How to prepare soothing baths at home

Constant exposure to stressful situations gradually destroys the nervous system and destabilizes its functioning. At best, this ends in prolonged depression, at worst - nervous disorders, which cannot be gotten rid of without medical help.

But the harbinger of all this, as practice shows, is a deficiency of B vitamins and disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system that produces hormones - it is these substances that regulate human behavior in a stressful situation.

According to research , daily diet directly affects the health of the central nervous system.

How can you calm your nerves with healthy food? Can a change in diet really increase the resistance of the nervous system to various kinds of external stimuli that provoke stress? Which specific products are most useful? What is the role of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet?

How does nutrition affect the nervous system?

Nutrition is where the body gets all its nutrients, the so-called nutrients. Almost 20% of them are used by the brain to carry out its functions, including the production of hormones.

For example, so-called endorphins are responsible for a good mood. These include serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. And during times of stress or nervousness, it is their lack that the body experiences .

What is needed to produce them? B vitamins, as well as fatty acids (the main one is omega-3). To a certain extent, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phytoncides and so on are also used.

A person can get all this only by following a varied diet. So, one of the first tips is to include a wide variety of foods in your diet. Although it is believed that the healthiest ones are fruits and vegetables, you cannot do without meat or milk. And an imbalance of micronutrients in the body is no less harmful than a deficiency of vitamins (vitaminosis).

Also, to strengthen the nervous system, a person needs tryptophans - these are substances that increase the sensitivity of neurons to impulses and prevent the degradation of nerve cells. There are tryptophans that the body synthesizes on its own, but some are obtained only from food. For example, chocolate, garlic, and bananas contain high levels of certain tryptophan groups. That is why their use will help you quickly cope with depression and stress. It works no worse than alcohol or nicotine (many people also use them to quickly “calm down”).

Foods to calm your nerves

Stress and tension are constant companions of our modern lifestyle. We think this is due to various problems of a family or work nature. This is partly true, but the main reason lies in the physiology of our body - our respiratory frequency! A neurologist friend in Rostov-on-Don spoke about this in detail.

He claims that normally (at the moment of rest) a person should inhale and exhale six liters of air in one minute. But in fact, this volume of air is approximately eight liters! Compared to our ancestors of the last century, we experience chronic hyperventilation due to more frequent and deeper breathing.

As a result of this, our blood carbon dioxide levels are significantly reduced, and this entails frequent chronic stress. Proponents of yoga say that with persistent training you can reduce the amount of air consumed and thereby improve the quality of life and sleep, and sharpen your attention. Whether to do yoga or not is a personal matter for everyone. But everyone should remember to consult with a medical professional before doing any breathing or other exercises!

Nerves and nutrition for them

The health of the nervous system largely depends on the direct effects of nutrients entering the body through food. Scientists have compiled a list of organic compounds, vitamins and microelements that naturally and safely calm the human nervous system. Here is the list:

— VITAMINS of group B — support the nervous system in a healthy working condition. Studies have found that tingling in the limbs already indicates a lack of B-group vitamins in the body. Because of this, the myelin sheath, which provides protection to neurons, is damaged. And B-vitamins, especially vitamin B12, provide assistance in its restoration. And vitamin B6 is directly involved in the formation of serotonin and affects neurotransmitters - transmitters of information from neuron to neuron. Vitamin B3 helps produce substances necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, which is also very important;

— VITAMIN A — has a positive effect on the working condition of the optic nerve, and therefore on eye health;

— VITAMIN E — relaxes and calms the nerves, helps regulate the functioning of the nervous system;

— VITAMIN C — controls the synthesis of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, has a calming effect.

— MAGNESIUM — has a positive effect on the working condition of nerves and muscles, helps proper blood circulation;

- OMEGA-3 fatty acids - have a calming effect, improve concentration and the general condition of the nervous system, stimulate memory, increasing its capabilities;

— SELENIUM — keeps the nervous system in the right tone and helps to work actively;

- ANTIOXIDANTS - help strengthen the nervous system and calm the nerves;

- CARBOHYDRATES - help produce the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which relaxes and quickly calms the body's nervous system. Carbohydrates also reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood.

Before moving on to products that are beneficial for the human nervous system, I would like to recommend that you consult with an experienced specialist, especially on nutrition of the nervous system of a growing organism. A pediatric neurologist will definitely help you navigate the list of products that are beneficial to the growing nervous system.

Foods that calm your nerves:

- FISH - Research conducted at Ohio University has shown that the fatty polyunsaturated Omega-three acids contained in it reduce the production of cytokines (substances that cause depression) and simply have a calming effect on the nerves;

— CEREALS AND GREATS — By increasing the production of serotonin, they reduce nervous excitability and stimulate the heart;

— BERRIES — Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are a storehouse of vitamin C and natural antioxidants. The journal Psychopharmacology published in 2002 the results of research conducted by scientists confirming the important role of vitamin C in regulating cortisol production. Its prolonged presence in the body increases the risk of insomnia and depression, as well as the possibility of the formation and further development of heart and vascular diseases;

— BRAZIL NUTS — have a strong sedative effect because they are saturated with selenium. Researchers at the University of Wales have proven that if you eat three of these nuts daily, you will be an energetic and calm person;

- CITRUS - are a rich storehouse of vitamin C, which lowers the level of the stress hormone - cortisol in the body. There is a scientific opinion that just peeling the peel calms the nerves;

— APPLES — Vitamin C, fiber and iron contained in apples have a positive effect on the body’s immune and nervous systems;

— BANANAS — contain a very large amount of B-vitamins, potassium and magnesium. Their use helps in the process of quitting smoking, when passing exams, during decisive meetings and making important decisions. They calm you down and increase concentration.

— SPINACH — it contains a high content of vitamin K, which affects the formation of hormones that increase stress resistance and mood;

— HARD CHEESE AND YOGHURT — increase anti-stress resistance due to the rich content of B vitamins;

-BLACK CHOCOLATE - perfectly calms and reduces cortisol levels in the body. This is confirmed by the words of Dr. Christy Leong that chocolate contains tryptophan, which relieves anxiety and relaxes. Chocolate is also rich in anandomine, which greatly affects the content of dopamine in the brain, causing calm and relaxation;

— CHAMOMILE TEA is a proven folk remedy that relieves tension, causes calmness and relieves insomnia. And if you drink this tea with a small amount of milk, its effectiveness will increase significantly.

Due to the individuality of each organism, you should contact a good medical center and adjust the use of these products taking into account the benefits and avoidance of harm to your health.

What should you avoid?

There is a whole list of foods that are harmful to the brain, the consumption of which negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Doctors recommend excluding or at least limiting the presence of the following in the diet:

  1. Strong brewed coffee. Although it contains caffeine, it also provokes a sharp jump in blood pressure, which is “perceived” by the body and brain as a stressful situation. You are allowed to drink no more than 2 cups of regular coffee per day, with a total caffeine content of up to 150 – 200 mg. Read more about the connection between coffee and stress here.
  2. Trans fats. They provoke blockage of blood vessels in the brain, and do not yet carry any nutritional value. A high content of trans fats is observed in margarine, factory-made sausages, sausages, and also in fried beef.
  3. Sweet carbonated drinks. Firstly, they contain a huge amount of simple carbohydrates (about 250 grams of sugar per 0.5-liter jar), due to which the level of glucose in the blood increases sharply - this is perceived as stress by the brain, after which the pancreas actively works (to produce insulin). Instead of sweet soda, it is better to drink milk or plain water, or, in extreme cases, tea.
  4. Very spicy dishes. On the one hand, they act as an antiseptic on the digestive system, on the other hand, they irritate receptors, thereby provoking increased sensitivity of brain cells. During stressful situations or depression, it is better to avoid such products.

Soothing tea

Now we will touch on the question of how you can calm the nervous system with the help of homemade sedatives.

Most people know about them, but we turn to medications more often: after all, we need an “instant effect,” as in advertising, and “it’s better not to think about side effects.”

It is believed that sedative herbs for the nervous system act slowly - this is true, but by drinking a cup of mint-St. John's wort tea with honey, you can feel relief within 10-15 minutes. If you drink not coffee and black teas in the morning and evening, but teas with herbs (in addition to mint and St. John's wort, there is chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, valerian, oregano, motherwort, linden blossom, etc.), you can calm and strengthen for a long time and without side effects. nervous system. Calming herbs have a gentle effect, help to relax, relieve muscle tension, reduce irritability and anxiety, restore heart rate and sleep.

Susceptible, excitable and suspicious people with poor resistance to stress should not neglect traditional medicine. You should take antidepressants, many of which are addictive, strictly as prescribed by your doctor, but pharmacies now sell many things without a prescription: those who like “quick and effective solutions” use it thoughtlessly.

To calm the nervous system, teas can be brewed as usual, but steeped a little longer - 15-20 minutes. Use herbs individually or in the form of collections - it will be even tastier.

For example, you can mix 20 g of dried strawberries, mint and lemon balm leaves, linden blossom, 12 g of motherwort and chamomile. Brew 2 3 tbsp boiling water (1 l) in a thermos. collection; After 15 minutes you can drink it, adding honey or jam. Drink the entire infusion the day before.

Relaxing baths

Although the installation of shower cabins in offices is beginning to become fashionable in our country, with bathtubs everything is different, so you will have to calm the nervous system with their help at home.

There are many bath recipes: with salts, essential oils, herbs, etc. A bath with the addition of milk (3 glasses) from non-hot water is excellent for relaxing and soothing.

A bath with sodium iodide (100 g) and potassium bromide (250 g) (iodine-bromine) has become very popular: it is gentle and effective. Powders (sold in a pharmacy) are dissolved in water (1 liter), and 100 ml of the resulting solution per bath (35-36 C) (remains should be stored in a dark place - it can be stored for more than a year). Additionally, you can add regular salt (1 kg), take a bath for 10-12 minutes, then rinse in the shower.

What foods calm the nervous system?

The best way to be healthier is to eat the right foods, and eat foods that your nervous system loves. It is recommended to eat at least 350 g of any of the following products per day in different combinations: cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, poultry and lean livestock meat, red or black caviar, salmon, mild cheese, cold-pressed vegetable oils, natural dark chocolate, pasta made from whole grain flour, legumes (lentils, soybeans and their by-products, beans), eggs, oyster mushrooms, buckwheat and millet. To calm the nervous system, black and brown rice, dried apricots and prunes, bran, seaweed, freshly squeezed beet and carrot juice, honey, and green tea are useful.

If these products, which also help the body produce serotonin and other “anti-stress hormones,” are constantly present in the menu, the condition of the nervous system is leveled out and a lasting improvement occurs.

You should not think that conflict situations and frequent stress are a “passing phenomenon.” Situations change, as does your mood, but nothing goes unnoticed for the nervous system: do not destroy it, but take care and support it.

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