How to please a girl who is older than you and is it real?

Pickup - how to learn to seduce girls in 2 minutes

Alas, this is more of a fantasy. No matter how experienced a womanizer a man is, seducing a girl in 2 minutes is simply unrealistic. An exception may be cases when she herself chose a specific guy for sex even before he began to act, and this can hardly be called a pickup. In all other situations, in order to seduce a lady, you will have to put in a little more effort and be patient. But first things first.

A woman’s psychology is such that she needs time to evaluate a man, understand her desires and begin to trust him - without this, relationships are impossible. And even if the guy is a pick-up artist, it will take time to be able to seduce a girl. Of course, you can control the situation and speed up the development of events - this can be learned.

If you want something more than just sex, read the article “How to make a girl fall in love with you - 10 tricks from psychology.”

Practical recommendations from experts

Relationship specialists, trainers and coaches have long studied the most successful techniques to create sympathy.

You should focus on age, the dating situation, the character of the lady herself, her needs and motives for communicating with a man.

For men

How to make an older woman fall in love with you? As we remember, an adult lady almost certainly experienced disappointment in love .

Before her eyes she has examples of her friends, her mother, and other women. Complexes and fears of making another mistake may be added here.

These points are important to consider when trying to gain her sympathy.

  1. Make her trust you. An adult woman has life experience and unsuccessful relationships behind her. The new man must convince her that everything will be different with him.
  2. Don't demand everything at once. We need gradualism. If a woman does not immediately make contact, it means that she does not yet see you as a promising partner.
  3. Remember the techniques described above.
  4. Don't be too intrusive , but try to sometimes catch a woman's eye. She should get used to your presence.
  5. Create interest through your actions. What does a grown woman need? The same as others - a feeling of reliability, calmness and reciprocity.

The ability to fall in love in a short time depends on the character of the person.

Some people jump into relationships right away, others take time. If a woman belongs to the second type, do not rush her .


How to make a colleague fall in love with you? Romances at work, falling in love with a colleague are a common phenomenon . Nevertheless, many ladies are afraid to make such connections, so as not to harm their careers.

The fears here are not in vain, because nothing goes unnoticed in the team. Often you have to sacrifice your position and choose between a workplace and a man.

What to do if you decide to make a colleague fall in love with you:

  • get noticed more often;
  • help with work, especially when a woman asks for it;
  • offer a ride home;
  • give compliments;
  • remember eye contact.

When planning to start an office romance, try to do so as not to damage the lady’s reputation.

Otherwise, it will turn her away from you forever.

How to make a married woman fall in love with you?

If you forget about the ethical side of the issue, you can make a married woman fall in love with you. You must remember that you have your main competitor - her husband .

To make a married lady fall in love with you, you need to make her feel that you are better than her husband in many respects.

How to act:

  1. Find out your spouse's shortcomings that irritate a woman and become his opposite.
  2. Give compliments, but unobtrusively, so that she does not feel uncomfortable about it.
  3. Get noticed.
  4. Learn to listen, but at the same time try not to become a vest for her complaints, otherwise you will simply replace your friend.
  5. Pay attention at the corporate event, but in such a way that her reputation does not suffer.
  6. Become a friend, advisor, helper.

It’s easier to make someone else’s wife fall in love with you if her relationship with her husband is on the verge of breaking down.

This does not mean that you need to provoke him, but a crisis period is the best time to evoke sympathy.

Provide support, invite them to take a walk or go to the cinema together. The main factor in starting a close relationship is the presence of positive emotions from meetings.

A woman should get with you what she lacks from her husband. We remember the sincerity of feelings. Making a lady fall in love with you just out of sport is not ethical, and not the best start to a relationship.

How to please a girl older than you? Find out from the video:

How to behave correctly for a modest guy to “hook” any girl

  1. Persistence. If you like a girl, you don’t need to wait too long - there is a high risk that a more agile opponent will appear on the horizon. In addition, we should not forget that all women value confident men who know what they want. Therefore, clearly indicate your intentions - the chosen one must understand what you need.
  2. The rule of converting quantity into quality is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. The more practice a young man has in seducing girls, the greater his chances of subsequent success. In any case, the result will be either sex or experience that will be useful in the future.
  3. After a man sees a woman and understands that he wants to seduce her, he needs to act very quickly: there are only 10 seconds to approach the lady and establish contact. You can simply start a conversation on any topic. However, it’s better if it’s not a banal joke: “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” Or something like that.
  4. Be original. This stage is the most important, because you need to immediately “hook” your chosen one. For example, you can praise her: “What beautiful earrings you have” or something like that. Ideally, try to make her laugh right away. If this works, half the battle is already done.
  5. Get a phone number. If you want a girl to leave her mobile number, you don’t need to ask for it, but take it. A soft direct look into the eyes, a smile and a confident velvet voice. You shouldn’t drag out the first conversation for too long: it’s better to refer to an urgent matter, express a desire to continue acquaintance - and the girl’s phone number in your pocket.

The Basics of Seducing Your Wife

A woman is a more sensitive creature than a man. For her, the emotional aspect of the relationship is more important, so the wife often feels the first signs of an approaching period of misunderstanding earlier. A man understands that the problem of lack of emotional connection exists when it turns into the sphere of physical problems.

READ How to drive a man crazy in bed: secrets of success

Giving up sex or reducing its quantity is a sure sign that the union is going through another milestone, which could end in divorce. At this moment, it is important to take the initiative if there is a goal to save the relationship. To do this, you will need to master the practice of seducing your beloved wife. Five tools that are useful are available in any man’s arsenal, so using them will not be difficult:

  • In a relationship, the first thing to take care of is emotional stability. A woman must understand that the man nearby is capable of protecting the family. Since the selection stage has already passed, with a 99% guarantee, the spouse understands that the person nearby guarantees stability. However, it wouldn’t hurt to remind you of this. Do a symbolic act - build a new closet, throw out the trash from your house or garage, fix the faucet. This is the first step with which your spouse will attract attention.
  • The daily schedule, especially if the wife stays at home or is busy with boring work, does not change. Rhythm and routine become boring, taking away the last of your strength. First, you need to get your spouse out of the vicious circle with a non-standard manifestation - a trip out of town, a two-day weekend excursion. This is the second step that will add newness to the relationship.
  • A woman who has been married for several years is probably exhausted. Daily worries and an ever-growing to-do list impose a number of obligations. In addition, unlike her husband, the girl is able to perform two or three activities at the same time, which she uses in everyday life. As a result, the wife’s general mood in the evening leaves much to be desired. If there are one or two children in the family, then additional responsibilities in the form of washing, cooking and education completely drain the energy. To seduce his beloved, a man needs to provide her with rest. It is not necessary to spend your last money on a last-minute trip to the sea. It is enough just to help with daily chores - wash the dishes, wipe the dust and check the readiness of the children’s homework. This is the third step that will surprise you.
  • Wife and husband are a legal union, from which, as a rule, romance has disappeared. A man does not feel the need to conquer a woman who already belongs only to him. To seduce and liberate your spouse, you will need a powerful act. Don’t rush to frightenedly grab your last savings - it’s inexpensive. The beauty of romance is in the surroundings, not in the price. A set of scented candles, a downloaded movie, a bottle of wine and an ordered pizza is all you need. This is the fourth step that will melt your heart.
  • And, so to speak, a “control shot.” They will have memories of their youthful days, hot courtships and incidents they experienced together. After influencing a woman for many days, talking about this topic will remind you what a seductress she can be.

READ How to caress a man so that he never forgets you

The right approach to a pickup truck, or where you can quickly seduce a girl

The easiest way to seduce a girl is in the appropriate environment. Agree, it’s not so easy to do this in a museum or at a lecture, but in a nightclub or at a party it’s much easier. Most girls at this time are open to new acquaintances and flirting, which means it will be much easier to persuade them to have sex. Alcohol plays an important role here - it liberates, and even a modest and hard-to-reach lady can quickly succumb to the charms of a seducer. You can read about how best to act in such an environment in the article “How to pick up a girl in a club.”

But you shouldn’t set the goal of seducing and getting into bed an unfamiliar lady on the street - this task is hardly feasible, at least you can’t expect quick results. Therefore, if the goal is a fleeting connection, you need to go where it is easiest to achieve.

When is it easier to inspire a desire for sex in a woman (in a car, a club, after a quarrel, etc.)

Based on female physiology, it is easiest to seduce a woman at the moment of maximum concentration of hormones in the body. It is for this reason that the hottest sex usually happens after a heated quarrel or after some dangerous situation. Sometimes after this there is a craving for extreme sexual caresses, for example, while driving a car.

Below are examples of 5 situations when it will be much easier to get sex from your chosen one. And if they are not in your life, then you can artificially create them.

  1. Danger . As mentioned earlier, in an extreme situation there is a surge of hormones, under the influence of which it is much easier to seduce a girl. If you are lucky enough to find yourself in such a situation with your chosen one, as soon as the danger has passed, you can safely act. This can be high-speed driving, riding extreme rides, descending steep ski and bike trails, and much more.
  2. In the night club. In search of intimacy, you can go to a nightclub. Usually the ladies there are in the mood for flirting, plus the alcohol they drink plays a role. There is a high probability that the more a girl drinks, the sooner she will agree to sex, so you can make sure that her glass is not empty. However, this is not entirely fair, and it is better not to resort to this method of seduction.
  3. After a quarrel. This option is ideal for young girls. A stormy showdown, intense passions - the main thing is to stop in time, hug and kiss tightly. You need to act confidently and decisively, without fear of being rejected - this way she is unlikely to be able to resist and, most likely, will join the game. Condition: there must already be a certain relationship between the young man and the girl; this method will not work with a stranger.
  4. Lucky case. It’s easy to seduce a girl who has just had something good happen in her life: she defended her thesis, passed her license, did a difficult job. The main thing is to have time to be nearby, offer to celebrate and seize the moment when the girl is happy and relaxed.
  5. Watching erotic films. This does not mean that the girl needs to include homemade porn - we are talking about erotica, and it is desirable that it be a beautiful film with appropriate scenes. Watching the right movie together liberates and puts you in the right mood; the guy just has to seize the chance.

The psychology of seducing a straight girl who broke up with her boyfriend

Another category of women who are easy to seduce is a girl who has just broken up with her boyfriend. It is especially successful if he himself abandoned his girlfriend. Such ladies are ready to do a lot to:

  • take revenge
  • forget,
  • prove to herself and others that she is desirable.

A lonely girl is looking for support and protection, and if a guy can show her that he will give her all this, there is a high probability of seducing the girl into sex on the first date. The main thing is to correctly feel where it is better to put pressure and take pressure, and where to wait and show participation.

How to win a beautiful, smart, strong, hard-to-get alpha girl - some video tips

If the goal is to seduce a truly beautiful lady, you need to behave wisely. Usually they know their worth, and by acting as standard, you can simply become one of the fans.

To seduce a hard-to-get beauty, you need to simultaneously interest her and demonstrate some kind of indifference. A guy should exude confidence in his abilities, be liked by other girls - and at the same time not even try to seduce the beauty, at least openly. And then there is a high probability that the girl will pay attention to the young man who remains immune to her charms. The psychology of these girls is this: the more inaccessible the object, the more they want to get it.

Video with useful tips on how to seduce a beauty.

How to restore an emotional connection with your spouse to improve your sex life

If you want your relationship to be filled with the same passion and emotions again, you must take care of your beloved woman not only on the day when you want to achieve intimacy from her, but also at any other time. Remember the time when your relationship was just beginning. Surely you gave your significant other small but very pleasant gifts. Start doing nice things for her again. She needs to understand that you value her and need her.

Women love to be listened to and heard attentively. Talk to your spouse more, ask how her day was, and offer your help. In addition, you can add a touch of flirtation to your conversations.

If you have children, chances are your significant other gets very tired being around them. Hire a nanny who can spend time with your kids while you and your wife spend time together at least a couple of times a week.

How to seduce a married woman of any age at one glance

Sex with a married woman is not the best option, and you should think twice before taking action. If the lady is happily married, then it is unlikely that the man’s efforts will be crowned with success. At most it will be just banal flirting. The reasons may be different: sporting interest, the desire to feel desired, or something else, but the result is the same - the man will eventually receive a refusal.

It doesn’t matter how old a married woman is - 18, 30 or 42 - sex with her is possible only if the marriage is falling apart at the seams or exists only on paper. In this case, you can really count on something, but you should act carefully.

To seduce a captive woman, you don’t need to court for too long. It is important to immediately indicate your intentions. Direct gaze, touch, smile - do not be afraid to call a spade a spade, as usually married women value courage. But no matter how far such a relationship goes, we must not forget that a woman has a husband waiting for her at home, so she needs to be protected as much as possible.

There are 3 main principles of relationships with a non-free lady.

  1. No calls or SMS - let her get in touch on her own. In case of an emergency, it is better for the man’s name to be written down in the phone book in some other way - this point should be discussed in advance.
  2. You shouldn't come to her house. The ideal is not to show up nearby at all: married women are not greeted, not seen off, and certainly not serenaded under their windows.
  3. Keep the relationship secret. It is strictly forbidden to tell anyone about a relationship with an unfree lady.

If you decide not to get involved in such a relationship, you can distract yourself with a new acquaintance. An interesting platform for virtually searching for your chosen one is the free mobile application LOFT. It has a lot of advantages:

  • the most beautiful girls and serious young men;
  • saving time and resources due to the fact that the purpose of the acquaintance is stated immediately and directly;
  • reliability - the girls’ profiles are pre-checked, so the risk of running into a fake is almost zero.

Download the LOFT app on iOS or Android and find the right girl for a relationship.

What not to do

Wanting to seduce, a man makes mistakes that are difficult to correct. To avoid them, check out the most common ones:

  1. Uncertainty, lack of inner core. Even when preparing a surprise or a romantic dinner, do not overstep yourself. If you don't want to do this, then stop trying. But before you give up, think about what this entails, otherwise you will have to come up with ways to seduce your ex-wife in order to restore your lost family.
  2. Attempts to buy. Expensive gifts are certainly pleasant and useful. But if the husband is able to afford such expenses, then the family is not in poverty. That is, the woman is accustomed to a life that has everything she needs. Manifestations of this kind are an attempt to appease, to buy attention. Such steps are unforgivable for a husband, so every time, seeing an expensive gift, the wife will most likely remember the numerous evenings spent alone.
  3. Lack of deeds and actions. If there is a desire to return harmony to the relationship, start taking action, otherwise don’t talk about the opposite. Often a woman who has lived with a man for several years is able to determine what he is capable of. Empty conversations without confirmation will only irritate you even more.

Seducing your wife is a normal desire that helps spouses feel past passion. If your relationship and sex life are no longer pleasing, start taking action while time allows you to turn things back.

How to seduce a mature adult lady who is older

There are often cases when a mature lady becomes the beloved woman, and often she is much older than the chosen one. There is nothing surprising in this: adult women are self-sufficient, clearly know what they want, they do not have youthful maximalism and they practically do not have hysterics, typical of young 16-year-old girls. At the same time, such a woman is often truly beautiful: she knows what suits her and what does not, she has studied her body, she has a lot of life and sexual experience and enough wisdom - all this attracts young people.

Seducing a mature woman who is much older than a guy and getting sex from her is not as difficult as it might seem at first. But there are some nuances that need to be taken into account. First of all, it’s worth understanding what kind of men attract women of this age. Handsome, young, energetic, with an excellent sense of humor and a lively mind, sincerely passionate about something - such a young man has a lot of chances to seduce, even if he is much younger than the lady. Mature women are looking for youth, bright emotions, life - all this can be given to her by a young man, and it is important to show this.

How to communicate correctly with an older woman

  1. It all starts with appearance. A young man should look fresh: clean, neat clothes, a beautiful hairstyle, well-groomed nails and beard (if he has one), good expensive perfume and the smell of a clean body.
  2. Self-confidence - mature women value this quality highly. If a young man ingratiates himself with a lady and begs for a date, she is unlikely to want sex with him. A young man who is able to interest someone holds himself up straight, makes eye contact, smiles, and uses unobtrusive touches.
  3. The next step is to capture the lady's attention. She will not be interested in vulgar jokes or stories about drunken parties that the young man attended. It is better to find in advance a really catchy topic that the young man is well versed in. It is important to show the chosen one intelligence and maturity of judgment. There is no need to be afraid of looking like a slightly naive romantic - together with general erudition, this is catchy.
  4. Don't be too modest. If a young person has managed to achieve something in life, it is worth mentioning. But even if there are no outstanding achievements, you can talk about plans and goals - this is inspiring. It is important to show the lady high ambitions.
  5. Grown-up women value honesty, so compliments should be appropriate. Do you like her look or her sense of humor? We need to say this directly - simply and without embellishment. Metaphorical florid comparisons guarantee absolute failure, and are best reserved for young girls.

Rules for dating an older woman

  1. Most often, a mature lady is not interested in whether her chosen one has a car or his own living space, so you can pick her up on a date by taxi. But it is not advisable to come by public transport.
  2. To seduce a lady of Balzac's age, it is better to choose a restaurant for the first date rather than a nightclub or beer bar. It is advisable to clarify in advance which cuisine the woman prefers. You shouldn’t order beer for yourself and cheap wine for her - everything should be at the same level.
  3. When choosing what to talk about on a date, you need to remember that an adult woman has much more experience and knowledge than young girls. The topic should be interesting to both interlocutors, and it is very important for the young man to really understand it.
  4. Such women value gallantry and good manners. This is what emphasizes the masculinity of the young man in her eyes. That’s why it’s so important to let a lady go first, hold the door, pull up a chair in a restaurant—knowledge of all the rules of etiquette taught at school will come in handy.
  5. Clearly define your intentions—subtle hints are inappropriate here. Naturally, you don’t need to say right away: “I want to sleep with you.” You can simply compliment the woman and directly say that you want to continue getting to know each other more closely. In this case, it is better to look the lady in the eyes, smiling slightly. It’s a good idea to touch her hand with your fingers at this moment.
  6. Be the master of the situation. Despite the fact that the young man in this situation is junior, he is first and foremost a man, so it is important to take everything into his own hands: from calling a taxi to taking off his clothes.
  7. If after intimacy you want to continue, it’s worth indicating this. There is no need to ask or ask - just say that the night was wonderful and promise to call back. Important: you shouldn’t rush to the phone the same evening; it’s better to do it 2-3 days later to create a feeling of a busy, interesting life and whet the woman’s interest.

Prove that age will not be a barrier

Even if the girl you like is 2 years older than you, a small age difference should not be mentioned out loud, since topics about age are perceived negatively by most girls. Psychologists insist that you can conquer a girl older than yourself only by proving through actions that the guy’s age will not become an obstacle in the relationship, and most importantly, will not be noticeable by the girl.

Self confidence

The key to winning the heart of a girl who is many years older than a guy is his self-confidence. A young guy needs to show his potential soulmate how much he respects and loves himself, as well as the people around him, and life. A positive attitude, lack of doubt, all this appeals to any woman, regardless of age and principles in life. You can show self-confidence in the following ways:

  • you need to monitor your posture, keep your back straight, demonstrating self-confidence and stability;
  • showing her that a man does not adapt to life and circumstances, but loves himself for who he is;
  • speaking clearly and clearly without hesitation, also maintaining eye contact;
  • if a man does not always understand what is being said, you can simply not show it, agreeing with what the girl said;
  • even if a man has complexes and lack of self-confidence, this is quite normal, but you should not demonstrate this in her presence;
  • a girl should see that a guy is strong both physically and mentally, despite his age.

Despite his outward self-confidence, the guy should not forget about competition. If a girl sees that her boyfriend does not have a clear understanding of his future, that is, while he is still in search of himself, sooner or later she will leave for another, stable and established partner.

How to become more confident?


Any girl, regardless of age, wants to see next to her a man who will be self-sufficient and wealthy. Moreover, we are not talking about self-interest or commercialism, but rather about a woman’s instincts to build a family nest and raise children in abundance. Even if a man is young, this does not prevent him from developing, increasing his standard of living, and a woman needs to show her determination and willingness to grow.

Advice! You can show perspective in a relationship by constantly developing a young guy. To do this, you need to read useful books, attend various seminars, trainings, improve your qualifications and skills, as well as doing new interesting things.

To do this, you need to tell her about your small goals for the near future and global goals for the years ahead. Let her see transparently the future that the guy can provide, if not today, but in the near future. By showing that the young man is more respectable and serious than his peers, you can give her confidence in the future. It is also worth pampering the girl with flowers and small gifts more often, showing your willingness to invest in the relationship.

Seriousness in relationships

The main condition for building a relationship with an older girl is to focus on a serious relationship, which she should know about from the very beginning. The guy needs to show that he is not in the mood for “dating for years”, for free or fleeting romances. You can show your persistence and determination to build long-term relationships in the following ways:

  • As soon as a guy likes a girl, he should smile, approach and start a conversation;
  • you don’t need to “pass” for a long time, huddling in a corner, you can just come up and greet the girl in a calm and confident voice;
  • to conquer a girl with your determination, you need to say what he thinks, but also think what to say;
  • Despite the excitement, you need to be balanced outwardly, not stumble in conversation, looking away to the sides or to the floor.

Despite the fact that a girl should understand what awaits her in a relationship with a young guy, there is no need to constantly make promises and guarantees, since a man is determined by his actions. Most likely, at first the girl will refuse acquaintance, communication, but if the guy shows persistence, but with the condition of unobtrusiveness, sooner or later, she will not resist.

Life experience

The lack of experience of young guys is another reason that prevents older girls from starting relationships with them. It’s clear that a guy doesn’t need to have a lot of novels to gain that same experience or go on trips around the world to explore the world and life. It is necessary to expand the boundaries of vision and consciousness, develop in different areas, raising an adult in oneself.

There are several ways to gain experience, namely:

  • travel - the more a guy visits new cities and countries, meets different people, the more he will learn about life in general;
  • dating - before building a relationship with an adult woman, it is worth meeting girls in order to understand their logic and desires (it is unlikely that a woman will date someone who has never had anyone before);
  • self-development and an active lifestyle - women do not like men who get hung up on one hobby or business; even simple conversations with such interlocutors quickly end.

If a young guy uses all his time with maximum benefit, reads books, studies languages, is interested in current events in the world, sports and helps other people, a woman is unlikely to think about how old he is.

The First Time: The Ultimate Seduction Plan

It is possible that you madly wanted to seduce a girl who had never had intimacy before. How to proceed in this case? It all depends on whether you know each other or not. In the first case, it will be much easier to inspire her with desire. Here it is important to evaluate how your chosen one treats you, and also to choose the right moment. For example, if your chosen one is busy preparing for an exam or rewriting homework, this is not the best time for seduction - all your actions will only cause a negative reaction, and it will be much more difficult to approach her a second time.

If you want to seduce a girl you know, you need to act gently but decisively. It is important that the girl is comfortable, and that she has only the best memories from this night. Therefore, the initial stage will be foreplay: give a light erotic massage with the addition of essential oil - this will liberate any touchy person. Stroking, excited whispering in the ear - these are the right actions that should lead to the desired result. The combination of romance and touch is very important - at first careful, then more and more persistent.

With a stranger, everything is different, and the likelihood of intimacy tends to zero. Having sex with a stranger for the first time is only possible if you are heavily intoxicated or in a very unusual situation, so you should think carefully before you start acting.

Now you know exactly how to behave in order to seduce a girl. If after a night spent together you want to continue, feel free to act, because sometimes everything just begins with sex.

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