Mutual understanding - what is it? How to achieve mutual understanding?

In relationships between people, mutual understanding is almost everything. A person gets to know himself through communication with his family, with others, with work. In fact, people are constantly in relationship with everything and everyone and cannot do without mutual understanding. That is why it is quite important to find a common language with others. When thinking about mutual understanding - what it is and why it is needed, it is worth remembering that this is a process that helps you understand yourself through communication with other people. Therefore, if a person has problems and it seems to him that no one understands him, he needs to start with himself and look into his soul.

Foundation of the family

A family cannot be strong if there are no such components between spouses as mutual respect, mutual support and understanding. Only thanks to them can such a great feeling as love flourish for many years. If any one of these foundations is “not functioning,” the relationship will be vulnerable. This may manifest itself in quarrels or growing mistrust.

Almost all problems that arise between husband and wife are caused by insufficient mutual understanding. If you do not respond to the situation in a timely manner, there is a risk that scandals will become chronic, and then it will be much more difficult to tune in “to the same wavelength.”

Evenings of revelations

As a rule, household chores, work and caring for children exhaust spouses so much that in the evening they only want silence. There is practically no time left for each other, and the husband and wife stop sharing their opinions. This alienates them and creates misunderstanding. To correct this state of affairs, it is necessary to organize evenings of revelations, when the spouses are completely focused on each other. How does mutual understanding arise? You can make plans, share your experiences and thoughts, dedicate your significant other to your own dreams, or resolve accumulated conflicts.

One conversation - one problem

Many spouses make a typical mistake that leads to complete collapse: they “throw out” at each other all the negativity that has accumulated over a long time, with every quarrel. Mutual understanding in the relationship in this case is unlikely to be achieved. The couple must clearly remember the main rule: one conversation solves one problem. You should not remember all the grievances, this will cause aggression and a desire to defend yourself in the interlocutor. A constructive conversation is unlikely to work that way.

What does your partner want?

Thinking about what mutual understanding is and how to restore it, spouses often forget that their partner also has desires. By asking what your other half wants, you can solve many problems. But other people's needs and desires must be taken seriously, without teasing or belittling their importance. As practice shows, all of them are doable; it is enough to realize that this is of great importance for a partner. Then he will want to do something good in return and will value his family more. If you speak the same language, it will be much easier for a couple to achieve mutual understanding.

Mutual understanding: what it consists of and how it manifests itself

For effective joint activities, knowledge and understanding of a person by a person is not enough. Something is needed that would ensure the psychological unity of their interaction. Mutual understanding is precisely such a factor. For mutual understanding, joint activity is not enough; mutual assistance is needed. To achieve mutual understanding between people, it is necessary to create special conditions. Here are the most important of them.

The essence of mutual understanding. The presence of many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of mutual understanding is explained by its complexity and versatility, which allows us to simultaneously consider it as a process, as a result, and as a state. Summarizing the existing points of view, we can come to the conclusion that mutual understanding should be considered a socio-psychological phenomenon, the essence of which is manifested in:

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