10 Habits of Successful People: A Useful Review with Examples


In psychoanalysis, success in life is a homeostatic balance in the process of satisfying instinctual needs . In the above definition, it is easy to notice that psychologists who adhere to this direction pay special attention to the balance between current results and needs, and not to the accomplished fact of achieving a particular goal. This is understandable, because we all know that success in business, in personal life, in creativity is a constantly elusive essence. One has only to state that a certain goal has been achieved, but its value rapidly falls, and it is replaced by other tasks and directions for development. In this case, not only achievements matter, but also the level of needs. What is the success of a lifetime for one may be only the first step for another. And only a reasonable balance allows you to feel this very success and, as a result, experience happiness from at least momentary possession of it.

Change for the better

Along the way to new goals, you will inevitably acquire new skills, so you can’t stand still. Each person has areas where they can improve their skills and gain new knowledge.

Think about what qualities and useful habits you would like to develop in yourself. Using the same technique of small steps, do a little every day and teach yourself useful things: learn a new language, switch to healthy eating, be more grateful and polite to others.

Achievements in one area lead to others. Changes in one area will force changes in others.

E. Fromm

E. Fromm added an interesting addition to the concept of success. In his opinion, it is possible to distinguish the “market” type of human essence, which determines the relationship between man and society. The importance of achieving certain private initiatives for self-affirmation and self-realization depends on how much this essence manifests itself in each of us. After all, if for some, success in business (in the broad sense of the word) is a measure of their own life, then for others it is a completely abstract category. At the same time, the criteria for success are closely related to how profitably a person manages to “sell” himself to society .

Get up an hour earlier

Brian Tracy conducted a study during which he interviewed several successful Moscow businessmen. They all admitted that they get up early in the morning - between 5 and 6 o'clock. This allows you to slowly get ready, start planning things for the current day, and even go for a short run. Such people come to the office ready to work, and do not sway until lunch.

What time does an average person get up? Just to have time to get ready for work, that is, at the last moment. If it takes an hour to get ready and travel, he gets up an hour before work. And he’ll snooze the alarm clock a couple of times so he can sleep for a couple more minutes. As a result, a person is ready to work after a couple of coffees in the office.

Disney President Robert Iger wakes up at 4:30 am. He listens to music, checks email and watches TV. Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at the same time. At 5 am, the entrepreneur is already at the gym, and arrives at the office first. Many American presidents also got up early: Benjamin Franklin, George Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. In general, the habit of being among the first to come to work is very typical for many entrepreneurs. This way they set an example for their employees and motivate them to do the same. Agree: if the director comes for lunch, it relaxes the staff too . Successful people know this very well.


A. Adler saw the concept of success in a slightly different light. According to the scientist, it is appropriate to talk here about the so-called idea of ​​fictitious finalism - the desire for some final goal in life , even if it is unattainable. Solving intermediate problems along this path is what determines success in life. In the same context, it is appropriate to talk about a person’s constant desire for superiority . Such aspiration is the main engine for improving society and an important criterion for success in life for each of us. Awareness of your superiority over others allows you to feel successful in a particular society.

Set goals

The goal is the engine. Visualize clearly and clearly what you want to get in the end. Keep the goal in mind, think about it and feel a surge of energy to achieve it. Consciousness itself will look for means to move forward.

Use the “small steps” technique. When you can't eat the whole elephant, eat it in parts. Break a big goal into small but easily achievable ones.

Getting small results motivates you to move on.

A successful person clearly understands where he is going and what he is trying to achieve. And he doesn’t abandon the work he started halfway.

J. Atkinson, D. McClelland, H. Heckhausen

An interesting vision of success in life is offered by the concept of J. Atkinson, D. McClelland and H. Heckhausen. According to their ideas, success manifests itself through motivation to achieve a goal . It is the motivating factors proposed by society (wealth, financial well-being, possession of certain material goods) that are the criteria for success in business and life in general. At the same time, two opposite vectors operate simultaneously in every person: motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure. His personal desire for success in life and many aspects of behavior depend on which tendency dominates in each individual.

Go to bed early

Many people who have achieved success do not stay up late in front of the TV, but go to bed early. By the way, not watching television at all is a distinctive feature of rich people. American researcher Thomas Corley, who spent 5 years researching their habits, claims: 67% of successful people never watch TV . Among the poor, only 23 percent do not watch TV.

Not having a TV habit allows successful people to go to bed earlier. Many people go to bed as early as 10 pm. That is why they get up earlier than usual. If you get caught up in the next talk show or TV series and go to bed after midnight, getting up early is out of the question.


In an effort to explain what success in life is, we can also turn to the works of the famous scientist A. Maslow. In his works, the prevailing idea is that a person’s basic need in the process of life is self-actualization, the realization of one’s potential and the disclosure of one’s abilities . And it is in the various aspects of self-actualization that the main criteria for success lie. In other words, true success lies in self-realization, the manifestation of one’s unique qualities and talents.

In this short review, we have presented only a few views of scientists that underlie the psychology of success. In reality, there are much more of them. But the above definitions may make you think about what success in life includes for you personally. Understanding this will certainly help you set the right goals and move towards this very success more confidently.

The article was prepared using materials from the article “Social ideas about success” by N.I. Nefedova.

Step-by-step self-improvement as a way of thinking is your guide to realizing your desires. Don't miss your opportunity to change yourself and come closer to your own goal. Think today - enjoy the result tomorrow!

Psychology of a successful person

Prosperity, material well-being, which basically measures the success of every inhabitant of the planet, is in fact by no means the only definition of success, although, of course, it is practically the main indicator in today’s material world. Material well-being can be achieved not only by successful people, but even by those who are nearby. But absolutely every person can direct their psyche in the right direction, towards success. We often talk about our desires, about the choices we are given, but everyone uses these desires and choices in their own way. Psychology of a successful person , more on this later in the article.

Another time, thinking about one thing, wanting something, a person does something completely different, which proves the weakness of such a desire or its absence at all. The main character trait of a successful person is his great desire to be exactly who he wants, and such a desire multiplies his strength many times over.

You need to understand that success is not an indicator of the first successful event, but what if a person does not give up even after a million unsuccessful attempts. Despite everything, he takes the first million actions to achieve his goal. Only a person who really wants to achieve something can do this, and he will definitely achieve his goal. Therefore, how strong a person’s desire is can be seen by the effort he makes and whether he does anything at all. For many people, their desires appear and disappear in a reasonable conversation over a table with a cup of coffee, or lying in bed with dreams of a wonderful life.

Believe me, such people actually don’t want anything, they don’t even know what to do with their dreams and desires, since they have only fleeting visions of the big picture. And it is these indicators that determine success in life - a clear understanding of what you want from life and why you need it. First of all, you need to clearly and specifically know what desires are really important and you will become successful in life. It's quite simple.

What is the psychology of a successful person ? If we take a closer look at the distinctive character traits of successful people, we can see many nuances and features. But the basis of his psychology is precisely the strong desire to achieve the goal, and anyone who wants to take a successful path must reject the positive qualities of what he has already learned. You should constantly improve yourself, learn everything new and not think that you already know and can do everything. Always look for new opportunities, and do not doubt your ability to realize all your desires, be confident in yourself, drive away any doubts.

After all, the minor joys with which a person indulges himself have a bad effect on his desire and perseverance in achieving his goals. Joys must be of great importance to a person for them to be huge and significant, or they should not exist at all. Otherwise, the human psyche will be sharpened to low flight.

The times we live in are constantly changing. Life changes every minute. Just yesterday, people who did not know what business means started their own business and developed successfully. What motivates these people, what helps them? Of course, a craving for the unfamiliar, new and unknown. This is called knowledge. If you want to become successful, educate yourself. Every successful person should have the desire to constantly learn, as well as the ability to overcome difficulties, and consider such traits to be the basis of his inner psychological world.

A successful person does not know the word “depression” and is constantly on the move. This makes life much more interesting. Good luck to you!

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

Maintain financial discipline

If you read books by American writers from the beginning of the last century, you will get a very interesting impression. Every second hero necessarily puts aside a small part of his income into a bank account in order to open his own business in the future. This even applies to laundresses and loaders, not to mention successful businessmen. It was not for nothing that America experienced an industrial and economic boom at that time.

Here are some simple tips that will allow you to save:

  • don't risk your money. Pragmatic people rarely go all-in and try not to take risks;
  • Keep records of all income and expenses, even personal ones. There are plenty of applications for home accounting - download and use;
  • save part of your income for the future. It's not about money, but about the habit of saving money;
  • Don't make rash purchases. More than 30% of purchases are made spontaneously. This is evidenced by research from Visa. A gigantic amount, you will agree. Therefore, learning to control expenses and not buy too much is the basis of financial literacy.

Read books and improve your knowledge in every possible way

Only 2 percent of poor people read self-help books, says Thomas Corley. But among successful people there are much more of them. 88% of rich people devote at least 30 minutes a day to reading specialized literature.

In addition, successful businessmen love to attend endless seminars, conferences and master classes. And they are ready to pay well for it. They know very well: the best investment is investing in yourself . Money spent on books and training will definitely bring profit. Especially now, when business trends change almost every month. You must always be aware of new trends and keep your nose to the wind.

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