How to please a girl who is 10 years old. How to get a girl to like you at school: useful tips for guys

Home » Relationships » What to do to get a boy to like you at school if he loves someone else

Around the 4th grade, children begin to form strong attachments and sympathies based on romantic relationships and ideas. But sympathy may not be mutual.

Girls react especially sharply to this attitude, trying to please a representative of the opposite sex.

What to do to make a boy from your class like you in 1 day

Sympathy and love arise within the class group, which means that a girl needs to be liked by a classmate or a boy from a parallel class.

Most often, girls, in order to be liked, try to dress beautifully and stand out in appearance. You can be liked using other techniques.

Note! It's easy to please anyone in 1 day. It's worth knowing the secrets and tricks.

To interest a boy, you need to know a lot of nuances and secrets, but in addition to this, it is worth taking into account age characteristics.

Each age category has its own characteristics regarding the perception of the boys themselves, which can significantly help in the process of seduction.

To please a boy at school, taking into account age characteristics:

Age limitsRecommendations and tips
10At this age, it is difficult to please the boys you know or guys from the class, since the opposite sex has only games in their heads. Joint games and active pastime will help you attract attention: riding bicycles, visiting an amusement park, playing ball
11At the age of 11, you should pay your classmate’s attention not only to compatibility in games and hobbies. You need to show concern by offering to do homework together, watch cartoons, or work on a school project. Do not exclude joint walks and sports
12At the age of 12, boys already begin to be interested in girls, so it becomes easier to please them. You should not openly show sympathy, impose yourself and pursue the guy you like
13The phase begins when boys show interest in girls. It is enough to show interest at school, in the yard, in a group of friends. Physical contact is needed: touching hands, even kisses on the cheek, hugs are possible
14Walking to school together is a good way to attract and please. Secrets and personal secrets can bring closer and strengthen relationships, lead to romantic relationships


Surely, there is no need to say that every woman simply must be neat: clean hair, no regrown hair roots, a snow-white smile and fresh breath, ironed clean clothes. But this is not all that the representatives of the stronger sex “peck” at. If you don’t know how to attract a man’s attention to you, there’s probably something wrong with your appearance. Let's look at it in detail:

  • Don't neglect high heels, it's not for nothing that they were created for ladies. A stiletto heel will transform any figure, making the silhouette more elongated and slender, the legs long, and the gait flying. As for gait, we need to discuss this point in more detail. You shouldn't wear high heels if you've never worn them before. Practice walking in heels at home until you can maneuver gracefully in them. Put away your sneakers, give preference to pumps and ballet flats, you should remain feminine in any situation.
  • Emphasize the advantages of your figure, hide its flaws. For example, if your waist is thin, then you need to wear belts. With wide hips, you will have to forget about leggings, but with a short neck, wear only blouses with a moderate neckline. You can’t dress vulgarly, everything should be tasteful, but fashionable, feminine, but not too flashy.
  • Every girl's wardrobe should contain purely feminine items that attract men. These are stockings, but not tights, which always tend to come off and have to be adjusted. Fitted jackets with lace (but do not overdo it), hats, berets, elegant gloves, scarves made of delicate fabric.
  • A little makeup never hurts, no matter how beautiful you think you are. Don’t be afraid to ruin your skin with powder; today there are a lot of cosmetics that are completely safe and inexpensive. Tint your eyelashes, even if they are naturally long; men pay special attention to their eyes.
  • You don’t have to dress in expensive boutiques to always look attractive and elegant. The wardrobe should be varied; a guy is unlikely to pay attention to a girl who wears the same dress every day. Change, be diverse, it will attract attention to you.

Seduction tips by correspondence

Modern youth actively visit social networks. Most of our lives remain on communication sites.

On Odnoklassniki, Twitter, VK you can make not only friends, but also meet the opposite guy.

The test for the ability to interest a guy is the ability to please your opponent through correspondence.

To intrigue and please a guy during the correspondence process, you should consider a few tips and nuances.

Seducing a guy by correspondence:

  • You need to write correctly, observing the rules of punctuation and spelling to the fullest. Illiterate text will create a disgusting impression of the girl.
  • Using additional elements, give the text an appropriate coloring. The intonation just needs to ring in the guy's ears. The reception will help create an emotional connection.
  • It is worth responding to the message sent as soon as possible. At first, try not to touch on serious topics and feelings.
  • In the text, use words that vividly describe the emotions of delight, surprise, and interest.
  • It is worth asking your interlocutor as much as possible about hobbies, interests, way of life, dreams, plans.
  • It is worth addressing your opponent by name. It’s nice to see your name even in a text. For example: Kirill, what are your hobbies?

Recommendations will work especially well if you use them on VKontakte. The site's interface allows you to implement a seduction scheme.

Calm, just calm

Communication with the fair sex is a pleasant pastime, and not a responsible task that you should under no circumstances fail, otherwise you will be covered with indelible shame. If you do not perceive a conversation with the person you like as the only chance in your life to find a life partner, it will be much easier for you to behave more boldly. Remember that even if this time you fail and the conversation does not work out, you can, citing business, leave your lady, and make another attempt at the next meeting.

What to do if he doesn't like you

It happens that you love a guy, but he is completely indifferent due to antipathy. The seduction scheme is changing.

What to do in case of antipathy:

  • Sometimes attracting a guy who doesn't like you is completely impossible. It is better to find another, more worthy candidate.
  • You should ignore a guy who knows he likes you. Cooling down to the individual activates interest and passion.
  • You need to be friendly, but not flirtatious. The contrast of relationships will add emotionality.
  • It is worth making friends with friends, becoming an ideal for them. If you are heard and set as an example through strangers, that’s a plus.

When forming a scheme, you need to take into account the psychological aspects of the individual.

Attention! Recommendations can be used in part or in full.

It is worth using visual factors of seduction: beautiful outfits, suitable makeup, losing a little weight.

Learn to live

Another mistake involving excessive self-confidence. And often - on . If you, even with the best intentions, want to tell this stupid girl what to wear, where, who and how to work, or what goals to achieve, stop and think: were you asked?

Women constantly encounter men who strive to give an expert assessment of their lives and use arguments like “You are a future mother.” To say that this is infuriating is to say nothing.

Another form of truly male grooming is called mansplaining. It consists of a condescending manner of conversation in which a man makes allowances for a woman based on her gender. In essence, these are special “explanations for girls.” Thus, the man questions both the interlocutor’s knowledge of the topic and her intellectual abilities.

Fighting with a rival if the guy has a girlfriend

Sometimes the situation is different in that the guy already has a girlfriend. The scheme is designed for 3 people.

In any situation, a guy who has a girlfriend pays attention to others. It is necessary to seduce the boy at first without the girlfriend noticing.

To get a guy to like you if he loves another girl:

  • Avoid scandals and quarrels with any party.
  • Make it clear about your special attitude towards the guy.
  • Do not get involved in relationships, but reduce the degree of relationships.

A guy older than you is not a problem. It’s worth infiltrating the couple’s interests and hobbies.

How to get a guy to like you at school

When trying to attract the attention of a young man, you should take into account his age. Let's look at some options. If he is your classmate

If we are talking about a classmate, then you have a lot of advantages - you see him quite often, you can know about his hobbies, and so on.
Try to get closer to him through studies. If he studies poorly, help him with some subjects. Perhaps his academic performance is higher than yours - in this situation, on the contrary, ask him to explain some topic (choose something easy so that your request does not seriously burden him). Periodically give compliments to your classmate (“How do you manage to grasp everything so quickly,” “Cool backpack, and I want one,” and the like). If he is older than you,
try to catch his eye more often.
It would be nice to enroll in the same sections that he attends and learn more about his interests. This way, he will see that despite the age difference, it is interesting to communicate with you, because you are passionate about the same things as him. If he himself does not attend any sections, but is registered on social networks, you can see there what topics are interesting to him. Start showing an interest in the same things - sign up for the same groups, add similar posts. Of course, it is important that he sees this. If possible, in order to show his importance, ask him for advice on this or that topic - he will probably like it. If he is younger than you
If the guy who interests you is a grade or two younger, then you can attract his attention by helping with his homework. Find yourself a girlfriend in this class and find out what subjects the young man has problems with. Subsequently, you can offer him the services of a tutor in a “problematic” subject, saying that you are just learning this, and it is completely free. You can also just invite him for a walk. It's that simple! Schoolboys usually have a special interest in girls who are a little older, and if he likes you, he will certainly agree. In order not to take him by surprise or confuse him with such an offer, it is better to make it on a social network or via SMS.

Advice from psychologists

Psychologists provide courses, recommendations and video lessons to help girls master seduction techniques.

The advice will help at any stage of the relationship, at any age.

Advice from psychologists:

  • Even a fat girl is worthy of love. Problems with appearance are not a problem. Perceive yourself.
  • It is better to be more active on neutral territory: at a disco, at school, in a company with friends.
  • Love yourself. It’s worth putting on a beautiful outfit and following the passionate glances of other men.
  • Good mood. The desire to learn something new attracts attention and attracts attention.

These tips will also suit a girl. It is enough to modify the points in accordance with age characteristics.

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Broad outlook

The fear that the conversation will not go well stops many guys. Indeed, in order to interest the person you like, it is not enough to come up and say “hello”; you need to come up with an interesting topic for conversation. The way out of this situation is very simple - expand your horizons. Read books, watch the latest cinema, leaf through magazines, attend concerts, and periodically browse news sites. Be open to new things, and then you will have something to say during a conversation. Even if you don't have any common interests, you can retell the plot of a novel you liked, or ask your lady what she thinks about deforestation in Madagascar.

Unusual displays of affection

It is important to understand that school-age boys are often much shyer than girls. They may have problems expressing feelings. So, the following non-standard manifestations can indicate that the guy liked the girl:

  • rudeness - the boy does not understand how to behave, does not know how to cope with the feelings that have arisen in him, because of this he begins to get angry, splash out his aggression on the object of his adoration;
  • isolation - when a young man is next to a young lady he is interested in, he may lose the ability to speak, he will become silent;
  • demonstration of strength - the guy is sure that the girl can be attracted to his courageous nature. At the same time he behaves inappropriately. For example, in the presence of a young lady he likes, he can humiliate the weaker one, be rude, and behave rudely towards other children.
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