewer's yeast; they are part of various complexes. Brewer's yeast ensures the normal functionality of the thyroid gland and normalizes hormonal levels and restores nerve cells. Girls are often prescribed vitamins for stress and depression, which also have a beneficial effect on the external condition of the skin and hair.

A complete complex of vitamins for strengthening nerves contains the drug “Neurobeks”.

An excellent complex remedy is Magnesium B6. It is often prescribed to calm and restore nerves, as well as to normalize the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. You can increase the level of levocarnitine in the blood using the drug "Pentavit". The lack of cobalamin is compensated by taking Polivit, Duovit.

Vitamin C is contained in any complex medicine.

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