How to spell thunderstorm or thunderstorm

What lies beneath irrational fear?

  1. Fear passed on from generation to generation The danger of a thunderstorm has always been obvious to man. The desire to be safe and hide from bad weather is a genetically inherent tendency.
  2. Superstitious and mystical fears Thunder and lightning are still associated with the manifestation of Divine wrath. According to legends, lightning strikes where evil spirits are hidden and can strike a person mired in sins. And cinema helps to consolidate in the subconscious the information that it is during a thunderstorm that the forces of evil reach their apogee, and a flash of lightning will certainly highlight an ugly mystical creature or villain from the darkness.
  3. Fear of being struck by lightning When struck by lightning, a person receives a powerful electric shock. This can cause cardiac arrest, damage to the central nervous system, burns of varying severity and other injuries. Most accidents result in the death of the victim, but cases of survival are not uncommon. According to statistics, the likelihood of becoming a lightning victim is several times less than the likelihood of being injured in a car accident.
  4. Fear of ball lightning Ball lightning is a rare and poorly studied phenomenon. Due to the large amount of evidence, science cannot deny the existence of “fireballs,” but scientists have not yet been able to explain the mechanism of formation of ball lightning or recreate it in the laboratory. Witnesses either state that the lightning's movements are chaotic or see rationality in its behavior. What is certain is that the mysterious balls carry a powerful charge of energy and are capable of killing. According to some sources, ball lightning enters a room through an open window or through an outlet. For an impressionable person, this fragmentary but frightening information is enough to make the approaching thunderstorm cause concern.
  5. Feeling vulnerable During the rampage of any element, people feel vulnerable to the power of nature. Neither scientific knowledge nor technological progress can ensure complete safety. Even the sight of a dark sky foreshadowing a thunderstorm makes a huge impression on an emotional person.
  6. Negative experience If once during bad weather a person had to seriously fear for his life, then, perhaps, in the future this natural phenomenon will always be associated with a strong threat.

Survive a thunderstorm and not suffer from lightning in the city and in the country. Councils of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Forecasters promised the Russians a stormy summer, so even if the sun is shining outside the window in the morning, it is better to take an umbrella with you, because cloudless weather can turn bad in five minutes.

The main danger of a thunderstorm is lightning strikes. But we should not forget about the fall of shaky structures and trees. It sounds scary, but let's not panic, because a large number of instructions have been issued for each case, including from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In ordinary life, we encounter linear lightning, but legends (and even some safety instructions) also mention ball lightning. Few people have seen her, but everyone is afraid of her. Scientists are still arguing about how it arises.

However, the main advice from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for those who are unlucky enough to see ball lightning is not to move or touch metal objects, remain calm and wait until it disappears from sight.

Lightning, which each of us has seen during a thunderstorm, cuts the sky for a fraction of a second, but even that can be enough for something irreparable to happen. Therefore, every summer the Ministry of Emergency Situations reminds us of the dangers of this whim of nature. RIA Novosti provides the basic rules.

Where you meet a thunderstorm, there you will spend it

There are certain precautions you need to take to avoid getting hurt during a thunderstorm, but the catch is that they are different for every situation.

For example, in rural areas the danger of lightning striking a person increases because, unlike large cities, such a large number of lightning rods are not installed in villages.

Remember that no matter where you are, in case of an emergency you can always dial 112 and call emergency services.

Thunderstorm at the dacha

In the summer, many city residents spend weekends at their dachas. The weather can be pleasant with summer sun or depressing with thunderclouds, so if you think that a downpour is about to begin, it is worth remembering the following rules.

First of all, everyone needs to go into the house and close windows, doors, chimneys, and other ventilation openings to prevent a draft that can attract, although rare, but extremely dangerous, ball lightning.

After the family has gathered at home and all doors and windows are closed, you need to turn off electronic equipment and mobile phones.

In addition, the Ministry of Emergency Situations advises not to light the stove, because smoke has high electrical conductivity and can attract an electric discharge.

If possible, do not touch wet or iron surfaces, as well as sockets and electrical equipment; even indoors they can pose a danger!

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations gives, at first glance, non-obvious, but very important advice: take off your jewelry or other metal things, and also take everything out of your pockets, because, for example, there may be keys in them.

And most importantly, do not go near the windows or go out onto the balcony or roof.

If you find yourself near water or in the mountains

It is important to remember that lightning loves water and high humidity, so if a thunderstorm finds you on the shore of a lake, river or other body of water, immediately get out of the water and move as far as possible from it (the Ministry of Emergency Situations calls the figure 100 meters). This is also why it is not recommended to set up tents on the shore.

If a thunderstorm catches you by surprise while boating or fishing, reel in your fishing rods. Literally. Parts of the tools used in this hobby conduct electricity, so be careful.

If you are unable to swim ashore, try to dry the boat as much as possible and place electrically insulating items under you, such as rubber boots.

It is better not to go to the mountains in bad weather, but at such an altitude the weather can change in a few minutes. If you see that it is going to rain soon, start descending immediately. If the weather gets very bad, find a safe place, collect all the metal climbing equipment and lower it on a rope 30 meters down the slope.

If you are in the forest

If a thunderstorm catches you while walking in the forest, it’s too early to exhale. Tall trees provide protection from rain, but they are the ones most often struck by lightning. Pines, oaks and poplars are not the best defenders in this situation.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations memo states that most often lightning strikes:

∙ oak - 54%; ∙ poplar - 24%; ∙ spruce – 10%; ∙ pine – 6%; ∙ beech – 3%; ∙ linden - 2%.

That is why during a thunderstorm in the forest you can only hide under low trees or even bushes. But you also need to hide correctly - the Ministry of Emergency Situations advises waiting out the thunder and lightning in the fetal position, that is, covering your head with your hands and lowering it onto your legs bent at the knees.

From school lessons on life safety, we remember that leaning against a tree and making a fire in the forest is prohibited, and not only because smoke attracts lightning, but according to fire safety rules.

Important point!
If you see a tree next to you that has already been struck by lightning, run as far away from it as possible - this area is potentially dangerous because the soil here has high electrical conductivity. If you find yourself in a field
This situation is one of the most dangerous (along with being in water), because in the middle of a clear field for lightning you are the only reference point. The instructions on the website of the government of the Republic of Khakassia advise you to find a place where you can hide as quickly as possible:

— do not approach lonely objects closer than 200 meters;

- find a dry lowland - for example, a hole or a ditch, but under no circumstances a puddle (we remember that water is very dangerous);

- Sit as low as possible, in the fetal position.

What you should never do in open areas:

- stand under a single growing tree, haystack, pole, power lines or any metal structures (and even more so touch them); - approach chain-link fences or fences; - climb to higher ground; - walk/run/stand at full height.

A little science. The distance to a thunderstorm can be calculated and done very easily - you just need to count the time between lightning flashes and thunderclaps:

- three seconds are equal to 1000 meters; - two seconds - 600 meters; - second - 300 meters.

If you are in the city

Citizens are protected from lightning by lightning rods, so the main danger for them is trees and shaky structures, which include billboards and poles. Therefore, the Ministry of Emergency Situations always warns that it is best not to hide under them, as well as at public transport stops. It is important to be aware of metal objects in your hands, as well as the dangers of wet clothing. An umbrella, keys, metal on your bag, jewelry, and even a wet jacket can attract lightning strikes.

Go to the nearest building - a store, cafe or shopping center and wait out the storm there.

It is better to avoid outdoor sports grounds during a thunderstorm, because most exercise equipment is made of metal. The same goes for motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles and scooters.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations advises to put the vehicle on the ground and move away from it at a distance of 30 meters. It is also better to postpone jogging, because fast movement can attract lightning.

If you are caught in a thunderstorm while driving, the best solution is to stop the car and lower the antenna. After that, get inside, turn off all electronics - radio, GPS navigator, cell phone - and do not touch metal objects or parts of the car. In the event of a lightning strike, the vehicle will take the entire blow.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations reminds that wherever you find yourself during a thunderstorm, remember that this is not just bad weather, but a potentially dangerous situation. Therefore, do not neglect the safety rules, even if you think that you are protected.


Behavioral characteristics of a person suffering from brontophobia

You can recognize someone who is terrified of thunderstorms not only by the somatic symptoms characteristic of all types of phobias, but also by their behavior. The person does the following:

  • Hearing a thunderstorm, he looks for a place to hide (bathroom, toilet, closet, etc.).
  • Follows all rules of behavior during a thunderstorm: closes windows, avoids contact with household appliances and metal objects, turns off mobile phones and avoids any other conductors of electric current.
  • In an attempt to hide from the natural phenomenon, he covers his ears and eyes with his hands.
  • Constantly studies statistics on deaths from lightning strikes.
  • Carefully monitors the weather forecast.

Such manifestations must be taken seriously. Ridicule and criticism should be avoided. Similar behavior indicates growing anxiety and that the person needs the help of a specialist.

Can I use mobile devices?

In such unstable and sometimes dangerous weather as a thunderstorm, there are a number of instructions that are advisable to follow, and a list of rules that must be followed. What can we say about phones?

For the most part, it all depends on your surroundings and the quality of your mobile device. If you are in an apartment building that is protected from lightning strikes, you definitely have nothing to fear. You can safely use your phone and not worry that it will pose a threat to your life.

In rural houses, the situation is a little more complicated. Village residents should refrain from using mobile devices during a thunderstorm for the sake of their own safety: village houses are somewhat less protected from bad weather than apartment buildings.

If you find yourself in an open field during a thunderstorm, trouble may await you. In such a situation, try to take shelter indoors as soon as possible and, of course, do not use mobile devices in open areas.

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Thunderstorm and child

During a thunderstorm, children are most often afraid of thunder. The child hears a loud sound, but cannot determine where the danger is and how serious it is. Not understanding what is happening can cause great anxiety. It is very important not to perpetuate this fear. How should a parent act?

  1. With your entire appearance you need to demonstrate calm and a sense of security.
  2. You should tell your child about this natural phenomenon in simple words.
  3. There is no need to scold or shame your child for being afraid.
  4. During a thunderstorm, you can play his favorite game with your baby to replace negative emotions with positive ones.
  5. If during bad weather a child wants to be with his mother, he needs to be given this opportunity.

Calculating the distance to the epicenter of a thunderstorm

Simple school physics will help you understand how far a thunderstorm is from you. Even the average seventh grader is quite capable of handling the calculations.

It is enough to record the time interval that separates the flash of light and the clap of thunder (sound phenomenon). As you know, the speed of light is many times greater than the speed of sound. In order not to memorize formulas and not make calculations when there is no time for this, you just need to take into account the following relationship: an interval of 1 second corresponds to a distance of 300-400 meters, an interval of 2 seconds corresponds to a distance of 600-800 m, and so on. If you recorded a time of 3 seconds, this means that the thunderstorm is approximately one kilometer away from you.

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Treatment of brontophobia

People who are afraid of thunderstorms are usually well aware of the irrationality of their fear, but many do not see the need to consult a psychologist. A person suffering from a mild form of the disorder waits out a thunderstorm by sitting in a secluded place. Those most in need of help are those who suffer from a severe form of the disorder and live in a region where thunderstorms are a frequent occurrence.

Hypnosis is the most effective method in treating this type of phobia. Relaxing breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety during a thunderstorm. The treatment uses “positive thinking” methods, during which an analogy is drawn between a thunderstorm and some harmless and pleasant phenomenon.

In severe forms of the disease, medications may also be prescribed. Group work and psychotherapeutic sessions are ineffective in treating brontophobia.

“Richmann died a wonderful death...” (M. V. Lomonosov)

Georg Wilhelm Richmann (July 11, 1711 – July 26, 1753) was a Russian physicist who proposed the first model of an electroscope with a scale. In the summers of 1752 and 1753, Richmann actively studied atmospheric electricity and conducted experiments during thunderstorms. One of the experiments ended in the death of the physicist.

The tragedy was witnessed by engraver Ivan Sokolov. An eyewitness said that a pale blue fireball separated from the installation with which the scientist was working and hit Richman directly in the forehead. At the same time, a sound similar to a cannon shot was heard. The physicist fell dead, and Sokolov was temporarily stunned.

Ironically, Georg Richmann managed to witness a rare natural phenomenon, but the resonance throughout the world was caused not by unique scientific information about fireballs, but by the news of the death of a physicist while working with an ungrounded installation.

Richman was the first person to die while conducting experiments with electricity. After a tragic accident, electricity research was temporarily banned.

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