How to convince people with words and achieve what you want?

Every person periodically faces the need to convince someone to do what is needed. This happens at work, in government agencies, in friendships, love and family relationships. At the same time, people do not fully understand how to persuade their interlocutor to perform the desired action, and therefore they often fail and do not get what they want. To avoid such problems, you need to master special psychological techniques for convincing people, and also be able to find an approach to different personality types, since what is suitable in a conversation with one person is absolutely not suitable for another.

Correctly chosen colors in clothes help to convince

According to experts in the field of esotericism, a person’s energy greatly depends on his appearance. Thus, it is very important to choose the right color of your clothes if you want to influence your interlocutor and achieve your desired goal. In the practice of persuasion, there is no better color than red. Red clothing increases the energy of its owner, allows you to maximize leadership qualities and influence your opponent. White color in clothes will help develop eloquence and give your speech influence and significance.

A lot depends on your mood

A simple example is a wife trying to persuade her husband to help her clean the apartment. If she herself is not eager to clean, then her persuasion will be sluggish, unconvincing and will not produce the desired effect. In such a situation, before asking someone to do something that he does not want to do, try to tune in to the work as much as possible. After this, it will be much easier and simpler to convey to the person your attitude towards work through words and manner of communication.

These persuasion tactics can be learned from military officers who command hundreds of soldiers. You need to get used to the role to really influence a person. If you need to cheer someone up, you need to do it in a good mood. If you need to convince a person of something, first you need to believe what you are telling him.

Try to communicate with the person on his territory

This method, despite its simplicity, is very effective and should be used at every opportunity. If you need to convince or ask your friend, relative, or colleague for something, it is best to do it on his territory.

For example, if a person is an introvert and prefers to spend his free time at home, then it is quite obvious that it is most effective to communicate with him through social networks, mail or instant messenger.

It is better to negotiate in person with people who are sociable and open - only people who have a weak and fragile biofield prefer remote conversations. It is also necessary to always pay attention to the person’s communication style. People speak differently - some speak loudly, quickly and forcefully, while others speak quietly, slowly and hesitantly. You should adapt to the communication style of your interlocutor - this way the likelihood that you will be heard and understood will be much higher. This technique has long been adopted and actively used by psychologists.

To effectively convince people, you need to constantly be on the crest of a wave of luck, which our horoscopes will help you with. In horoscopes you will find information about the current location of the stars, which will help keep your biofield strong at any time, even the most difficult. We hope you find our article useful - good luck in persuasion and achieving your goals!

Talisman stones to enhance the biofield and eloquence

Some minerals that enhance energy and increase eloquence can help to effectively convince your interlocutor. For example, agate and citrine help you become more eloquent in the right situation. Garnet and amber will strengthen your biofield. In addition to stones, gold jewelry has a positive effect on the biofield and the power of persuasion. Specialists in bioenergy are well aware of the ability of gold to influence the opinions of others. Interestingly, a similar effect can be observed not only in real life, but also when communicating via the Internet. People are susceptible to the influence of gold and talismanic stones even from a distance.

Mistakes of uncertainty

Alena considers herself an insecure person. She is invisible in the company of friends and in the team. Her family does not listen to her opinion. She almost never expresses her point of view, preferring silent agreement. Some acquaintances consider her a person with no opinion of her own. This allows others to manipulate Alena: she does some of the work for her colleagues, “carries” the whole house on herself, believing that her needs are less important than the needs of her husband and children. But more and more often Alena feels an internal protest and feels the desire to show that she also has her own opinion...

When do we need to be able to persuade? In what situations can we use the ability to persuade?

  • When we need to express our point of view and prove that we have the right to it. We may not need anyone to do what we want. Sometimes we need others to recognize our right to have exactly the opinion that we have. This is especially important in personal relationships: between adult children and parents, between spouses, etc. In this case, the partners do not solve a joint problem, but simply get to know each other’s attitudes, which can affect the further building of relationships. In this case, the goal of persuasion is the partner’s acceptance of us as we are.
  • When partners have a common goal that requires implementation. This is the most common situation when you need to be able to express your opinion and convince others of it. Implementing a project at work, renovating a home, spending time together - all this and much more requires us to have the art of persuasion and negotiation.
  • When arguing is nothing more than entertainment. For example, a debate between friends about the situation on the economic market or about new fashion trends is entertainment that trains the ability to argue and prove one’s point of view. Such debates about tastes, opinions and preferences are almost fruitless, since the participants in the discussion remain unconvinced. But this situation is remarkable in that people who are not very good at arguing and proving that they are right can practice this in a situation that is safe for themselves. And then - apply new experience when it is necessary and important.

People who are considered insecure by others often tend to keep their opinions to themselves. They cannot defend their interests because they are afraid of losing the favor of others. Insecure people often act according to one of several schemes, each of which is quite ineffective.

  1. “I can’t even say a word.” In this case, the person has his own opinion, but keeps it to himself. He doesn't even try to express it, because he is afraid that he will be ridiculed or that he will not be able to defend it. And then one of the options is implemented. Having outwardly agreed with other people's arguments, a person does what he promised, but at the same time internal tension (protest) arises, which sooner or later can lead to an “explosion” in the relationship. Either the person does not do what he promised, and deliberately or “accidentally” fails the task, earning himself the image of a person who cannot be relied on.
  2. “I act through others.” People who are unsure of themselves sometimes choose a “transmitter”, i.e. another person to whom they can express their opinion and ask to help “promote” the idea, but on their own behalf. For example, a “quiet” mother-in-law, who does not directly say anything to her daughter-in-law, chooses her son as a “transmitter”, who is forced to convey his mother’s thoughts, passing them off as her own opinion, which can ruin the relationship. When transmitting your thoughts through another person, you need to realize that in such transmission of information a lot of “noise” arises, i.e. information that you did not mean at all. When it comes to work, such a position will prevent a person from building his own career, and his best ideas (of which he has many!) will be picked up by more daring colleagues. If during the transmission unnecessary “noise” information arises or the idea turns out to be unsuccessful, the “transmitter” will relieve itself of responsibility by referring to the original source, i.e. you. Thus, in case of success, all the laurels do not go to you, but in case of failure, all the stones are yours.
  3. “I speak, but they don’t listen to me.” Slightly more confident people tend to express their opinion, but often do so hesitantly and as if apologizing to others. They strive to convey their ideas to others and present the right arguments, but often they go unnoticed behind the more confident, albeit less weighty, arguments of others.

What to do? First of all, develop inner confidence, and the ability to speak about your point of view and be able to prove it will come. It is perhaps impossible to remain an insecure person, but at the same time be able to perfectly convince others. But the path to self-confidence can begin with several episodes in which you were a “winner,” including being able to defend your point of view, even in a small dispute. The path to confidence is a self-reinforcing system: the more reasons to be proud of yourself, the more confidence you have in your abilities. So try to use techniques to persuade others, win the discussion and become more confident!

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