How to write to apologize to your boyfriend and get him back

How to ask a guy for forgiveness in your own words

Any apology to a guy can be done in person or in absentia, but it is better to ask for forgiveness directly from the person. Finding the right words to speak is not easy, so it’s worth knowing some tricks:

  • when talking, it is better to look into the eyes so that the conversation with the guy turns out to be sincere;
  • You should only speak the truth so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • if promises are required, then there is no need to thoughtlessly agree to everything proposed - you should only promise what the girl can fulfill;
  • You shouldn’t raise your voice when apologizing and accuse the guy additionally; his wrong actions can be quietly discussed after reconciliation;
  • the best phrases for reconciliation will be “forgive me”, “sorry”, “I was wrong”;
  • if the situation is simple, then the phrases “don’t sulk”, “don’t be offended” will do;
  • the phrase should be accompanied by a hug and a kiss.

How not to apologize

And finally, we want to give one more piece of advice. If you have seriously offended a man, apologize, fantasize, come up with different original ways, but remember several taboos. Do not resort to tears and hysterics, do not push for pity, do not shower him with gifts and do not impose yourself. If your boyfriend loves you, then admitting your guilt and taking responsibility, coupled with a pleasant surprise, will be quite enough. Otherwise, he just found an excuse to get rid of you. Let go and go your own way and you will definitely meet someone worthy of you!

Apologies to a guy via SMS

In the modern age of Internet development, the easiest way is to apologize to a guy in absentia. This can be done using SMS messages with the desired text and emoticon. When writing SMS the following factors are taken into account:

  • frequency – don’t bother the guy, it’s better to be content with 1 SMS every 3-4 hours;
  • write sincerely and variedly - SMS should not be repeated;
  • if there is no answer, it is better to change tactics and come up with a desired and working text;
  • do not overuse emoticons and parentheses;
  • do not make excuses, do not shield yourself;
  • mention in the SMS that the relationship is important and precious to such an extent that the girl is ready to change;
  • ask the final question about the young man’s readiness to forgive;
  • there are original SMS texts with apologies on the Internet - it is better to use them when you need to apologize for a minor offense - in a serious situation they will not have any effect;
  • there is no need to follow the lead, allow yourself to be manipulated, extracting recognition;
  • If there is a difference of opinion, you will have to choose between relationships and irreconcilability.

If you offended a guy

If you have somehow offended or offended your significant other, do so in the heat of the moment, not out of malice. Or they were jealous for no reason... Although, in principle, apologies for jealousy as such are not required. After all, this is another confirmation of your love for him. You may have to apologize for the way you showed it. But this is a separate topic.

So, you have offended the man you love. First, let him calm down. Not in all cases you need to immediately rush to apologize. There is a category of people who need to cool down in order to listen to any arguments. You know your man better than anyone else. This means you know better when it’s best to approach him. The main thing is not to delay the apology too much - then they may simply not be needed anymore.

Secondly, come up with some original or unexpected way to apologize. You are a woman, which means your imagination should be developed. Give him a romantic dinner. Prepare your favorite foods, candles, wine, a sexy outfit, a sweet smile and a gentle look. It will melt - believe me! Just don’t start discussing the problem right away. Let the person relax, enjoy the food and your appearance.

How to beautifully apologize to a guy

If a serious act has been committed, then you should think about how to apologize beautifully. Men feel when a girl shows sincere emotions, so they are ready to forgive for actions that show effort and perseverance. Romantic apologies, original techniques, and a few more feminine tricks will do. It will be useful for any girl to know the techniques of apology and possible methods of reconciliation.

Romantic apologies to your loved one

You should show your imagination in the question of how to romantically apologize to a guy, because deep down in their souls young people recognize this feeling and appreciate it when something is done for them with love. There are several ideas for reconciliation:

  • order a banner with an apology, hang it at the entrance to the house or in a visible place;
  • give a box of wishes decorated with hearts that can be fulfilled at certain intervals;
  • invite you for a walk in the park, organize a picnic.

Set your priorities and forget about your “anchors”

Some people have a rather complex character, and they simply cannot turn their tongues in order to utter the word “sorry.” This is their kind of anchor that pulls them deep down. More than one friendship has “drowned” on these anchors. Set priorities by deciding what is more important to you: the relationship with this person or your pride. The worst thing is that this “pride” and assertiveness can wake up at the most inopportune moment for you. Even the best friends can have a quarrel over some small thing. Is such a small thing worthy of ruining your friendship? If it's the apology process itself that you just can't talk to your friend about because it's too difficult for you, then read on...

How to ask a guy for forgiveness in an original way

In addition to romance, guys understand practicality and originality, so you should try to apologize in the following way:

  • prepare a delicious dinner from the dishes he loves;
  • let the feelings of resentment cool down - if you live separately, forget about communication for a week, and if you live together, talk only about everyday issues;
  • as a gift, original earplugs, an ax of war, a certificate for visiting a spa salon for two, or even a personalized star are suitable.

We quarreled, apologized, now he is silent


I really need your advice. I have been dating a guy for 1 year, I come to see him every weekend. Occasionally he comes to me. It happened that I lived with him for 1.5 months (he took care of me after the accident), sometimes she stayed for a week. At the beginning of the relationship, he was the leader, he sought me out, showed initiative. Then we switched roles after we started arguing. The first time after six months of relationship, the second - on the anniversary of meeting and the third - 5 days ago. After the first two times, he was offended and went into silence, did not respond to my SMS... after a week he made the decision: “We won’t succeed in anything serious.” I calmly and frankly explained why I said or acted this way and admitted my guilt. I confessed my love to him, told him how dear I was and that I wanted to make him happy. He met halfway and we made peace. And they even got closer. Reasons for the quarrel: in the heat of the argument, she said “I hate you” and left, slamming the door; “fuck you” to his “why did you cut a person’s path”; I fed him rotten chicken, he said it smells, I said no, it’s normal, eat it. I obeyed, ate it, then - it was still rotten, I - why did I eat it then? For me, these are not serious reasons for breaking up, but he is very much hurt by my words, he is offended and sulks. 5 days ago we had a fight because I damaged his music speaker (his dear and favorite thing), by accident and I don’t remember how it happened. he began to get angry, I defended myself - saying that I was not to blame. In the heat of the moment she blurted out: “Call a taxi!”, “Put on a video camera.” Then they cooled down, I admitted my guilt that I didn’t react correctly, that I should have gone to the bathroom to cry, cool down and come say “I’m sorry.” That’s what she said, and repeated once again that he is dear to me and our relationship is dear. He listened silently and did not comment. After that, we talked neutrally on all sorts of topics, but at the same time he behaved distantly; for 2 nights we slept on opposite sides of the bed. Before leaving for work as usual, I apologized a second time and gave them tickets to the concert. I left and for the 5th day now he hasn’t written or called. I am now in a terrible depressed state, crying. I try to distract myself, read books about conflicts, how to avoid them... I want to work on myself, I told him about this earlier that I will learn to avoid quarrels. After a quarrel, I don’t write to him or call him, I wait for his first step, because... I think that I did everything right - I apologized, said how dear I was, and gave her a gift. Before the quarrel, he began to call me affectionate names, for the first time in a year of relationship. There was talk about moving to Europe together. And it was clear from his actions that he loved me. But he never admitted his feelings. The question is: should I continue to remain silent? If he doesn’t call this weekend, what should I do next, continue to wait? Give him time to think and understand himself? And in the event of reconciliation, how should I continue to react to his excessive touchiness?.. It’s just that now there is a terrible fear, like many women, that he will not call again, that he will again decide that we are not suitable for each other. Thanks in advance for your answer!!

Why is he silent? (5 answers)

How to properly ask for forgiveness from your beloved guy

Women have 3 techniques that they must master correctly in order to apologize to a guy in case of problematic situations. It is important to use them in doses to make peace correctly:

  • tears - show them only when it is unbearably difficult, otherwise weakness will irritate the young man;
  • affection - if the guy showed gentleness during the conversation, then you can caress him, stroke him, hug him;
  • sex - you don’t need to solve every quarrel and insult with them, because it will become a habit.

Apologizing correctly is a delicate art. There is no need to shout at him so as not to cause anger and irritation. Instead, you can write a beautiful letter in which you simply apologize without blaming or pointing out the shortcomings of your loved one. It is better to write a short letter, not to indicate bad points in it, and to admit guilt with reservations. It would be ideal to outline plans for the future and indicate that the girl cannot imagine her life without a man.

For jealousy

Girls are jealous of young people for no reason, but if they are offended, then you can apologize through actions. The most effective way is talking, hugging and kissing. It should be recognized that this will not happen again, and point out the value of the relationship. For young people living together, you can come up with the option of washing the car, buying delicious food and drinks. You can perform a striptease or read poetry.

How to apologize to a guy if you messed up too much

Serious offenses (cheating, flirting with another) must have the basis that is needed to properly apologize. First you need to understand why this happened and why the girl did this. If it was an accident and the girl is ready to continue the relationship, then you should think about your words and ask for forgiveness. You need to win the guy's favor, ask your friends to accidentally set up a meeting and find the strength to talk. In a conversation, you need to sincerely confess your love and ask for forgiveness for your wrongdoing.

Apologies for the lies

Lying is not the most beautiful thing for a girl to do, so you need to be able to apologize for it. The young man will like the following ideas:

  • bake a cake on which to ask for forgiveness or reconciliation, invite for tea and talk;
  • make an original T-shirt with a joint photo and words of reconciliation;
  • send a bouquet with a note as an apology;
  • send an email with an apology in prose or poetry;
  • write a letter by hand, send it by mail or courier, put flowers in it;
  • Sending croissants with coffee in a bag with a sticker with a request for reconciliation will be suitable;
  • fly a paper airplane at home, give a kitten or puppy with a bow around the neck and a touching apology.

How to apologize to a guy for his behavior

If face-to-face conversation is difficult, then social networks will do. You can apologize like this:

  • send a private e-card with words;
  • put beautiful poems in your status as an apology;
  • write a post on the topic of mistake, admission of guilt;
  • schedule a virtual meeting, turning it into a real one;
  • apologize in the general chat.

Apology or humiliation?

There is no need to perceive the need to apologize as humiliation. There is nothing in common between these two concepts. And no matter how strong the offense is, there is no need to humiliate yourself - this will not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, will aggravate it. Asking for forgiveness for behavior that offends and hurts your partner is necessary. Another thing is how to do it in such a way as to preserve dignity and achieve results. Let's talk about this.

First of all, you need to calm down, inhale and exhale and realize what exactly you are asking for forgiveness for, what is the degree of your guilt. It is possible that upon a detailed analysis of the situation, it may turn out that there is nothing to feel guilty about. Then there is no need to apologize. Firstly, this will already be humiliation. Secondly, if you take on someone else’s guilt, you will always be guilty a priori. Do you need it?

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